marți, 26 aprilie 2011

Photostream: Behind the Scenes in Early April

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Photostream: Behind the Scenes in Early April 

The White House Photo Office releases their latest batch of behind-the-scenes photos, this time following the President from town halls across the country to the Situation Room to a moment alone reading on the patio outside the Oval Office.

See more photos.

President Barack Obama salutes as he walks to Marine One following a town hall meeting in Fairless Hills, Pa., April 6, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Meeting the Needs of People with Autism
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius discusses the ways the Administration is working to help every American with autism achieve their full potential.

Partners in Sustainability
GSA Administrator Martha Johnson discusses her trip to Seattle, where she met with business leaders to talk about ways the public and private sectors can work together to strengthen our nations clean energy economy

Weekly Address: Stopping Oil Market Fraud, Beginning a Clean Energy Future
The President lays out his plans to address rising gas prices over the short and the long term, from a new task force to root out fraud and manipulation in the oil markets to investments in a clean energy economy.

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing 

10:00 AM: The President receives the Economic Daily Briefing

10:00 AM: White House Forum on Energy Security

11:25 AM: The President is interviewed by WSB Atlanta, WKYC Cleveland, WTKR Hampton Roads, Virginia, and WXYZ Detroit

1:00 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

1:30 PM: White House Forum on Transforming Federal Information Technology (IT) Management

1:40 PM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emriates

2:30 PM: The President holds an expanded bilateral meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates

4:30 PM: The President meets with Secretary of Defense Gates Indicates events that will be live streamed on White

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Seth's Blog : The bully-victim cycle

The bully-victim cycle

A bully acts up in a meeting or in an online forum. He gets called on it and chastised for his behavior.

The bully then calls out the person who cited their behavior in the first place. He twists their words, casts blame and becomes an aggrieved victim.

Often, members of the tribe then respond by backing off, by making amends, by giving the bully another chance.

And soon the cycle continues.

Brands do this, bosses do it and so do passers-by. Being a bully is a choice, and falling for this cycle, permitting it to continue, is a mistake.

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luni, 25 aprilie 2011

Watch Live: The 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, April 25, 2011

Watch Live: The 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll

The 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll is here, and you’re invited! Today, the First Family will host 30,000 people from all 50 states in their backyard for an Easter Egg Hunt and the traditional Easter Egg Rolling, as well as live musical performances, storytime readings, healthy cooking demos, sports and more. This year's theme “Get Up and Go!” focuses on promoting health and wellness, a central part of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative to raise a healthier generation of kids.

Join the First Family and people from around the country for the 133rd White House Easter Egg Roll on

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama boards Air Force One, reflected in one of its engines at left, at Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, Calif., April 22, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Earth Day: The Progress We've Made
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson looks back on progress so far, and looks forward to continued effort to make sure all Americans get the protections and opportunities they need and deserve. A

Statement by President Obama on Syria
President Obama releases a statement on Syria, "condemn[ing] in the strongest possible terms the use of force by the Syrian government against demonstrators."

Protecting Consumers at the Pump: The Oil and Gas Price Fraud Working Group
Attorney General Eric Holder explains what the Obama Administration is doing to identify and address potential cases of fraud and manipulation that may harm families and businesses. This year, one lucky high school will have an unforgettable commencement speaker – President Obama – and we need your help to determine which school it will be.

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing 

10:15 AM: The First Family attends the 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll; The President delivers remarks

11:30 AM: The President meets with his national security team on Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Vice President will participate via teleconference

12:30 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

2:35 PM: The President meets with Attorney General Holder Indicates events that will be live streamed on White

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Seth's Blog : Alignment


Long-term brands and relationships are built on alignment. Here are a few examples ("I" is the royal I, not me in particular):

A perfect relationship: I want your company to help me, and your company wants to help me. We're both focused on helping the same person.

The Walmart relationship: I want the cheapest possible prices and Walmart wants to (actually works hard to) give me the cheapest possible prices. That's why there's little pushback about customer service or employee respect... the goals are aligned.

The Apple relationship: I want Apple to be cool. Apple wants to be cool. That's why there's little pushback on pricing or obsolence or disappointing developers.

