luni, 30 ianuarie 2012

Hangout with the President

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, January 30, 2012


Hangout with the President

Today, President Obama will participate in the first completely virtual interview from the White House to talk about his State of the Union Address. During the live interview, which will be held through a Google+ Hangout, the President will answer questions submitted by people from across the country.

Don't miss your chance to Hangout with the President. Watch live at 5:30 EST on Monday, January 30, 2012, on, or visit the White House Google+ page.

Hanogut with the President

In Case You Missed It

Weekly Address: President’s Blueprint Includes Renewal of American Values
After focusing on American manufacturing, American energy, and skills for American workers during each of the last three days, President Obama used his Weekly Address to highlight his commitment to a renewal of American values.

Everything You Need to Know About President Obama's Blueprint for College Affordability
Have a question about college affordability? Here's everything you need to know.

Weekly Wrap Up: An America Built to Last
A look at what happened this week on

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

8:30 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the Conference of Chief Justices

10:45 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:15 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:15 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

2:15 PM: The President welcomes President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia to the White House

3:15 PM: The President and the First Lasy host the Diplomatic Corps Reception

5:30 PM: The President participates in an interview with YouTube and Google+ to discuss his State of the Union Address Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:


Seth's Blog : (What you're hoping for) - (What you get)

(What you're hoping for) - (What you get)

This might be the simplest possible explanation of customer satisfaction.

Dissatisfaction occurs when salespeople and marketers tend to try to amplify the first part (what you're promised) while neglecting the second.

The ability to delight and surprise is at the core of every beloved brand (product, politician, teenager...). Overhype and shady promises will undercut that before it even has a chance to get started. Yes, of course you have to make promises to earn attention and trial. The mistake is when you put more effort into the promises and less into what you deliver. Promise a lot but deliver even more.

[One really important amplification: Research shows us that what people remember is far more important than what they experience. What's remembered:

--the peak of the experience (bad or good) and,

--the last part of the experience.

The easiest way to amplify customer satisfaction, then, is to underpromise, then increase the positive peak and make sure it happens near the end of the experience you provide. Easy to say, but rarely done.]


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duminică, 29 ianuarie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Hollande Vows to Tax the Rich, Take Pay Cut; Sarkozy Promises German-Style Reforms; Merkel Cannot Save Sarkozy, But She Can Hurt Herself Trying

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 04:45 PM PST

Politics are heating up in France and Germany as French president Nicolas Sarkozy clings to his political life and German chancellor Angela Merkel is under increasing pressure over more bailouts.

The Financial Times reports Merkel to join Sarkozy on campaign trail
German chancellor Angela Merkel promised to join Nicolas Sarkozy on the campaign trail as the French president took to the airwaves on Sunday to launch a set of German-style structural reforms aimed at seizing the initiative in his uphill re-election attempt.

Ms Merkel's Christian Democrat party said she would "actively support Nicolas Sarkozy with joint appearances in the election campaign in the spring". The announcement caused surprise in Paris as Mr Sarkozy, also of the centre-right, has yet officially to declare his candidacy for the election, which will take place over two rounds on April 22 and May 6.

The pledge by the German leader underscored the close ties she and Mr Sarkozy – together now habitually dubbed "Merkozy" – have built during the eurozone crisis, despite clear tensions between them at times. Ms Merkel pointedly avoided overt backing for David Cameron, the British Conservative party leader, in the 2010 UK general election.

Her intervention represented a clear rebuke to Mr Hollande. He has promised to renegotiate the new "fiscal compact" for the eurozone forged by Ms Merkel and Mr Sarkozy, due to be signed at a European Union summit in Brussels on Monday. He criticised it in his manifesto for lacking any growth stimulus and called for eurobonds and a revised pro-growth role for the European Central Bank, both strongly opposed by Berlin.
Sarkozy Proposes German-Style Reforms

Hoping to give a lift to his faltering campaign, Sarkozy to bring in German-style reforms
French president Nicolas Sarkozy unveiled German-style labour market reforms on Sunday as part of a package of measures aimed at reinvigorating the economy and his re-election prospects, hours after German chancellor Angela Merkel promised to join him on the campaign trail in an unusual show of cross-border support.

He announced a €13bn cut in France's labour costs, which are among the highest in Europe, by reducing social charges on employers. The cut would be funded by an increase from October – well after the election – in value added tax to 21.2 per cent from the current level of 19.6 per cent, plus an extra tax on financial income.

Citing reforms made under former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who recently visited Mr Sarkozy, the president also proposed allowing companies more freedom to negotiate flexible working hours and pay levels with local unions – further eroding the significance of France's statutory 35-hour working week. Similar moves in Germany had "created job, jobs and more jobs", Mr Sarkozy said.

He announced the introduction of a long-promised financial transaction tax from August, saying the 0.1 per cent levy would include credit default swaps and "speculative computer trades". France is determined to pioneer a full-blown FTT in the eurozone. "What we want to do is provoke a shock, to show an example," he said.

