miercuri, 23 martie 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

UGC Gets an A+ on Google Test with Panda Update

Posted: 23 Mar 2011 03:57 AM PDT

Posted by nadiaking

Two weeks ago, Google rolled out changes to its algorithm in an attempt to decrease visibility and rankings of low quality sites on 11.8% of search queries, called the Panda Update. “Low quality” is defined on search engine blogs  as content that is shallow or limited, poorly written, copied, and generally not useful to users.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but whenever a big Google update rolls out, I’m back in elementary school gingerly turning in a pop quiz – I think that I’ve paid attention in class, but in that moment, all I can do is lace my fingers behind my back and wait patiently for the teacher to grade my work.

In addition to the SEO benefits of fresh user-generated content (UGC) on product pages, we have seen time and time again that UGC aggregated into branded archive-like pages can attract a substantial amount of ridiculous long tail keyword traffic. As the Panda Update was announced, we knew that UGC Archive sites would be affected in some way. With a bit of cautious uncertainty in mind, we randomly selected a group of archive sites and started monitoring.

The UGC Archive sites we used in this study include a very basic navigational link structure that follows the company’s category hierarchy. At the deepest level, product UGC pages have minimal product details and are dominated with user language – typically 20 Reviews or Q&A per page. Because these archive sites are typically isolated from other marketing initiatives, and have very few backlinks, they created a very pure sample with which we could evaluate how the Panda Update reacted to UGC.

The sample included 10 U.S. Archive sites in various industries (general retail, specialty retail, electronics manufacturing, beauty manufacturing, and entertainment) for two types of UGC – reviews and Q&A. The sites have a wide range of UGC volume – some literally have millions of pieces of content, and some have tens of thousands. To isolate the impact of the Panda Update on Google organic visits, we compared the two weeks since the update against the two weeks immediately prior, and then compared those to the same weeks last year.

After a day or so of nail biting, the Panda Update pop quiz came back remarkably well:

Based on this graph, we can see that:

  • In 2010, this span of weeks was fairly flat – for 8 of these 10 sites, traffic fluctuated by less than 10% up or down (two sites were on a pretty steep upward trajectory).
  • However, in 2011, 6 of the 10 sites increased by over 10% after the Panda Update and all of them increased at least somewhat (none dropped).

We wondered if all of this traffic was coming from more keywords or simply higher SERP rankings, so we analyzed how the number of keywords had fluctuated during the same periods outlined above:

From this data, the results are still pretty clear – in 2011, for 8 out of 10 sites, there was a higher increase number of keywords in the weeks after the Panda Update than there were the previous year. We already knew Google values UGC; with this data, we now know Google values aggregated UGC.

As for Google Webmaster Tools data, impressions increased recently for all of the sites between 39-84%; clicks dropped slightly for a couple of sites but increased by 10-15% for most sites; CTRs increased modestly for all sites. The most interesting data point I found in Webmaster Tools was average position – four of the sites actually dropped in average position, but those same sites had the highest increased impressions. It makes sense that when Google introduces new sites to replace old ones, it could drag down the overall average position in SERPs for the new sites.

User-generated content, while sometimes only one sentence individually, aggregated together can be very powerful for an SEO campaign. Customers convert higher when they see authentic content from like-minded users, driving Google to gravitate towards pages with legitimate UGC. To get the greatest value out of UGC for SEO, inject a small amount of the most recent UGC into product pages to increase richness and freshness; however, also make sure to have a branded interactive archive that allows Google to fully index all UGC for each of your products. With the Panda Update, Google impacted 11.8% of search queries.  Once again, UGC proved to be a vital asset as these sites are reaping the benefits of the algorithm change.

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Evangelizing a Data-Driven Culture

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 02:59 PM PDT

Posted by JoannaLord

Imagine this scenario: It's Monday afternoon, you just spent the first half of your day wading through last week's stats, comparing metrics, data-mining for the greater good, and assembling it into an easy-to-digest summary that speaks to the state of your company. You sit back, finish off your second (or fifth) cup of coffee, and hit "Send" on the all staff email alias.

Momentary satisfaction hits, data euphoria surrounds you. You are a Data Master.

