marți, 13 septembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Chinese Drug makers Office Looks Like Royal Palace

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 11:32 AM PDT

The luxury interior decoration of the office building belonging to the state-owned Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Sixth factory in Harbin, in northeast China's Heilongjiang province. The building contains three floors of offices and three more floors of a print museum belonging to the state-owned pharmaceutical firm.

It looks more like a view of a luxurious palace for one of the world's richest leaders - but this is actually the interior of an office building. Even more surprising is that the block is in China, a country more known for its minimalist, functional approach.

Li Xiaomeng, a CCTV anchor, said in his (China's twitter): "The first reaction is, the 6 Pharmaceutical Factory of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group is a state-controlled enterprise. According to the Ministry of Finance, in 2010 the state-owned enterprises realized a total profit of nearly 2 trillion Yuan, only about 5% was paid out as 'dividend'. People should know where the profit has gone, do people love to see the 'imperial palace' ". A netizen "sherry" said:" I can only say it is too much like an upstart and far from a pharmaceutical company. Another netizen"大米爱折腾" said:"it is so luxuriously decorated, no wonder Chinese medicine is so expensive! "

Harbin Pharmaceutical Group appears to have modelled its factory in Harbin, in the northeast of Heilongjiang province, on the Palace of Versailles. The state-owned drug firm has caused outrage with the lavish decoration, which includes gold-tinted walls and chandeliers.

Source: xinhuanet

Hotel Towel Origami

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 11:19 AM PDT

For travelers on a cruise or stayint at a fancy hotel, one of the highlights is finding a towel origami creature on their bed after a hard day of taking it easy.

As with anything, some people take the skill of bending and shaping a piece of cloth into a recognizable face to a whole new level.

The Fastest Growing Jobs of The Next Decade [Infographics]

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 11:00 AM PDT

Everything is coming up healthcare! It's true. Baby boomers will be employing a great deal of nurses and personal care aides over the next few years. Thus, 12 of the 20 fastest growing careers are in the healthcare industry. Other in demand careers include financial examiners, athletic trainers and dental hygienists. Unfortunately, there are also industries with decreasing employment; these include textiles and Postal Service.

Looking out for a new career path? Curious what city will have the biggest employment boom? Check out our infographic:

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: zaarly

Underwater Hunter Goes Deep Sea Fishing Without Air

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 10:33 PM PDT

Walking around down under like its nothing. Hold your breath for some deep sea fish hunitng.

Animals Acting Like People

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 09:41 PM PDT

Meet some animals who seem to have developed a few human characteristics and traits.

Compilation of cute animals that are acting or dressing like humans. Let's take a look.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

How Do I Get Google's Bulleted Snippets?

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 12:13 PM PDT

Posted by Dr. Pete

It can be hard to keep up with all of Google’s updates recently, but around the end of last month, you may have started seeing search results that look something like this:

Bulleted Snippet Example - Bullets

See what I did there – it’s a bulleted snippet about bullets. See? SEE? Never mind.

Google formally started rolling out this format around August 26th, and we’ve already started hearing the obvious question – how do I get those? First, the official word from Google:

If a search result consists mostly of a structured list, like a table or series of bullets, we’ll show a list of three relevant rows or items underneath the result in a bulleted format. The snippet will also show an approximate count of the total number of rows or items on the page (for example, “30+ items”).

The key point – this is being generated by Google from your existing on-page lists. It's not a microformat or a tag you can simply add to your page. Google gives the examples of tables and bulleted lists (let’s assume they mean <ul></ul>), but that’s about all we’ve got to go on. So, I thought it would be interesting to explore some examples in the wild.

Example 1 – Basic Bulleted List

Let’s start with your basic bulleted (unordered) list – here’s an example from DMOZ:

Bulleted Snippet Example - DMOZ

The list on the page itself is pretty standard:

DMOZ List Example

What’s interesting is that Google skips an entire screen of other lists, including categories and languages, suggesting that they have some idea that this list is unique to the page it’s on.

Example 2 – CSS-styled Bulleted List

Of course, modern day lists tend to get a bit more complicated than that, and the unordered list tag (<ul>) is often used for more complex CSS-styling. Here’s an example search result from Dell:

Bulleted Snippet Example - Dell

The bulleted list on this page looks much different:

Dell List Example

While the code is fairly clean, this is clearly a much more complex structure for Google to parse. It’s also (like the first example), not the first list on the screen.

