miercuri, 28 august 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

28 Great Offices Around the World

Posted: 28 Aug 2013 11:15 AM PDT

Google Office in Zurich.

Indoor ski lift at the office.

Selgas Cano Architecture in Spain.

Kennedy in Portland.

Bahnhof in Sweden.

Pallotta Teamworks in Los Angeles.

Inventionland in Pittsburgh.

Pirate ship 

TBWA Hakuhodo in Japan.

Pixar in Emeryville, California.

BBC North in the U.K.

DreamHost in Los Angeles.

Google in Pittsburgh.

Co-Merge in San Diego.

Google Office in Tel Aviv.

Red Bull in Austria.

LEGO in Denmark.

GPT Group in Australia.

Saatchi & Saatchi in Thailand.

Google in Russia.

DTAC in Bangkok.

Three Rings in San Francisco.

Macquarie Group in Australia.

Colorful round couch at the office.

KBP West in San Francisco.

Sid Lee in Montreal.

Ogilvy & Mather in China.

Google in Zurich.

5 Lessons Learned from 100,000 Usability Studies

5 Lessons Learned from 100,000 Usability Studies

5 Lessons Learned from 100,000 Usability Studies

Posted: 27 Aug 2013 04:18 PM PDT

Posted by Phil Sharp

It happens all the time.

People get confused, frustrated, and angry while using websites. They sigh, they groan, and sometimes they even shout. I see it happen with my own eyes each and every day.

Over the years at UserTesting.com we’ve literally watched hundreds of thousands of usability studies, which gives us a unique perspective into some of the most common issues that impact users. I’d like to share five of those insights with you.

1) Avoid multi-level navs

The person in the video below is struggling to move her mouse through multiple levels of navigation. Just when she thinks she's made it to the item she's looking for, the entire navigation disappears. We see this every day on many different sites and it always frustrates the users.

This person is having a hard time using the site's navigation.

A fix to consider

One possible alternative to this type of navigation is to take an approach similar to Amazon.com, and have an entire section pop out.

On Amazon.com, the entire section pops out.

This approach makes life much easier for your visitors. Not only does it remove the need for them to delicately maneuver their mouses, but it also lets them see all of their options at once. Plus, it gives you the freedom to add images and other styling to your nav.

For other possible solutions, and a more in-depth look into creating easy-to-use navigation, check out these resources:

2) Your categories might be confusing users

As the video below illustrates, the way we categorize things on our websites might be confusing our visitors. In fact, it's one of the most common things we see in all of our user tests.

A person looking for a small vacuum for under $50.

In this particular study, it took our participant 48 seconds to find the category for a small vacuum. She started her search by looking in "electronics," then browsed for something called "household," and finally made her way over to "Home & Garden."

At this point you're likely thinking one of two things:

  • Either, "Silly person, it's obvious that a vacuum would be in the 'Home & Garden' section."
  • Or, "Silly designer, it's obvious that 'Home & Garden' is a confusing category."

That's why I need to introduce you to the "Matt-Damon-and-Good-Will-Hunting-Can-Do-No-Wrong" principle.

The principle is simple: it's not your fault. (Side note: if you don't understand this reference, then do yourself a favor and watch this video.)

It's not your fault. It's not the user's fault. It's not the designer's fault. In fact, it's nobody's fault. What's crystal clear to you might be confusing to me, and no one is to blame for that. It's just something we have to work with.

So, what do we do about it?

One of the best ways to test out your site categorization is to sit someone down in front of your site and ask them to find a specific item without using internal search. This is simple, fast, powerful, and very painful to watch.

You're bound to see people struggle to find things that seem obvious to you. When this happens, remember the "Matt-Damon-and-Good-Will-Hunting-Can-Do-No-Wrong" principle, make some changes to your categories, and then test again.

Another way to improve your categories is to use a tool like OptimalSort or TreeJack. OptimalSort is an online card sorting tool that makes it easy to find out how people think your content should be organized. Then, once you think you have everything organized nicely, TreeJack helps you prove that this site structure will work.

3) Internal search is crucial (and frustrating)

There's a good chance that 10% of your site visitors are using your internal search. When they search for your most popular items, do you know what the results look like?