You start your next project, occasionally checking your email. You think, "Surely someone will respond with a reaction." A few minutes go by...then a few hours...then the day rolls into 5 o'clock. No response. Uhm. Maybe your email client is down? Hmmm nope. So you check with a few coworkers to see if they received it, and they answer with a less than enthusiastic, "yeah you mean the thing with all the attachments, right?" 

data driven culture def Ugh. Your hours of data mining have fallen on blind eyes. All those insights, and those practical suggestions for cleanup, testing, and optimization are lost in a black hole (also known as your company's inbox).

How may of you know what I'm talking about? Raise your hand if you feel me.Yeah I thought so. For some reason it is beyond challenging to get some companies to care about data, and even harder to get them to embrace a data-driven culture. It seems like a no brainer, and if you polled most marketers I think they would {falsely} proclaim that they believe in a data-driven culture. Well today I'm calling their bluff. 

Okay so I hear you asking, "how do we get the data-driven ball rolling?"  We got you covered. I compiled a list (while stuck on a flight with no wi-fi last week) of over 1,000 things that drove me nuts at past companies who were far from data-driven. Rather than be a Negative Nancy, I then flipped that around to come up with the top ten things you can start doing right away to help get your company on the analytics fan bus. You ready?!

#10.  Share the resources & log-ins
It seems so obvious, but you would be surprised how many of your coworkers don't even have the credentials to login to your beloved analytics. I find sending out the information, or a link to a secure page with the credentials, can be a great reminder that the data is there, waiting to be used for benefit.

#9.  Send around other companys' success stories
As you come across case studies, blog posts, or other presentations on the web that showcase data-driven marketing, take the time to send around a link. People love to hear that one dollar turned into a hundred, and often these stories discuss just that. This SEOmoz landing page case study on Conversion Rate Experts about a test and the surrounding data was hugely popular for this exact reason.

#8.  Get a data hub/visual dashboard 
I'm borrowing this one from our resident SEO superhero, Tom Critchlow. He shared an epic post a few weeks ago that covered a company's personal journey into championing a data-driven culture to both employees and office visitors by implementing a visual dashboard of their companys' KPIs. I'm not even going to try and summarize this post in a few sentences, just go read it. You'll love it, I pinky promise.

#7.  Give people free stuff!
Do you know how many free analytic tools are out there? Like a bazillion! Okay maybe not quite that many, but there are a lot. Here at SEOmoz we send around occasional emails with new tools we come across that really catch our eye. Keeping new analytic tools and apps front of mind reiterate the power of data in our everyday tasks. Lots of these tools have free trials you can take, so get on there for 30 days atleast and see what you can get from them!

#6.  Hold brown bags 
This is one of those things we all put on our calendar and then delete when the to-do list gets too long. I personally am guilty of this. I did a Google Analytics brown bag when I first arrived at SEOmoz, and had huge hopes for a full series of them. "Had" being the operative word there. With that said, these are worth doing if you can sneak them in. The sad truth is most people know data is valuable, but don't use analytics because they don't know where to start. That is simply a learning curve issue. Brown bags can help fix this issue in no time. Unlimited candy supply at brown bag meeting is optional but recommended.

Candy stash at SEOmoz
At SEOmoz we have found people tend to appear and hang out wherever we drop loads of candy. Good to know.

#5.  Put together an Analytics Advisory Board
Whether its an official thing or simple a bimonthly meeting of data lovers, colleagues should collaborate to make the data dives more effective. It's not a data-driven culture if you send around summary reports every week. Everyone needs to have their hand in the data and you need to be bouncing ideas off of each other. Here at SEOmoz, Casey and myself work in our numbers a great deal, but so does Crissy (from the help team), Sarah (our COO), Jamie (VP of Marketing) and Adam (VP of Product), so it's important we leverage all of that time and see what sort of data we can compare and use more effectively.

#4.  Make the data relevant and person/team dependent
You know how people say a cardinal rule for speakers is to "know your audience?" Well the same applies here. If you want people to pay attention when you report on company metrics, you have to customize it for them. Show insights specific to their team and roadmap, show recent wins or losses that directly affect them, and advocate ideas that would help with their specific goals. These micro-focused data reports can help get teams excited about current projects and their results, and make your future discussions about data much easier to sit through.

