luni, 12 august 2013

Seth's Blog : Magic + Generosity = the brand crush


Magic + Generosity = the brand crush

A decade ago, I was walking through Union Square in New York. The farmer's market was on, and the place was jammed with early adopters. Fortunately, I was wearing a Google shirt, a rarity at the time, a gift from a gig I had done for them.

Across the way, a woman shouted, "Google! Do you work for Google? I love Google! Google is my best friend..." as she waltzed through the crowd toward me.

How many brands get a reaction like that?

Let me posit for a moment that most people aren't capable of loving a brand, not if we define love as a timeless, permanent state of emotion, connection and devotion. I do think, though, that people have crushes on brands all the time. And a crush can get a brand really far.

The first element of a crush is magic. When a product or service does something so unexpected, so inexplicable that we are in awe of what just happened, it feels magical. It might be the mystery of how a 1969 air-cooled Porsche made someone feel when being driven for the first (or hundredth) time. Or, more recently, it might be the surge that comes from connections found, the sort that Facebook used to deliver to new users all the time.

Sometimes that magic is almost Jungian--the roar of the crowd, the smell of flowers on your wedding day, the look in a student's eyes when she hears she got into Princeton. Other times the magic is literally that, the magic of Arthur C. Clarke and any sufficiently advanced technology (the sort of magic that woman in Union Square felt in 2002).

Remember back to the first time you saw an iPhone or tasted a warm donut--these are leaps in experience that connect us to a feeling of wonder we don't often experience, one that (sadly) decays over time.

The second element? Generosity. When the wizard happily shares his potion, when the device or the service is affordable, sold for less than it's worth. Not necessarily free—Harley Davidson motorcycles were never free, but the magic of being accepted by a generous tribe was more than enough to overcome the price of entry.

In software, particularly online, generosity comes naturally. Not only does Google find you what you seek, not only does Twitter let you broadcast to your world, but they appear to do it at no charge at all. Magic and generous at the same time.

It's difficult for the day laborer, the replaceable freelancer, the commodity supplier to earn a crush, because they are cogs in the system... selling the expected, for a fair price. We complete our transaction with you and then move on, even steven.

The crush, in contrast, goes far beyond delivering what's expected. The crush builds value for both sides, delivering a quantum leap in the urgency of the interactions. Ask David Cassidy...

Here's where the famous, "don't be evil" mantra kicks in. When it was first uttered at Google, it meant, "don't be like Microsoft was." In particular in meant, "don't use the magic we're creating in one place to allow us to be ungenerous, and in particular, don't use our magic in one place to eliminate choice in others." When Microsoft used the hegemony of the Windows OS to force people to use IE, they were being 'evil'. They traded their magic and stopped being generous.

Crushes don't last forever. You need to keep adding magic and generosity.


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duminică, 11 august 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

How Fast Can China Grow? Not as Fast as Most Analysts Think

Posted: 11 Aug 2013 06:31 PM PDT

Via Email, Michael Pettis at China Financial Markets quantifies various growth and investment scenarios. Pettis maintains 6% or higher growth is not plausible and that even 3-4% growth may be optimistic. What follows is from Pettis ...

Consumption and Investment Growth Under Rebalancing

Under specified rebalancing assumptions for China it is possible to calculate arithmetically the annual growth rate for consumption and investment under different GDP growth scenarios. This allows us to decide whether these scenarios are plausible or not.

Table: GDP, consumption, and investment growth in a rebalancing China

To read the table, let us start by assuming, as an example, that we believe the average GDP growth rate over the ten-year period will be 6%. For China to do a minimal amount of rebalancing that gets consumption to 50% of GDP and investment to 40% of GDP, we can quickly figure out what the corresponding growth rates of consumption and investment must be. Consumption must grow by 9.9% a year and investment must grow by 4.5% a year to get us there.

Notice the reason why I do it this way rather than the "normal" way most other economists would. Instead of estimating what I expect the growth rates in consumption and investment will be, and then calculating the implicit GDP growth rate from those numbers, I start with an assumed GDP growth rate and then calculate what the implicit growth rates in consumption and investment must be in order for rebalancing to take place. I am not making predictions, in other words. I am simply working out logically what any GDP growth rate must imply in terms of consumption and investment growth rates in order for China to rebalance.