Example 3 – Separate Bulleted Lists

Here’s an example from (thank to Bobby Kircher for pointing it out):

Bulleted Snippet Example - Metro Kitchen

This is another example of unordered lists for CSS-styling, and on the surface, it doesn’t look that different from the Dell example:

MetroKitchen Product List Example

If you dig into the code, though, you’ll see that each item is its own unordered list (<ul>), not just a list element (<li>). Google has still managed to connect these separate lists as one, big list.

Example 4 – HTML Tables

Shout out to Jill Whalen for pointing out this one – she’s got a bulleted search result based on good, old-fashioned tables:

Bulleted Snippet Example - High Rankings

Each entry on the page is a standard table row (<tr>):

High Rankings List Example

So, we’ve got various incarnations of unordered lists and standard HTML tables triggering bulleted search results. How about more complicated CSS?

Example 5 – Nested DIVs

Here’s an example from SEOmoz - the YOUmoz home-page:

Bulleted Snippet Example - SEOmoz

Visually, it could easily be a CSS-styled unordered list:

YOUmoz List Example

If you dig into the source code, though, you’ll see a more complex structure of nested DIVs. The individual entries use a sizable amount of code (for complex styling), but again, Google seems to be parsing our list results appropriately.

So, Why Don’t I Have Them?

At this point, it seems like Google can turn just about anything into a bulleted list, and yet they often aren’t. Even here on SEOmoz, the YOUmoz page has a bulleted snippet, but the main blog page, with more authority and the same structure, doesn’t.

Part of the problem is that they’re new, and Google is still working out the kinks. If you want to encourage Google, though, here are a few tips:

  • Use a consistent structure, whatever it is.
  • Keep extraneous code to a minimum.
  • Test removing your META description or setting it to “”.

Proceed with caution on the last one, as you’re handing control over to Google. Removing your META description is generally safer, though, than using the same description over and over.

If you’re not sure what makes for a clean structure, browse SERPs in your industry – you’ll find plenty of examples, even though the feature is fairly new. See what kind of code Google is already “rewarding” (if you think it’s a good thing), and make life as easy as possible for the spiders.

Update: I want to clarify something on removing your META description. That should only be done as a limited test (say, a couple of pages). The META description is a de-duplication cue, and removing it will put your snippet even more under Google's control (although having one doesn't stop them). If your test is successful, you'll have more data to make an informed decision.

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You asked for it: Your copy of the American Jobs Act

The White House Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yesterday, President Obama was joined by teachers, veterans, small business owners, construction workers and first responders as he sent the American Jobs Act to Congress and urged them to pass it right away.

This is a bill that will put people back to work all across the country. This is the bill that will help our economy in a moment of national crisis. This is a bill that is based on ideas from both Democrats and Republicans. And this is the bill that Congress needs to pass. No games. No politics. No delays. I’m sending this bill to Congress today, and they ought to pass it immediately.

Interested in reading the full American Jobs Act? You can find it on

Have questions?

Over the next few days there are a number of ways for you to ask questions and engage with Administration officials about the American Jobs Act including Open for Questions live panels and Twitter Office Hours.

Here are the details:

Open for Questions
On Wednesday and Thursday this week, White House officials will answer your questions, submitted through, Facebook, and Twitter about the American Jobs Act live on

Submit your questions:

Tune in and watch on

  • Wednesday, September 14th at 4:00 p.m. EDT: Answering your questions on how the American Jobs Act will impact young Americans are Brian Deese, Deputy Director, National Economic Council and Roberto Rodriguez, Special Assistant to the President for Education Policy.
  • Thursday, September 15th at 2 p.m. EDT: Join Jason Furman, Principal Director of the National Economic Council and Jon Carson, Director of the Office of Public Engagement.

White House Office Hours on Twitter
This week, we’re bringing back White House Office Hours, where White House officials answer your questions about the American jobs Act on Twitter.

Here's how it works and how you can participate:

  • Use the hashtag #WHChat on Twitter to ask your questions on President Obama’s speech and the American Jobs Act
  • Senior staff will respond to your questions during scheduled "Office Hours" in real-time via Twitter from the @WHLive account
  • Follow the whole Q&A session @WHLive, or just check out the highlights @WhiteHouse

Here's the schedule for this week:

  • TODAY: Tuesday, September 13th at 5:30 p.m. EDT: Office Hours with David Plouffe, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor
  • Wednesday, September 14th at 4:30 p.m. EDT: Office Hours with Stephanie Cutter, Assistant to the President and Deputy Senior Advisor
  • Thursday, September 15th at 4:00 p.m. EDT: Office Hours with Jason Furman, Principal Deputy Director of the National Economic Council

Follow @WhiteHouse and @WHLive for the latest updates.