#3.  Tie the data to $$$
This one piggybacks off of #4. While it's important to customize the data you are presenting to the audience at hand, it's equally as important to tie every data discovery to revenue. You'll be surprised how quickly people perk up when you start projecting revenue based on metrics. Want a practical example? Here you go: At SEOmoz, we know that our conversion rate from OSE visits are 7% higher than visits to SEOmoz.org. I could project for upper management what an increase to traffic on OSE could mean in bottom-line revenue from PRO membership numbers, and make a case for putting more time into OSE. 

#2.  Report back on wins...and losses
I bet I get some slack for this one. I have heard a lot of analysts say you should really only report on the wins. Especially for those companies running a number of tests throughout a month, reporting on the ones that fail to return profitable insights can be disheartening. Well, hog wash! I think if your engineering team put time into getting a test up, and your creative team put together some great assets, and your marketing team put together the logic for a test, they all deserve to hear the results. So buck up, find the insights (or lack there of) and report back on them. Everyone starts looking forward to these test postmortems, and it can harness excitement!

Ten thousand SEOmoz PRO member celebration
          Impromptu SEOmoz celebration when we hit 10,000 members. Yay!

#1.  Give high fives all around
I am actually more of a hug fan myself, but HR told me I can't go hugging people every time someone gets excited about the numbers. Bummer. So instead I suggest going with high fives! What I really mean here, is never forget to thank people publically after they have given time to your data-focused efforts. Spotlight their efforts whenever possible. Saying thank you is crucial to keeping the momentum up!

Might seem like that's a lot to get moving on, but in reality, these are small changes that can have a huge impact on the way things are done at your company. When people start to get excited about using new tools to help them make decisions more efficiently, they begin to do that across the board. You will find they start to evangelize the data-driven strategy for you...in meetings you aren't even attending! It's beautiful. 

And if all the ideas above don't work, I suggest picking up a copy of Avinash's book (for irony sake), and beating your executive over the head with it until they give in. Both approaches are pretty effective in my experience. I would love to hear what has worked for you in the comments below! Let's hear them!


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Seth's Blog : Originality


I get two kinds of mail about this. One group points to organizations or individuals who are stealing my ideas. "Stop them!" they say. The other doesn't hesitate to point out that I've never had an original idea in my life, and that I'm merely a promotional hack.

Lewis Hyde's new book is about the nature of ideas, and how they improve with use. It turns out that anyone who produces a totally new idea, something completely out of thin air, is unlikely to be a productive artist and a lot more likely to be seen as a total loon. Every artist builds on what came before. Ben Franklin, Bill Shakespeare, Alexander Graham Bell, Martin Luther King Jr., Shepard Fairey, Ricky Jay, Maya Angelou--all thieves.

Abbey Ryan is an artist on the leading edge of the painting-a-day practice. Like all visual artists, she finds her inspiration everywhere, from the supermarket to the work of other artists. Unlike some, though, she's not reluctant to give credit to those that came before her.

For me, those that get all up in arms about sources of inspiration, the ones that misuse words like 'plagiarism' are rarely actively producing anything of value themselves. They're merely trolls, eager to join a mob instead of spending their time and energy inventing, remixing and poking. If that's all you can contribute--vague threats of lawsuits, insults and screeds--we're better off ignoring you.

And for the self-styled producer who does nothing but copy and pass things off, we're better off without you as well.

Now, more than ever, we can see the work an artist (in any medium, any endeavor) produces over time. If all an artist can do is steal, the truth will out. For the rest, though, a lifetime of consistent provocation, inspiration and generosity can't help but shine through. Inspirations and all.

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A Phone Call from the President

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, March 23,  2011

A Phone Call from the President

The health reform law, the Affordable Care Act, is making a difference in the lives of millions of Americans like Erick Moberg. To commemorate the passage of the law, the President made a surprise phone call to Erick, who is now able to stay on his mother's health insurance after he graduates college and as he prepares to apply to medical school.

Watch the video.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Access to Capital: Fueling Business Growth and Job Creation
CTO Aneesh Chopra talks about his recent work with Startup America. Also, join a live discussion with NEC Director Gene Sperling and SBA Administrator Karen Mills at noon on the initiative.

