marți, 11 martie 2014

12 Ways to Increase Traffic From Google Without Building Links

12 Ways to Increase Traffic From Google Without Building Links

12 Ways to Increase Traffic From Google Without Building Links

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 04:07 PM PDT

Posted by Cyrus-Shepard

Link building is hard, but it's not the only way to make traffic gains in Google's search results.

When I first started SEO, building links wasn't my strong suit. Writing outreach emails terrified me, and I had little experience creating killer content. Instead, I focused on the easy wins.

While off-page factors like links typically weigh more heavily than on-page efforts in Google's search results, SEOs today have a number of levers to pull in order to gain increased search traffic without ever building a link.

For experienced SEOs, many of these are established practices, but even the most optimized sites can improve in at least one or more of these areas.

1. In-depth articles

According to the MozCast Feature Graph, 6% of Google search results contain In-depth articles. While this doesn't seem like a huge numbers, the articles that qualify can see a significant increase in traffic. Anecdotally, we've heard reports of traffic increasing up to 10% after inclusion.

By adding a few signals to your HTML, your high quality content could qualify to appear. The markup suggested by Google includes:

While Google seems to favor authorities news sites for In-depth Article inclusion, most sites that may qualify don't have the proper semantic markup implemented.

2. Improving user satisfaction

Can you improve your Google rankings by improving the onsite experience of your visitors?

In many ways the answer is "yes," and the experience of several SEOs hints that the effect may be larger than we realize.

We know that Google's Panda algorithm punishes "low-quality" websites. We also know that Google likely measures satisfaction as users click on search results.

"… Google could see how satisfied users were. … The best sign of their happiness was the "long click" â€" this occurred when someone went to a search result, ideally the top one, and did not return."

-Stephen Levy from his excellent book In the Plex

The idea is called pogosticking, or return-to-SERP, and if you can reduce it by keeping satisfied visitors on your site (or at least not returning to Google to look for the answer somewhere else) many SEOs believe Google will reward you with higher positions in search results.

Tim Grice of Branded3 reports a saying they have at their SEO agency:

"If you have enough links to be in the top 5, you have enough links to be position 1″

While we have no direct evidence of pogosticking in Google's search results, we've seen enough patents, interviews and analysis to believe it's possibly one of the most underutilized techniques in SEO today.

3. Rich snippets from structured data

Google constantly expands the types of rich snippets it shows in search results, including events, songs, videos and breadcrumbs.

The first time I heard about structured data was from a presentation by Matthew Brown at MozCon in 2011. Matthew now works at Moz, and I'm happy to glean from his expertise. His Schema 101 presentation below is well worth studying.

If you're just getting started, check out this amazingly helpful Guide to Generating Rich Snippets from the folks at SEOgadget.

Two of our favorite types of markup for increasing clicks are videos and authorship, so we'll discuss each below.

4. Video optimization

Pixel for pixel, video snippets capture more search real estate than any other type of rich snippet, even more than authorship photos. Studies show our eyes go straight to them.

Eye-Tracking Google SERPs - 5 Tales of Pizza

Unlike author photos, video snippets are often easier to display and don't require connecting a Google+ account.

Video snippets generally require creating a video XML sitemap and adding video markup.

To simplify things, many third party services will take care of the technical details for you. Here at Moz we use Wistia, which creates a sitemap and adds markup automatically.

Pro tip: Both and XML sitemaps allow you to define the video thumbnail that appears in search results. As the thumbnail highly influences clicks, choose wisely.

Recommended reading: Getting Video Results in Google

5. Google authorship

Scoring the coveted author photo in Google search results doesn't guarantee more clicks, but getting the right photo can help your click-through rate in many results.

What makes a good author photo? While there are no rules, I've personally tested and studied hundreds of photos and found certain factors help:

  • Use a real face, not a company logo, cartoon or icon
  • High contrast colors. Because the photo is small, you want it to stand out with good separation between the background and foreground.
  • Audience targeted. For example, young Disney fans are probably less likely to click on an old guy in a suit who looks like a financial adviser.

Google recently got more selective about the author photos it chooses to show, but if you implement authorship correctly you may find yourself in the 20% (according to MozCast) of all search results that include author photos.

6. Improving site speed

Improving site speed not only improves visitor satisfaction (see point #1) but it may also have a direct influence on your search rankings. In fact, site speed is one of the few ranking factors Google has confirmed.

One of the interesting things we learned this year, with help from the folks at Zoompf, is that actual page load speed may be far less important than Time to First Byte (TTFB). TTFB is the amount of time it takes a server to first respond to a request.

As important as page speed is for desktop search Google considers it even more important for mobile devices. Think about the last time you waited for a page to load on your cell phone with a weak signal.

"Optimizing a page's loading time on smartphones is particularly important given the characteristics of mobile data networks smartphones are connected to."

- Google Developers

Suggested tool: PageSpeed Insights

7. Smartphone SEO

Aside from speed, if your website isn't configured properly for smartphones, it probably results in lower Google search results for mobile queries. Google confirms that smartphone errors may result in lower mobile rankings.

What is a smartphone error? It could include:

  • Redirecting visitors to the wrong mobile URL
  • Embedding a video that doesn't play on a particular phone (Flash video on an iPhone, for example)
  • Pop-ups that aren't easily closed on mobile
  • Buttons or fonts that are too small on a mobile device

Google recommends making your site responsive, but many of the top brands in the world, including, don't have responsive sites. Regardless, a good mobile experience is imperative.

