miercuri, 25 septembrie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Infographic Promotion – The Ultimate Guide To Successfully Promoting Your Infographic

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 12:49 PM PDT

There are a whole host of reasons someone might want to get an infographic developed – as specialists in infographic design we've produced them for just about every reason you can think of – but the most common goal when producing an infographic is improved SEO, i.e. to build and attract inbound links. As a result, effective promotion and distribution of infographics have become just as important as the research and design phase – after all, it's no good having an interesting, accurate and beautifully designed infographic if nobody gets to see it or share it.

But successfully promoting an infographic isn't quite as straightforward as a lot of people initially think, resulting in most people simply submitting their design to the ever-growing list of infographic distribution sites and leaving it at that; unable to think of any other places to push their graphic.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via designbysoap.co.uk

Russian Doppelgangers of the Famous People

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 12:18 PM PDT

This is how Russia changes people.

Predictions From the Past That Never Came True

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 12:05 PM PDT

Even the smartest people can be wrong.

Is Motel 6, Mishawaka, Indiana, The Worst US Hotel

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 10:59 AM PDT

These pics were taken at 3AM on a rainy night in Sept. 2013. Checked in after a 15-hour drive and was greeted with the grossest room ever. Left after 40 minutes to pitch a tent in the rain, and have not received a refund or any satisfactory action. Will never again trust Motel 6, and will make sure as many people as possible see these photos.
TV remote

This is actually the remote that was left for us. It looked like it had been smashed with a hammer. It was sticky to the touch too. Gross.

 Black sticky stuff on old worn carpets

The camera's flash obscures how lumpy and black this carpet is. The entire floor looks like this. The black stuff on the carpet is sticky. I wish I could have gotten a good photo of the bed. The mattress must have been two decades old. It was so thin that it sloped inward to the center, and springs were poking through and jabbed you when you sat on it. The pillowcases had yellow stains on them, and I found hairs between the top and bottom sheets.

Bathtub drain

Not sure this bathtub has ever been cleaned. Green gunk caked around the drain, and a thick ring of scum around the entire tub basin.

Corner of bathtub

Moldy caulking around the entire tub.

Bathroom sink

Bathtub near the ceiling

Black carpet, loud, rattling AC

Here's another shot of the worn carpet coated in black stuff. That air conditioner rattled and spewed out rank-smelling air. It was 2:40 when I checked in, and due to my exhaustion I almost actually stayed here. It was when the AC started stinking up the room that I decided to pitch a tent in the pouring rain, rather than spend another second here.

First floor hallway

Straight out of a horror movie. The elevator was broken, so I got to walk down this and then up three flights of stairs to my room.

TripAdvisor has other reviews:
* I stay in hotels 300+ times yearly. This Motel 6 is the worst hotel I have ever stayed in. The lobby, halls, stairwells and entries are dirty. The room had marks on the walls, stained carpet and beds/bedding were old and threadbare. Bypass this one.
* Thank God the three of us (all women) had a large muscular dog with us. The room welcomed us with the pungent smell of urine. We were perplexed by the layer of grease (I'm calling it grease but really we don't know, don't want to know) on the carpet, wore shoes the whole time. The door lock on the door connecting our room to the next didn't work. We asked to switch rooms. The next room had a cracked door. I could go on about gross and unsafe details. The worst.
* We stayed here after the ND v BYU football game. They charge $138.00 on football weekends and about $45.00 the rest of the time. This place was dirty and gross. There were blood stains on my pillow case and the toilet looked like it hadn't been cleaned since the Bush Administration (and I mean Bush # 1). The elevator was not working and there were exposed pipes in the hallways. You know the old saying, you get what you pay for. My advice if you are going to a ND football weekend, spend the big bucks and stay in a place that doesn't look like a third world slum.
Via imgur

Something Big’s Happening

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Something Big’s Happening

Starting October 1st, Americans will have access to the Health Insurance Marketplace -- a new, simpler way to compare plans and purchase health insurance -- all in one place. The Marketplace will be run in partnership with states or fully by HHS in 36 states. In these 36 states, consumers will have a choice of 53 health plans on average, and young adults will have even more low-cost options.

In partnership with HealthCare.gov, we've created a map to help you explore a summary of the choices and premiums expected to be available on October 1st. 

See the map and learn more about the Marketplace.

Health Insurance Marketplace Map

  Top Stories

Delivering on the Affordable Care Act: Marketplace Premiums Lower than Expected

At the center of the Affordable Care Act is the premise that we need to make health care more affordable and accessible for more Americans, and a new report released today demonstrates just how affordable insurance will be. The report, released by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), finds that in state after state, affordable options will be available through the Health Insurance Marketplace in 2014. 


President Obama Discusses the Prospects for Progress at the United Nations General Assembly

Yesterday, President Obama delivered a speech at UNGA -- the United Nations General Assembly -- in New York City. The President expressed optimism at the prospects for diplomacy in solving a range of long-simmering conflicts across the globe.


In Case You Missed It: President Obama at Kansas City Ford Plant: Congress Needs to Do Its Job

Last Friday, President Obama delivered remarks at a suburban Kansas City, MO Ford Motor Co. stamping plant -- a plant that recently had to bring on a shift of 900 workers to keep up with the demand for the new F-150.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

11:00 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:45 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:30 PM: The Vice President attends an event for the Democratic National Committee

1:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney 

2:45 PM: The President holds a call with mayors, county officials, and state legislators on the Affordable Care Act

3:00 PM: The Vice President meets with President José Mujica of Uruguay

4:30 PM: The President meets with Treasury Secretary Lew

4:30 PM: The Vice President meets with Vice President Khudheir Al-Khuzaie of Iraq

8:15 PM: The Vice President deliver remarks at the 7th Annual Clinton Global Citizen Awards LISTEN LIVE

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