Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis |
- Napoleon vs. Cheney: "Interrogation That Actually Works"; Icing on the "Hate-Cake"
- Pass the Cigars: US Lifts Some Restrictions on Cuba; Why Now?
- FOMC Statement: Does Change From "Considerable Time" to "Patient" Make Any Difference Whatsoever?
- Gasoline Expenditure Forecast at Lowest Levels in 11 Years
Napoleon vs. Cheney: "Interrogation That Actually Works"; Icing on the "Hate-Cake" Posted: 17 Dec 2014 06:11 PM PST Not only is torture against international law, it also produces no useful intelligence. Common sense is enough to prove that statement. If someone threatened to rape your sister, kill your mom, or shackled you until you were half-dead while feeding you up your anus, you would say nearly anything to ease the pain. So would I, and so would everyone else. Anyone who disagrees is either a liar or a fool. Even Napoleon recognized that fact. Warning: This is a very long post. Please allow adequate time to read and digest what follows. I sincerely appreciate your effort to reading this post in entirety. Thanks. From a Napoleon Letter to Louis Alexandre Berthier in November 1798: "The barbarous custom of having men beaten who are suspected of having important secrets to reveal must be abolished. It has always been recognized that this way of interrogating men, by putting them to torture, produces nothing worthwhile. The poor wretches say anything that comes into their mind and what they think the interrogator wishes to know." Precisely. "I'd Do It Again in a Minute" Regardless of the complete futility and illegality of torture, former vice president Dick Cheney Pushes Back on Torture Report: 'I'd Do It Again in a Minute'. "I'd do it again in a minute," Cheney told Meet the Press's Chuck Todd, offering an unqualified condemnation of the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into the Bush administration's post-9/11 interrogation methods used at foreign "black sites," which many regard as torture.No Concern for Innocents There you have it. Dick Cheney does not give a rat's ass about innocent people swept up in the process, about people tortured to death, or for that matter about anything else. Our CIA kidnapped people on German soil and elsewhere, took them off to torture camps, only to find they got the wrong guys. Wrong People Kidnapped, then Tortured A search for Wrong German Citizen Kidnapped Tortured turns up many links. And let's not forget that one of Cheney's reasons for invading Iraq was "Hussein tortured people". Dick Cheney is the epitome of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy aside, Dick Cheney is also a war criminal under international law and any reasonable moral standard. If anyone in this world deserved to be kidnapped then tortured, Dick Cheney is right at the top of the list. Yet, as I have commented before, two wrongs don't make a right, so that is not action I advocate. "Interrogation That Actually Works" Instead of torture, let's consider "The Humane Interrogation Technique That Actually Works". The Senate Intelligence Committee report released this week found that the CIA tortured terror suspects by, among other things, putting hummus in a man's anus, forcing suspects to stand on broken feet, and blasting detainees with songs such as "Rawhide" at loud volumes on repeat.Torture Doesn't Work — So Here's What Does Please consider Torture Doesn't Work — So Here's What Does. Ticking Time Bomb Fallacy Research Digest says People's support for torture in "ticking time bomb scenarios" is influenced by their desire for retribution. In the wake of a report published yesterday into the CIA's use of torture, many people are shocked and appalled. Yet one defense of the practice remains popular - "the ticking time bomb scenario".Tick, Tick, Bull, Shit In Tick, Tick, Bull, Shit, Foreign Policy magazine says "Don't believe the CIA's ticking time bomb excuse when it says it had to torture." The ticking bomb scenario is a powerful hypothetical, and it's one that several former CIA directors really, really hope you'll keep in mind this week to counterbalance all those not-so-nice revelations contained in the just-released Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) report on CIA interrogations.Not only is it morally wrong and intended to produce panic, it doesn't even work. But whether it works or not, torture can never be morally justified. Emails From Both Sides For my coverage of the torture issue, I have received many emails on both sides of the camp. Some have been appreciative, others not. In response C.I.A. Director Brennan, a Proven Liar, Defends Torture; Brennan Should be Fired Immediately, then Prosecuted along with Other CIA Directors and Cheney, reader Randy replied "I agree with every word that Mish has written here! It should be raining pitchforks right now in D.C.!" A US Army Major Responded "I'm sad and horrified to read the details of the CIA's torture program. To me, it represents the sickest form of consequentialism, one that has run roughshod over any type of moral authority the U.S. can claim in offering its leadership to the world. I'm further upset that my fellow brothers