We started pinning back-to-school basics. We hope this board helps you prepare for your first day at school, whether you're picking up supplies and essentials for your kids, your dorm room, or for your classroom!
Yesterday, President Obama traveled to Camp Pendleton to visit with troops and their families, and to thank them for their extraordinary service to our nation.
"I’m here because, for more than a decade, you -- and all our men and women in uniform -- have borne the burden in this time of war," President Obama said.
Join us on Friday, August 9th, at 2:00 pm EDT for a “We the Geeks” Google+ Hangout on “Robots” – where pioneering scientists will discuss how robots can help transform everything from school classrooms to the factory floor and operating rooms to the way we explore the Solar System.
Making government data resources publicly available in machine-readable form as fuel for new private-sector products and businesses is one example of how the President is working to make government smarter and more innovative for the American people.
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