This allows me to make statements like this: If you think that China's GDP will grow by 7% a year over the next decade, and if you expect a minimal amount of rebalancing, then you are implicitly predicting that consumption will grow by 10-11% a year for ten years and that investment will grow by 4-5.5%. If you believe these two implicit predictions are plausible, then your 7% prediction is also plausible.

I want to state again that these numbers are not predictions. They are simply the arithmetically necessary growth rates that are consistent with our assumptions. To return to the interpretation of the table, let us assume again that China does the minimal amount of rebalancing so that in ten years household consumption is 50% of GDP and investment is 40% of GDP, what are the investment and consumption growth rates consistent with, say, 6% GDP growth, and are they plausible?

It turns out that average GDP growth rates of 6% require, as an arithmetical necessity, that household consumption grow by 9.9% a year over the next ten years and that investment grow by 4.5%, after many years of high double digit growth and more recently growth in the low double digits. Is this plausible?

I would argue that positive investment growth rates for another ten years are highly likely to result in our reaching debt capacity constraints well before the end of the decade, so I am skeptical about the investment implications of this scenario. By the way some analysts have mischievously pointed to the very poor construction quality in China to argue that investment growth rates have to stay high just in order to account for higher-than-estimated depreciation costs, and that this suggests that China can grow faster than what we might otherwise assume.

This of course is nonsense. The fact that buildings and infrastructure are poorly constructed means that China is worse off, not better off, and the investment projects will ultimately be required to generate sufficient returns to pay off even more debt than originally estimated. Because it is debt capacity constraints that constrain investment, anything that creates debt without creating additional productivity to service the debt cannot possibly be a solution. Higher-than-expected depreciation increases debt relative to debt-servicing capacity.

I would also argue, more importantly, that if annual investment growth drops to 4.5%, and GDP growth to 6%, it will be very difficult, without significant and politically painful transfers from the state sector to the household sector, for consumption to grow at anywhere close to 9.9% a year for ten years. Consumption growth is, after all, positively correlated with investment growth, especially in the internal provinces upon which a lot of useless investment has been lavished.

In order to get Chinese households to increase their consumption by nearly 10% every year, I would argue that household income would have to grow at that rate, which means that wages, interest rates, and the value of the renminbi should in the aggregate increase rapidly to get consumption to rise fast enough, and of course since it is precisely low wage growth, low interest rates, and an undervalued currency that goose GDP growth, reversing them is not consistent with high GDP growth.

Can consumption grow at close to 10% for ten years while household income grows much more slowly? Yes, of course it can, if the household savings rate declines, but as China's economy slows and as concerns about debt rise, it seems to me a tad optimistic to assume that the household savings rate will decline sharply. Rising income and rising uncertainty both suggest that we should expect higher, not lower, household savings rates, which in turn imply that household income must grow faster, not slower, than household consumption.

All of this suggest to me that while 6% GDP growth for the next ten years might not be impossible, it is extremely unlikely because it requires what are to me implausible assumptions about the ability to maintain and increase already-high levels of investment without increasing the debt burden unsustainably and about the rise in the growth rate of household income as both GDP and investment growth drop sharply. This is why even 6% annual GDP growth rates, which are still lower than most current growth projections for China, are implausibly high, in my opinion.

What about if you believe that reducing investment is a much more urgent priority than raising consumption? In that case you might argue that China can grow at 6% while the household consumption share of GDP rises to 50% and the investment share of GDP declines to 35%.

In that case you are implicitly assuming that household consumption will grow on average by 9.9% a year for ten years while investment grows by 3.1% a year. Is this possible? Of course it is. Is it plausible? Again, only if you believe that investment growth can drop sharply while the growth in household consumption rises to nearly 10% a year for ten years.

So what is plausible? My working assumption, which I acknowledge is probably still optimistic, is that somehow or the other Beijing can keep household consumption growing at around 7-8% a year, even with a sharp decline in the investment growth rate and with the pressing need to clean up the banking system (and remember that traditionally, in China and elsewhere, cleaning up the banking system always means finding ways of getting the household sector to pay for the losses).