Mr Sarkozy's determination to push ahead with the shift of some welfare funding to VAT – known in France as "social VAT" – just months before the election was described by one parliamentary deputy from his UMP party as "political suicide".

It has been flatly rejected by Mr Hollande and the president himself specifically ruled out an increase in the general VAT rate as recently as last October.
Will Sarkozy Please Make Up His Mind?

With today's announcement it appears the financial transaction tax is once again on the table. Sarkozy announced it, even to the point of "France Going Alone" if the EU would not approve. Then Sarkozy Dumps Financial Transaction Tax After Pressure From Banks. Now the proposal albeit in a modified form is back on the table.

In my opinion a financial transaction tax is economic insanity. It will reduce liquidity and perhaps cause a market crash.

Indeed all these taxes are economic insanity. Europe is headed into a huge recession. Increasing the VAT is the last thing one should want to do.

Hollande Vows to Raise Taxes for Rich and Banks

Meanwhile socialist challenger François Hollande sings a populous tune and vows to raise taxes for rich and banks.
François Hollande has outlined plans to raise taxes from the country's banks, big companies and higher earners to close the country's budget deficit and fund job creation in his bid to defeat Nicolas Sarkozy in France's presidential election.

In a 60-point manifesto, the opposition Socialist party candidate also pledged to reopen the issue of pension reform, challenging one of the key achievements of Mr Sarkozy's term of office.

The manifesto included a call to renegotiate the new eurozone "fiscal compact", saying its emphasis on austerity aggravated the economic situation. He said the pact and the role of the European Central Bank should be re-shaped to favour growth, and he called for the creation of eurobonds to overcome the sovereign debt crisis.

Mr Hollande proposed finding all of the €29bn additional savings he said had to be made by 2013 through taxes. These would be raised by increasing levies on higher earning individuals, upping taxes on banks and removing a series of tax breaks for big corporations.

"If there are sacrifices to be made, and there will be, then it will be for the wealthiest to make them," Mr Hollande said.

He insisted, however, that although the overall burden of taxes on the French economy would grow to almost 47 per cent of GDP by 2017 from 45 per cent this year, this was exactly in line with the current government's own proposals.

Mr Hollande's manifesto included €20bn of new spending measures, mostly to fund the hiring of 60,000 teachers, tens of thousands of new jobs for young people and support for small and medium-sized businesses.

A poll published yesterday by CSA put Mr Hollande on 31 per cent in the first round of voting, ahead of Mr Sarkozy on 25 per cent, with the socialist taking 60 per cent in a second round runoff against the incumbent.
Presidential Pay Hikes May Sink Sarkozy

Bear in mind that one of the first things Sarkozy did after the 2007 elections was to raise his salary from 100,000 euros to 240,000, a 140% increase. Much voter resentment lingers over that pay raise.

In contrast The Telegraph reports French front-runner pledges to cut his pay by 30 per cent as he aims to become next president
Francois Hollande, the front-runner to become France's next president pledged to cut his and his government's pay by 30 per cent on Sunday, as he hit out at the rich while seeking to dispel niggling doubts he has what it takes to become his country's next leader.

With just three months to go before elections, poll after poll suggests Socialist Mr Hollande will secure a comfortable victory over the unpopular Nicolas Sarkozy, his conservative rival and the incumbent.

Hollande's economic plan does not have to make any sense, and it does not have to be any better than Sarkozy's. Rather, Hollande's plan merely has to resonate with voters. A 20-point lead in second-round polls shows he has done just that.

I do not believe Merkel can save Sarkozy. Moreover and if she doesn't, her political stunt will hurt her own chances down the road.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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72% of Irish Want Referendum on Fiscal Treaty; Irish Prime Minister is a Disgrace

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 10:12 AM PST

Unless it's a "sure thing" the last thing politicians want is a voter referendum. Simply put, politicians never stand for democracy.

What voters want is a different thing: 72% of Irish Want Referendum on Fiscal Treaty
The Irish government faces intense pressure to hold a referendum on the eurozone fiscal treaty after a poll that showed almost three quarters of the public want a vote on the agreement.

In an opinion poll published on Sunday, 72 per cent of people surveyed said the treaty, which would tighten budget rules for the 17 countries sharing the euro, should go to a vote.

Some 40 per cent of the 1,000 people questioned in the Sunday Business Post/Red C poll said they would support the treaty, 36 per cent were opposed and 24 per cent were undecided.

Sinn Féin has threatened to challenge in the Irish Supreme Court any decision not to hold a referendum, a move that could plunge Europe into months of legal uncertainty.

Last week several leftwing groups, including Sinn Féin, the United Left Alliance, the Workers' party, and Eirigi launched a "Campaign Against Austerity Treaty", demanding the government hold a referendum.
Irish Prime Minister is a Disgrace

Enda Kenny, Irish prime minister, says he will only hold a referendum if "legally required".

