vineri, 15 februarie 2013

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

How To Use Twitter Analytics To Improve Your Social Media Marketing

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 11:00 AM PST

The main purpose of using twitter analytics is to determine whether your twitter marketing strategy is working for you. Analysis of the data in your twitter account can take up a lot of your time. However, it is a good way to get twitter followers and improve your marketing experience....
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Your Brand Name Domain Is Taken. Now What?

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 10:55 AM PST

If the domain name you want is owned by someone else, don't stress out. You're not unlucky. Most people can't find the domain they want available with a .com extension. You name it, someone has thought of it and registered it by now. So, what are your options and can...
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What Types Of Users Are Taking Advantage Of Mobile Advertisements?

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 09:55 PM PST

An advertisement that doesn't inform or help could be considered a waste. This is why targeted advertising is so important. Showing ads to the wrong demographics creates ad blindness in the user and wastes money for the advertiser. The advantage of mobile advertising is that different mobile data points including...
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Will Your New Monetization Model Work?

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 09:51 PM PST

New ideas are often brilliant ideas, but sometimes they get sabotaged by unforeseen events. If only we had a crystal ball to help determine how they would be received. Today, everything is driven by the bad economy and you really have to ask yourself whether your monetization model fits people...
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The Importance of Testing in SEO Graywolf's SEO Blog

The Importance of Testing in SEO Graywolf's SEO Blog

The Importance of Testing in SEO

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 09:57 AM PST

As a WebmasterWorld Moderator for the Google SEO section I am asked questions everyday and honestly most of them really upset me. I don’t mean a little upsetting, I mean like turning into a big green monster that starts saying “me hulk smash tings”. Why am I so worked up? Because the questions are simple [...]

This post originally came from The Importance of Testing in SEO

How Do I Find a Good SEO?

How Do I Find a Good SEO?

How Do I Find a Good SEO?

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 05:21 PM PST

Posted by randfish

Finding a decent SEO is hard work, and the recommendations you get for selecting your perfect fit will vary as much as the people providing them.

Whether you're looking for a consultant or an agency, you don't need to feel alone in your search! In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand walks you through his tips for finding an SEO that will be the cheese to your macaroni.

Do you have any other tips you've used to find an SEO that we haven't covered? Leave them in the comments below!


Video Transcription

"Howdy SEOmoz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week I wanted to actually take a question from one of our users in the community and that question was:  "How do I find a good SEO?" They were hoping I would do a Whiteboard Friday on it. So here it is.

I recommend a lot of things when people ask me for SEO assistance, consultants, agencies, that kind of thing, and I do it all the time. But I have a benefit of being in the industry for a long time and knowing a lot of people and usually knowing pretty well the people that I'm talking to or asking them a few questions to get those probing, in-depth answers that can let me know who I should recommend them to. This process is not particularly scalable, and certainly I can't have everyone just emailing me and ask. So please everyone who needs an SEO, don't email and ask me.

But if you're looking for somebody, I would recommend a process similar to this. I would start with your network, meaning check out LinkedIn, check out people that you might know on Twitter and Facebook who have SEO or have SEO experience in their profile. You could even post something on these sites saying, "Hey, does anyone have someone that they'd strongly recommend?" I'm not saying that you go directly from this process to hiring someone, just that you can start with it, any of the web communities where you participate, your friends and family, business colleagues.

Even local meet-ups, if you see that there is an SEO meet-up in your area, that might not be a terrible idea to actually go, meet some people, get friendly, especially if you find some folks in that community who don't necessarily offer SEO services – maybe they are in-house SEOs, they work for software companies, those kinds of things – but they will often have very good recommendations about who'd they suggest that you use. That's a great process, find sort of a neutral third party whose only interest is in helping you, but who knows the field well. That's what I'd be looking for here, more so than a direct consultant right away.

