miercuri, 14 septembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Amazing Adventures of Vladimir Putin

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 07:08 PM PDT

Vladimir Putin, the 58-year-old former president and current prime minister of Russia, has cultivated a distinct public image over the past several years. The politician has piloted firefighting planes, darted whales, driven race cars, and even taken a submersible 1,400 meters (4,600 ft) below the surface of Lake Baikal. Gathered here are some of the more interesting photos taken of Vladimir Putin during his tenure as Russia's prime minister over the past few years.

Yana Lapikova, a new personal photographer of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Source: theatlantic

Monsanto Village In Portugal Built Among Rocks

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 12:54 PM PDT

Monsanto is an ancient fortified village on perched on the side of the mountain located Southeast of Serra da Estrela in Portugal . Its appearance has not changed in centuries. The tiny streets are carved from and in the rocks. The houses are squeezed between gigantic boulders. This historical village is one of the most remarkable in Europe. It is often mentioned as the most Portuguese village in Portugal.

At the top of the 400 feet high hill stands a very old square built fortress / castle. The castle played an important role in Medieval times when the Templars Grand Master built a castle which withstood several battles including the Napoleonic invasions. The walk up to the castle is rewarded by one of the most breathtaking views in the whole region. On a round trip in Portugal Monsanto Village is a must! [wikitravel]

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The X-Men Family Tree [Infographic]

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 12:50 PM PDT

Graphic designer Joe Stone created a handy infographic showing the many relationships (married, dated, offspring, clone, nemesis…etc) between the characters in the X-Men comic books. Hit the jump to see the full image.

Synchronized Pug Head Tilt

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 10:32 PM PDT

As if three beffudled pugs tilting their heads like wasn't cute enough the first time it hit the web, the trifecta is back with an addition! Minnie, Mabel and Max welcome Monte to the show, and now FOUR pugs tilting their heads is even cuter!

Girls of InterAuto 2011 In Moscow

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 09:51 PM PDT

The 7th International exhibition Interauto 2011 took place last weekend at the Exhibition Center Crocus Expo in Moscow. InterAutofeatures the largest in Russia exposition of the state-of-the-art components and latest technologies related to automotive components, accessories, car care products, chemicals, maintenance and repair equipment and tools.

Have a look at pictures of girls from the International Exhibition Interauto 2011 where over 687 car models from 17 countries of the world were presented.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Refer Your Friends & Get SEOmoz PRO for free!

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 07:10 AM PDT

Posted by JoannaLord

Alright SEOmoz PRO members, are you ready for some good news? Drum roll please...today we launched our PRO Refer-a-Friend Program! What does this mean for you? It means you might not have to pay for your PRO membership ever again. I wanted to take some time today and walk you through the goals of the program and get you all started on your way to a free PRO membership. 

If you are a PRO member and want to jump right in, you can see it live here!

So Why Launch a Referral Program?

Here at SEOmoz we are constantly looking for new ways to reward our awesome PRO members. About a year ago we launched the affiliate program which paid out a $25.00 commission to anyone who sent us a free trial signup. This has been great for our affiliate-minded supporters, but I have heard from a number of people that they don't want to receive checks from us in return for their support. We thought about this for a while, and realized that we had another way to say thank you -- free PRO service. 

As of today if you are a SEOmoz PRO member and you refer us a new free trialer that sticks around after their 30-day trial is over,  we will credit your account $100.00. Exciting huh? We know that many of you pitch us to your clients, to other colleagues, and to your social networks...now you can get free PRO for those. Karma is a beautiful thing.

Whoa, Thats Great! But How Does it Work?

When you login and click "My Account" you will see a "Referrals" link. You can click this or navigate to your referrals dashboard through the Referrals top nav link. 

Referral Nav Pic

This dashboard with be your data hub for your referral program. You can share your unique referral link, monitor people signing up through it, and keep track of your credits. We also have some added some pretty cool analytics (more on that below).

