miercuri, 18 mai 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Brazilian Prisons

Posted: 18 May 2011 02:08 PM PDT

Brazilian prisons are notorious for their overcrowding, corruption, voilence and torture. For many years Human Rights groups have cited overcrowding as being the cause of many of the brutal riots in Brazillian prisons and report that it has now reached 'inhuman levels'.

Medical care for detainees, including those with terminal illness or severe disability, is generally inadequate or non-existent. HIV is reported to effect as many as 1 in ever 7 prisoners, with many more being infected with other sexually transmitted and/or bad hygene related diseases.

Prisoners have complained of being routinely beaten and subjected to methods of torture including the "parrot's perch" (suspension by the legs and arms from a metal bar), near- asphyxiation and electric shocks.

Let's take a look inside a Brazilian prison. It looks even worse than Sona in "Prison Break" series.

Image Source: tt.mop.com

Related Posts:
5 Star Prison in Austria
Life Inside a Women's Prison
German Brothel vs German Prison
One of the World's Largest Prison System
Life Inside a Women's Prison in Afghanistan
Norway's Incredibly Luxurious Halden Prison

Epic Fails - Part 13

Posted: 18 May 2011 12:49 PM PDT

It's оk tо mаke mistаkes аs lоng аs yоu fail thе funny way. This nеw selection оf hilarious аnd thе mоst notable fails will keep yоu еntertained.

Previous parts:
Epic Fails - Part 1
Epic Fails - Part 2
Epic Fails - Part 3
Epic Fails - Part 4
Epic Fails - Part 5
Epic Fails - Part 6
Epic Fails - Part 7
Epic Fails - Part 8
Epic Fails - Part 9
Epic Fails - Part 10
Epic Fails - Part 11
Epic Fails - Part 12

Extreme Weight Loss

Posted: 18 May 2011 12:08 PM PDT

It's hard to believe but this girl lost more than 111 lbs (50 kg) over one year. She used to weigh 214 lbs (93 kg), then she went to 103 lbs (47 kg) and realized that this weight loss was to extreme for her and she looks very skinny and unhealthy. So now she is trying to gain back some weight.

Obama Corrects ‘Obama bin Laden’ Slip

Posted: 17 May 2011 10:56 PM PDT

Barack Obama quickly corrected a slipup about his name Monday at the Associated Press' annual luncheon in Washington, DC.

Dean Singleton, board chair of the Associated Press and a longtime newspaper executive, asked Obama about the possibility of shifting troops into Afghanistan to fight against the al Qaeda leader.

Real-Life Locations in ‘Fallout: New Vegas’ Video Game

Posted: 17 May 2011 09:54 PM PDT

London copywriter Chris Worth, inspired by the futuristic role-playing game Fallout: New Vegas, set out to explore the Mojave Desert and discover just how close to reality the game really is.

Source: falloutnewvegastour

Nominate an Everyday Hero for the Citizens Medal

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nominate an Everyday Hero for the Citizens Medal

President Obama is asking for nominations for the 2011 Citizens Medal, our nation's second-highest civilian honor. If you know someone who has performed exemplary deeds of service outside of their regular jobs, be sure to nominate him or her before May 30, 2011.

Learn more about the Citizens Medal and submit your nomination.

Photo of the Day 

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

President Obama & King Abdullah II of Jordan Discuss Libya, Israel and Palestine and Change in the Middle East
President Obama welcomes His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan.

The Truth About Waivers: Protecting Coverage for Millions of Americans
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is taking action to ensure that workers are able to maintain their existing health insurance.

Protecting Families at the Pump and Expanding Responsible Domestic Oil Production
Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, discusses the Administration’s policies to support safe and responsible domestic oil and gas production.

