In 2013, more than four million people read this blog. I'd say "unique people," but that's redundant. Each of you is as unique as they come.
Every day, I'm grateful for a chance to share an idea, strategy or challenge with you. I appreciate the attention and trust of my readers, it would be impossible to do this without you.
Your generosity continues to pay off. To date, The Big Moo has raised more than $250,000 for three charities, including building several schools with Room to Read.
End Malaria has raised more than $300,000 to eradicate malaria in Africa.
Squidoo users have donated more than a million dollars to Acumen and other causes.
Your generous participation in other projects has raised even more.
Thank you for everything you do. Most important, thanks for living your dreams out loud, bringing generosity, insight and wonder to the work you do.
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