I know many consider assumption this to be a little optimistic, but if Beijing is worried about the social implications of adjustment, this is probably the target it will need to meet, and Beijing can do so even with much slower GDP growth if the leadership implements mechanisms that transfer wealth from the state sector to the household sector. I discuss why this is the right growth rate for to target in more detail in a recent piece published on the Carnegie Endowment website and in an OpEd piece in the Financial Times.

The table above shows that if China is to do the minimal amount of rebalancing, which requires that the world accommodate for another ten years large Chinese trade surpluses, and that debt can continue to grow – quickly but at a lower rate than in the past – for another ten years without pushing China up against its debt capacity constraints, 7-8% growth in household consumption is consistent with roughly 3-4% growth in GDP. It is also consistent with more or less no growth in investment, which would after ten years bring the investment level down to 35% of GDP.

These numbers are, I think, plausible if still a little optimistic. This is something, in other words, that I think Beijing can reasonably pull off – if it is able to manage political opposition from the domestic elite – because they can transfer resources from the state sector to the household sector at a pace necessary to keep the growth rate of household income and household consumption fairly high. However GDP growth rates significantly above 3-4%, I would argue, require assumptions that are unlikely to be met unless Beijing is able radically to transform its attitude to state ownership and the power of the elite, and so embark on a major transfer of assets from the state to the household sector.

This is why I have argued since 2009 that that 3-4% average GDP growth for a decade is likely to be the upper limit once Beijing seriously begins to rebalance the Chinese economy, and if the administration of President Xi and Premier Li is able to pull this off, it would be a huge accomplishment. China would rebalance substantially, the problem of debt would have been managed relatively well, and the income of average Chinese households will have nearly doubled over the decade. The key assumption, of course, is that in the face of a sharp drop in investment, Beijing is nonetheless able to maintain current high levels of consumption growth.

Before closing it is worth pointing out that many analysts have told me that they do not think it is possible for household income growth to exceed GDP growth for many years. But why not? After all state income growth exceeded household income growth for many years, and if Beijing reverses the mechanism that accomplished this – albeit with political difficulty – it can reverse the relative growth rates. More importantly, Japan did just this after 1990, when GDP grew by around 0.5% annually but household income and household consumption grew by between 1% and 2%. The US did this too in the early 1930s when, if I remember correctly, household income and household consumption dropped by a lot less than GDP (around 35%) and investment (around 90%).

But notice these two examples. One occurred under conditions of no growth and the other under conditions of negative growth. Severely unbalanced systems always rebalance in the end, but the process of rebalancing is rarely easy.

End Pettis

Michael Pettis stresses his table is not a series of predictions, but rather a mathematical model of what is probable or not. I agree with his model. If correct, a slow-growth China is baked in the cake, and that is going to catch nearly every economist off guard. Every country will be impacted, but especially the commodity exporters like Australia and Canada.

 Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Seth's Blog : Marketing driven or Market driven?


Marketing driven or Market driven?

A marketing-driven organization is run by the Marketing department. It revolves around what marketers do.

A market-driven organization is driven by what the market wants, regardless of what the marketing department feels like doing.

(And of course, there are organizations driven by Sales, by Shareholder Relations and by Operations and Tech too. Even a few that seem to be run by the Employee-happiness Department. Not many, though. Even in these organizations, the option remains: you can be market driven instead. The first step is to choose your market...)


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sâmbătă, 10 august 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Obama's Cream Puff Plan to Reform US Surveillance Program

Posted: 10 Aug 2013 10:01 AM PDT

On Friday, president Obama announced a plan to reform NSA surveillance.

Don't expect much of anything to come out of it. It's a dog and pony show designed to make people feel better as opposed to any solid measures as to how much data government collects on everyone.

Here are excerpts from the above article with my comments interspersed.

Independent: President Obama told a packed room of journalists at the White House Friday afternoon that he will work to reform Section 215 of the Patriot Act - the provision which currently allows the federal government's intelligence agencies to collect domestic phone data.

The President also said that he will work to increase oversight with regards to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court - the secretive judicial body that authorizes the government to collect data on communications coming in and out of the United States.