From all our studies, we've found four common types of problems with internal search:

  1. Search results that don't account for typos, plurals, hyphenations, or other variants
  2. A search box that isn't long enough
  3. Search results that simply don't make any sense
  4. Search results that aren't sorted by priority
To see an example of #4 in action, let's watch yet another person looking for a vacuum:

When results aren't sorted by relevance, people are bound to see some weird things.

Because the search results are automatically sorted by "Most Popular," the first results are for replacement batteries and filtration paper bags! Yikes! Or, as my 10th-grade Spanish teacher would say, "que barbaridad!"

If you do only one thing

If you do only one thing, look at your internal search logs and find the top 10-20 keywords that people are searching for on your site. Search for each of these items yourself to see if you're happy with the results.

Then, search for your company's 10 most important products. How do those results look?

Lastly, look for some generic, non-product terms. For example, if you're an e-commerce store, search for "returns," "contact," and "hours." Looking good?

If you can perfect these searches, and change your search results to automatically sort by relevance, you're most of the way there!

4) Links should look like links

As obvious as it sounds, there are many times when links actually don't look like links. And, as you probably guessed, this means users don't know they can click on them.

In the video below, this person is requesting a link to the "basic uploader" without realizing that "basic uploader" is already a link:

"Okay, that's frustrating. It would make more sense to me that you'd have a link that I could just click on."

What does a link look like?

This won't come as a big surprise, but to make your visitors happy, links should be colored and underlined. And, ideally, there should be different colors for links that have been visited and unvisited.

For more info on the topic, check out this great article from the Nielsen Norman Group, or this post from Moz.

5) Engage your visitors (in other words, don't be boring)

Sometimes websites are perfectly usable â€" they have great navigation, clear categories, helpful internal search, and links that look links â€" but they suffer from a major problem: They're boring.

Or, put a nicer way, they're not engaging their visitors. People use the site, and they could easily buy something if they wanted, but they don't feel a connection to the brand or the product. Frankly, they just don't care.

In the video below, a person is trying out a mobile app for the first time ever. Listen to the deep sigh she makes and the tone of her voice:

The sound of boredom.

That's the benefit of watching someone use your website, app or product. You can hear their tone of voice and pick up on things like boredom that you'd miss if you were just looking at standard analytics data.

It's tempting to always get wrapped up in analytics or usability, but don't lose sight of engaging your visitors and building your brand.

Tunnel vision

These are only five of the issues that we see pop up often, but really there are countless ways that our websites can be turning off our visitors.

Thanks to the amount of time we spend on our own sites, we're blind to many of the issues that are confusing or frustrating our users. We have tunnel vision.

This is what we look like. Unfortunately, most of us aren't this adorable.

That's why it's so important for us to get our sites in front of real people with fresh eyes who can give us unbiased feedback. While this feedback is probably going to be painful to hear, it's going to help us all improve our sites and make the web a better place.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

President Obama Speaks at the Let Freedom Ring Ceremony

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

President Obama Speaks at the Let Freedom Ring Ceremony

Today, President Obama will be joined by President Jimmy Carter and President Bill Clinton, members of the King family and other civil rights leaders and luminaries to honor the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. King's iconic "I Have a Dream" speech. You can watch starting at 11:30 a.m. ET, and President Obama will deliver remarks at 2:45 p.m. ET.

Click here to watch the event.

President Obama Speaks at the Let Freedom Ring Ceremony

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Becoming a More Perfect Union  

Director of the Domestic Policy Council Cecilia Muñoz reflects on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and the work we have left to do on voting rights, jobs, and equal opportunity in this country.


Our 'Fierce Urgency of Now' 

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius writes about the renewed meaning of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech 50 years ago.


President Obama Awards the Medal of Honor to Ty Carter

This week, President Obama presented Army Staff Sergeant Ty M. Carter with the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry. Carter was one of 53 American soldiers who woke up the morning of October 9, 2009 to an attack by more than 300 Taliban fighters.


  Today's Schedule

10:00 AM: The President and Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

2:45 PM: The President delivers remarks at the Let Freedom Ring ceremony commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom  WATCH LIVE

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Seth's Blog : "If you don't start, you can't fail"


"If you don't start, you can't fail"

It sounds ridiculous when you say it that way.

But of course, it is ridiculous. It's (quite possibly) the reason you're stalling.

On the other hand, there's no doubt that, "If you don't start, you will fail."

Not starting and failing lead to precisely the same outcome, with different names.


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