luni, 30 mai 2011

Thanks to This Month’s Sponsors May 2011 Graywolf's SEO Blog

Thanks to This Month’s Sponsors May 2011 Graywolf's SEO Blog

Thanks to This Month’s Sponsors May 2011

Posted: 30 May 2011 07:44 AM PDT

Post image for Thanks to This Month’s Sponsors May 2011

I’d like to say thanks to the people who sponsored the blog this month, without them there wouldn’t be regular posts here.

Text Link Ads – New customers can get $100 in free text links. – Get a premier listing in the internet’s oldest directory. Regional Directory – Check to see if your website is listed!

Directory Journal – Get permanent deep links in a search engine friendly directory

Link Building – Backlink Build offers 45 PR5+ Backlinks for $295.

Interested in seeing your message here? There are banner and RSS advertising options available find out more information. Be sure to check out our new Sponsored post option.

Blam Ads – Content locking can help you make more money with your website


Here’s a list of some other programs and products I reccomend

Thesis Theme for WordPress – Hands down the best theme on the market right now, read my Thesis Theme for WordPress Review.

Scribe SEO – Improve your blog posts with this easy to use built in tool, read my Scribe SEO Review.

KnowEm – Protect your brand, product or company name with a continually growing list of social media sites, read an Interview with Michael Streko.

Links From PR9 Sites – - Get In Top 3 Google ASAP
LinkWheel SEO – Get Web 2.0 Backlinks
TigerTech – Great Web Hosting service at a great price, read my Tiger Tech Review.
Creative Commons License photo credit: *Micky

tla starter kit

Related posts:

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  4. Thanks to this Months Sponsors – June 2009 I’d like to say thanks to the people who sponsored...
  5. Thanks to this Months Sponsors – August 2009 I’d like to say thanks to the people who sponsored...


  1. Text Link Ads - New customers can get $100 in free text links.
  2. - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest directory.
  3. Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!
  4. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  5. Link Building- Backlink Build offers 45 PR5+ Backlinks for $295
  6. Directory Journal - Get permanent deep links in a search engine friendly directory
  7. LinkWheel SEO - Get Web 2.0 Backlinks
  8. Links From PR9 Sites - - Get In Top 3 Google ASAP
  9. TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Thanks to This Month’s Sponsors May 2011

Serving Those Who Serve Us

The White House, Washington

Good morning,

This Memorial Day, First Lady Michelle Obama and I are asking our fellow citizens to honor the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed so much for our country by supporting our military families and veterans.

Will you join me in sending a note of thanks to our military families? You can submit your message on

Send Your Message of Thanks
Our military families are true American heroes: they are parents who raise their kids alone while their spouse is deployed overseas, they are the grandparents who provide much needed support, and they are military kids who work hard in school while bravely awaiting their mom or dad's return from deployment. They serve our country bravely and without asking for recognition for their sacrifices.

That's why the First Lady and I started Joining Forces, a national initiative to recognize, honor and support our military families.

As a military mom, I know that a simple act of kindness can make a difference in the lives of our military families and veterans. Whether you offer to babysit or carpool, or just take a moment to say thank you, everyone can do something to support our service members and their families.

We are working with employers, with communities, with faith leaders, with schools and so many others. We can all join forces.

At you'll find lots of ways to get involved. You can find service opportunities in your area, send a message of support to military families, or tell us your own story of service:

To all of our men and women in uniform, our veterans and our military families: thank you, we are so grateful for your commitment and sacrifice.



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Seth's Blog : Agency


A door is not responsible if it swings and hits you in the nose. Neither is the hand of the guy who punched you.

Philosphers and lawyers talk about agency. Responsibility comes with the capacity to act in the world. If you can decide, if you can act, you have agency.

Life without agency would be a nightmare. Trapped in a box, unable to do anything by choice, nothing but a puppet...

Why then, do organizations and individuals struggle so intently to avoid the responsibility that comes with agency? "It's not my job, my boss won't let me, there's a federal regulation, we're prohibited, it's our supplier, that's our policy..."

It's not something you can turn on or off. Either you have the capacity to act in the world. Or you don't.