Second thing, check out SEOs on the major marketing communities. If you don't have anyone in your network, you might try going to places like SEO blogs. I think actually has a very good list of sort of all the popular and major sites in SEO, blogs in SEO. The SEOmoz Q&A certainly is a great place. This is actually one of my favorite features of Q&A now. There have been lots of people who have found their consultants and lots of consultants who have gotten work through Q&A. So I love that.

Quora is actually a good place to participate. You can see lots of people both asking and answering SEO questions there. I think the people who tend to give really good answers on Quora also tend to be pretty darn good folks. I see Ian Lurie, for example, from Portent Interactive, which is a great company here in Seattle, giving a lot of good answers there.

Some of those SEO forums, as well, if you see someone who not only the content of their answers, but the style of those answers. They are not reflexive or offensive. They don't get into arguments all the time. They're very open. They're empathetic. That's great. When you find people in these types of communities, that can be a good resource. Again, don't just think to yourself, "Oh, well they don't do consulting, or they're out of my price range." That can be a good thing. You can reach out to them and get a recommendation. These are the kind of people you want to find to get that recommendation.

Next, I want you to build a smart consideration set of the traits that matter to you, and this is certainly not exhaustive, these six, but these are traits that a lot of people have. So that could be I want someone who is very experienced, or I want someone who is relatively early in their career. I want someone whose background is they've been to college before, they've worked for several agencies, or I'm looking for an agency that has the background of having worked with several people in my field, or the opposite. A lot of times when they're seeking SEO consultants, they want someone who has no conflicting clients who are also in that field so that the links they build, the content they build, that work will all be for them exclusively and it won't be partnered out to several different folks.

Geography and location can matter a lot. I would be cautious about thinking about this one. Just because someone is not in your geography doesn't mean that you necessarily can't get together with them in person. If they're willing to fly out to your location or those kinds of things, I would still put them in your consideration set. I think that at least one or two meetings in person is a great thing if you can accomplish it. But geography tends not to be super important for doing SEO kinds of work, other than being able to connect up in person and sort of shake each other's hand and that sort of thing.

The agency consultancy size. Maybe you're looking for a one man operation or one woman operation. Maybe you're looking for a large agency that's inside a broader ad firm so they can serve lots of needs, that kind of thing.

Price, obviously, is a consideration for a lot of people. And timing and availability. Can they start their work right now? How many people do they have available? All those kinds of things.

You should add other things in this consideration set that matter to you. So, for example, values of the person might be really important. It might be very important to you that the person fits some particular criteria around what they've accomplished in the past or that they're very focused, they have a lot of skills on the content side as opposed to the linking side, or on the technical SEO side and the HTML and development side versus social media side. Whatever it is that matters to you, make sure to put that in your consideration set and consider people equally as you look through there.

Then I'd go and I'd create a short list of SEOs from the recommendations that you got. I would also do it, even if you're sure, absolutely 100% sure. You're like "You know what? This is the person for me. I just know that they're going to be the right one." At least talk to a couple of others. The perspectives that you'll get and the process of that interview is going to be very, very useful for you going forward and judging the work. You could find maybe you had your heart set on this person, but they turned out not to be right, and there was some reason. Just go through this process of at least vetting a couple of vendors.

So I would ask them some things like some project specific questions, related to specifically what we're trying to accomplish here at our company and the rankings we're trying to achieve, the visibility we're trying to get, the people we're trying to draw in, the intent of the marketing that we're doing. Great, ask them project specific questions, but also ask them generic SEO knowledge questions. There is actually a great resource that Joel linked to in the blog post of sort of a ten question litmus test that I wrote for professional SEOs a couple years ago now, but I think can still be quite valuable.

Get a reference or three, but be very careful in the references that you get. This is my experience, time and again, when reference checking vendors. You ask for a reference upfront, and you get people who they know will give a good reference. So really all you're saying is, "Do you have two or three people who will always say nice things about you?" That's not really a great reference check.