We have provided three ways for you to share your referral link right from the dashboard! You can either:

  1. Use the unique link. This can be used anywhere! Feel like dropping it in a chat with someone? Go for it.
  2. Share it socially! We've given you a one-click option for sharing your unique link on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Go ahead and share with your networks, they need SEO too.
  3. Lastly, we wanted you to have an easy way to share your link via email. You can insert your entire address book if you want, and we will send them an email letting them know a friend has invited them to try SEOmoz PRO. Cool, huh?

    Sharing options

Even better is we have given you the ability to track the source of each successful referral! We know marketers love analytics, so we geeked out a bit here. When someone signs up we track the source and show you, so you will know if sharing socially is more effective for you than email, or more effectively than a direct link sent. Say it with me friends -- data FTW!

In addition to giving you a number of ways to share the link we wanted this experience to be as customized as possible. We know that a personalized experience is key to success. No matter what source you use to share your link, the referral that clicks through will be brought to a custom lander that lets them know you are sharing SEOmoz PRO with them! It looks like this:

custom lander for referral

The entire sharing process has been optimized for maximum success! If you have suggestions on how else we can improve this process so your referrals are more successful, please include them in the comments below or email me at joanna@seomoz.org.

So Let's Talk Tracking

Now that you understand how you can share SEOmoz PRO with friends that need some SEO tools, lets talk about the tracking we've set up. If you click on the tab "My Referrals" you are going to see a real-time tracking dashboard. You can see below we have tried to provide a plethora of valuable data on each person you get to sign up for a free trial. 

My Referral Information

We provide you with the following:

  • Referral: The username that person has signed up with (for privacy reasons we have decided not to put the email here)
  • Days Left in Free Trial: Ths shows how many days are left before a referral becomes PRO, so you can see how close you are to your credit
  • Source: This is where you can see what channel is working for you and optimize your efforts
  • Status: This shows you if they made it from free trial to a PRO member, or if they cancelled
  • Hide: This is where you can delete people out of view, if you want to keep your list more manageable

The goal with this detailed view is to help every PRO member know exactly where they stand with the referrals they have sent out, and also to provide some cool data to help you improve your chance for successful referrals in the future.

Okay Now Let's Talk Money

Now that you have a sense of how it works, and what each piece shows you, let's talk money! We have provided a "Referral Stats" scoreboard on your dashboard to help you see a top-level view of your referrals. You will be able to see;

  • How many total people you have referred into a free trial
  • How many total people have stuck around past the 30-day trial
  • The total dollars we have credited your account as a result

Referral stat scoreboard

Credits to your account will be applied at the end of each day, and you will be able to keep track of the total right there in your scoreboard! If you think about it, if you refer 12 people this week, and they all become PRO members, you will have SEOmoz PRO free for the next year.

You may be also be thinking we are crazy for doing this...and you might be right. However, we know that you guys are the ones working in the SEO trenches everyday, and you guys know better than us who could use our software, and benefit from our service. We are both leaning on you, and rewarding you for your awesomeness. This refer-a-friend program is another way for us to say thank you for supporting us.

So what are you waiting for? Jump on in there, and try it out. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the program below, and if you have ideas on how we can make it better, we welcome those suggestions as well!

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How To Reach Bloggers, Ninja Style

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 02:17 PM PDT

Posted by MOGmartin

Blogger or webmaster outreach is the art of finding the right sites to target to get links on, tracking down who owns or edits them, and building a relationship with them in order to get links.

It's also for my money the only real "pure" linkbuilding exercise that we as search marketing professionals should engage in.

This stuff does take time, but it is possible to scale (I go into some detail on the data gathering side of things in this post), and if executed correctly you will not only be building great links, but building relationships with people who may well become your brand advocates in future – giving you so much more long term value than a simple link could ever bring.

Site Selection:

The first ingredient is keyword selection based on the client or site strategy.

For instance, online retail clients in the UK clothing vertical have the requirement to rank for lots of fashion related terms, examples may be things like "adidas originals hoodies", or "converse all stars".

