marți, 30 august 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

The Greatest Attribution Ever Graphed

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 04:06 AM PDT

Posted by Slingshot SEO

Step-by-Step Instructions for Non-Branded Custom Segmentation
in GA's new Multi Channel Funnels Section

Multi Channel attribution is amazing, to say the least. In the immortal words of Avinash Kaushik, “You will have an orgasm!” If you weren’t there for Mozcon, I’m sorry. Don’t let it happen again, but you can always get the video of his presentation when it comes out.

Much like the way I felt on Christmas day 1996, I couldn’t wait to play with a brand new system whose inner workings I knew almost nothing about: the Nintendo 64. Rand will corroborate my story. Today, it’s the new Multi Channel Funnels segmentations in Google Analytics, Version 5 (trumpets please, Avinash).

Below, you’ll find some Michelangelo-esque screenshots of how we (the Slingshot R&D guys) broke down some custom segmentation and compared them to show differences between:

  • Non-branded, organic, first interaction
  • All non-branded organic interactions
  • All conversions

To create a custom Conversion Segment, simply click the link, as shown in this screenshot:

To create the First Interaction Organic, Non-Branded Segment, select the following:

  • Include [First Interaction] [Medium] [Containing] [Organic]
  • Next, select [Add a conversion path option]

And for the love of all that is Mozzy, go to the “and” section to add this piece. Use “or” and you won’t know North from a Bear-o-dactyl.

  • Exclude [Any Interaction] [Keyword] [Matching RegExp] [fill in your branded terms here]

Done? Awesome. Next.

To create the All Organic, Non-Branded segment, select the following:

  • Include [Any Interaction] [Medium] [Containing] [Organic]
  • Next, use “add” not the “or” option [Add a conversion path option]

  • Exclude [Any Interaction] [Keyword] [Matching RegExp] [fill in your branded terms here]

Done? You’re the best. Now grab your chopsticks, eat some Cheetos, and enjoy the graph!

Delicious… the graph, I mean. If at some point you decide you’re tired of looking at all those conversions (what is wrong with you? Oh right, you’re a Mozzer), you can pick and choose the specific conversions you’d like to see.

Gratuitous screenshot for your enjoyment.

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How Google Analytics Custom Reports Helped My Client to Increase His Revenue

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 04:23 PM PDT

Posted by Sajeet Nair

I often wonder how the life of an SEO consultant would have been if there was no Google Analytics. I mean, sure in that case a lot of paid tools like Omniture, Webtrends etc. would have dominated the analytics segment of the online world, but then, that would also mean that business owners around the world would have had to pump in those extra bucks into their online marketing campaigns.

Google Analytics has become such an integral part of our data analysis and still quite often we land up criticizing it for some of its smallest flaws. But in all of this love and hate game, we always forget the most important feature of this wonderful tool i.e. its absolutely FREE and there are a lot of features that a lot of other paid tools do not offer.

On a personal note, I have always believed that Custom Reports, Custom Variables and User Defined Variables are some of the most underrated features of Google Analytics and many internet marketing firms do not use these amazing features to their fullest potential. In fact, if used intelligently, Google Analytics more than often can help you come out of tricky situations, especially when you are dealing with high end and high profile, demanding clients.

Imagine a client whose SEO, PPC and Social media campaigns are doing really well and yet he comes to you and states that he wants his website to generate more revenue. Keeping this situation in mind, I decided to analyze one of my client's website from usability point of view and as usual I turned to Google Analytics for some help.

Now before the word "usability" misleads you I would like to clarify that by usability I meant understanding and analyzing the performance of my website across different browsers in terms of the metrics provided by Google Analytics. I created a simple custom report with "Browser" as my key dimension. The whole idea was to find loopholes in the website from a browser point of view using some of the key user metrics like bounce rate and %exit. Once I have the data for the under-performing pages the next step would have been to identify any browser compatibility issues like page not loading properly or improper screen resolution etc.

Before we discuss the findings of the report let's just have a look at how to go about making this report.

We are generating a simple custom report with some of the key basic metrics like Revenue, Bounce Rate, %Exit, and Unique Purchases. And the dimensions selected are Browser, Page and Keyword. Now that we are done with the report let’s start with some analysis. For your information, only a few combination of metrics and dimensions are allowed. You can check the complete list here.

As I mentioned earlier, the whole idea was to generate a report that would help me in understanding the performance of the website in terms of its usability. But on creation of the report what I found was pretty startling.

For any internet marketer it's a dreaded sight to see large number of visits in conjunction with negligible revenue and I was well aware of the fact that it's only a matter of time before my client found out about it. It is clearly visible that Opera and Opera Mini browsers are driving almost same number of visits to our website but the difference in revenue is pretty huge. Obviously, this called for an investigation. The question hounded me for 10 whole minutes ( I mean sure 10 minutes sounds very less but trust me for those 10 minutes I was going crazy).

Anyway, while I was scratching my head over it, something else caught my attention.