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duminică, 29 mai 2011

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Panic Capital Flight in Greece, Depositors Yank 1.5 Billion Euros in 2 Days;EU Wants Severe Bail-Out Conditions Including International Tax Collection

Posted: 29 May 2011 11:18 PM PDT

Courtesy of Google translate please consider They lifted 1.5 billion Thursday and Friday from banks
Only a few steps separating from Friday to yesterday's mass panic! From early morning to counter the banks there is serious pressure for withdrawals of deposits, especially small amounts. The pressure on banks began last Wednesday, culminating in yesterday's day.

It is significant that Thursday and Friday, banking sources estimate that rose around 1.5 billion euros in total! According to the same month in May estimated the outflow estimated at least 4 billion from 2 billion in April.

The majority of depositors rushed to withdraw for pensioners and small savers and amounts ranging from 2-3000 lifted until 10 -15 000 euros. Motivation in most cases it was the fear that led the country into bankruptcy, deposits frozen even temporarily left without cash, or even lose their savings.

Politicians do not seem to fully understand the risks posed by a widespread panic, not only for the stability of the banking system but for the economy and the country.
EU Requests Severe Bail-Out Conditions Including International Tax Collection

The Financial Times reports Greece set for severe bail-out conditions
European leaders are negotiating a deal that would lead to unprecedented outside intervention in the Greek economy, including international involvement in tax collection and privatisation of state assets, in exchange for new bail-out loans for Athens.

People involved in the talks said the package would also include incentives for private holders of Greek debt voluntarily to extend Athens' repayment schedule, as well as another round of austerity measures.

Officials warned, however, that almost every element of the new package faced significant opposition from at least one of the governments and institutions involved in the current negotiations and a deal could still unravel.

In the latest setback, the Greek government failed on Friday to win cross-party agreement on the new austerity measures, which European Union lenders have insisted is a prerequisite to another bail-out.

Officials think Greece will be unable to return to the financial markets to raise money on its own in March – as originally planned in the current €110bn package – meaning that the IMF is now forbidden from distributing any additional cash. Without the IMF funds, eurozone governments would either be forced to fill the gap or Athens could default.
30,000 Protest in Greece

Courtesy of Google Translate More than 30,000 Greeks in Athens take center inspired by the protests of Spain

Some 30,000 people, police said, more as protesters have gone to the streets Sunday in Athens to protest the Greek political class. The demonstration has been called through social networks, as well as in Spain, and the participants cited the movement as a reference 15M.

"We've had enough. The politicians are laughing at us. If things continue like this, our future will be very hard," said one of demonstrators gathered outside the headquarters of the Greek Parliament in Syntagma Square, while his teammates chanted "Thieves, thieves!".

This is the fifth day of protests in Syntagma Square and this time they have been joined by a Spanish group who wanted to express solidarity with the merger.

"People were outraged, but needed motivation to express themselves. The Spanish have given us that motivation," said Argyrou Iphigenia, an insurance agent, told Reuters. "We're not asleep. We are awake. The IMF must go. There are solutions without them," he argued.
Is it any wonder people are yanking money out of Greek banks? How long before a bank freeze?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Who's the Bigger Socialist, President Obama or the Socialist Prime Ministers from Greece and Spain?

Posted: 29 May 2011 08:49 PM PDT

Courtesy of Google Translate More than 30,000 Greeks in Athens take center inspired by the protests of Spain
Some 30,000 people, police said, more as protesters have gone to the streets Sunday in Athens to protest the Greek political class. The demonstration has been called through social networks, as well as in Spain, and the participants cited the movement as a reference 15M.

"We've had enough. The politicians are laughing at us. If things continue like this, our future will be very hard," said one of demonstrators gathered outside the headquarters of the Greek Parliament in Syntagma Square, while his teammates chanted "Thieves, thieves!".

This is the fifth day of protests in Syntagma Square and this time they have been joined by a Spanish group who wanted to express solidarity with the merger.

"People were outraged, but needed motivation to express themselves. The Spanish have given us that motivation," said Argyrou Iphigenia, an insurance agent, told Reuters. "We're not asleep. We are awake. The IMF must go. There are solutions without them," he argued.
The above link thanks to Bran who lives in Spain. Bran has been sending me links every day for a year. Here is the original link in Spanish: Más de 30.000 griegos toman el centro de Atenas inspirados por las protestas de España

Socialist PMs Selling State Owned Assets, Committed to Anti-Union Reforms

The most amazing thing to me is how socialists in Spain and Greece are committed to selling off state owned assets and property while embarking on a path of reform that is 180 degrees removed from socialism.

