miercuri, 12 ianuarie 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

The Social Media Marketer's SEO Checklist

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 03:34 PM PST

Posted by jennita

As the lines of SEO and Social Media continue to be blurred, it's becoming very clear that getting a page to rank highly in the search engines takes a combination of the two disciplines. So what does the Social Media marketer need to know about SEO in order to make their social campaigns help with search rankings? This post gives those marketers who focus more on Social Media and less on SEO a checklist of ways to optimize for search before (and after) promoting content on the social sites.

Normally in the SEO world, links are like money in that the larger the bill (more authority), the more powerful it is.  So for a long time, most SEOs blew off links from social sites like Twitter and Facebook since they didn't have much direct SEO value because the links are almost always nofollowed [learn more about nofollow]. Now that we know that Google and Bing use Twitter and Facebook to influence regular search results, it's time to start thinking about how the person in charge of Social Media can start to think like an SEO as well.

Social Media influences Google

Obviously every organization is different, but many times the person running the Twitter and Facebook accounts, is likely a marketer, but not always an SEO. This checklist will guide the Social Media Marketer in your organization with some SEO tips and best practices to keep in mind as they start their next social campaign (or even they're just pushing your latest blog post). [Plus I've listed lots of great links for additional reading. Learning FTW]

Check Box

Do Keyword Research

Any SEO will tell you that keyword research is always one of the first steps when optimizing a site for search. Well, it's no different in Social Media. Since your social campaign can now help influence the search engines it's just as important to do your keyword research before getting started in the social world.

The best place to start is with the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. You can start by inputting a couple keywords you think searchers will be looking for to find your content. Then the tool will show you estimated (e.s.t.i.m.a.t.e.d.) monthly traffic numbers for those keywords plus others that it thinks are similar.

Google Adwords Keyword Tool

Now this may be something that you want to work with your SEO on but do a little research on the topic at hand and see which keywords really make the most sense to use. One thing to keep in mind is that you don't necessarily only want keywords with the highest traffic volume, you want to find keywords based on their difficulty for your site to rank for them.

The keywords you choose will come into play as you craft your tweets and Facebook updates, plus when you look at the Title tag and meta description (discussed more below). We ran a test to determine which would get a page to rank faster, lots of tweets, or lots of direct inbound links to a page. As of right now (about a month later) the Tweeted version ranks #1 for "ending hunger sierra leone" while the regular linked to version is lost in the shuffle. Although we still have more analysis to do, and more tests to run, this is a pretty big indication that tweets can influence rankings (possibly) more than links!

Additional Reading:

Check Box

Set Up Social Segments for Tracking

Whee! This is a fun one... ok it's fun if you're a big ol' data geek (which I'm assuming most of you are). Before you even get started on your campaign it's important to have your tracking all set up. You probably already have a specific way you're tracking URLs (more on that below) but what about setting up an easy way to see all "Social" traffic at one time.

Check out this post from Rand about how to Segment Social Traffic in Google Analytics it will walk you through the steps of setting this up.

Social Segmentation in Google Analytics

The image above is looking at our new Team page and looks at Social traffic vs. all other kinds of traffic. It's interesting to see that the spike in traffic happened about the same days for social media and other channels. Just think of the possibilities of having this set up for your campaigns!

Check BoxRemember, URL Shorteners Matter

When determining which URL shortener to use remember that you want a shortener that will do a 301 redirect from the short URL to yours. That way you can keep as much of that link juice flowing to your own site as possible. Also, be sure to use one that gives you some analytics about clicks and such, like bit.ly.

We use a personalized shortener seomz.me through the bitly.pro service, which is essentially like using bit.ly but with our own shortened domain. It's great we can get data about how many clicks a certain URL gets, what part of the world the clickers are from and the time of day links are clicked. This shouldn't make up for your regular tracking but it's an additional way to see how well your campaign is doing.

Additional Reading:

Check BoxMake Sure Content is Easily Linkable

As a master in getting your content shared on the social networks, have you also thought about ways to build direct links to your content as well? I know for me personally, we saw a spike in social sharing once we (finally) added sharing buttons for Twitter, Facebook and Stumbleupon. But what about adding widgets and embeds to help build links to your page/site.

Some content is easy to share in this manner such as infographics, graphs, etc. Take a look at what OkCupid does on their blog. When you reach the bottom of the page, you get this hover over that not only allows you to easily share the content on the social networks, but it gives you an easy way to copy and paste the link.

When you're working on quick and easy ways to make sure your content is shareable within the social networks, also think about how to build links to the page the traditional way. Your SEO will thank you. :)

Check Box

Canonicalize The Page (what the what?)

Yea this is a big ugly word SEOs use to make sure that the search engines only see one URL for a specific page. For social sharing this is something to think about when you're setting up the tracking for your social shares. Whether you use Google Analytics tracking, or get tweets from an RSS feed, you're going to have URL tracking variables appended to the URL.