and sisters in uniform will most likely underwrite this disastrous program, as the enemy will now be all too eager to respond in kind to any American serviceman or woman unlucky enough to endure capture. I only wish we had the moral courage to make those responsible accountable for these unmistakable atrocities." Not to me personally, but FTM Daily notes Evangelical Christian Leaders Rush to Defend CIA Torture. Writing for FTM Daily, Jerry Robinson says "Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it's wrong, even when that wrong is committed by people on your own side of the political aisle. That our leaders in Washington would be playing politics with clear claims of U.S. war crimes simply reveals the absolute depths that some people will go to win an argument". Reader Allen writes ... Hi Mish,Thanks Allen. Powerful I am not, but I do agree this is an extremely important topic. Reader Rich hits the nail on the head with the fewest words: "No justification - No benefit - No excuse" Not everyone see it that way. For example reader Lon McCarley called my torture posts a "losers' chicken sh*t solution". Hypocrites Need to Look in Mirror In a followup email Lon called me a hypocrite. So did reader Joe who also accused me of backing Obama. Joe writes "I had many friends and family members die on 9-11 so my perspective is clearly different from yours. Perhaps if you saw your three nieces lose their father your perspective might be different." In an email conversation, Joe called my link about kidnapping and torturing of the wrong German citizen "unfortunate". No Joe, it's not "unfortunate"; it's illegal. Imagine Germany kidnapping US citizens on US soil, then torturing them, then admitting it was "unfortunate". If it's OK for the US to kidnap German citizens, send them off to Afghanistan or wherever and torture them .... then logically it is OK for every other country on the planet to have the exact same rights. My position is clear and consistent. I do not condone torture and I do not condone Obama's drone policy. I have written about the counterproductive policies of Obama's drone policy on many occasions. US Drone Policy November 25, 2014: War on Terror: Drones Target 41 but Kill 1,147 Mostly Innocent men, Women, and Children March 19, 2014: Negative Sum Game. September 01, 2013: Terrorists Won the War on Terror; 74% of Pakistanis View US as Enemy, 60% Have No Confidence in Obama. The hypocrites in this world (many republicans, many democrats, and many of the evangelical right) support torture. They sound like Nixon "when the president does it, it's not illegal). I do not care whether someone is a liberal, conservative, or a hypocrite. I know five things about torture.
Dick Cheney War Criminal Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura has the same opinion (see Jesse Ventura on Dick Cheney: A 'chickenhawk' war criminal who should be in jail). We don't need Jesse Ventura to tell us what's right or wrong about Dick Cheney. It's obvious. Cheney has wrapped himself in the US flag as if that makes him above the law. I stand by what I have said. The above articles on the total uselessness of torture speak volumes. The attacks on moral grounds are even more important. Many readers sent various reports from CIA officials and others in support of torture, citing its effectiveness. Not a damn one of those reports is believable. What would you expect the top CIA officials to say: We got nothing out of it? Torture doesn't work and we proved it? Of course these liars are going to deny the truth. Their ass is on the line! Even if the CIA can cite examples of gaining "intelligence", serious questions remain: Could the CIA have gotten the same information sooner, without torture? Studies suggest "Yes". Chickenhawk Counterattack We invaded Iraq for purpose of revenge and to carry out chickenhawk wishes. Now that we have made a total mess of things, the people who f*d it up the most blame Obama. Of course, Obama is also at fault. And it's infuriating. US drone policy makes more enemies than it does anything else. No Joe, my position would not be any different if I lost loved ones in 911. The 911 attack does not give the US the right or the "moral authority" to stoop to the level of terrorists. Majority Say Torture is Acceptable Yesterday, I reported New Poll Shows US Citizens in Every Demographic Support Torture (Republicans, Democrats, White, Black, Young, Old). I have never been so disgusted in all my writing career, than after reading that poll. Atheists have better moral standards on torture than Christians. Christian advocates claim abortion is wrong because it kills innocent human lives, a very questionable thesis that depends entirely on when life begins. Whatever your view, unless you have been religiously brainwashed, there is room for debate. On the other hand, torture that has ended in death, and US drone policy that has done the same to an even greater extent, are supported overwhelmingly by the "religious wrong". To these hypocrites, the unborn are far more important than the born, including innocent women and children. Questions on Poll Bias A close friend of mine questioned the poll. So did reader Richard who made comment, then asked a question. Comment: "I couldn't agree more with your stance on torture. Thank you for putting your opinion out for all to see." Question: "Is there any hope that these polls are tainted?" Reader Larry also picked up on the question bias thesis and proposed five new poll questions:
