vineri, 12 noiembrie 2010

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

My Little Piece of Privacy

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 08:03 AM PST

My robotic curtain protects me from nosey looks of pedestrians passing by. An interesting project by Niklas Roy, here to his homepage for schematics, codes and infos.

Vintage Color Photos of New York City

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 05:13 AM PST

The exceptional Charles W. Cushman Collection shows New York in 1941 and 1960 and it looks great, even in some gaudy "pulp-ish" color scheme:

It is also fascinating to compare the skyline of the yesteryear with modern "commercial jungle" landscape:

20 Strange Vintage Products

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 04:44 AM PST

Today we're going to take a look back at a few vintage products from the pre-internet era which were too unusual to survive in the today's competitive environment.

1. Toothache Drops

2. Doll With Free 10-Day Trial

3.Vibra Finger

4. Cook and Wash on Your Refrigerator!

5. Fly Pistol

6. Hangover Heaven

7. Cigarette Case

8. Perfume Bottles for Humming-bird Taming

9. Cube Lube

10. Multiple Electric Scalp Massager

11.Injectable Poppy Juice

12. The Name of The Game is..

13.Wonder Sauna Hot Pants

14. Macho – It's B-a-a-a-d

15. Bradley Group Showers

16. Solar Bath Apparatus

17. What Time Is It?

18. Sanitized Tape Worms

19. Horse Exercise at Home

20. Sun Bath Helmet

Darth Vader’s Hawaiian Vacation

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 03:43 AM PST

Even the Dark Side takes a break every now and then, and Darth Vader's choice of getaway is Hawai'i! Jill Ulander caught a series of photographs of the Dark Lord kicking back on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Source: hawaiianseamonkey

Sniffer Rats Detect Land Mines in Tanzania and Mozambique

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 03:29 AM PST

These rats sniff out landmines that are filled with TNT. They are trained by a Dutch nongovernmental organization in Tanzania. Whenever they make positive detection they are rewarded with some food.

Image Source: YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP/Getty Images
Source: telegraph

Smokestack Demolition Goes Wrong

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 03:20 AM PST

The demolition of the former Ohio Edison Mad River Power Plant's 275-foot smoke stack in Springfield, Ohio, went awry because the demolition crew failed to notice a crack in the structure. The collapsing tower knocked down a pair of high-voltage electrical power lines and smashed into a building housing generators. Luckily no one was injured.

Source: daytondailynews

Famous Monuments From Around the World (Infographic)

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 03:03 AM PST

They are the most magnificent and emblematic monuments around the world without question. Instantly recognizable, many monuments have become national treasures and symbolize the country itself to the rest of the world. But each famous monument has a story behind its creation, giving each building a soul, and identity. So here are some facts about some of these famous structures that may have slipped through the cracks during the tour! More Infographics.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: constructionmanagement