This is what I would do. When you start talking to them, don't ask for references. Ask, "What companies have you worked with? Who have been some of your clients over time?" Make sure to write down that list, and you can prompt them. If they give you a couple, you can say, "Oh, are there any others? Did you work with anyone in travel, anyone with a big site?" Whatever the criteria you have. Then write those all down and go back to LinkedIn or your personal network, see if you know people at those companies. Reach out to them independent of getting the reference and ask, "Hey, did you work with so and so? Were you happy with that experience?" Going that direct route is much better.

Then, I'll add this important caveat, very important caveat, which it's okay to get a couple of references that are not great. It really is. If you get one good reference from them and one of the people that you go back through your network says really good things about them, and you like them, and one other person that you've gone through your network says, "Ah, we were not happy," that's okay. It's okay to have a couple of people. There is no way that you're going to do SEO consulting or agency work, any kind of consulting or agency work or services work and not have a few unhappy people in the past. I think that 100% happiness ratio is extremely rare, and even if they were happy at the time, oftentimes people become dissatisfied over time with things, and that could be not the agency's fault, the consultant's fault. So I wouldn't dismiss these, but I would consider them very carefully, balance them on the whole, and make sure that you know all the things that are going on. Oftentimes, in any type of a services organization, it's not one person's fault or always the agency or the service provider's fault. Oftentimes, fault lies somewhere in between the company and the agency.

Then I would check out some online contributions too, places where they've contributed – blogs, social media, comments, those types of things. It tends to be the case that if you have people from the consultancy or the agency who've done stuff on the web that you can observe, you're seeing them in a little bit more of their natural setting, and you can see what I would call kind of behind the curtain of the polish that they present to you directly. That can be extremely valuable. So I love looking at sort of oh, I met someone at a conference and I thought they did a good job speaking, let go me check out some of their other presentations. Then I'll check out some of the stuff that they've done online. Boy, I get the sense that this person is kind of mean and rude on the Internet. I'm not sure that they're actually a match. That kind of information can be really interesting and really useful to you.

You'll also get a sense for how knowledgeable they are. They can seem very knowledgeable in person, and then you go on the web and you sort of get this sense of, oh, actually this person seems to be giving bad advice or asking questions that don't seem like they know what they're doing. Unfortunately, because the SEO field is so easy to enter, you do have a lot of folks who just got started in the industry, maybe are looking for their first clients still, or folks who have been operating who may not necessarily be SEO experts, maybe they're great at other parts of web agency work but not SEO.

Finally, my last piece of advice on this process, be very careful about choosing exclusively on price or experience. Now, price is an obvious one. You sort of go, "Yeah. I'll get what I pay for and choosing the lowest price vendor might not be a great idea," and those kind of things. That's true. But experience is a dangerous one also. I see a lot of folks saying, "Ah, you worked with our big competitor," or "You worked with someone else in the field that we respect and admire, therefore, we're picking you." We lose track of all the other important traits and criteria. Just be cautious about that. I think that there is something to, whether you're hiring someone onto your team, we do a lot of hiring here, and one of the things that I see is relevant experience does not always trump sort of that excited newcomer. As long as they have the chops to do the work, sometimes that passion and that lack of experience can actually open up a lot of opportunity for you. So be careful about choosing on those alone, and hopefully this process will work for you.

I would love if you're an agency or a consultant or someone who has found SEOs in the past and you have additional things that you'd like to add to a process like this, please include them in the comments below. I would love to see those.

All right. Thanks everyone. Take care. We'll see you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday."

Video transcription by

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"You're a Hero"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, February 15, 2013

"You're a Hero"

This week, the President delivered the first State of the Union address of his second term, and then brought his proposals to a factory in North Carolina and a school in Georgia, presided over a Medal of Honor ceremony, honored the outgoing Secretary of Defense, and hungout on Google Plus.

Check out this week's West Wing Week.