The President on Libya: "We Have Already Saved Lives"
Answering questions during a joint press conference with President Funes of El Salvador, the President gives an update on the latest developments in Libya.

What I Heard From Parents, Teachers and Students about Education Reform
As a part of the Advise the Advisor program, Melody Barnes asked for input from parents, teachers, and students on education. Several thousand people responded to her video and shared their thoughts, concerns and idea. In this post, Melody addresses these comments.

 Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). 

12:00 PM: The President attends a U.S. Embassy meet and greet

12:00 PM: Open for Questions: Startup America – Reducing Barriers WhiteHouse.gov/live

12:30 PM: The Vice President attends an event for Senator Bill Nelson

1:05 PM: The First Family departs El Salvador en route to Joint Base Andrews

4:30 PM: The Vice President attends an event for Senator Bill Nelson

4:55 PM: The First Family arrives at Joint Base Andrews

5:10 PM: The First Family arrives on the South Lawn

WhiteHouse.gov/live  Indicates events that will be live streamed on White House.com/Live.

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Seth's Blog : Are you making something?

Are you making something?

Making something is work. Let's define work, for a moment, as something you create that has a lasting value in the market.

Twenty years ago, my friend Jill discovered Tetris. Unfortunately, she was working on her Ph.D. thesis at the time. On any given day the attention she spent on the game felt right to her. It was a choice, and she made it. It was more fun to move blocks than it was to write her thesis. Day by day this adds up... she wasted so much time that she had to stay in school and pay for another six months to finish her doctorate.

Two weeks ago, I took a five-hour plane ride. That's enough time for me to get a huge amount of productive writing done. Instead, I turned on the wifi connection and accomplished precisely no new measurable work between New York and Los Angeles.

More and more, we're finding it easy to get engaged with activities that feel like work, but aren't. I can appear just as engaged (and probably enjoy some of the same endorphins) when I beat someone in Words With Friends as I do when I'm writing the chapter for a new book. The challenge is that the pleasure from winning a game fades fast, but writing a book contributes to readers (and to me) for years to come.

One reason for this confusion is that we're often using precisely the same device to do our work as we are to distract ourselves from our work. The distractions come along with the productivity. The boss (and even our honest selves) would probably freak out if we took hours of ping pong breaks while at the office, but spending the same amount of time engaged with others online is easier to rationalize. Hence this proposal:

The two-device solution

Simple but bold: Only use your computer for work. Real work. The work of making something.

Have a second device, perhaps an iPad, and use it for games, web commenting, online shopping, networking... anything that doesn't directly create valued output (no need to have an argument here about which is which, which is work and which is not... draw a line, any line, and separate the two of them. If you don't like the results from that line, draw a new line).

Now, when you pick up the iPad, you can say to yourself, "break time." And if you find yourself taking a lot of that break time, you've just learned something important.

Go, make something. We need it!

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marți, 22 martie 2011

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Portuguese Government on Verge of Collapse

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 09:03 PM PDT

Unless there is an unexpected breakthrough within hours, it's likely the end of the line for Portugal's Prime Minister who has threatened to resign if parliament does not approve austerity measures he seeks.

Please consider Portugal Braces for Govt Collapse Over Debt Vote
Portugal's government is on the verge of collapse after opposition parties withdrew their support for another round of austerity policies aimed at averting a financial bailout.

The expected defeat of the minority government's latest spending plans in a parliamentary vote Wednesday will likely force its resignation and could stall national and European efforts to deal with the continent's protracted debt crisis.

The vote comes on the eve of a two-day European Union summit where policymakers are hoping to take new steps to restore investor faith in the fiscal soundness of the 17-nation eurozone, including Portugal.

The governing Socialist Party's parliamentary leader Francisco Assis made an 11th-hour appeal for opposition rivals to negotiate changes to the latest austerity package and ensure the government's survival. Prime Minister Jose Socrates, who heads the government, has said he will no longer be able to run the country if the package is rejected.

But opposition parties say the center-left government's latest austerity plan goes too far because it hurts the weaker sections of society, especially pensioners who will pay more tax. The package also introduces further hikes in personal income and corporate tax, broadens previous welfare cuts and raises public transport fares.

