joi, 28 iulie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

MS-DOS Turned 30 Years Old

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 05:55 PM PDT

MS-DOS, Microsoft's first desktop operating system today turned 30. The MS-DOS was launched on July 27, 1981, after Microsoft bought the full rights to QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), the PC operating system the company acquired from Seattle Computer Products for $50,000.

Epic Fails - Part 16

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 05:34 PM PDT

Satisfy your thirst for massive failure by checking out this latest round of hilarious humans failing the best that they can. Here is a new set of the best and the most epic fails.

Previous parts:
Epic Fails - Part 1
Epic Fails - Part 2
Epic Fails - Part 3
Epic Fails - Part 4
Epic Fails - Part 5
Epic Fails - Part 6
Epic Fails - Part 7
Epic Fails - Part 8
Epic Fails - Part 9
Epic Fails - Part 10
Epic Fails - Part 11
Epic Fails - Part 12
Epic Fails - Part 13
Epic Fails - Part 14
Epic Fails - Part 15

Cartoons That Were Voiced By Celebrities

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 05:16 PM PDT

Often celebrities find some very weird characters to lend their voice to. Here's a list of the best and strangest.

Katy Perry plays Smurfette opposite Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays in The Smurfs, due out on July 29th. Perry's character channels Marilyn Monroe's famous Seven Year Itch moment in the movie's trailer, as the Smurfette's billowy white dress flies up over a windy grate.

Jennifer Aniston served as the voice for character Annie Hughes in 1999's Iron Giant, when the actress was still part of the Friends cast.

Anne Hathaway gave a voice to character Jewel in Rio. Though Hathaway made her singing debut in the film, she had done voiceover work before in shows The Simpsons and Family Guy.

Christina Applegate voiced sassy female chipmunk Brittany in Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel alongside two other Chipettes, played by Amy Poehler and Anna Faris.

Ellen DeGeneres puckered up to play Dory in 2003's Finding Nemo. The comedian mastered the amnesiac fish's stumbling speech patterns in the film.

Emma Watson voiced the part of Princess Pea in The Tale of Despereaux. "I read the script, and I just loved it. It was so charming. I fell in love with Despereaux, so I really didn't have a choice. I had to be his princess," Watson told MTV.

Isla Fisher gave voice to Dr. Mary Lou Larue in Horton Hears a Who! The Dr. Seuss-inspired film boasted a star-studded cast of Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Seth Rogan and Jaime Pressly.

Jada Pinkett Smith played Gloria in Madagascar and Madagascar 2. "I always have such a good time with Gloria, it allows me to be very playful," Smith said of her role in the films.

Miley Cyrus provided the voice to Penny in Bolt. More than her voiceover, she won high praise for the song I Though I Lost You, which she sings in the film with John Travolta.

Nicole Kidman voiced penguin Norma Jean opposite Hugh Jackman and Robin Williams in 2006's Happy Feet.

Queen Latifah provided comedy as the voice of Ellie, a mammoth who is convinced that she is a possum, in Ice Age. "She has her own idea about who she is and she just won't be dissuaded," the star said of her character.

Reese Witherspoon chose to play Susan Murphy a.k.a Ginormica in Monsters vs Aliens because the character had role model potential. "You always go for the great character to play, even if she's animated," Witherspoon said.

What Your Favorite Ice Cream Says About You [Infographic]

Posted: 28 Jul 2011 04:57 PM PDT

In honor of National Ice Cream month, the Ultimate Coupons design team decided to have a little fun with everyone's favorite frozen treat. Simply find your favorite ice cream flavor on the chart and see what your love of that flavor really says about your personality. We admit that these results aren't scientifically proven, but they're probably about as accurate as your daily horoscope. Except for the Frozen Yogurt one – that is totally, 100% true. Trust us.

Click to see full size view.

Improv Eeverywhere: The Mp3 Experiment Eight

Posted: 27 Jul 2011 08:45 PM PDT

As part of their MP3 Experiment series, Improv Everywhere asked people to download an original MP3 file, go to the Hudson River at sunset and listen to it simultaneously. 3,500 people showed up ending up doing synchronized activities.

