vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Kina Grannis Stop-Motion Video Uses 288000 Jelly Beans

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 10:59 PM PDT

This music video for the song "In Your Arms" by Kina Grannis is a stop-motion animation done with a background composed of jelly beans. It's a crazy project that required 22 months, 1,357 hours, 30 people, and 288,000 jelly beans. They could have used CGI, of course, but each frame was carefully created by hand and photographed with a still camera.

Watch the making of video:

Mangyongdae: The Happiest Place in North Korea

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 09:14 PM PDT

This fairly depressing photo series of Manyongdae Funfair, North Korea's version of the Happiest Place On Earth, has just been released. The amusement park, located a few kilometres north of Pyongyang, is the last theme park in the dictatorship, which isn't totally surprising given the dilapidated and dangerous rides on display.

The best thing about this is that the Mangyongdae park tests its attractions on local farmers before allowing foreign visitors to try them out. When they do get foreign visitors, said foreigners have to call a couple of days in advance so park authorities can bus locals in and make the place look busy.

Source: kuriositas

Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 30

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 08:32 PM PDT

The motivational poster has been an office staple for decades, but these funny demotivational posters have been a staple on the Internet for only a few years. Every one of the unique and funny posters will help you avoid getting back to work. Well, let's go on checking the following new selection of demotivational posters.

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Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 26
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 27
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 28
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 29

Occupy Wall Street [Infographic]

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 08:17 PM PDT

Now a global movement, the OWS is an ongoing demonstration protesting against the difference in wealth between the top 1% of earners and the other citizens of the United States, as well as social and economic inequality, corporate influence in politics, and corporate greed.

By October 9, 70 US cities had or still have demonstrations, while internationally, other "Occupy" protests have started worldwide, with over 2,000 cities now listing meet-ups.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: onlinemba

You tell me

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,

When President Obama says that we can't wait to put Americans back to work, he's not just talking about the White House. He's talking about all of us. That "we" is everyone.

The President has a proposal -- the American Jobs Act -- that economists say could put nearly two million Americans back to work. But some in Congress are determined to block that jobs plan, so we're getting started with concrete actions that President Obama can take without waiting on lawmakers to debate legislation or pass a bill.

We are looking at everything that the government can do, and we know that some of the best ideas are going to come from people like you.

If you have an idea for something President Obama can do without the help of Congress, or know of a program in your community that needs to go nationwide, I want to hear from you.

Submit your recommendations at

Submit your recommendations

President Obama believes that creating jobs and growing the economy are national goals, ones we all share as Americans.

And as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, I want to make sure that the President hears about plenty of proposals to help accomplish those goals.

For the past few weeks, I've been leading a series of meetings here at the White House to come up with steps we can take right now to create more jobs -- without Congress.

That's why President Obama has signed orders to streamline research grants for entrepreneurs, help families refinance their mortgages, and make it easier for graduates to repay their student loans.

These are all actions that couldn't wait.

Now we're looking for more ideas just like these, concrete steps we can take right away to put people back to work and help make communities stronger.

Take a minute to share your idea:

I'm really looking forward to hearing what you have to say.


Nancy-Ann DeParle
Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy

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