Obama said the reform will be accompanied with the roll-out of a new website which will provide Americans and people around the world the ability to learn more about the surveillance programs.

Obama: "The US will "make public as much information about these programs as possible."

Mish:  Expect to discover that the only thing "possible" is a bunch of government propaganda designed to purposely mislead the public about the extent of government data gathering activities.

Independent: Obama said he is forming an outside advisory panel to review the surveillance programs, assigning a privacy officer at the National Security Agency and creating an independent attorney to challenge the government's spy policies in court.

Mish: The NSA advisory panel will have as much say as an advisory panel of ants at an anteater convention.

Obama: "No, I don't think Mr. Snowden was a patriot," Obama said. "I called for a thorough review of our surveillance operations before Mr. Snowden made these leaks. My preference, and I think the American people's preference, would have been for a lawful, orderly examination of these laws. A thoughtful, fact-based debate that would then lead us to a better place."

Mish: Snowden is a hero.

Obama: "So the fact is that Mr. Snowden has been charged with three felonies," added Obama. "If in fact he believes that what he did was right, then like every American citizen he can come here, appear before a court with a lawyer and make his case. If the concern was that somehow this was the only way to get this information out to the public, I signed an executive order well before Mr. Snowden leaked this information that provided whistleblower protection to the intelligence community for the first time. So there were other avenues available for someone whose conscious was stirred."

Mish: There were no other avenues that would have done anything about the blatantly illegal data gathering other than making everything public.

Obama: "If you are outside of the intelligence community, if you are the ordinary person, and you start seeing a bunch of headlines saying, 'US, Big Brother looking down on you, collecting telephone records, etc.,' well, understandably people would be concerned. I would be too if I wasn't inside the government. It's not enough for me to have confidence in these programs. The American people have to have confidence in them as well."

Mish: Obama has confidence in something blatantly illegal, and he has the gall to insist you should have equal confidence.

Obama: "The question is: How do I make the American people more comfortable?"

Mish: The answer is: Stop the spying on US citizens and stop the spying on our allies as well.

Obama: "I am comfortable that the program is currently not being abused"

Mish: Even if one foolishly believes spying on US citizens is constitutional, Snowden proved without a doubt the program was repeatedly and purposely abused. And that makes the president is a blatant liar.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

A Better Bargain for Responsible, Middle Class Homeowners

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

A Better Bargain for Responsible, Middle Class Homeowners

In this week’s address, President Obama says that the housing market is starting to heal, and now it’s time to build on that progress by creating a better bargain for responsible, middle class homeowners. The President announced steps he will take to strengthen the housing market, and now Congress must act to help make homeownership a source of pride and middle class security for generations to come.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch this week's Weekly Address.

  Top Stories

Watch the West Wing Week here.

A Birthday Celebration: President Obama celebrated his 52nd birthday on Sunday – and we posted 52 of our favorite pictures from the year!

Live from Phoenix: The President left Washington on Tuesday and headed to Phoenix, Arizona, one of the cities hit the hardest when the housing bubble burst in 2009. Speaking from Desert Vista High School, President Obama discussed the progress we’ve made as a country and his commitment to continue helping responsible homeowners and promote the American Dream of homeownership

“We’ll make owning a home a symbol of responsibility, not speculation -- a source of security for generations to come, just like it was for my grandparents. I want it to be just like that for all the young people who are here today and their children and their grandchildren.”

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: While on the West Coast, President Obama stopped by The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and discussed housing and the economy. The President spoke about the progress we’ve made in the last five years and urged leaders in Washington to work hard to help the Americans who are still being affected by the recession. 

“What Washington should be thinking about every single day is how do we make sure we’ve got an economy where if folks work hard, they can find a good job that pays a decent wage; they can send their kids to college; they've got health care they can count on; they can retire even if they don't get rich -- or even if they're not rich; and that we’re creating these ladders of opportunities for people to get into the middle class.”

#AskObamaHousing: On Wednesday, President Obama partnered with Zillow, the online real estate market place, and Yahoo!, to answer questions submitted through Twitter, Facebook, Vine and Instagram about the housing market.