10 Most Strangely Shaped Lakes

Posted: 27 Jul 2011 07:47 PM PDT

Nature tells you a story, of solace and existence. Similarities can be found in the things surrounding us but what is most astonishing is when water bodies cry for attention; through their various intriguing shapes and outlines, we look but we do not see.

Schulensmeer Lake – Belgium

Giant water gun: Nature and man worked together to unintentionally make a weapon out of Belgium's 2.5 km long Schulensmeer. A highway was constructed nearby in 1970's and the parcels of land brought for it turned the lake into a pistol shape. It is not as deadly as it seems, however in case of flooding it causes the Demer River to overflow. Otherwise, sailing, surfing and water sports are the powder in the gun.

The Lake that leads the Latin Alphabet

To be honest there are simply loads of heart-shaped lakes out there everywhere from Ohio to Korea so we just didn't have room for all of them here. Shot from a balloon, this next lake or perhaps more accurately pond looks like the letter 'A' to us. Anyone know of other lakes that spell something out to them? We'd be interested to hear.

Friday's Lake

The reservoir of the Kiev Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Catherine's garden in Moscow is of the same form (and content)

The Lake designed by Pisces

This frozen-over, fish-shaped wonder was captured on Alaska's Mt. McKinley, the highest mountain peak in North America at around 6,194 metres. Mount McKinley actually has a larger rise than Mount Everest, as its base sits at a much lower elevation of 610 m, and is also bulkier than its Himalayan rival. With such imposing facts, it's no wonder this obscurely fishy lake is less well-known..

The Lake in the image of Man

This next shape is clearly a product of deliberate human intervention in the natural landscape, a figure that stands some 140 metres tall in a lake located near Iacanga in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. However, aside from its location and vital statistics, information about this strange piece of land art is scarce. Anyone know anything we don't? If so, pray do tell.

The Lake of Lady Luck

Canada's aptly-named Horseshoe Lake might bring luck for some, but geographically oxbow lakes like this are not uncommon. These sweeping U-shaped bodies of water are formed when a wide meander from a river's main stem is cut off, creating the characteristically curved lake. This fine-looking example is located along the long the Red River, near Morris in southern Manitoba.

The River that doubles your luck

So how do oxbow lakes arise? Well many of them start out a lot like this. Yes, we know, it isn't a lake, but it could be one in the making. This is Arizona's Horseshoe Bend, a magnificent meander of the Colorado River situated slightly downstream from Lake Powell within Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. From the steep cliff above, some 305 metres higher up, it makes a breathtaking sight.

Manicouagan Lake – Canada

Engaging ring: One of the seven wonders of Canada, a ring-shaped hydroelectric reservoir lake occupies the centre of Quebec's Manicouagan Crater. This shuttle view shows the prominent 70 kilometers diameter, ice-covered annular lake that fills a ring where impact-brecciated rock has been eroded by glaciation.

The Lake that says 'How do you do?'

The previous lake may have been man-shaped by design, but this next one looks more natural; natural but not au naturel – see he's wearing a hat and cane as he walks across the countryside. We're not sure where this is, but we've featured it on EG before and one commenter reckoned it could be Blythefield Reservoir in Staffordshire, England; another said it must be Mr. Peanut of Planters fame.

Heart shaped lake, possibly in Korea

The Lake Eros, India

If you fancy giving a lake photo as a valentine gift, the heart shaped Lake Eros is the water body for you. The Chembra Peak in India overlooks what is the symbol of love throughout the world, at 1,398 metres above sea level. The water not only warms the eyes but is also at a fairly tolerable temperature with a surface area of 1,827 square meters.