Reform is much needed of course but unions protest every step of the way, just as has happened in the US, notably Madison, Wisconsin.

As it sits now, President Obama is a far bigger socialist in practice than either the Prime Minister of Greece, George Papandreou (representing the Panhellenic Socialist Movement party) or José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Prime Minister of Spain (representing the Spanish Socialist Workers Party).

The issue in Europe is whether everything blows sky high before reform takes hold. Given the payback from reform is measured in years, not months, the bond market continues to bet on default.

At the moment, socialist Prime Ministers in Greece and Spain are committed to reform. In the US, president Obama remains committed to the socialist policies that destroyed Greece and Spain.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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French President Says Bondholders Must Share Greek Pain; Greece Mulls Setting up Bad Bank; Lagarde Says Greece Needs "Support" Not Restructuring

Posted: 29 May 2011 11:28 AM PDT

Christine Lagarde, French finance minister, fully cements her appointment as next IMF Chief, toes the previous IMF line with a nonsensical statement: Greece Needs 'Support' Instead of Debt Restructuring
Christine Lagarde, French finance minister and a candidate to head the International Monetary Fund, said Greece needs "support" and its debt shouldn't be restructured.

"It's essential that we retain a balance," Lagarde said today on Europe 1 radio. "Greece has made significant efforts and we have to support those efforts," she said.
Soft Default

Support, Reprofiling, soft restructuring, and restructuring all mean the same thing: default. As long as everyone is tossing out words to hide the obvious, the words "soft default" have still not been claimed.

Der Speigel Claims Greece Missed All Financial Targets

Via Google translate, please consider EU threatens Greece with funding freeze
Hamburg - It is a clear warning to the Greek government: Because of the lack of pace of reform, the European Union, the payment of the next loan tranche to Greece in question.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is considering the words of Prime Minister of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker , the planned transfer to refuse June. "Over the next installment we will decide according to the report of the troika," said Rehn, adding: ". The situation is very serious"

The team of experts from the European Central Bank , IMF and EU Commission, the economic and fiscal condition of Greece examined the will, according to information obtained by SPIEGEL, in its quarterly report on an alarming finding: Greece miss all agreed fiscal targets
For those who can read German, here is the original link: EU droht Griechenland mit Zahlungsstopp

IMF Denies Greece Missed Targets

The IMF and Greek Finance Minister responded to Der Speigel report with Talks Continuing, Targets Not Missed
Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said talks with European Union and International Monetary Fund officials in Athens were still under way, denying reports the team had said Greece has missed its targets.

"The talks are continuing and will wind up in the next few days," Papaconstantinou said in a phone interview with Greece's Mega TV channel. "I have every reason to believe they will end positively for our country and that we will receive the fifth tranche."

Papaconstantinou spoke to Mega after the TV channel reported unnamed IMF sources as saying the country had missed targets in a review under way under the 110 billion-euro ($157 billion) EU-led bailout. Greece is subject to quarterly reviews by a team of officials from the EU, IMF and European Central Bank before each payment of loans under the bailout.

The minister said Mega's report and another cited by Mega in German magazine Der Spiegel were inaccurate as the inspection hadn't finished and no report had been written.
Greece Mulls Setting Up "Bad Bank"

Not that it will accomplish anything useful in regards to avoiding default, MSNBC reports Greece mulls setting up Spanish-style "bad bank"
Greece is considering setting up a Spanish-style "bad bank" to clean up its lenders' accounts from "toxic" Greek bonds and make them more attractive to potential buyers, a Greek paper reported on Sunday.

A 'bad bank', formed to hold risky assets owned by a state guaranteed bank, could be set up to absorb the risky Greek bonds held by state-controlled lenders slated for privatization, such as the Savings Post Bank, To Vima said.

"With problematic, Spanish savings banks (cajas) as a model, the finance ministry is examining proposals to implement the idea in the country," it said, without citing any sources.

Spain's Bankia, created from the merger of seven cajas, said last month it would create such a unit in a bid to attract investors ahead of a stock market listing.

Greek banks are believed to hold roughly 50 billion euros of Greece's outstanding sovereign bonds. The bonds have lost much of their nominal value in the wake of the Greek debt crisis, while a possible Greek debt restructuring could mean additional losses for the lenders.
Bondholders Must Share Greek Pain

Interestingly, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is now at odds with his finance minister, Christine Lagarde, over the need to restructure.