West Wing Week: 02/15/13 or “You’re a Hero”

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Watch: President Obama Answers Your Questions in a Google+ Hangout
Watch the video of President Obama's hangout, live from the West Wing of the White House.

President Obama: High Quality Pre-K Is "Good Bang for your Educational Buck"
In Georgia, President Obama visits a high-quality preschool where 3-4 year olds are getting the educational support they need to succeed throughout life.

Securing our Nation’s Borders
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano visits the San Diego and El Paso borders.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00 AM: The President meets with President Giorgio Napolitano of Italy

11:10 AM: The President welcomes the 18 recipients of the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medal

12:10 PM: The President departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews

12:25 PM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Chicago, Illinois

2:10 PM: The President arrives in Chicago, Illinois

3:45 PM: The President delivers remarks on strengthening the economy

5:30 PM: The President departs Chicago, Illinois

8:00 PM: The President arrives in West Palm Beach, Florida Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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joi, 14 februarie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Top 1% Received 121% of Income Gains During the Recovery, Bottom 99% Lose .4%; How, Why, Solutions

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 11:06 PM PST

I have spoken many times about "income skew" during the recovery. However, I was never able to precisely quantify the "skew". It's now possible, thanks to many readers who sent a link to a Huffington Post article on Income Gains During the Recovery.

The original source of the data is a study Striking it Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States by Emmanuel Saez.
From 2009 to 2011, average real income per family grew modestly by 1.7% but the gains were very uneven. Top 1% incomes grew by 11.2% while bottom 99% incomes shrunk by 0.4%. Hence, the top 1% captured 121% of the income gains in the first two years of the recovery.

From 2009 to 2010, top 1% grew fast and then stagnated from 2010 to 2011. Bottom 99% stagnated both from 2009 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2011. In 2012, top 1% income will likely surge, due to booming stock-prices, as well as re-timing of income to avoid the higher 2013 top tax rates. Bottom 99% will likely grow much more modestly than top 1% incomes from 2011 to 2012.

This suggests that the Great Recession has only depressed top income shares temporarily and will not undo any of the dramatic increase in top income shares that has taken place since the 1970s. Indeed, excluding realized capital gains, the top decile income share in 2011 is equal to 46.5%, the highest ever since 1917 when the series start.
How and Why?

Inquiring minds may be wondering how and why this happened and what to do about it. Currently there is a lot of misguided thinking such as calling for caps on CEO pay and increased minimum wages as proposed by president Obama in his state of the union address.

I propose that to find a cure, one needs to understand the problem and what cause it. In that regard, it's crucial to understand that inflation benefits accrue to those with first access to cheap money, the banks and the already wealthy.

Consider the housing boom and bust. By the time easy credit was universally available (with sensible income and down payment requirements flying out the window), the party was nearly over.

The root cause of boom-bust cycles (and the associated income inequality distortions) is the Fed's inflationary and reflationary policies. Simply put, the Fed has sponsored bubbles and busts of increasing amplitude over time, and those with first access to cheap money have come out ahead at the expense of everyone else.

It's even worse than that. The Fed's policy of "too big to fail" encourages rampant speculation if not outright manipulation in both directions.

How, Why, Solutions

The solution to income disparity is not wage caps on executive pay or hikes in the minimum wage, but rather the elimination of the Fed, the elimination of fractional reserve lending, and a return to sound money policies that do not benefit the already wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

For a detailed rebuttal to Obama's alternative proposals including a hike minimum wages, please see Hot Air and No Substance; Obama's Plan to Destroy Jobs "Won't Cost a Dime"

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

"Wine Country" Economic Conference Hosted By Mish
Click on Image to Learn More

Eurozone Economy Contracts .6% in 4th Quarter; France Down .3%, Germany Down .6%, Italy Down .9%; Expect ECB Jawboning on the "Strong Euro"

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 10:43 AM PST

As expected in this quarter (but not by economists) eurozone economies contracted at the sharpest rates in four years with Germany, France, and Italy falling short of consensus estimates.