Here is a bit of history on Kenny.  He was swept into office in the wake of the global financial crisis. Voters were overwhelmingly opposed to bank bailouts and tossed out previous prime minister Brian Cowen in a massive landslide. It did not matter.

Kenny treated voters to more of the same. He entered agreements to bail out Eurozone banks, screwing Irish citizens in the process, just as Cowen had done.

Now, 72% of Irish citizens demand a referendum. Furthermore, every EU treaty since 1987 has been put to a vote.

Precedent alone says a referendum is "legally required". More importantly Kenny is "morally obligated" to hold a referendum. However, don't talk to politicians about morals, and don't expect any either.

Enda Kenny is a moral and ethical disgrace.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Sunday Funnies: Financially Suspicious Minds

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 09:04 AM PST

This Sunday Funnies cartoon is courtesy of Merle Hazard who says "We Can't Go On Together with Suspicious Minds, Because Were Leveraged too Much Baby"

Concept by Merle Hazard, Art by Grey Blackwell. The cartoon also appeared on Jon Shayne's Blog.

Here is a list of Songs and videos by Merle Hazard, not to be confused with Merle Haggarg.

Inflation or Deflation? 

Link if video does not play: Inflation or Deflation

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Seth's Blog : Prepared to fail

Prepared to fail

"We're hoping to succeed; we're okay with failure. We just don't want to land in between."

--David Chang

He's serious. Lots of people say this, but few are willing to put themselves at risk, which destroys the likelihood of success and dramatically increases the chance of in between.


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Want Guest Post Links? Find Them Via Twitter [TOOL]

Want Guest Post Links? Find Them Via Twitter [TOOL]

Want Guest Post Links? Find Them Via Twitter [TOOL]

Posted: 28 Jan 2012 12:58 AM PST

Posted by Ethan Lyon

For a long time I’ve been pulling an RSS feed from Twitter for the query: “guest post” OR “guest author” [TOPIC] into my Google Reader. Every morning I would check it, blaze through 15-20 URLs -- most of which were the same URL being tweeted. Then, I'd record the best guest post opportunities, reach out to bloggers, publish a guest post and get links. It was a great strategy and resulted in a lot of guest post links.

Although having an RSS feed was a bit more efficient than performing a Twitter search every day, it was boring, time consuming and I just really didn’t like doing it. Things you don’t like, don’t last.

So, I made a tool that does all the heavy lifting. This tool pulls the same RSS feed that I had in my Google Reader into Google Docs, finds all of the URLs, enlarges them, eliminates duplicates based on domain, and presents them in a nice package.

Because it has helped me tremendously, I thought it could also help out other agency SEOs and small business marketers / owners.

How to use it

1. Go to

2. Make a copy of the sheet.

3. Type a one word topic that most describes your client / niche in cell B1.

You’ve likely chosen a topic too narrow if you’re seeing an error.

4. You’ll notice a bunch of links populating cell A2. Wait five seconds (I know, tough, right?) and they will change into unique URLs.

5. Copy 5-6 URLs:

6. Paste them into Ontolo’s Link Reviewer:

7. Click “Review URLs” and watch all of the URLs open in new tabs in your browser:

8. When you find a viable linking opportunity, paste the URL in column D:

9. Because no one expects you to remember all of the linking prospects in column D, it will tell you if there’s a duplicate in column F:

10. Now, add your link prospect’s contact info in column G.

11. Go to your calendar, create an event about an hour after you wake up that says, “Find Guest Posts Via Twitter” and add this link: in the event. Set it to repeat every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

12. Lastly, perform outreach. Use John Doherty's Twitter outreach article as a base and start building links!

Parting Remarks

Because the guest post opportunities are curated by Twitter users, it could pick up posts that might not explicitly say guest post in the title or even in the body of the article, yet be a guest post. So it should help you uncover some gems that you might not find via Google.

Next Versions

In next versions, expect to see Google Blog Search, multiple queries and URL analysis. That’s what I had in mind but I’d love to hear what you would like to see in the next version of this tool.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post / watch the video and hopefully you can benefit as much as I have. Looking forward to your thoughts!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Seth's Blog : Faux familiarity is worse than none at all

Faux familiarity is worse than none at all

Sure, it's easy to grab a first name from a database or glean some info from a profile.

But when you pretend to know me, you've already started our relationship with a lie. You've cheapened the tools we use to recognize each other and you've tricked me, at least a little.

Direct mail used to take advantage of this technique a lot, and since they measure everything, they knew when it worked. Online, though, we're seeing less disciplined marketers (big and small) continually mess it up. The clues are obvious to even the untrained eye--typefaces that don't match, references that don't make sense, and most of all, the weird disconnect we get when we think we're supposed to know someone and can't remember who they are. That's a lousy mood to get your prospect in, I think.


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