The Independent reports Bondholders must share Greek pain, says Sarkozy
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said bondholders need to share the burden of solving Greece's fiscal woes, following leaders in Germany and Luxembourg in raising the prospect of restructuring Greek debt.

Mr Sarkozy called for a "formula" involving investors, adding to talk that Europe might engineer an extension of Greece's debt-repayment schedule or press bondholders to buy new bonds as old ones mature.

"Restructuring is a poorly used word," Mr Sarkozy told reporters yesterday after a G8 summit in Deauville, France. "If it means that we can think of ways for the private sector, private operators, to take on a share of the burden, it's not restructuring at all; then there are formulas, there is no problem, and we should then converge in that direction."

Greek 10-year bonds trade at less than 55c on the euro, a sign of investors' diminishing expectations of being repaid in full.

Greek leaders meeting in Athens last night failed to agree on Prime Minister George Papandreou's new austerity plan. Conservative leader Antonis Samaras rejected the measures, saying they would "flatten the Greek economy and destroy Greek society".

In his first comments on a potential Greek restructuring, Mr Sarkozy gave no timeline for talks on pushing bondholders to take losses in Greece. A planned permanent European rescue fund would mandate some form of "private sector involvement" as of mid-2013.
No Problem?

Excuse me, but all three rating agencies said that any extension of Greek debt would be considered a default and trigger CDS contracts.

Back of Irish Government Will Crack

Think this crisis can be postponed to mid-2013? Including Ireland and Portugal?

I don't nor does Nouriel Roubini. The article continues ...
For now, economists including Nouriel Roubini estimate that Greece has a financing hole of about €60bn over the next two years.

Meanwhile, Ireland may be plunged into a "disastrous" sovereign debt crisis within three years as the cost of rescuing its banks mounts, Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the global financial crisis, said.

"Eventually the back of the government is going to crack" by "taking all the huge losses of the banking system," said Mr Roubini at a conference in Budapest yesterday.

The approach will "lead us with almost near certainty to a sovereign debt crisis in Ireland in a matter of two or three years".

"Eventually we're going to have a sovereign debt crisis that's going to be disastrous for Ireland and for the eurozone," Mr Roubini said.
Eventually will arrive sooner, rather than later.

Indeed, I would not be surprised if this crisis blew sky high within weeks or even days. That said, perhaps there is one more rabbit in the hat. There always seems to be.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Yemen Coastal Town Falls to Al Qaeda

Posted: 29 May 2011 10:20 AM PDT

The New York Times reports Militant Group Tightens Grip on Coastal Town in Yemen
An Al Qaeda group tightened its grip on a Yemeni coastal town on Sunday while a truce was holding in the capital city of Sana after nearly a week of deadly street fighting.

Opposition leaders claimed that President Ali Abdullah Saleh had allowed the city of Zinjibar, on the Gulf of Aden, to fall to the militants in order to raise alarm in the region that would in turn translate to support for the president.

Armed men believed to be from Al Qaeda appeared to have full control of Zinjibar, in the province of Abyan.

Also on Sunday, a breakaway military group called for other army units to join them in the fight to bring down President Ali Abdullah Saleh, piling pressure on him to end his three-decade rule.

"Security withdrew and left the city of Zinjibar to armed Islamic elements that looted government institutions," Ali Dahams, a leftist opposition official in Abyan province, said. Opposition groups have said they could do a better job of containing al Qaeda than the president.

In Sana, pedestrians and cars returned to streets where pitched battles during nearly a week of fighting killed at least 115 people.

The latest violence, pitting Mr. Saleh's forces against members of the powerful Hashed tribe led by Sadeq al-Ahmar, was the bloodiest since pro-democracy unrest erupted in January and was sparked by Mr. Saleh's refusal to sign a power transfer deal.

Forces loyal to Mr. Ahmar handed back control of a government building to mediators as part of the cease-fire deal, witnesses said. It was the first building seized by the tribesmen that was handed back as part of the truce intended to normalize life in Sana, where fighting with machine-guns, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars prompted thousands of residents to flee.
For years the US openly supported the corrupt regime in Yemen. What did it get us? Now Yemen is in financial and moral ruin and an alleged Al Qaeda group holds a city on the Gulf of Aden.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Seth's Blog : All economics is local

All economics is local

The media tries to report on the world economy or the national economy, or even the economy in Detroit or LA. This is easy to talk about, statistically driven and apparently important to everyone.