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How to Mask Affiliate Links Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Mask Affiliate Links Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Mask Affiliate Links

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 10:21 AM PDT

Post image for How to Mask Affiliate Links

How to mask affiliate links is one of the most common questions new affiliates often ask. In this post, we will take a look at the hows and whys of why you should mask affiliate links and how to do it effectively, with an eye towards maintaining long term low maintenance.

Should I Mask My Affiliate Links

This is one of the first questions people who start adding affiliate links have to deal with. As with most things in internet marketing, it depends. If the website is primarily a hobby website, not a money making or a business site, then the answer is no, you don’t need to mask affiliate links. However, what often happens is that people start with a hobby website, build nice traffic, and then look for ways to monetize it. I can’t tell you the number of hobby websites I’ve seen turn into $1,000 dollar a month sites. So, unless you are 100% positive it’s never going to turn into a money website, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Do it right and mask affiliate links right from the beginning.

Free Plugins to Mask Affiliate Links

If you are only going to be promoting a handful of affiliate products, or even less than 100, there’s no real need to use a premium product. There are plenty of free plugins like affiliate link cloaker, URL cloak & Encrypt, affiliate marketing tool. I’ve been a long time user of Go Codes. It has served me here without any issues or problems. Two recommendations,though: change the default directory to something other than “/go/” and block that directory from being crawled. This really is critical. The affiliate links are there for the users, not for the search engines. Until Googlebot gets its own American Express card, there’s no benefit to letting it crawl your affiliate links. In fact, the whole point of masking your affiliate links is to keep search engines from knowing what’s going on.

Premium Plugins to Mask or Hide Affiliate Links

If the primary goal of a website is to make money via affiliate links, then investing in a premium plugin is a smart investment. There are a few on the market like SEO Smart Links and Affiliate Link Cloaker Pro, but my favorite is Eclipse link cloaker (see Eclipse link cloaker review). A premium link cloaker has a lot of advantages such as:

  • Masking all outbound links
  • Working with datafeeds
  • Importing a large number of links
  • Direct naming of links
  • Google Analytics integration

Subdomain Affiliate Link Masking

If your website is primarily focused on selling one type of product (like travel bookings) and you work with an established merchant, you can often set up a branded subdomain. This is a little complicated, but basically you set up a CNAME entry for your subdomain to redirect from your website to the merchant. This does require someone with some technical expertise, which is beyond the scope of this post. Usually the merchant will give you instructions, like this document from IAN. The merchant usually lets you upload a stylesheet, header, and footer, so the website has your branding. Again, the specifics are beyond the scope of this post, but you can usually get help from the merchant. You need to make sure to block this subdomain from being crawled by the search engines. I can’t stress enough how important that is. Blocking it via robots.txt is better, but meta tags are an alternate solution. I recommend setting up a Google alert for indexed pages in the subdomain so you will know if Google does somehow find a way in.

Hybrid Solution

In some cases, you will want to mix approaches and use a hybrid solution. For example, I run a travel website with a booking engine on a subdomain. I then use Eclipse link cloaker to mask affiliate links for travel related products.

Dangers of Not Masking Affiliate Links

Letting Google see too many straight affiliate links is a dangerous game to play. Numerous quality rater documents have shown it to be something they are told to be on the lookout for, so it may work against you. Using JavaScript to mask links is also dangerous because Google is getting much better at crawling JavaScript, so it is not recommended. Using nofollow on straight affiliate links is much closer to a band-aid solution, so it is  not recommended as well.

What are the takeaways from this post:

  • Showing affiliate links to a search engine are of little benefit to you. Unless you do it sparingly, masking affiliate links isn’t a good idea.
  • If you will only have a few affiliate products, a free light-weight solution is fine.
  • If you are running a serious website in which affiliate marketing is a primary goal, invest in a premium link masking solution (I like Eclipse link cloaker review).
  • In some cases, a subdomain is a better solution. Be sure to keep search engines out via robots.txt or meta tags.
  • You can mix solutions, such as a subdomain and masked links.
  • The key here is to block the search engines from seeing/deciphering your intent and quality raters from easily detecting that links are affiliate links.

Disclaimer: If you purchase Eclipse link cloaker review from the links in this post, I do receive a commission; however, I use Eclipse link cloaker on this website and many others and am very comfortable recommending it.

photo credit: Photospin

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

How to Mask Affiliate Links