sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

How Social Media Benefits Online Businesses

Posted: 26 Jan 2013 10:44 AM PST

It's quite amazing to see how much technology has progressed over the last few years, image there was a time before Facebook and Twitter.  Practically every person has access to just about anything they desire, all thanks to the continuing progression of the World Wide Web.  Because of this, people...
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Using Software and Tools to Find Long Tail Keywords

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 11:28 PM PST

As online marketers and site owners we all know that there is a lot more to running a successful business online than just throwing a web site up and hoping for the best. It’s not just about selecting keywords for search engine marketing and getting conversions off every visit to...
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10 Benefits of Guest Blogging

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 11:00 PM PST

Guest blogging is a great way to get your name out there and to help grow your business or blog. Both individuals and large companies can utilize guest blogging to their advantage. Some people may be on the fence about using guest blogging to promote their business but it has...
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Top Free Android Backup Apps in 2013

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 10:50 PM PST

The beauty of open source. It creates robust communities of users and developers all promoting openness. And Android being an open-source platform is one of the primary reasons it is overtaking the iPhone as the word's most preferred smartphone. Yes, there is no shortage of free mobile apps for Android,...
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How To Build A Credible Blog

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 10:08 PM PST

In the early days of blogging, it didn’t take much work to get a blog launched, articles written and an audience flowing and engaging. The novelty was such that if you happened to get in on the ground floor, you could own a blog that was head and shoulders above...
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Another January Mozscape Index Has Been Released!

Another January Mozscape Index Has Been Released!

Another January Mozscape Index Has Been Released!

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 04:35 AM PST

Posted by carinoverturf

Just 13 days ago on January 11th, we released the first Mozscape index for 2013. And today, we're launching the latest January Mozscape index - another two indexes in one month! Mozscape data has been refreshed across all our applications so you can see the latest data in Open Site Explorer, the MozbarPRO campaigns, and the Mozscape API.

This index finished up in record time, running smoothly on the high power cluster compute machines in AWS. Our Mozscape processing team (Doug, Martin, Brandon, and Stephen) has spent the past few months really cleaning up and optmizing the software that produces these indexes. Changes are slow going with this software - big data is big and changes are big! There is a lot of testing and optimizing that must be done before changes even make it into the production index, but these guys are dedicated to getting you index twice a month! 
We're eagerly waiting for our first index to be released from our new colocation in Virginia - hopefully in the month of February. With some new configurations and master network tuning from our Tech Ops team, we currently have an index churning away, so far with promising performance!
Here are the metrics for this latest index:
  • 70,278,347,012 (70 billion) URLs
  • 1,516,212,211 (1.5 billion) Subdomains
  • 145,518,352 (145 million) Root Domains
  •  783,206,227,396 (783 billion) Links
  • Followed vs. Nofollowed
    • 2.24% of all links found were nofollowed
    • 56.43% of nofollowed links are internal
    • 43.57% are external
  • Rel Canonical - 15.11% of all pages now employ a rel=canonical tag
  • The average page has 78 links on it
    •  66.68 internal links on average
    •  11.07 external links on average
And the following correlations with Google's US search results:
  • Page Authority - 0.36
  • Domain Authority - 0.19
  • MozRank - 0.24
  • Linking Root Domains - 0.30
  • Total Links - 0.25
  • External Links - 0.29
Crawl histogram for the January 25th Mozscape index
Since this index was kicked off January 14th, the latest crawl data is really fresh! There is just over 30 days of crawl data in this index, the majority being crawled in January, but some crawl data as old as mid-December. There was a significant increase in the number of subdomains crawled for this index compared to the our previous index. Further investigation revealed we found a fairly small increase of root domains that had a substantial number of new subdomains associated with them. Because they are such low authority, the increase won't have any impact on our metrics, but does significantly increase the number subdomains in this index.  
We always love to hear your thoughts! And remember, if you're ever curious about when Mozscape is updating, you can check the calendar here. We also maintain a list of previous index updates with metrics here.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Weekly Address: Two Nominees Who Will Fight for the American People

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weekly Address: Two Nominees Who Will Fight for the American People

President Obama discusses his nomination of Mary Jo White to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission and Richard Cordray to continue as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch Presiden't Obama's Weekly Address

In Case You Missed It

Here’s a quick glimpse at what happened this week on WhiteHouse.gov:

Inauguration Weekend: On Saturday, Americans across the country took part in the National Day of Service, a project started four years ago to honor the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The First Family kicked off the weekend at Burrville Elementary School in Washington, D.C. where they worked on school improvements. Watch the President and First Lady speak at the service event here.

On Sunday, in accordance with the Constitution which states the President must take the oath of office on January 20 in the year of an inauguration, President Obama and Vice President Biden were officially sworn in. Check out  video of the President taking the oath at the White House and the Vice President taking the oath at the Naval Observatory.

Inauguration Day: On Monday, President Obama delivered his Inaugural Address to the country and was publicly sworn in for a second term. Fittingly on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President Obama shared his vision for a second term. President Obama said, “My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it – so long as we seize it together.”

Check out the 57th Presidential Inauguration page, which includes our featured video on opportunities to interact with the White House, graphics to share on Facebook and a photo gallery from the historic weekend.

  • Watch the full address here.
  • Listen to the speech here.
  • Watch the complete Inauguration Ceremony here.
  • Watch the President and Vice President speak at an Inaugural Luncheon here.
  • Watch Highlights from the 2013 Inaugural Parade here.

Surprise: On Tuesday, the President and the First Lady were in the Blue Room where they surprised visitors during their White House tour. The First Lady used her new Twitter account to let followers know what was happening beforehand.

See what is like to be surprised by the President and follow @FLOTUS  to receive real time updates and special messages from the First Lady and the Office of the First Lady.

Fireside Hangouts: On Thursday, Vice President Biden took part in the latest “Fireside Hangout” hosted by Google. The Vice President outlined the Administration’s plan to protect our communities from gun violence, while answering questions from participants.

The virtual roundtable can be seen in its entirety here and you can join us on the White House’s Google+ page for ways you can become involved with the next hangout.

White and Cordray Nominated: On Thursday, President Obama nominated Mary Jo White for head of the Securities and Exchange Commission and called for Richard Cordray to continue as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Both can play pivotal roles in the financial sector as White will be asked to keep Wall Street and banks accountable, while Cordray will oversee the laws that protect everyday Americans.

“These are people with proven track records,” said President Obama. “They are going to look out for the American people, for American consumers, and make sure that our marketplace works better -- more transparently, more efficiently, more effectively.”

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Seth's Blog : The long run keeps getting shorter


The long run keeps getting shorter

In the long run, we're all dead, sure that's still true.

But the other long run effects--in the long run, you get caught, in the long run, kindness wins out, in the long run, we learn about who you really are--all of those are happening faster than they used to.

The short run has always been short (and it's getting shorter still). The real change, though, is how short the long run is getting. 

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