Alas, this has virtually nothing to do with your day, your job and your approach to the market. That's because geography isn't as important as it used to be, but more than that, it has to do with the fact that you don't sell to everyone, and the economy is unevenly distributed.

If the unemployment rate in your industry doesn't match the national numbers, the national numbers don't matter so much.

At the largest Lexus dealer in New Jersey, they're sold out of many models, with a waiting list. In some towns in Missouri, the unemployment rate is twice what it is in your town. In the tech industry, the rate you can charge for developing killer social apps on a tablet is high and going up.

Economics used to be stuck in town. Now, as markets and industries transcend location, useful economic stats describe the state of the people you're working with and selling to.

If your segment is stuck, it might make sense to stick it out. It also might be worth thinking about the cost of moving to a different economy.


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sâmbătă, 28 mai 2011

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Political Pandering by Mitt Romney in Iowa Regarding Ethanol from Corn

Posted: 28 May 2011 10:33 PM PDT

In contrast to what many believe, I do not support political parties. I support and vehemently defend policies that make sense, and attack those that don't.

In case you did not know that, I am going to surprise you with a blast of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney who is pandering to the Iowa farmers with a message "I Support the Subsidy of Ethanol".
On his first trip back to the nation's first voting state as a soon-to-be declared presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney reaffirmed his support for federal ethanol subsidies -- an always important campaign issue in Iowa that figures to take on an even more central role in the divided GOP field.

"I support the subsidy of ethanol," Romney told a potential voter after an event here was cut short by a fire alarm. "I believe ethanol is an important part of our energy solution in this country."

Support for ethanol subsidies has long been considered a political necessity for candidates who want to succeed in the Iowa caucuses, but former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty tested that maxim on Monday during his official campaign announcement here.

"The truth about federal energy subsidies, including federal subsidies for ethanol, is that they have to be phased out," Pawlenty said. "We need to do it gradually. We need to do it fairly. But we need to do it."

Pawlenty was widely praised in fiscally conservative circles for taking a stance against the subsidies, which cost taxpayers about $5 billion in 2010, while former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has been singled out for criticism by influential conservative media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal editorial board, for his vocal support of subsidized ethanol.

Romney supported ethanol subsidies during his unsuccessful 2008 presidential run, in which he largely banked on winning the Iowa caucuses but finished a disappointing second to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Political Pandering

Dave, a friend of mine, sent me the above article and said "what a whore".

By the way, Dave is a Republican. He voted for McCain in the last election (I wrote in Ron Paul). We need more Republicans like Dave willing to voice their criticism because that is the only way we are going to get change.

Here's the deal. Either Romney is a whore or he is ignorant. He could be both. Romney may be far better than Obama, but that is beside the point.

The point is ethanol from corn makes no sense. Ethanol from corn costs energy to produce and is only viable because of government subsidies. Ethanol from sugar cane makes sense, but the US has tariffs on Brazilian ethanol in order to support inefficient, energy wasting ethanol from corn.

Remove Tariffs, Legalize Hemp

Want to lower gas prices? Then remove tariffs on ethanol.

If you want biofuels, then legalize hemp.

Hemp needs no fertilizer, its fiber is softer than cotton, its seeds high in oil content, and it grows on poor soil.

Those are admirable properties. Does that make hemp viable for biofuels? I suspect so, but to be truthful, I just don't know. What I do know is if we get government subsidies out of the way and end needless regulation, the free market will find a way.

Get Rid of Big Government

Republican candidates ought to be supporting free market, small government policies. Instead, it is very disheartening to see Romney whoring Iowa voters on the same big government subsidy side as president Obama.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Violence in Bracelona: Police Break Up Protesters With Clubs, Rubber Bullets

Posted: 28 May 2011 02:18 PM PDT

Peaceful protests in Spain have come to an end as Police fire rubber bullets at protesters in Barcelona
Spanish police fired rubber bullets and swung truncheons to disperse anti-crisis protesters in a Barcelona square Friday as cleaning crews cleared their tent camp.

Catalan police in anti-riot gear moved in after about 50 protesters sat down on the street to block a convoy of cleaning trucks leaving the Plaza de Cataluna square with remnants of the encampment.

Police, some with plastic shields, were shown on television dragging protesters along the street and swiping with truncheons at activists, who had been chanting: "They shall not pass."