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

8:30 AM: The President departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base

8:50 AM: The President departs Andrews Air Force Base en route New London, Connecticut

10:00 AM: The President arrives in New London, Connecticut

11:30 AM: The President delivers the commencement address at the United States Coast Guard Academy WhiteHouse.gov/live

4:00 PM: The Vice President meets with Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham

4:10 PM: The President departs New London, Connecticut en route Boston, Massachusetts

4:45 PM: The President arrives Boston, Massachusetts

6:15 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DNC event

8:25 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DNC event

9:55 PM: The President departs Boston, Massachusetts en route Andrews Air Force Base

11:15 PM: The President arrives at Andrews Air Force Base

11:30 PM: The President arrives at the White House

WhiteHouse.gov/live   Indicates events that will be live streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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Chasing Keywords vs Chasing Conversions Graywolf's SEO Blog

Chasing Keywords vs Chasing Conversions Graywolf's SEO Blog

Chasing Keywords vs Chasing Conversions

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:18 AM PDT

Post image for Chasing Keywords vs Chasing Conversions

One of the first questions that I like to talk with new clients about are their keywords: what are the keywords they want to rank for and why. The answers are consistently surprising.

Client: We want to rank for terms “x,y, and z.”
Me: Are those your best converting keywords?
Client: Well, I’m not really sure, but they do have the most search volume.
Me: You don’t really care about search volume unless you sell CPM based advertising. You really want to know which keywords convert the best and go after those first.

This can often be a big friction point because egoes come into play whenever you talk about vanity keywords. Agencies are notorious for telling clients what they want to hear and letting them dictate a course doomed to fail. Affiliates, on the other hand, usually have a better handle on this concept. If these pages don’t convert into sales, they don’t get paid, so they tend to chase conversion-centric keywords.

If you are merchant and you “own the cart,” you really should be using your own custom solution. Track the original keyword that a customer used to reach your website and write it into a cookie. When they complete a transaction (or other desired event), write it to the database. Then on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, run a report on those numbers.

If you don’t “own the cart,” then you are stuck with an analytics solution. The key thing to remember is that a data driven cart is always going to be more accurate than any analytics. No, I don’t care who your analytics provider is or how much you are paying per month. Web analytics is always going to be a guesstimate. Some guesstimates will always be better than others–but they will still be guesstimates, no matter how fancy the Ajax driven reporting is.

So the question is: are you chasing keywords for visibility, or are you chasing them for conversions?

tla starter kit

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  1. Are You Chasing Off Topic Traffic When your blog or website becomes successful and starts to...
  2. Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords I’ve been spending some quality time with Raven Tools, and...
  3. Cash Keywords Free Offer Recap Cash Keywords offered a list of free high paying keywords...
  4. Free High Paying Keywords from Threadwatch If you’re a player in the search engine field, and...
  5. Targeting Keywords versus Targeting Traffic In the olden days of SEO it was all about...


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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Chasing Keywords vs Chasing Conversions



Keyword Research – SMX Advanced London 2011 Presentation by Kevin Gibbons

Posted: 17 May 2011 02:34 PM PDT

Seth's Blog : The privilege of being wrong

The privilege of being wrong

When you are truly living on the edge, walking on the moon, perhaps, or caught in the grip of extreme poverty--there's no room at all for error. It's a luxury you can't afford.

For the rest of us, though, there's a cushion. Being wrong isn't fatal, it's merely something we'd prefer to avoid. We have the privilage of being wrong. Not being wrong on purpose, of course, but wrong as a cost on the way to being right.

As you gain resources, the act of being wrong goes from being fatal to annoying to a precious opportunity, something that you've earned. You won't advance your cause or discover new truths if you're obsessed with being right all the time--and so the best way to compound your advantage and accomplish even more than you already have is to set out (with relish) to be as open to wrong as often as you can afford to be.


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Seth's Blog : Who is making you uncomfortable?

Who is making you uncomfortable?

Who looks you in the eye and says, "given your skills, you could do better..."

"You have enough leverage to really make a difference."

"What would happen if you doubled the amount you donated?"

"Could you set aside the fear and go faster?"

"I know you're holding back..."

It takes love and kindness and confidence to bring the truth to a friend you care about. If you're insulating yourself from these conversations, who benefits?


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