I suspect the poll results would be different with those questions, but how much different? Why Torture? If Torture does not work, and it doesn't, why do it? Explaining Torture
Of those reasons, numbers one and two are key. Head of the Luftwaffe, and Nazi Gestapo founder, Hermann Wilhelm Göring explained in prison following the Nuremberg Trials. Goering at the Nuremberg Trials Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.Icing on the "Hate-Cake" Polls aside, torturing never does any good, ever. Reputable studies, as cited above prove it! And when innocent people are killed, we make more enemies than we had before. But as Nazi Gestapo founder, Hermann Wilhelm Göring states "people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders." And so they have. Thoroughly Disgusted Reader Ben writes ... Hello MishUS Government Interrogator Chimes In Reader Peter, a US government interrogator chimes in ... Hey Mish,Hate Us for Our Freedoms? No one "hates us for our freedoms" as the claim goes. They hate us for our blatant hypocrisy, for our might-makes-right attitude, and for our constant meddling where we have no business at all. Torture and defense of it by Dick Cheney, by flag-waving hypocrites, and by brainwashed fools who believe everything the CIA and torture advocates claim, is icing on the extremely counterproductive hate-cake, sure to cause more global misery. Perpetual War Those looking for a reason the "Battle for Perpetual War is Won" need look no further than torture-supporting hypocrites, wrapped in a US flag, and singing a "holier-than-thou" tune. Addendum: In spite of the above logic, twisted minds persist with "Tick, Tick, Bull, Shit". For example: In a comment to this post, reader Jay Kurtz asks ... Assume you are the President, and the country has just been attacked on the country's soil in which thousands of citizens where killed. You are concerned that other attacks, in a manner which are of course unknown, are imminent. The military (or intelligence agency) has captured a person who is believed (say with 50% probability) to have information regarding possible future attacks. Your CIA director tells you that interrogation has failed, and recommends torture methods. Suppose there is only a 1% probability of gaining novel and useful information from such torture methods to head off a 2nd attack (of which, say, for argument's sake there is a 25% chance of occurring).Jay's comment and question was pure "Tick, Tick, Hypothetical, BullShit" at it's finest. OK Jay Kurtz, suppose the authorities are 50% sure your son or daughter is involved with a group that may be planning to bomb a school. Is it OK for the authorities to pull out your kid's fingernails? Cut off limbs? Threaten to torture your kids friends? Where does your support for tick, tick, hypothetical bullshit stop? The answer of course is "torture is always morally wrong". But hypocrites only see it that way when it affects them adversely. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com |
Pass the Cigars: US Lifts Some Restrictions on Cuba; Why Now? Posted: 17 Dec 2014 02:12 PM PST Sanctions and embargoes don't work. And in the case of Cuba, it took the US 52 years to partially realize that. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed into law a Cuban trade embargo. I have long known how foolish Kennedy's decision was (and the decision of every president since). But I did not know until today how blatantly hypocritical Kennedy's action was. A clip from Cigars All Around in the Financial Times explains: The day before Kennedy signed the law, "Kennedy ordered an aide to buy him 1,000 Petit Upmanns cigars. It was only after Kennedy got word that his request had been carried out that he authorised the new regulations that banned Cuban imports and would have made the purchase illegal." Wow. For 52 years, the US embargo poisoned he Cuba-US relationship. What good did it do? Did it drive Castro out of power? Or did it help keep Castro in power? I suggest the latter. Free trade is always beneficial and always better than war or cold war. US goods flowing into Cuba and tourists with money would have done more for a regime change than pressure. Hopefully it won't take 52 years for the US to realize the stupidity of sanctions on Russia. Don't hold your breath. Cuba's Support of Terrorism The Financial Times notes "Obama ordered a six month review of Cuba's designation as a 'state sponsor of terrorism'. Even the State Department no longer attempts to justify this label, which devalues Washington's word on international terrorism issues and triggers international financial sanctions against Cuba." In other words, we've been lied to for years about Cuba. Hardly shocking. Why Now? I would like to suggest Obama is taking this step because it's the right thing to do, but that's not what is likely happening. I believe this sentence explains what's going on. "In 2000, Cuban-American voters broke three-to-one for Republicans in the presidential election. But in 2012, exit polls showed Cuban-Americans splitting 50:50." When push comes to shove, expect a choice to be made on how many votes that decision may win. Right vs. wrong is simply not part of the decision-making process! Regardless, doing the right thing for the wrong reason is better than doing the wrong thing for the right reason. So pass the cigars. Just don't smoke the damn things unless you want cancer of the tongue and mouth. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com |