Demonstrators chanted: "The people, united, will never be defeated!" and "No to violence!"

Cleaning crews with 10 lorries dismantled the last of the tents under police surveillance. Later, police left the square and let thousands of demonstrators flood in.

By the evening, at least 5,000 people were in the square protesting against the police intervention, some having put up tents. A dozen police vehicles were in streets leading to the square.

"What happened today was awful but it is a warning" for the country's leadership, said Ramon Deltran, 50, a psychiatrist.

"This is what police brutality achieves, that much more people protest. But also it is the fault of the politicians who don't listen to us," said Maite Loureiro, 30, an unemployed designer.

In Madrid's Puerta del Sol square, hundreds of demonstrators, many carrying flowers, shouted "Barcelona is not alone."
Violence in Barcelona

Link if above YouTube Video does not play: Indignats | Desallotjament de la Plaça Catalunya

There are also more videos and comments at the above link.

The New York Times has still more videos and commentary in Police Clash With Protesters in Barcelona
El País newspaper reported that 121 people were lightly injured, including 37 police officers, "as the result of a police charge" on the protest camp. Video posted on the Web site of 20minutos, a Spanish news site, showed the officers charging at protesters.

Citing a spokesperson for the authorities, who would not be named according to Catalan policy, Bloomberg News reported that about 300 people had been removed from the square.

The authorities said that police had left the area by 1 p.m. El País reported that protesters had returned to the square. Just a few hours after the arrival of police officers, protesters were passing out fliers decrying their behavior, and calling for people to return to the square at 7 p.m. to protest. On Twitter, an appeal went out for protesters to "bring flowers" when they returned. In the square and elsewhere in the city, there has been a nightly banging on pots and pans at 9 p.m. to show support for the movement.

Update: Here is a photograph of Plaça Catalunya taken by a reader, Víctor Riverola, at 7 p.m. local time on Friday evening showing that thousands of protesters returned:

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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ECB Board Member Says Greece Can Raise $429 Billion Selling Assets; Greece’s Papandreou Vows to Press Austerity, Says Greece "Soon Out of the Woods"

Posted: 28 May 2011 11:32 AM PDT

ECB member Juergen Stark says Greece may raise up to 300 billion euros from selloffs.
The ailing euro zone state, whose debt burden stands at around 330 billion euros, currently aims to raise 50 billion euros from privatizations by 2015 to help stave off a fiscal meltdown.

"The Greek government has shares in listed companies, it owns real estate. Experts estimate the sales potential at up to 300 billion euros," Stark told the newspaper according to a prerelease from its Sunday edition.

"(Greece) needs to intensify its efforts," Stark also said. "(The privatization program) is meant to raise 50 billion euros by 2015 and one should be more ambitious here."
Greece's Papandreou Vows to Press Austerity

In spite of stiff opposition, Greece's Papandreou Vows to Press Austerity
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said he'll press ahead with new austerity measures after failing to win backing from the main opposition parties as he races to keep bailout funds flowing and avoid default.

Antonis Samaras, leader of Greece's biggest opposition party, New Democracy, rejected the plan at a meeting with Papandreou and other opposition leaders in Athens, saying his party wouldn't be blackmailed. Papandreou said he will go ahead with the measures even while continuing to seek support and ruled out early elections.

"My determination is to continue with this program in a very determined and decisive way," Papandreou said today at a press conference in Athens. Greece has achieved "impressive" targets and there are signs of improvement in the economy, he said, adding that the country will "soon be out of the woods" by following through with plans for fiscal adjustment, state- asset sales and development of government-owned real estate.

European Union officials have called for consensus on the package, which includes an additional 6 billion euros ($8.6 billion) of budget cuts and a plan to speed 50 billion euros of state-asset sales, before approving more aid that Greece needs to avoid default. The wage cuts and tax increases Papandreou has imposed under a 110 billion-euro bailout last year have prompted strikes and protests, complicating efforts for compromise on the new plan.
Out of the Woods?

If Greece has a debt of 330 billion euros but can get rid of 300 billion euros of it by selling assets, then why does Greece need more aid? Has Greece all of a sudden turned a solvency problem back into a liquidity problem?

Color me skeptical.

If it was so easy, why hasn't it been done? I sense a bazooka bluff statement from Stark hoping to buy more time.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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