The leader of the main opposition center-right Social Democratic Party, Pedro Passos Coelho, said late Monday that the political deadlock made an early election "inevitable."

As in Greece, the austerity policies have prompted numerous strikes, with train engineers set to walk off the job during the morning commute Wednesday.

Portugal's plight stems from a decade of miserly growth. While growing at the tepid rate of 1 percent a year, it ran up debt to finance its western European lifestyle.
Bloomberg reports Portugal Faces Lawmaker Vote Threatening to Push Toward Election, Bailout
Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates will today face a vote in parliament against his deficit-cutting plan which threatens to push the country toward early elections and the need for a European Union bailout.

Lawmakers will discuss the government's so-called stability and growth program of austerity measures at 3 p.m. in Lisbon. The opposition Social Democratic and Communist parties both pledged yesterday to table resolutions against the plan.

"If parliament decides on a motion against the stability and growth program, that means the government is not in a condition to make commitments internationally," Socrates said on March 15. "That would mean a political crisis. In my understanding, the consequence of a political crisis is the worsening of the financing risks of our economy and would lead Portugal to request external intervention."
Portugal is going to fail. Wednesday is as good a day to do it as any.

Thus, sooner, rather than later, another bailout is coming. However, it will not be Portugal who is bailed out, but rather German, French, and UK bank that lent money to Portugal.

Eventually Greece, Ireland, and Portugal will default, even though pretending otherwise may continue for a while.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Court Rules Gov. Christie's Budget Cuts Left N.J. Schools Unable to Provide 'Thorough and Efficient' Education

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 04:01 PM PDT

Education spending in New Jersey is the highest in the nation. Yet, Superior Court Judge Peter Doyne rules Christie's budget cuts left N.J. schools unable to provide 'thorough and efficient' education
Gov. Chris Christie's deep cuts to state school aid last year left New Jersey's schools unable to provide a "thorough and efficient" education to the state's nearly 1.4 million school children, a Superior Court judge found today.

Judge Peter Doyne, who was appointed as special master in the long-running Abbott vs. Burke school funding case, today issued an opinion that also found the reductions "fell more heavily upon our high risk districts and the children educated within those districts."

"Despite spending levels that meet or exceed virtually every state in the country, and that saw a significant increase in spending levels from 2000 to 2008, our 'at risk' children are now moving further from proficiency," he said.

The Abbott vs. Burke case landed back in court after the Education Law Center, a Newark-based school advocacy group, filed a motion charging that Christie's aid cuts violated the state's school funding formula.

Christie slashed state aid by $820 million last year, and Doyne found that altogether, the state would have needed twice that much — $1.6 billion — to fully fund the School Funding Reform Act formula.

"The difficulty in addressing New Jersey's fiscal crisis and its constitutionally mandated obligation to educate our children requires an exquisite balance not easily attained," Doyne wrote. "Something need be done to equitably address these competing imperatives. That answer, though, is beyond the purview of this report. For the limited question posed to the Master, it is clear the State has failed to carry its burden."

The finding now goes back to the New Jersey Supreme Court, which can choose to act on it.
Triumph of the Letter of the Law vs. Common Sense

Clearly Judge Peter Doyne's ruling this is a triumph of the letter of a poorly written law vs. common sense. If the issue was money, New Jersey would have the best schools in the nation.

Since the issue is not money, money cannot fix the problem. The easiest solution is for the N.J. legislature to trash the "School Funding Reform Act formula".

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Fed Gov. Richard Fisher Sees Signs of "Speculative Excess", Warns of "Intoxication on Ambrosia of Cheap Capital"

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 11:04 AM PDT

Fed governor Richard Fisher votes on the FOMC panel on a rotating basis. He has dissented with Ben Bernanke 5 times previously. In a speech today he warned against "speculative excess".

Please consider Fed's Fisher Says No More Stimulus Needed in U.S. After June
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard W. Fisher said that no additional monetary stimulus will be necessary after the central bank completes its asset purchase program in June.