FOMC Statement: Does Change From "Considerable Time" to "Patient" Make Any Difference Whatsoever? Posted: 17 Dec 2014 12:50 PM PST Today the Fed made its much awaited FOMC Announcement. Pundits poring over the statement have generally concluded as does the Financial Times, that Fed Signals Tightening by Mid-2015. Why? Because the Fed dropped its forecast that it will keep low interest rates for a "considerable time". Now the Fed says it can be "patient" in judging when to start raising rates. The Financial Times claims the "new language is designed to reassure markets that rate rises are not imminent." If rate hikes are not imminent, what difference does the change make? Three Dissents Hawk: Richard Fisher objected because "improvement in the U.S. economic performance since October has moved forward, further than the majority of the Committee envisions, the date when it will likely be appropriate to increase the federal funds rate" Dove: Narayana Kocherlakota believes "the Committee's decision, in the context of ongoing low inflation and falling market-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations, created undue downside risk to the credibility of the 2 percent inflation target." Data Dependent: Charles Plosser believes "the statement should not stress the importance of the passage of time as a key element of its forward guidance and, given the improvement in economic conditions, should not emphasize the consistency of the current forward guidance with previous statements." Of the three dissents, there is one hawk, one dove, and one statement can be interpreted any way you want, but generally seems neutral. What Plosser failed to say is what he would have done today, if he was running the show. As for where interest rates should be now, the answer is clearly "not here" based on numerous asset bubbles the Fed is too blind to see. In terms of what to expect down the road, it's quite preposterous to pore over every word as if it means anything. Actions speak louder than words. Expectations vs. Reality The market expected a word change, so the Fed made one. But a lot can happen in the next six months. The US could be back in recession next month, or the next four job reports can be 500,000 each. Those are extremes of course, but they are possible. "Patient for a Considerable Time" If a slowdown comes at all, and I believe one is coming, then expect the Fed to be "patient for a considerable time" whether the fed mentions the words "considerable time" again or not. Viewed that way, the language change is meaningless. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com |
Gasoline Expenditure Forecast at Lowest Levels in 11 Years Posted: 17 Dec 2014 11:38 AM PST The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts U.S. Household Gasoline Expenditures in 2015 On Track to be the Lowest in 11 Years. The average U.S. household is expected to spend about $550 less on gasoline in 2015 compared with 2014, as annual motor fuel expenditures are on track to fall to their lowest level in 11 years. Lower fuel expenditures are attributable to a combination of falling retail gasoline prices and more fuel-efficient cars and trucks that reduce the number of gallons used to travel a given distance.Expenditure Forecast ![]() The expenditure forecast is not surprising given the drop in oil prices. West Texas Crude ![]() I commented on oil factors in What's Behind the Plunge in Oil? Winners and Losers? Boon to Spending or Recessionary? Short and Longterm Factors
I give heaviest weight to number one, but they all cascade. Points 5 and 6 play out slowly over time. At some juncture, point 6 will reverse from being a drag on consumption to an expansion of consumption, but that could take a long time. Demographic attitudes take a long time to peak. Boon to Spending or Recessionary? Credit Suisse Group economists think cheaper oil will make "Fed tightening in the first half more likely." Is it that simple? I think not, siding with Early Slowdown Signs Emerge for U.S. Oil States After Crude Slide. After leading the U.S. economic recovery out of recession, some of the nation's top oil states are showing early signs of a slowdown as a result of the plunge in crude prices.View on 2015 The energy shakedown, currency volatility in numerous countries, a slowdown in China, numerous Eurozone problems, and bubbles in bonds and equities do not bode well for 2015. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com |
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