Not really a lake but there is some water

Arabian sheik billionaire decided to glorify himself in the world and outside it, by writing his name on the sand of the island belonging to him
with kilometer letters. HAMAD inscription is dug in the sand of the island belonging to him with al-Futaisi letters. The whole inscription is about 4 km at length.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

5 Tips for Meeting Online Friends IRL

Posted: 27 Jul 2011 04:53 PM PDT

Posted by Dr. Pete

Dr. Pete and GianlucaSocial media is a bit of a paradox – we have more “friends” than ever, but our relationships feel more and more superficial. When we retreat to the comfort of the internet, we introverts have even less incentive to get to know people IRL (In Real Life, for those who don't spend all day on the internet). If you know me online, it may surprise you to hear that I consider myself a recovering introvert. I’m also a work-at-home father of a 1-year-old, so I’m lucky to hit one SEO conference a year.

In honor of being in Seattle for Mozcon this week, I’d like to share 5 tips for how I’ve managed to make social media count and turn online relationships into real, offline friendships and business partnerships. Just to illustrate the point, that’s a picture of me with SEOmoz enthusiast and fellow proud dad Gianluca Fiorelli, who I finally got to meet in person today (thanks to Rudy Lopez for snapping the picture).

1. Get to Know People

If you only see your online friends as a way to get more Likes and +1s or water your Farmville crops when you’re out of town, you’ll never develop a real-life connection. Building any lasting relationship starts with sincerity. I think that 80% of my own success comes from the fact that I genuinely like people. Social media blurs the lines between work and personal life, and it’s a tremendous opportunity to get to know more about people’s lives outside of work.

2. Be a White-hat Stalker

Social media is also an amazing way to keep track of people, especially with real-time information like Twitter and FourSquare. Sometimes, all it takes is paying attention and knowing when you and your online friends will be in the same place at the same time. A couple of years ago, I was on Twitter and noticed that an industry friend was visiting the Google office in Chicago, just a few blocks from my condo. I pinged him, and two hours later we were having a beer together.

I’m not suggesting that you actually stalk people and show up uninvited to wherever they check in. White-hat stalking is about finding opportunity in the fact that many people in our industry spend a lot of time on the road. Sometimes, an online friend from across the country or even the other side of the globe just happens to be in town. Sometimes, you’re going to the same event, and may not even realize it. It’s all about paying attention.

3. Pre-arrange a Meetup

If you are going to an event, especially a large conference, it’s easy to assume that meeting people will just naturally happen. Conferences are big events and 2-4 days can go by in a flash. If you’re going to be at an event, let people know. It may feel self-indulgent, but announce online that you’re going. If you leave meeting up to chance, you’re going to miss a lot of people. Arrange a meetup – it could be dinner the night before the event, or it could just be making sure you find each other at the after-party. Don’t overthink it – a simple “Hey, I’m in Session A3 – where are you?” on Twitter works wonders.

4. Don’t Miss a Chance

When an opportunity does come along to meet someone IRL, don’t pass it up. Not to keep picking on Gianluca, but when he arrived at the hotel yesterday he tweeted that he was down in the lobby. At a relatively small, 3-day conference, it’s easy to assume that we’d have plenty of chances to meet up, but instead I told him to wait a minute, grabbed my room key, and jumped in the elevator. I can’t count the number of times I saw someone I wanted to meet, thought “They look busy, I’m sure I’ll see them later” and then didn’t. Don’t miss your chance.

5. Act Like an Extrovert

I hate the phrase “Fake it ‘til you make it” because of that one word – fake. It’s taken me a long time to accept that there’s a huge difference between deliberately being fake and acting the way you’d like to act, even if it’s a bit out of character. If you’re outgoing online, you’d probably like to be a little more outgoing IRL. So, why not try it on for size? No one online knows that you’re secretly terrified of your own shadow. These days, when I recognize an online friend, I approach them like we’ve known each other forever. It’s amazing what a difference that makes.

To the introverts out there, I’d just like to end by saying that many of the people in this industry that you think are social animals are closet introverts themselves. One of my favorite industry posts of all time is Lisa Barone’s introvert confession back in 2008. Even social media professionals struggle with actually being social IRL. If you're at Mozcon, don't be afraid to say “hi” – I only bite when I haven't been fed.

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