This is generally decided at an SEO strategy stage which involves the overall campaign goals, and preferably using real world data like PPC costs and conversions.

This type of information is invaluable as it provides the SEO team with a clear picture of commercial value of rankings for certain keywords.

Once we have these keyword lists, we set about selecting sites to target to acquire links. The best place to find sites that Google considers to be relevant for these terms, it turns out, is Google itself!

A simple search for the term alone yields the results that Google find the most relevant, but this often returns sites that you will never be able to secure links on. For example a search for "converse all stars" in the UK yields: Converse.com, Wikipedia, amazon.co.uk, asos.com, totallyshoes.co.uk and other competitors where you will never be able to place a link.

"Advanced search operators" are how we discover the sites that you WILL get a link on though!

Examples are:

Inurl: sites: (with advanced options 100 results selected)

Search for the keyword term being targeted, and use the inurl: operator to filter out types of site that you can conceivably get links on, for instance:

KEYWORD inurl:blog
KEYWORD inurl:forum
KEYWORD inurl:site
KEYWORD inurl:fans

This type of search should yield a couple of dozen potential linking partners. Once you have these keep a record of them in an excel sheet (the data to keep now is the keyword, the landing page Google returns, and the site domain name – we will use this data later).

Allintext: keyword sites

This filter searches for sites that MUST contain each of the words listed within the content of the page. Note, you can also use the plus symbol to return equivalent results, particularly handy when you want to force inclusion of some words but not others.

Again, using the keyword term, plus other operators such as "reviews" "blog" etc. can yield lots of good results to contact.

Site: or –site: operators


These searches restrict the query to either a certain domain, type of domain, or excluding a certain domain.

The purpose in this is to discover sites that have certain TLDs such as .edu, .gov, .info, .me etc. that are either going to be high value links, or unlikely to be the brand website where you can target links. Again, save any potential site in your excel sheet created earlier to contact in future.

Intitle: sites

These search types yield results where the term or terms (to force exact terms use quotation marks) appear in the TITLE: element of the document, be creative with your keyword operators to uncover lots more nice sites.

Mixing and Matching Operators:

You can combine these operators in any way you choose to really drill down on sites and find some hidden gems. Some example searches might be:

+"converse all stars" inurl:blog intitle:review
+"converse all stars" +buy +inurl:forum

Once you start combining multiple operators you normally end up with hundreds of new potential sites.

Cataloguing Results:

All of the above searches yield results that you can contact at a later date to get link placements. It's a good idea to try and keep this all in one place so that you can action the list in an organised way, and also segment it into site types and prioritise them so that you can contact the most valuable ones first.

Excel is the easiest way to do it, and based on above you will have the following information already:

Keyword Targeted, Landing Page, Site URL.

With an excel plugin (seotools.xll) (available here: http://nielsbosma.se/projects/seotools/ ) we can start building up statistics on these sites in order to categorise them and prioritise them for contact.

Information that can help you with this include the Google PageRank (an arbitrary 0-10 measurement of the importance of a website as defined by Google, Google indexed pages (how many pages on a website Google actually knows about and terms worthy of indexing), Facebook Likes (spammy domains are unlikely to have any Facebook likes so it's easy to weed out "rubbish sites" with this).

The results would then look something like this:

The process by which you import this data into excel is by using the following formula’s:


Once you've got a hundred or more potential targets, it becomes quite easy to work out which ones are more powerful, but overall you're looking for as high a possible numbers on each of the above metrics.

Time to Get in Touch:

Once we’ve got to the stage where we are ready to start contacting webmasters, the first thing we need are their contact details, followed by a good enough reason for them to place a link (time to get creative!).

Finding Contact Details:

Obviously there is no one size fits all here, if the website is a blog or a forum, a lot of the time there will be simple contact forms that you can fill in, or the webmaster may have published his email somewhere on the site for you to get in touch. If that's the case, it's easy enough to get the message out to them – however most of the time it's not that easy.

