sâmbătă, 2 iunie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Who is the Fairest of Them All? [Infographic]

Posted: 01 Jun 2012 10:43 PM PDT

In case you haven't heard, today the movie 'Snow White and the Huntsman' was released. The movie has a star studded cast including Kristen Stewart, Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron. While the reviews are just now starting to come in, the special effects, production design and Snow White and the Huntsman costumes are said to be outstanding. Whether you see the movie or not most everyone knows the story of Snow White. And according to the mirror in this fairytale, there is only one woman in all the land who is more beautiful than Queen Ravenna – SNOW WHITE. Believing herself to be the rightful most 'fair', Queen Ravenna orders Snow White to be killed in the ultimate tale of vengeance. We thought it would be fun to take a look at these two iconic women in this fairytale. Does the mirror speak the truth? Who really is the fairest? You be the judge. Let's take a look.

INFOGRAPHIC: Who Is The Fairest of Them All?
Via: Halloween Express

How to Dance in The Club

Posted: 01 Jun 2012 09:57 PM PDT

A video posted by is going viral on youtube with almost 1.5 million views..It showcases different dance moves and to be specific he said "A tutorial on how to dance in the CLUB".

How to Dance in the Club 1

How to Dance in the Club 2

Every Instagram Filter on One Photo

Posted: 01 Jun 2012 09:25 PM PDT

What you will get if you apply every single Instagram filter on a single photograph? Belgian blog Appelogen wanted to find out by experimenting with an individual normal photo applying each filter over another. The end result an "abstract" looking photo with a white patch at the center.


Normal + Amaro

Normal + Amaro + Rise

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster + Brannan

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster + Brannan + Inkwell

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster + Brannan + Inkwell + Walden

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster + Brannan + Inkwell + Walden + Hefe

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster + Brannan + Inkwell + Walden + Hefe + Valencia

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster + Brannan + Inkwell + Walden + Hefe + Valencia + Nashville

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster + Brannan + Inkwell + Walden + Hefe + Valencia + Nashville + 1977

Normal + Amaro + Rise + Hudson + Sierra + X-pro II + Lo-fi + Earlybird + Sutro + Toaster + Brannan + Inkwell + Walden + Hefe + Valencia + Nashville + 1977 + Kelvin

Weekly Address: It's Time for Congress to Get to Work

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, June 2, 2012


Weekly Address: It's Time for Congress to Get to Work

President Obama speaks to the American people from a Honeywell manufacturing facility in Minnesota about his proposal to make it easier for companies to hire our returning service members for jobs that utilize their skills and help grow our economy.

Watch the President's weekly address:

Weekly Address June 2, 2012

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address at a Honeywell manufacturing facility in Golden Valley, Minnesota, June 1, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Weekly Wrap Up

Your quick look at this week on Whitehouse.gov:

The Nation’s Heroes: This Monday the President, Vice President, First Lady, and Dr. Biden traveled to the Arlington National Cemetery where the President laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns. He then spoke to the families gathered there, asking that we remember the fallen soldiers for the people they really were, “One thing we can do is remember these heroes as you remember them -- not just as a rank, or a number, or a name on a headstone, but as Americans, often far too young, who were guided by a deep and abiding love for their families, for each other, and for this country.”

The President then made his way to the Vietnam Veterans memorial to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. There he spoke of the service that the veterans undertook for America, both in war and once they returned home, “Like generations before you, you took off the uniform, but you never stopped serving.  You became teachers and police officers and nurses -- the folks we count on every single day.  You became entrepreneurs, running companies and pioneering industries that changed the world.  You became leaders and public servants, from town halls to Capitol Hill -- lifting up our communities, our states, our nation. You reminded us what it was like to serve, what it meant to serve.”

Extraordinary People: On Tuesday the President awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, to 13 extraordinary individuals. These people came from all walks in life, ranging from a doctor to a musician, the President said that each has made his or her mark on America, “Together, the honorees on this stage, and the ones who couldn’t be here, have moved us with their words; they have inspired us with their actions.  They’ve enriched our lives and they’ve changed our lives for the better.  Some of them are household names; others have labored quietly out of the public eye.  Most of them may never fully appreciate the difference they’ve made or the influence that they’ve had, but that’s where our job comes in.”

A Step in the Right Direction: President Obama also signed a bipartisan, Import-Export Bank reauthorization bill to help strengthen our economy. “Soon, there are going to be millions of new customers for our goods and services in Korea, in Colombia and Panama.  That way, even though we got some Hyundais over here, we’re also going to have some Chryslers and Fords and Chevys in Seoul that are imported from Detroit and Toledo and Chicago.” The President also took this time to reiterate that more needs to be done in order to fix our economy and particularly focused on the need for Congress to get to work on the “To-Do-List” that President Obama has been pushing for over the past month.

Portraits Unveiled: On Thursday Former President and First Lady Bush returned to the White House to unveil their official White House portraits. These portraits will join those of previous Presidents and First Ladies in the halls of the White House.

Equal Pay for Equal Work: On average, full-time working women earn just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns, a wage gap that exists regardless of personal choices like education or occupation. That's why President Obama is supporting the passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act.  To help make more people aware of the pay gap, we’ve created some e-cards that you can send via email or share on social media that explain why equal pay for equal work is essential.

West Wing Week: Your video guide to everything that's happened this week at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Watch here

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Seth's Blog : Understanding stuck

Understanding stuck

Is there a human being alive who is capable of getting to an airplane who doesn't know how to buckle his seatbelt?

Given that we have 100% seatbelt understanding among the flying population, why do flight attendants repeat the instructions literally millions of times a year? (Low and flat across the waist...)

It's stuck.

Like so many policies, beliefs and procedures in our organizations, this is a ritual that's stuck. To get unstuck, organizations need two things:

a. a vacuum and,

b. a willingness to ignore dissent

Change gets made by people who care, who have some sort of authority and are willing to take responsibility. Often, though, finding all three is tough, particularly when faced with the immovable object of the stuck organization.

One approach to getting unstuck is the clean sheet of paper. Dictate that the speech before flight is going to change, that the menu will be redone, that the qualifications are going to start over, from zero.

Now, instead of needing an unanimous vote to remove something, merely demand that you need a passionate voice to add something.

For years, the Yahoo home page was stuck, with literally hundreds of links on it. No one could take a link off the page, because unanimous consent was impossible. Once Google decided to start with a completely blank page, a different approach was possible.

Move your team across the street, open a new location, completely rewrite the employee handbook, throw out the standard sales script--by creating a vacuum, you give your team permission to invent.

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