The eurozone consensus was .4%. The 17-nation bloc shrank at .6% quarter-on-quarter while the broader 27-nation bloc shrank .5% quarter-on-quarter.

From the above Financial Times link:
Germany and France, the eurozone's two biggest economies, both saw output shrink. German GDP shrank 0.6 per cent in the period while France contracted 0.3 per cent compared with the previous three months. Both were marginally worse than the consensus forecasts of 0.5 per cent and 0.2 per cent respectively.

Italy's economy shrank 0.9 per cent, also more than expected, and its sixth consecutive fall. Both Dutch and Austrian GDP also contracted. The figure for the wider EU – all 27 member states – was a fall of 0.5 per cent.

The steep German decline reflected a sharp drop in net exports and investment in plants and machinery. Although business surveys have been much more upbeat, the weakness underscores how the recent appreciation of the euro could threaten an export-led recovery.

Insee, France's national statistics agency, said manufacturing output fell 2.3 per cent in the fourth quarter after a 0.9 per cent rise in the third quarter.
Spotlight on Germany

The Financial Times noted "the contraction in Germany is widely expected to be shortlived." I believe otherwise.

Italy remains a basket case, and the French economy is seriously imploding (for details, please see France Economic Implosion Accelerates; Record Decrease in Service Employment in Italy

Precisely what is supposed to carry the German economy to strong growth?

Expect ECB Jawboning

One likely consequence of this "unexpected" news is the ECB is highly likely to start jawboning about the "unwelcome strength of the euro", hoping to talk the exchange rate lower without the ECB having to take any action. When that fails to work, the ECB will cut rates.

That will not work either. How can it? The euro is a one-size fits all currency, but what needs to happen is a rebalancing within the eurozone itself.

I spoke about this on February 7 in Illusions of Stabilization ...

Germany Will Pay a Steep Price

One way or another Germany will pay a huge price.

These are the only two eurozone recovery options

  1. Germany gives (not lends) more bailout money to the rest of Europe
  2. The eurozone breaks up

Until one of those things happens, signs of stabilization are nothing but an illusion. See the above link for further discussion.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Can People or Corporations Have Too Much Cash?

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 12:07 AM PST

Is it possible to have too much cash for your own good?

I believe the average 7th grader would easily recognize the inherent absurdity of such a question. However, the average economic writer does not understand what the average 7th grader does.

For example, please consider Apple isn't only company with too much cash on CNN Money by author Paul La Monica.
Issuing preferred shares that pay a big dividend may not be the best use of Apple's more than $137 billion of cash and liquid investments. But hedge fund manager and Apple shareholder David Einhorn, who is pushing the maker of iEverything to reward investors with a new class of high-yielding stock, has a point.

Apple should be doing something more productive with its more than $137 billion in cash. Did I mention that Apple (AAPL) has more than $137 billion in cash?

And it's not alone. Several leaders in the tech and pharmaceutical industries are hoarding cash. ....
Mercy Me

Mercy! Corporations have too much cash! And they are hoarding it!

My Goodness. It's no wonder their stocks are doing poorly. Why everyone knows making money is bad business and spending money isn't.

Yes readers, this is the way economic writers on mainstream media think.

Although I am not opposed to higher dividend yields, I am also not opposed to the concept of waiting for better opportunities.

Recall that Microsoft bid $44.6 billion for Yahoo in 2008. Microsoft's offer was over $30 a share. The current price, after a huge rally is $21.

But No! Heaven forbid corporations "hoard cash". La Monica wants corporations to do something with their cash now.

The fact is the S&P just had a rally over 100%. Stocks are likely to correct (and hard). Buying companies at lofty prices is a fool's game, and I commend Apple for not doing it.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

"Wine Country" Economic Conference Hosted By Mish
Click on Image to Learn More