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West Wing Week: "A Year of Action"

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House
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We the Geeks: “Polar Vortex” and Extreme Weather

Join us today at 2:00 p.m. ET for We the Geeks: "Polar Vortex" and Extreme Weather -- for a conversation with leading meteorologists, climate scientists, and weather experts about why temperatures dipped to such frigid lows this week, how weather experts turn raw data into useful forecasts, and what we know about extreme weather events in the context of a changing climate.

Join us TODAY at 2:00 p.m. ET at




West Wing Week 1/10/14 or, "A Year of Action"

This week, President Obama called on Congress to extend emergency unemployment insurance for more than a million Americans, and announced the first five of what will be 20 Promise Zones to help change the odds for kids, as the War on Poverty turned 50. And as a polar vortex descended on much of the country, the President's Science Advisor helped explain why.

Click here to watch this week's West Wing Week:

West Wing Week 1/10/14 or, "A Year of Action"



  Top Stories

The Employment Situation in December

Though December’s job growth was less than expected, we continue to focus on the longer-term trend in the economy - 2.2 million private sector jobs added and a 1.2 percentage point decline in the unemployment rate over the course of 2013.


New Steps to Strengthen the Nation’s Energy Infrastructure

Yesterday, President Obama signed a memorandum establishing the federal government’s first Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) process, fulfilling an important commitment from his Climate Action Plan and ensuring that federal energy policies continue to meet the nation’s economic, environmental, and security goals. Over the next four years, the QER will provide a comprehensive review of these policies in the context of a changing energy landscape.


Covered in the New Year: Andrew Santiago’s Story

Andrew Santiago is one of the 10.2 million Latinos who stand to benefit from the new protections provided by the Affordable Care Act. Andrew is a comedy writer from Brooklyn who works freelance jobs in television production. Andrew signed up for coverage under the Health Insurance Marketplace and qualified for a tax credit that allows him to purchase medical and dental insurance for only $87 a month.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:45 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney WATCH LIVE

2:00 PM: The Vice President ceremonially swears-in Jeh Johnson as Secretary of Homeland Security

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Watch Live: We the Geeks

The White House Friday, January 10, 2014

Watch Live: We the Geeks

Want to know more about the frigid blast of air that's been sweeping the country this week?

Make sure you join us TODAY, January 10 at 2 p.m. ET for We the Geeks: "Polar Vortex" and Extreme Weather.

We'll be joined by leading meteorologists, climate scientists, and weather experts to chat about why temperatures dipped to such frigid lows this week, how weather experts turn raw data into useful forecasts -- and what we know about extreme weather events in the context of a changing climate.

Join us TODAY at 2 p.m. ET at

Watch: What's a polar vortex?

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Seth's Blog : Understanding sponsorship


Understanding sponsorship

The answer to the question, "how are you going to pay for this project?" is turning out to be sponsorship more and more often. If you don't know why organizations want to sponsor things, though, it's likely a long, hard road to find the sponsorship you seek.

As the number of media options continue to explode (blogs, books, conferences, tattoos, speaking engagements, film festivals, stadiums, entire websites...) it's worth thinking a little bit about why organizations buy sponsorships.

1. It might be a substitute for advertising. How many people see it? How much does it cost per person? (this is the cpm, but instead of cost per thousand page views or magazine readers, it's cost per thousand impressions, which come in a myriad of ways). I think this is the film festival/book fair model. It's a reasonable way to reach a hard to reach, high value group.

2. It might be a bragging rights thing. This means that the sponsor isn't focused on tonnage, but instead wants the affiliation that they can mention to others. Sort of a reverse endorsement. The thing being sponsored isn't a media outlet, then, but a license by affiliation. An example of this might be sponsoring a speaker coming to town. Clearly, the 500 people in the audience don't constitute a useful CPM, but the fact that you did it gains you authority with those that notice what you did.

3. It might be a chance to influence the organization being sponsored. This would explain why big corporations are willing to sponsor political conventions.

4. It might be a useful way to inspire and focus your internal organization. When the people who work for you see you sponsoring a worthy charity or a thoughtful opinion leader, it changes how they do their job or how they focus their efforts.

5. It makes the CEO happy and earns the organization a seat at certain sorts of tables. I think this is the model for sponsoring a sports stadium, an act that has never been shown to have any value at all as a mass media choice.

Because there are so many ways to come at this, valuing a sponsorship is difficult indeed. If you're a bank sponsoring a bike sharing service, how do you compare that to five-hundred full page newspaper ads (about the same price over a certain period of time). Of course, you don't. You can't. Instead, you must be really clear internally about what it's for.

In general, if you're clear about which of these five things you're shooting for, most sponsorships are a screaming bargain compared to traditional media buys, particularly if you're trying to reach an elite or elusive demographic.



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