WHOIS data: any domain name registered has "whois" data associated with it, which generally gives you the name, address and email of the person or entity that owns the domain. This is a publicly searchable database which you can access through a variety of sources.

My particular preference is domaintools.com and you can find site owner details by going to a url like:


this gives you all of the information you need to contact the webmaster:


Occasionally you will find however that the domain is registered to a default address of the registrar, something like "domains by proxy" (a large registrar's private registration service).

If that's the case and the link is perceived to be particularly high value, there are still some options (but we're getting dangerously close to online stalking here!). If you can find the webmaster's name through their blog, site, or forum then you could try searching Facebook or Twitter for them and contact them through those means – or tracking them down (if they are in the UK) on services like 192.com.

If you are going to go to this level however, that link really should be "high" value! Some of the best links I've ever managed to build have been down to this persistence when you know something is worth following. Remember, those links that are hard to get, are the ones that your competitors are least likely to have!

The Pitch:

Once we've got contact details the next, and most important step is coming up with a good enough reason for them to link back to you.

Again, there is no one size fits all routine here, and it depends very much on the type of site you are contacting.

The most normal types of interaction generally follow these frameworks:

Content Provision

Most bloggers would be happy publishing an article on their site if they are provided it, it's well written, and it fits their target market. This can be a powerful way of getting links back to where you want at very little cost other than the time taken to write the article. For most large linkbuilding clients we have an article writing budget so these would be taken from an existing bank we will have ready and waiting for such a purpose.

If you aren't in the position of luxury of having these resources at your disposal, you can build the content once you are in contact with the blogger and it seems likely that they might accept your offer, but to do it effectively at scale, it always helps to have it done in advance.

Infographics could also be used here, if you have access to those for your site or client.

Straight forward Recommendations

"Hi, I read the article on your site xyz.com where you were talking about converse all stars, I was wondering if you could link it to my page so that you're visitors will know where to buy them?"

Linking for Product

In certain circumstances, its easiest and quickest to offer the webmaster some free product, preferably relating to the post/link that you require as it will have the highest chance of being accepted. This could be anything in value from $10 up to $1,000+ depending on numerous factors, including the statistics of the page that we gathered above, the difficulty of the keyword term itself, and the commercial gains from a high ranking position.

Offering Competitions

In many cases clients would be prepared to offer a free pair of "converse all stars" to a community as part of a contest where people have to enter a reason why they deserve the product. This is a great mechanism both to attract the initial link and generate good PR and buzz.

Widget Placement (advanced, and only relevant occasionally)

Another method is to place a widget on the site (with the webmasters permission of course) This could be something as simple as a survey script, along the lines of "If Converse released a special edition Leather boot, would you buy it?". These types of linkbuilding exercise are normally quite easy, as long as it's either humorous or adds genuine value.

Also, if you have the development resource, and more importantly data that would be valuable to bloggers in that niche it makes sense to use both together to build a data-driven widget that provides real value to the target sites audience, this of course is harder to execute – but done right can yield some pretty spectacular results.

It's also possible to get these kinds of placements to go viral if it's handled in the right way and seeded onto a handful of authority sites.

The Endgame:

Like in so many areas of SEO, the biggest challenge is scale. We all want great results for our sites or for our customers so it's important to sort out your processes around blogger outreach, as it can quickly snowball out of control and yield very few results.

I'm not a fan at all of automated emailing to your target list, each and every contact you make must, I repeat must, be backed up by having looked first at the target site, picking out some relevant content on the page, commenting on it and personalising the email as much as possible.

This is time consuming, but it increases the likelihood of getting a reply hugely, and should not be overlooked.

The other parts of the research however you can scale quickly into the thousands of sites depending on your vertical using things like the SEOtools.xll file that I linked to earlier in the post.

If you follow these steps – you can start building tonnes of (white hat) semantically related, powerful links!

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