The demagogue politician relationship: I will feel more powerful if you get elected and get your way. You will feel more powerful if you get elected and get your way.

The search engine relationship (when it's working): I want to find what I'm looking for. You want me to find what I'm looking for, regardless of the short-term income possibilities.

The Mercedes (formerly Cadillac) relationship: I want a prestige product that reliably delivers an expensive label that's unattainable to many. They want to reliably and consistently charge a lot for a car that sends a message to everyone else.

The farmer's market relationship: I want to eat sustainable foods that make me feel good. You want to grow sustainable foods that make me feel good.

Compare these to the ultimately doomed relationships (if not doomed, then tense) in which goals don't align, relationships where the brand took advantage of an opening but then grows out of the initial deal and wants to change it:

The Dell relationship: I want a cheap, boring, reliable computer. You want to make more profit.

The hip designer relationship: I want the new thing no one else has yet. You want to be around for years.

The search engine relationship (when it doesn't work): I want to find what I'm looking for. You want to distract me and take money to send me places I actually don't want to go.

The reluctant purchaser relationship: I don't want to waste money on something I didn't know I wanted. You want to make a commission.

The troll relationship: I want to laugh at a buffoon who doesn't realize he's making a fool of himself. You want to be respected by the mainstream.

The young actor relationship: I want the fresh-faced young movie star. You want a career that lasts more than a year.

The typical media relationship: I want to see the shows, you want to interrupt with ads.

Alignment isn't something you say. It's something you do. Alignment is demonstrated when you make the tough calls, when you see if the thing that matters the most to you is also the thing that matters the most to the other person.

The tension that comes from misalignment can work for a while, but it's when alignment kicks in that the enterprise really scales.

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duminică, 24 aprilie 2011

Seth's Blog : The opportunity is here

The opportunity is here

At the same time that our economic engines are faltering, something else is happening. Like all revolutions, it happens in fits and starts, without perfection, but it's clearly happening.

The mass market is being replaced by multiple micro markets and the long tail of choice.

Google is connecting buyers and sellers over vaster distances, more efficiently and more cheaply than ever before.

Manufacturing is more of a conceptual hurdle than a practical one.

The exchange of information creates ever more value, while commodity products are ever cheaper. It takes fewer employees to generate more value, make more noise and impact more people.

Most of all is this: every individual, self-employed or with a boss, is now more in charge of her destiny than ever before. The notion of a company town or a stagnant industry with little choice is fading fast.

Right before your eyes, a fundamentally different economy, with different players and different ways to add value is being built. What used to be an essential asset (for a person or for a company) is worth far less, while new attributes are both scarce and valuable.

Are there dislocations? There's no doubt about it. Pain and uncertainty and risk, for sure.

The opportunity, though, is the biggest of our generation (or the last one, for that matter). The opportunity is there for anyone (with or without a job) smart enough to take it--to develop a best in class skill, to tell a story, to spread the word, to be in demand, to satisfy real needs, to run from the mediocre middle and to change everything.

¡Note! Like all revolutions, this is an opportunity, not a solution, not a guarantee. It's an opportunity to poke and experiment and fail and discover dead ends on the way to making a difference. The old economy offered a guarantee--time plus education plus obedience = stability. The new one, not so much. The new one offers a chance for you to take a chance and make an impact.

¡Note! If you're looking for 'how', if you're looking for a map, for a way to industrialize the new era, you've totally missed the point and you will end up disappointed. The nature of the last era was that repetition and management of results increased profits. The nature of this one is the opposite: if someone can tell you precisely what to do, it's too late. Art and novelty and innovation cannot be reliably and successfully industrialized.

In 1924, Walt Disney wrote a letter to Ub Iwerks. Walt was already in Hollywood and he wanted his old friend Ubbe to leave Kansas City and come join him to build an animation studio. The last line of the letter said "PS I wouldn't live in KC now if you gave me the place—yep—you bet—Hooray for Hollywood." And, just above, in larger letters, he scrawled, "Don't hesitate—Do it now."

It's not 1924, and this isn't Hollywood, but it is a revolution, and there's a spot for you (and your boss if you push) if you realize you're capable of making a difference. Or you could be frustrated. Up to you.