Let's say I plan on doing a Twitter campaign around the 2010 Industry Survey. The direct URL looks like this:


But the tracking URL that I actually want people to use so I can track it better in Google Analytics is this:


While the search engines are getting better at deciphering all this, you definitely want to make sure that they can figure out which page is the real or "canonical" page. There are a few ways to do this:

Rel=Canonical Tag

Using the rel=canonical tag you'd point this at the URL without the tracking coded added to the end. Using the example above, if your tagged URL is:


Then the rel=canonical looks like this:

<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.seomoz.org/seo-industry-survey" />

How Rel Canonical Works

301 Redirect

Many SEOs will claim that this is the "proper" way to do it, and most likely is. Unfortunately it's not always the easiest to implement especially if you're in charge of Social Media and don't have quick access to the dev team.

Additional Reading:

Check Box

Check Page Load Time

Can your site handle the load if the campaign goes viral? Obviously you're going to make sure that the site won't buckle under the pressure of all the awesome social traffic you're sending it's way, but what if it slows it down? You could have an infographic that takes a long time to load, or unnecessary JavaScript slowing you down.

Last year Google announced that they're now using speed as a ranking factor (although a small one). Since it does come in to play though, and speeds can be affected if the traffic spikes, it's smart to be thinking about this. Whenever possible, work with your dev team to load test the page or entire site before launching a new campaign.

Check Box

Title Tag - Use Those Keywords!

Remember earlier in the checklist you did a little research to see which keywords would be most beneficial to use? Now it's time to put them into play! It's too easy to use fancy shmancy titles in your social content because it's a bit catchier than a typical "optimized" title. But there are a few things to remember:

  1. The Title tag is thought to be the highest on-page ranking factor and having your keywords toward the beginning of the title is best.
  2. If your social efforts can help get a page ranking in Google, that title tag is going to show up in the results and

Additional Reading:

Check Box

Meta Description

The meta description isn't going to help with getting a page's rankings but in the social world it's often times the text that is automatically pulled into a social site. The best example is Facebook. When you add a link to your Facebook wall, it automatically pulls the title tag, meta description and let's you choose an image. Think of the meta description as a way to entice users to click on your link whether the user is searching on Google or checking out a page you shared on Facebook.

Facebook meta description

Additional Reading:

Check Box

Measure & Improve

Yes! This is the best step actually. Determine how well your tweets are doing, then improve on them. As SEOs we're constantly talking about increasing our click-through-rate in the search results and on our pages. But what about the click-through-rate of our tweets? I highly recommend reading through Rand's post on Calculating and Improving Your Twitter Click-through-Rate to give you lots of ideas on how to make improvements.

Whew! That's a lot to think about. Some of this you may already be doing, but if you're not, I encourage you to give these a try. See how you can not only improve your social media sharing, but your search engine rankings! Also, don't forget to work closely with your SEO to teach them the world of Social as well. :)

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SEO Blog

SEO Blog

Share your experiences on Google Maps | Write a review

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 03:20 AM PST

Business reviews are great help for people searching the Internet to acquire the information they want to make smart decisions about places, and to find the places that are just correct for them. Google Maps help in doing that and to share the experiences and opinions, both good and bad; you can write reviews about [...]

Remembering the Victims in Tucson

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, Jan. 12,  2011

Remembering the Victims in Tucson

Today the President and the First Lady will travel to Tucson, Arizona to attend a memorial service for the victims of the tragic mass shooting last Saturday. President will deliver remarks in support and remembrance of the victims and those still fighting for their lives. You can listen to the memorial service on WhiteHouse.gov/live starting at 8 p.m. EST.

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama talks on the phone with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia during a call in the Oval Office, Jan. 11, 2011. John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, is at right. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Vice President Biden in Afghanistan: "It’s Afghans Who Must Build Their Nation"
As part of his trip to Afghanistan to assess progress, Vice President Biden speaks at a joint press conference with President Karzai.

What the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Bill Means for Our Veterans
Darienne Page, Director of Veterans Outreach in the Office of Public Engagement, looks at the legislation the President signed recently in the context of the implementation of the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

President Obama on Haiti, One Year Later
The President urges continued support from the international community and continued strength from the Haitian people.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:10 AM: The President meets with Prime Minister Hariri of Lebanon

12:45 PM: The President and the First Lady depart the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base

1:00 PM: The President and the First Lady depart Andrews Air Force Base en route Tucson, Arizona

5:35 PM: The President and the First Lady arrive in Tucson, Arizona

8:00 PM: The President delivers remarks at a memorial event, “Together We Thrive: Tucson and America"; the First Lady also attends WhiteHouse.gov/live  (audio only)

9:30 PM: The President and the First Lady depart Tucson, Arizona

1:15 AM: The President and the First Lady arrive at Andrews Air Force Base

1:30 AM: The President and the First Lady arrive at the White House

WhiteHouse.gov/live   Indicates events that will be live streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/live.