"No further accommodation is needed after June," including by tapering the central bank's purchases, the regional bank chief, who votes on monetary policy this year, said in a speech today in Frankfurt. "Doing so would only prolong the injustice that we have inflicted" on savers through inflation, he said.

The comments by Fisher, who since last year has questioned the Fed's $600 billion of Treasury purchases, are the first by a policy maker since the central bank's March 15 meeting in Washington. Officials at the gathering kept the purchase plan in place, while saying the U.S. economy is on "firmer footing." Fisher said he would have voted against the central bank's purchase program if he'd had the ability last year.

"I would have voted against QE2, had I had the vote," the 62-year-old bank president said at the Frankfurt Finance Summit 2011. "We've done a bit too much."

Fisher said he is "beginning to see signs of speculative excess" in the U.S., evidenced in the "fresh flow of money" into the stock market, a surge in so-called covenant-lite loans and the re-leveraging by private equity firms.

Fisher reiterated his view that Congress must undertake fiscal reforms to create prosperity in the U.S.

The Fed's preferred price gauge, which excludes food and fuel, rose 0.8 percent in January from a year earlier, matching December's year-over-year gain, the lowest in five decades of record-keeping.

"There's lots of liquidity sloshing around the U.S. financial system," Fisher said. "We are seeing signs of all the intoxication that typically takes place when we have the ambrosia of cheap and readily available capital."

The last time Fisher was a voting member of the FOMC in 2008, he dissented five times in favor of tighter policy. He has led the Dallas Fed since 2005 and is one of four regional bank presidents who rotated into voting slots this year.
Bernanke Openly Embraces "Speculative Excess"

It is crystal clear Bernanke has purposely embraced speculative excess and will not back off on a date once set. Bernanke has not stopped a single emergency measure ahead of his announced time. Thus, the Fed will continue buying US treasuries until June come hell or high water.

Fed actions have been good for the stock market by fostering a psychology of speculation. However, those actions have been harmful for the average person on fixed income and the average Joe on the street who gets nothing in interest on CDs and savings accounts.

Moreover, once speculation end, crashes occur. There has been no recovery, only an illusion of one. Unemployment is down but it's a mirage based on millions of people dropping out of the labor force.

The real measure of a recovery is employment and this is what it looks like.

Nonfarm Payroll Employment - Seasonally Adjusted Total

The above chart shows the 1.5% drop between February 2001 and February 2011. Note that nonfarm employment is below where it was 11 years ago dating back to February 2000.

For additional grim details about jobs including a comparison to the Great Depression, please see Current Decade of Job Losses vs. Great Depression; How Did Quasi-Public Jobs Fare? Who is Whining?

Another regularly dissenting governor is Thomas Hoenig, who will step down shortly.

MarketWatch Interview
With Kansas City Fed's Thomas Hoenig

Inquiring minds are reading a Q&A with Kansas City Fed's Thomas Hoenig
Q: On commodity prices, a lot of people point to Fed policy as the cause.

A: I don't know why not. It has got to be a factor. It is not the whole thing – you have droughts and temporary movements. But it is a contributing factor. There are drought issues, and supply issues and demand issues like the Chinese diet. But also monetary policy is accommodating demand, I think, worldwide.

Q: Is QE2 working?

A: I would say it is having effects but at what price later on? My view is it is not just about intended consequences, it is about unintended consequences.

Q: How about tapering off QE2?

A: I certainly would. I am for tapering them off. If you can do it in the right way without disrupting the markets, then yes, by June or sooner. But that precondition is a pretty tough precondition – doing it in the right way, not disrupting markets.
Bernanke hides behind a "dual mandate" of price stability and jobs as the reason for QE II. However, he has failed miserably.

We have neither price stability, nor job creation. Instead we have excessive speculation that at least two Fed Governors can see.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Cato Institute Discusses "The Origin of Central Banking and Possible Alternatives"

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 03:41 AM PDT

Following is part 1 of a series by the Cato institute regarding the origin of Central Banking and whether it is time to end the Fed.

URL if the above YouTube Video does not play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Z1H6Q-vhM

The video stops short of answers, but I will post other videos in the series as they become available.

In case you missed it, please see Supreme Court Gives Fed 5 Days to Release Emergency Bank Loan Details; An Important Step in the Right Direction

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List