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sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2011

Weekly Address: Stopping Oil Market Fraud, Beginning a Clean Energy Future

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Weekly Address: Stopping Oil Market Fraud, Beginning a Clean Energy Future

The President lays out his plans to address rising gas prices over the short and the long term, from a new task force to root out fraud and manipulation in the oil markets to investments in a clean energy economy.

Watch the video.

Weekly Wrap Up

Town Hall x Three: This week, President Obama traveled the country to hold a series of town hall meetings. In Virginia, he stopped by Northern Virginia Community College to talk about the importance of education in a 21st century economy. Then it was on to California, and Facebook headquarters, where he answered questions about fiscal responsibility. On the way back to Washington, the President stopped in Reno, Nevada, to meet with workers who are manufacturing tomorrow's clean energy technologies today.

Celebrating Earth Day: To celebrate Earth Day, Nancy Sutley and Heather Zichal, two of the President's top energy and environment advisers, hosted a live chat on the South Lawn of the White House. launched a special Earth Day page, and the EPA shared stories and video of activities around the country.

Your West Wing Week: "My Old Number, Twenty Three"

A New App for Vets: Teams at VA’s National Center for PTSD and DoD’s National Center for Telehealth and Technology have collaborated to create a mobile app to educate about PTSD, information about professional care, a self-assessment for PTSD, opportunities to find support, and tools that can help with managing the stresses of daily life with PTSD.

Advise the Advisor with Secretary Chu: Secretary Chu addresses your questions from Advise the Adivsor specifically on reducing the amount of oil we import by a third in a little over a decade, along with the need to both increase our domestic energy production and reduce energy waste.

Your Turn: As part of the Race to the Top Commencement Challenge, public high schools around the country submitted an application earlier this year that describe how their school is preparing students for college and a career. We’ve narrowed down the schools to six finalists and now it’s your turn to weigh in. is Joining Forces: Watch the video and join Mrs. Obama, Dr. Biden and to recognize, honor, and support our military families. Visit and learn how you can involved.

Get Up and Go!: On Monday, April 25th, the South Lawn of the White House will play host to the 133rd White House Easter Egg Roll. With this year's theme being "Get Up and Go!," in collaboration with the First Lady's Let's Move! initiative, guests will have the chance to enjoy entertainment and activities that go far beyond the traditional Easter egg hunt and egg roll. Be sure to tune in live on

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Seth's Blog : The realization is now

The realization is now

New polling out this week shows that Americans are frustrated with the world and pessimistic about the future. They're losing patience with the economy, with their prospects, with their leaders (of both parties).

What's actually happening is this: we're realizing that the industrial revolution is fading. The 80 year long run that brought ever-increasing productivity (and along with it, well-paying jobs for an ever-expanding middle class) is ending.

It's one thing to read about the changes the internet brought, it's another to experience them. People who thought they had a valuable skill or degree have discovered that being an anonymous middleman doesn't guarantee job security. Individuals who were trained to comply and follow instructions have discovered that the deal is over... and it isn't their fault, because they've always done what they were told.

This isn't fair of course. It's not fair to train for years, to pay your dues, to invest in a house or a career and then suddenly see it fade.

For a while, politicians and organizations promised that things would get back to normal. Those promises aren't enough, though, and it's clear to many that this might be the new normal. In fact, it is the new normal.

I regularly hear from people who say, "enough with this conceptual stuff, tell me how to get my factory moving, my day job replaced, my consistent paycheck restored..." There's an idea that somehow, if we just do things with more effort or skill, we can go back to the Brady Bunch and mass markets and mediocre products that pay off for years. It's not an idea, though, it's a myth.

Some people insist that if we focus on "business fundamentals" and get "back to basics," all will return. Not so. The promise that you can get paid really well to do precisely what your boss instructs you to do is now a dream, no longer a reality.

It takes a long time for a generation to come around to significant revolutionary change. The newspaper business, the steel business, law firms, the car business, the record business, even computers... one by one, our industries are being turned upside down, and so quickly that it requires us to change faster than we'd like.

It's unpleasant, it's not fair, but it's all we've got. The sooner we realize that the world has changed, the sooner we can accept it and make something of what we've got. Whining isn't a scalable solution.

Tomorrow: part II—the opportunity

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