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How to get ready for Christmas NOW

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:36 AM PST

Christmas gift
Image credit:  Flickr

Despite a tough economic backdrop and widespread fears over delivery times, this was another season of growth for UK online retail. It may seem a little early to be thinking about Christmas again already, but given that careful planning is often hailed as the key to success, what can you start doing now to prepare for next Christmas?

In another bumper year for web businesses, more Britons spent more online than ever before. In fact, a study commissioned by Tealeaf showed that 44% of the country's web-enabled adults did some of their Christmas shopping online. And if recession and a looming year of cuts weren't enough to dampen online Christmas shopping growth, then next year is also likely to break a few records.

This means that all consumer-facing online retailers need to ensure that their websites are ready in time for the busy festive season.

The need for a streamline buying process was highlighted by the Tealeaf research, which showed that as many as 45% of respondents said they'd encountered difficulties with their shopping. Almost half said they wouldn't return to a shop where they'd had problems, and one in 10 said they had criticised retailers on social networks.

With that in mind, how can you ensure next Christmas goes without a hitch?

Start planning your festive marketing straight away

If you're starting to wonder about your Christmas marketing in November, you've left it too late to do a good job.

Fantastic festive viral campaigns, targeted advertising and meticulously executed email marketing drops aren't thrown together in a few days or even a few weeks.

Start brainstorming your approach now and have a firm idea in place by summer. You then have months to plan it and stage it well. On top of that, you'll save yourself a horrendous rush in the final few months, and you'll cut down on hours of expensive overtime.

Protect your Christmas budget

Just as every family is urged to save a little each month to ensure they don't run into debt in December, your business should be spending a little less each month to make sure it has extra marketing budget to spare at Christmas.

That way you can really work platforms like paid search advertising and drive more festive business to your online shop.

Delivering a reliable and efficient service at Christmas can win you long-term customers, so it's well worth it.

Offer Christmas discounts throughout the year

Rewarding customers for their loyalty is always a good idea, and pledging to give them a Christmas discount for their shopping earlier in the year can be great.

Not only will you give your customer that warm feeling they get when they know they're being rewarded, but it will also boost your festive sales.

You can even email the shopper closer to the time to remind them of the discount available, putting your online store at the forefront of their minds.

Start building a gift finder

If you consider yourself to be rubbish at Christmas shopping, the online gift finder is your friend. But an effective gift-finding tool takes time to build and test.

Start planning and budgeting for it now, so that you can have it up and running by October. That should allow you to set it live just as the earlybirds start Christmas shopping.

Examine your customer journey

This is good advice generally, but it will help your Christmas shopping figures.

Comb through your customer journey to check for barriers to sale and to ensure your clients enjoy an easy shopping experience.

Rid your site of unnecessary clicks; each one is a barrier to purchase, increasing your chances of shopping cart abandonment. Ensure your search functions are performing as expected.

One of the best ways to improve your customer journey is to ask your customers, perhaps offering a prize draw as an incentive to complete a survey. Very often a website's designers can be simply too close to the project to view it objectively.

Customers will have no qualms about putting you right!

Keep sales in mind too

It used to be that the sales began on Boxing Day, but for the online retailer, the sales begin as soon as it's too late to deliver in time for Christmas.

For most businesses that's December 23rd or even earlier. With that in mind, when planning your Christmas campaign, don't forget to give some thought to the sales frenzy that follows it.

You'll need to work on your marketing campaign for that in advance too.

Have staff working Christmas Day

It's a pain and no one wants to ask their staff to work over Christmas, but you need to have someone behind the scenes just in case.

According to eDigital Research, 86% of UK consumers went online over Christmas Day and Boxing Day in 2010, and many of them did so to take early advantage of the sales.

Put plans in place now to have your IT teams working over those days, to ensure your website runs smoothly no matter what traffic you face.

Larger stores may also want to have a skeleton customer services team on call, just in case there are any problems. Having a ready response to an issue can turn a negative customer experience into a positive one.

Start making plans now and your staff may be more willing to work the bank holidays. You could even offer them some extra holiday over the year to make up for losing a few hours on Christmas Day.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. How to get ready for Christmas NOW

Related posts:

  1. Merry Christmas from all at SEOptimise [Infographic]
  2. Christmas Crackers: Top Comments from 2010
  3. 46 CRO/Conversion Rate Optimization Resources for Web Design, SEO & Social Media Experts

Seth's Blog : Obedience and the GPS

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Obedience and the GPS

My Garmin gave me a route to the airport, but I had a hunch it was mistaken. So I went my way.

As I turned left instead of right, I heard her voice hectoring me, beseeching me to go right.

And I confess, I felt terrible. I was disobeying. Not following instructions.

If it's gotten to the point where we are uncomfortable disobeying a 3 inch by 4 inch touchscreen, then you know we've been brainwashed. It's actually okay (in fact, quite possibly productive) to call out the Garmins, the bosses and the influencers in your life, and ignore them all you like.

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