luni, 2 mai 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Optimizing Your Google Places Page

Posted: 01 May 2011 02:03 PM PDT

Posted by Geoff Kenyon

 As increasing number of searches have local intent behind them, Google is showing Places listings in many more SERPs. This presents an opportunity to either gain a spot on the first page for many businesses or to gain more space on the first page for companies already ranking on the first page. Here are five things that I’ve seen impact rankings in Google Places.

Completeness & Consistency

There are several fields to fill out when creating or editing and some of them may not seem like they are really necessary. Google wants to give users the best experience possible; in most circumstances the user will have a better experience if there is more information present on the Places page. This means not only filling out the required text fields but also the optional ones:
  • Email address
  • Website
  • Description
  • Categories
Further, you should make sure the hours are accurate, that you have filled out additional details, as well as uploading photos and videos of your business. While these may seem auxiliary, they all count towards profile completeness and should be submitted. When filling out your profile, be as thorough as possible, doing much more than the minimum required.
Think about it like being back in in school and writing a paper; you'll pass doing the minimum set forth but a little extra effort can go a long way. Don't fill out some of the extra details, fill them all out; and don't just add one photo, add several photos.
Additionally, it is important to make sure that this information is consistent across all your different citations. Accuracy across all, or almost all, citation sources helps associate trust with a Places page. If you are looking for citation sources, Get Listed has a good overview of local citation sources.


As with traditional SEO, having your keywords in the right places is important for ranking while stuffing keywords in the wrong places will make you look like a spammer. Avoid placing your keywords in the business name (unless the keyword is part of your business name) and the business categories. Both of these will bring the wrath of Google upon you and end up with your Places page removed.
Do make an effort to strategically use your keywords in your description. Don't keyword stuff, but word your description carefully and use your primary keyword phrases.

Service Area

Specifying a service area is a great idea for many businesses that come to you such as tutors, maids, and handymen. If you are unfamiliar with the service area option, it is simply being able to set an area that your business serves rather than specifying an address for your company; it will show up on the map as a circle rather than a pinpoint. The problem is that we have seen a decrease in rankings when businesses have selected to display a service area rather than their business location. While I hope this is something that Google changes in the future and it becomes a viable option for business, but in the meantime, stay away from the service area feature.

Encouraging Reviews

Reviews are one of the best ways to increase your local search rankings but good reviews can be difficult to come by as it seems the only folks motivated to write up a review feel they have been treated unfairly. While you can’t incentivize reviews (Google calls this a conflict of interest), you might try some of the following:
  • Send a message to your Facebook fans or email list and ask them to leave a review at your Google Place page
  • If you send out follow up, or reminder, post cards (such as many dentists) incorporate a call to action to review your business
  • Put a call to action (and link) asking for a review on your web site
  • Display a sign by your cash register or hand them a flier with their receipt asking for a review

Make sure to make the process as easy as possible, provide a link to your Places page and give detailed instructions on what they need to do leave a review.

Bulk Uploads

While the idea of bulk uploads, creating multiple places pages (10+) at a time by uploading a data file to Google, is a godsend for many companies with franchises or several locations, it can be a long process to get the listings approved. There are a few things you should keep in mind when you are doing a bulk upload:
Brand Name in the Title
While this might be the only option for companies like Pagliacci Pizza, a Seattle Pizza chain, where all of the locations have the same name, some businesses have names that vary by the individual performing the work or by the location (such as West Coast Athletic Clubs, which own several athletic clubs operated under different names). For businesses doing an upload for branches with different names, make sure the parent company name is incorporated
Aggressive Keyword Placement
Putting keywords in places they don’t belong, such as the business name, categories, or keyword stuffing the description, is a surefire way to get your entire bulk upload denied. If you have a lot of different listings always err on the side of caution here.
Unique New York
If all of your listings have the same contact information, you are going to run into trouble. Make sure that all of these listings are as unique, differentiated, and complete as possible. In particular, make sure that the following are all different:
  • Phone numbers (and make sure they are a local area code)
  • Contact emails
  • Addresses (this should be a no-brainer)
  • Description – make this unique to the location
  • Categories/extra fields – if anything varies by location, you should note it.
  • Website – if you have different URLs for different locations, use the specific URL for the location instead of the root (don’t worry, only the root will be displayed).
 After you have gone through all of the work to create good listings, don't forget you need to verify your listings.
Please share any tips for local search that you've learned in the comments.
If you want to learn more about local SEO, I recommend the following these folks on twitter and reading their blogs:
Other Local Resources:

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Osama bin Laden Dead

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden Dead

Last night, President Obama addressed the Nation to announce that the United States has killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda. Watch or read his full remarks, and learn more from the transcript of the White House briefing call afterwards.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

“The President’s Speech” at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner
President Obama speaks at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, offering a sneak peak of a sequel to the film the King’s Speech that touches close to home.

Public Service Recognition Week
United States Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry kicks off Public Service Recognition Week, a time to thank professional public servants. In a video message, First Lady Michelle Obama thanks Federal employees.

Weekly Address: Ending Taxpayer Subsidies for Oil Companies
At a time of high gas prices and massive oil industry profits, the President renews his call to end the $4 billion-per-year subsidies for oil and gas companies and invest in clean energy.