“We’ve got to give more hardworking Americans the chance to buy their first home. We have to help more responsible homeowners refinance their mortgages,” President Obama said. “And we’ve got to turn the page on this kind of bubble-and-bust mentality that helped to create this mess in the first place.”

Camp Pendleton: President Obama visited Camp Pendleton to thank the troops and their families. He expressed gratitude for their sacrifices, saying,

“After our nation was attacked, you were some of the very first conventional forces in Afghanistan -— racing in, hundreds of miles by helicopter, toppling that regime and driving al Qaeda from its camps. Then when the fight shifted to Iraq, you were there -— racing toward Baghdad and deposing a dictator. And through years of combat -— in Tikrit, Fallujah and Ramadi -— your courage added to the glories of the Marines’ long and illustrious history.”

"We the Geeks”: Robots and American inventors signed online on Friday for a “We the Geeks” Google+ Hangout on “Robots.” During the Hangout, the participants discussed how robots could assist with manufacturing and job creation – boosting the American economy. 

A Better Bargain for Students: President Obama signed the bipartisan student loan interest rate compromise into law on Friday, saving a typical undergraduate student $1,500. The law reiterates the President’s commitment to making higher education more affordable – decreasing interest rates for nearly 11 million borrowers on loans made after July 1, 2013.

Holding a Press Conference: The White House Press Corps gathered in the East Room today for a press conference held by President Obama. During the press conference, the President discussed his plans to give the American people greater confidence in the safeguards surrounding intelligence gathering programs.


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Seth's Blog : Why not give?


Why not give?

Not because it's the holidays or because you get a tax deduction.

Not because someone is going to match your funds or because your neighbor won't be able to enter a marathon if you don't.

Not because the kid is at the doorbell with those cookies or because it's pledge week.

And not because you read something that pulled your heartstrings.

Right now, for no good reason (and for every good reason), even if it's only $5. Pick whatever cause you care about. And tell a friend.

What if everyone did that, right now?

Generosity is its own reward. Go for it.


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vineri, 9 august 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

French Egg Producers Smash 300,000 Eggs and Demand Government Action to Raise Prices

Posted: 09 Aug 2013 04:03 PM PDT

Farmers in France are on an egg-smashing rampage in protest of low prices.
Farmers in northwest France have vowed to escalate an egg-smashing rampage they began this week in protest at low prices and rising production across the EU.

The protesters say a 2012 European directive, which obliges egg producers to improve the wellbeing of hens by increasing the size of their cages, has forced them to invest millions of euros to cover the upgrade.

On Tuesday night masked members of the informal collective vented their frustration by dumping 100,000 eggs – about 5 per cent of their output – from the backs of vehicles in the small Brittany town of Ploumagoar.

A day later, they descended on Carhaix. On Thursday, it was the turn of Morlaix, where they left 100,000 smashed eggs outside the tax office. Residents were quick to complain about the smell.

The producers have called on the government to help co-ordinate a 5 per cent reduction in the country's production, and to designate a special site where eggs can be destroyed.

On Friday, Sébastien Salliou, a local producer, said that prices had sunk so low that he was now selling 100 eggs at €4.50, even though his break-even price was €7. He also said that the European directive had forced him to spend about €2m on infrastructure adjustments for his business of 100,000 hens.
Collective Insanity

The farmers want the government to "do something" such as put a quota on eggs or create a "special site where eggs can be destroyed".

If that is not bureaucratic insanity, what is?

Rather than receive €4.50 for 100 eggs, the farmers would rather receive nothing. Actually, the farmers should be fined for cleanup costs so they should receive less than nothing for smashing their production in public places, creating a smelly mess in the process.

I have a simple solution.

If you do not like the price, don't produce the eggs. Selling eggs for €4.50 when it costs €7 to produce them is not smart business.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

When Will Spanish Banking System Collapse?

Posted: 09 Aug 2013 09:18 AM PDT

The question on my mind today is "When will the Spanish banking system collapse?" Spain's exposure to Portuguese sovereign debt and unrealized losses on real estate loans are two reasons a collapse in inevitable.

The Spanish banking system passed a so-called "stress test" in 2012, but sovereign government bonds are are not included in the evaluation.