I found that I was getting almost 5200% more (yeah you are seeing the right numbers!) revenue from Android browsers when compared against same number of visits from Opera Mini. I was nervous and happy at the same time and I knew that I had to get to the bottom of this. I immediately opened my website on Opera mini, Opera and Android browsers to understand what was stopping Opera Mini users from buying products from my site.

Well simply put, Opera and Opera Mini users were taken to the desktop version of the website. As you must be aware, Opera Mini is a mobile browser and as any SEO consultant would know, the obvious recommendation here would be to take the user to the mobile version of the website. But how do we convince the client?? The answer lies in the report itself.

That's when I showed the android numbers to the client. Turns out that Android users were taken to the mobile version of the website. (That's when we hit our Eureka moment ). This is nothing but hardcore evidence that shows that by simply taking the mobile users to the mobile version of the website the revenue will definitely improve. The above data when presented resulted into our recommendations getting implemented without any doubts or concerns at the client's end.

Once again Google Analytics made me a hero. I would be sharing more such reports with all you amazing SEOs and would love to hear back from you.

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Photo: President Obama Appoints New Chair of Council of Economic Advisers

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama delivers a statement to the press in the Rose Garden of the White House announcing Alan Krueger as his nominee to lead the Council of Economic Advisers, Aug. 29, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

President Obama on the Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
As the East Coast recovers from the destructive power of Hurricane Irene, we also reflect on the six year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

President Obama Announces New Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers
President Obama announces his intention to nominate Alan B. Krueger to the Council of Economic Advisers to help support the urgent mission of getting the economy growing faster

A Look Back: Presidential Vacations
Presidents and their families get out of Washington for fishing, golfing, hiking and more.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

8:45 AM The President departs the South Lawn en route Joint Base Andrews

9:05 AM The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota

11:25 AM The President arrives Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota

11:55 AM The President delivers remarks at the American Legion Annual Conference

1:15 PM The President departs Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota en route Joint Base Andrews

1:45 PM The Vice President delivers remarks at the National Clean Energy Summit 4.0

3:30 PM The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

3:45 PM The President arrives the White House  Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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More Than 30 Google+ Tools, Extensions, Tutorials and Other Resources

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 07:32 AM PDT


The Google+ honeymoon might be over but many people are still active on the site. As Google+ has some shortcomings, lacking features and usability flaws, there are now numerous tools to deal with these issues. I’ve compiled a list of the most promising ones.

I haven’t tested all the tools, just a few, so please report issues in the comments. I have chosen only those that seemed to make sense and have been recommended by other publishers or social media friends of mine.

Web Tools and Resources

  • Google+ Statistics – Google+ statistics shows not only who the most popular users and posts on Google+ are; it also discloses the percentage of women on Google+. It’s only 12%, according to the service.
  • Google+ Lists / Google+ Counter  - on people are creating Twitter-like lists of people. The members are displayed according to the number of circles they have been put into. This is not perfect yet, as the search for SEO and the best “top SEO/SEM Professionals” shows, but it’s a good start when you search people in a specific category.
  • Google+ Directory – this is a Google+ user directory you can submit to. Thus looking for an SEO you’d find unknown people who depend on such directory submissions rather than the really important industry figures. It’s helpful to find SEO specialists in your area though, I guess, as you can combine both search parameters.
  • Google+ Suggested Users – this is an unofficial list of recommended users. There are no SEO specialists listed, but the list of recommended bloggers, for example, is quite decent.
  • Google+ Search – this is a Google Custom Search engine that searches Google+ profiles and public updates.
  • PlusFeed – Unofficial Google+ User Feeds – this simple tool creates an RSS feed for your public Google+ updates. It can’t see the ones you share with circles only.


Firefox and Chrome Extensions

There are lots of Chrome and Firefox extensions for Google+ now. Many of them just work on the Chrome browser, but some work on Firefox by way of being a script for the Greasemonkey extension. Most of the Firefox extensions require one of the latest Firefox versions, and one needs even Firefox 9. I don’t update my FF that often for backwards compatibility reasons, thus I couldn’t test most of them.


Tutorials and Solutions


Tools Lists


Misc. Google+ Tools


Do you already use these or other Google+ tools? Do you like them? Do they work? Do you know better ones than those I have mentioned? Please add your comments and suggestions below in the comment section!


* CC image by Toby Bochan.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. More Than 30 Google+ Tools, Extensions, Tutorials and Other Resources

Related posts:

  1. 30 Very Useful Twitter Tools You Must Be Aware Of
  2. 30 Social Search Tools & SEO Resources for Power Users
  3. 10 New Google Tools, Products and Services Every Business Person Has to Know About

Seth's Blog : Waving to myself

Waving to myself

When I'm on the bike path riding my truly weird recumbent bicycle, sometimes I pass someone else similarly outfitted. And I wave.

Same thing happens when a pregnant mom meets another at the airport, or when two backpackers encounter each other in a strange city.

Of course, we're not waving at the other person. We're waving at ourselves.


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