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:15 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:45 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

11:55 AM: The President awards Private First Class Anthony T. Kaho'ohanohano, U.S. Army, and Private First Class Henry Svehla, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry; the First Lady also attends

1:00 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

4:00 PM: First Lady Michelle Obama speaks at the Run Across America Event

8:15 PM: The President and the First Lady host a group of bipartisan leaders and ranking members and their spouses for a dinner; the Vice President and Dr. Biden also attend  Indicates events that will be live streamed on White

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Seth's Blog : On the day everyone is pleased...

On the day everyone is pleased...

On that day, the day that everyone notices your work, approves and lets you know, then what will happen?

We spend an incredible amount of time and psychic energy planning and working for that day, but why? It will never arrive, and even if it does, it's not clear that anything special happens.

Perhaps the approval of every person in the entire world doesn't need to be the goal of your work.


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duminică, 1 mai 2011

Seth's Blog : A game theory of NFL negotiations

A game theory of NFL negotiations

Off topic here, a bonus post for those that might be interested:

When two sides are negotiating over something that spoils forever if it doesn't get shipped, there's a straightforward way to increase the value of a settlement. Think of it as the net present value of a stream of football...

Any Sunday the NFL doesn't play, the money is gone forever. You can't make up for it later by selling more football--that money is gone. The owners don't get it, the players don't get it, the networks don't get it, no one gets it.

The solution: While the lockout/strike/dispute is going on, keep playing. And put all the profit/pay in an escrow account. Week after week, the billions and billions of dollars pile up. The owners see it, the players see it, no one gets it until there's a deal.

Seeing and counting money you don't get to touch is a very different story than merely imagining the money you didn't get to touch, money that's gone forever... Change the story, change behavior.

The alternative (if you don't do this) is that down the road, instead of announcing a deal where everyone gets a windfall, you are forced to announce a deal where everyone already starts way behind where they would have been in the first place. That money is gone forever, no one gets it back. The problem with the game of chicken is that someone has to lose.

I'm not even a football fan, but this seems like a clear way to both maximize value and minimize the damage to all those involved. Especially players with short careers and those fans with nothing to do on Sunday afternoons.


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Seth's Blog : The $20,000 phone call

The $20,000 phone call

When a homeowner decides to put his house on sale and calls a broker...

When he calls the moving company...

When a family arrives in town and calls someone recommended as the family doctor...

When a wealthy couple calls their favorite fancy restaurant looking for a reservation...

Go down the list. Stockbrokers, even hairdressers. And not just people who recently moved. When a new referral shows up, all that work and expense, and then the phone rings and it gets answered by your annoyed, overworked, burned out, never very good at it anyway receptionist, it all falls apart.

What is the doctor thinking when she allows her neither pleasant nor interested in new patients receptionist to answer the phone?


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sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011

Oil subsidies, gas prices and you

The White House, Washington

Good morning,

This week, as gas prices hit four dollars a gallon, oil companies like ExxonMobil announced skyrocketing profits -- while still receiving billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies.

There's something wrong with this picture, and in this video President Obama outlines the steps we're taking to make it right:

Watch the Video

A few weeks ago, I emailed you about rising gas prices, and I want to give you a quick update on three important steps:

  • Ending oil and gas subsidies. Oil companies are receiving $4 billion a year in taxpayer subsidies that don't make sense and that we can't afford. That's why President Obama has called on Democrats and Republicans in Congress to stop subsidizing the oil and gas industry so that we can afford to invest in the clean energy economy of tomorrow.
  • Stopping oil market fraud. Last week, Attorney General Eric Holder announced a working group focused on rooting out the cases of fraud in the oil markets that might affect gas prices (the President discussed this in his Weekly Address last Saturday).
  • Reducing our dependence on oil. Stepping back to look at the bigger picture, President Obama recently unveiled his Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future that set a goal of reducing our imports of foreign oil by a third in a little over a decade. To do this we have to increase our domestic energy production, reduce our demand for oil by building cleaner, more efficient vehicles, and fully utilize alternatives to oil in the transportation sector like natural gas and advanced biofuels.

These are difficult issues to tackle, and it's going to take all of us working together to move forward. For years, politicians in Washington have kicked this problem down the road, but we simply cannot afford the price of inaction any longer.


David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President


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Seth's Blog : Dreams, princesses and the Disney-industrial complex

Dreams, princesses and the Disney-industrial complex

"Like a dream come true"

Choose your dreams carefully.

Everyone is entitled to a dream. It gives us hope, focuses our energy, makes us human.

Sometimes, though, we get sold a dream instead of creating our own.

Is it really every girl's dream to become a princess, to be chosen by someone of royal birth and to have a $34 million wedding? Or is that the Disney-industrial complex betraying you, selling you short?

I just read that the folks who brought us the Mall of America are going to redo the troubled Xanadu shopping complex in New Jersey and rename it The American Dream. Is this the best we can do? Shop?

Dreams are too important to sell cheap, to give over to some organization trying to make a buck.

Catherine Casey chose a different dream--to move to Accra on her own to build an outpost of the Acumen Fund. It's a dream that scales, that pays dividends, and most of all, that she can make come true.

It's so easy to be sold on the combination of compliance, consumption and approval by the powers that be. Of course, you're entitled to any dream you like, but I hope you will choose a bigger one.


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