We saw how well that worked with Greece (over and over again), and with Cyprus as well. It was Cypriot exposure to Greek bonds that collapsed the Cypriot banking system.

With that backdrop, please consider Will Portugal Bring Down the Spanish Banking Sector?
At its peak in the second quarter of 2008, France's exposure to Greece totaled $86 billion. That exposure has since plummeted, partly because French banks took advantage of the ECB's Securities Market Programme (SMP) during 2010-11 to fob off Greek bonds, effectively forcing a eurozone mutualization of the debt. SMP was terminated in September 2012.

What is much less widely known is that Spanish bank exposure to Portugal today, as shown in our Geo-Graphic, is higher than French bank exposure to Greece in early 2010, despite the fact that the Spanish banking sector is only 40% the size of the French. Spanish bank stress tests in 2012 suggested that the capital hole was more manageable than widely feared, but those tests looked only at the domestic lending books; foreign assets were excluded.

A restructuring of Portuguese sovereign debt similar to the one completed by Greece, which involved haircuts of over 50%, could wreak havoc on Spain's banking system. Yet delaying restructuring, as Greece is showing, may simply drag down Portugal—whose debt-to-GDP ratio is expected to approach 125% next year—faster and further, worsening creditor losses.

Without an SMP to mutualize Spanish bank exposure to Portugal, the way it mutualized French bank exposure to Greece, delaying a Portuguese restructuring will also do nothing to help Spain weather the shock. The euro area has already lent Spain €41.3 billion to recapitalize its banks, but finding a politically palatable way to convert that debt into mutualized eurozone equity may be a necessary cost of sustaining the European single currency.
Stress-Free Tests

Recall that seven banks that now make up Bankia collapsed over bad real estate loans. Exposure to Greek bonds was not even the issue with Bankia, and the banks allegedly passed stress tests. Bankia needed a bailout, then another. And it is going to need another.

Also recall that Greek bonds suffered thru round after round of haircuts which in turn caused a collapse in the Cypriot banking system. Sometime down the line, the same thing is going to hit Spanish banks.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's Disingenuous Strawman "Defend Europe, If You Still Dare"

Posted: 09 Aug 2013 01:06 AM PDT

Inquiring minds are reading the Telegraph article "Defend Europe, If You Still Dare" by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.
The youth jobless rate in Greece has just reached 64.9pc.

Little to add. This is pure policy error. Europe has needlessly pushed the whole EMU bloc into a deep double-dip recession, and the longest unbroken contraction since World War Two.

Keynesians warned them. Monetarists warned them. Anbody with any common sense warned them, but no, they believed in their quack theories of expansionary fiscal contraction — even when conducted without the anaesthetic of monetary stimulus.

European policymakers are like the generals of Verdun, the Somme, and Passchendaele, sending their youth straight into the barbed wire.

Europe's leaders still blame this crisis on America. You can only laugh or cry.

Is anybody on this comment thread really willing to defend EMU any longer?
Message to Ambrose

Yes, Ambrose, the Monetarist and the Keynesians did indeed warn Brussels. The Austrians warned Brussels as well. So did the eurosceptics. So stop pretending Keynesian or Monetarist policy was the right response.

The problems in Europe are structural and many. The euro is a structural problem, the "one size fits Germany" interest rate policy by the ECB is a structural problem, trade deficit settlement via Target 2 mechanisms is a structural problem.

Work rules, pensions, and unions are a structural problem of varying magnitude in various countries, with Greece, Italy, Spain, and France at the top of the list.

European policymakers are indeed "like the generals of Verdun, the Somme, and Passchendaele, sending their youth straight into the barbed wire".

However, spending money countries do not have can hardly be a solution to those structural issues! Pray tell Ambrose, what good would it do? What problems does it fix?

The same applies to monetarist idiocy of printing more money and having all of it sit as excess reserves at banks. 

It is the Austrian-eurosceptics that have it right. The eurozone needs to break up. Greece, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal are in serious need of work rule reform, pension reform, and public sector reforms of all sorts.

Instead you pour it on as if the Keynesians and Monetarists had something other than can-kicking exercises in mind. They don't and you don't either which is quite sad given you were one of the original euroscpetics.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock