Posted by Cyrus-Shepard
Late last year we set out to discover the top tools, tactics, and trends of the online marketing world. With the help of our partners, over 3700 participated in this year's Industry Survey.
Today, Moz is proud to present the results.
Read the Industry Survey 2014 Results
Shifting demographics and salaries
This year's data was analyzed by Dr. Pete Meyers, Moz's Resident Marketing Scientist.
One area we've tracked for several years is the demographic makeup of professionals working in the online marketing industry. Among the shifts the survey has revealed is a rise in the number of women working in the field.
This year's respondents were 28.3% female, up from 20.7% in 2010, although theses numbers indicate we still have a long way to go.
The survey also examines salaries, as indicated by the graphic below showing the median salary by role of respondents around the world. The full data set (see below) contains even more granular information.
Median Salary by Role
Tools and strategies in 2014
In the age of (not provided), Google's Hummingbird update and changing practices in the world of link building and content marketing, the survey tracts both shifting tactics and tools inbound marketers most use to perform their jobs.
This year, we particularly wanted to know how marketers dealt with (not provided) keywords, as we've seen it's prevalence expand to over 75% worldwide.
How do marketers deal with (not provided)?
This represents only a small sampling of the data analyzed by Dr. Pete. Check out the complete results for more insight.
Bonus: Build your own content with the full data download
Moz is making all the data collected public under a Creative Commons license. This means you are free to use it for research, creating visual assets, or even producing your own content from the raw data, as long as you follow the requirements of the Creative Commons license.
We only published a portion of the data for this year's Industry Survey results, so the possibilities of what you can do with the remaining full data set are endless.
Get the full data download here.
Thanks to our partners and contributors
We firmly believe in collecting this data for the benefit of the entire industry, and this effort wouldn't be possible without the help of our partners. A few of the companies that deserve special recognition:
Also a big thanks to Moz team members Dr. Pete, Derric Wise and Devin Ellis who produced the content, and finally Jackie Immel who worked tirelessly for months to bring the whole project together.
Read the Industry Survey 2014 Results
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