8. Expanding your international audience

Does your website have traffic potential outside your existing country and/or language?

Our international experts like Aleyda Solis know this well, but folks inside the United States have been slow to target specific languages and countries with SEO.

Oftentimes, the opportunities for appearing in international search results are greater than staying within your own borders, and the competition sometimes less. To see if it's worth your while to make an investment, check out this International SEO Checklist by Aleyda (who is also a mobile SEO expertâ€"it's so unfair!)

9. Social annotations with Google+

When you share content on Facebook and Twitter, your network basically sees it only when they are looking at Facebook and Twitter.

On the other hand, when you share content on Google+, your network can see it every time they search Google.

Google's own research shows that users fixate on social annotations, even when presented with videos and other types of rich snippets.

The easiest way to take advantage of this is to expand your Google+ network and share good content regularly and often. Rand Fishkin elegantly explains how to use Google+ to appear in the top of Google results every time.

Additionally, content shared through Google+ often ranks in regular search results, visible to everyone on the web, regardless of their social connections.

10. Snippet optimization

This goes back to basic meta tag and title tag optimization, but it's a good practice to keep in mind.

In the past two years, Google changed the maximum length of title tags so that it's no longer dependent on the number of characters, but on the number of pixels used, generally around 500 pixels in length. This keeps changing as Google tests new layouts.

Because 500 pixels is difficult to determine when writing most titles, best advice is still to keep your titles between 60-80 characters, or use an online snippet optimization tool to find your ideal title tag length.

Google also updated its advice on meta descriptions, further clarifying that duplicate meta descriptions are not a good idea. Matt Cutts tells us that if you can't make your descriptions unique for each page, it's better to have none at all.

"You can either have a unique meta tag description, or you can choose to have no meta tag description."

Google's Matt Cutts

Given that duplicate meta descriptions are one of the few HTML recommendations flags in Webmaster Tools, does this indicate Google treats repetitive meta descriptions as a negative ranking factor? Hmmm….

11. Updating fresh content

Websites that stop earning new links often lose ground in Google search results. At the same time, sites that never add new content or let their pages go stale can also fall out of favor.

Freshening your content doesn't guarantee a rankings boost, but for certain types of queries it definitely helps. Google scores freshness in different ways, and may include:

  • Inception date
  • The amount (%) your content changes
  • How often you update your content
  • How many new pages you create over time
  • Changes to important content (homepage text) vs. unimportant content (footer links)

Recommended reading: 10 Illustrations on How Fresh Content Can Influence Rankings

12. Ongoing on-page SEO

The factors listed here only scratch the surface of earning more real estate in search results. Issues such as indexing, crawling, canonicalization, duplicate content, site architecture, keyword research, internal linking, image optimization and 1,000 other things can move ranking mountains.

The job of the Technical SEO becomes more complex each year, but we also have more opportunities now than ever.

It's easy to think nothing is new in SEO, or that SEO is easy, or that Google will simply figure out our sites. Nothing is further from reality.

The truth is, we have work to do.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

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Seth's Blog : Are we not plankton?


Are we not plankton?

Whales have to eat a lot of plankton. A whale needs an enormous number of these tiny creatures because, let's be honest, one plankton just doesn't make a meal.

It's unlikely the whale savors each plankton, relishing the value that it brings.

The fabled Oreo tweet and the now legendary Ellen selfie are examples of whale eating plankton. Each retweet is so worthless to these whales and the brands that come from the TV world that they need millions of them, constantly. 

They're hooked on tonnage, and will dumb down whatever they do to get more of it. To get mass in the social media world, you need luck and you need to pander.

I think our attention is more precious than that.

For most modern marketers, quantity isn't the point. What matters is to matter. Lives changed. Work that made an actual difference. Connection.

You are not a plankton. Neither are your customers.



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luni, 10 martie 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Book Review: The Money Bubble (What to Do Before it Pops) - Two Thumbs Up

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 12:51 PM PDT

James Turk, founder of GoldMoney, and John Rubino who runs the popular DollarCollapse website got together for the second time in writing The Money Bubble.

The authors claim the current financial bubble is even bigger than the one in 2007.

I agree. But how does it end?

No one knows and importantly, Turk and Rubino don't claim to know either. Rather they outline a number of possible scenarios including a "Debt Jubilee", "Crypto-Currencies", a flight to tangible assets in general and gold in particular, currency wars, capital controls, wealth taxes, and bank bail-ins.

The book makes for interesting reading with historical references on fraction reserve lending, goldsmiths, and the evolution of the "Paper Money Experiment".

The authors intersperse a number of excellent quotes in each chapter, starting off with an important one: "The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant." - Maximilien de Robespierre

I have a number of minor quibbles with the book regarding some inflation stats, and also an alleged short-squeeze in gold or silver that I see as unlikely.

Also, I do expect at least one more asset-bubble deflationary collapse is coming up. Whether that happens before, after, or in conjunction with a huge global currency crisis is not knowable.

If that collapse happens before a crack-up-boom, as I strongly believe, debt-free is the way to be.

Actually, I was very pleased the book was not a huge hyperinflation rant from front-to-back that one might have expected.

Indeed, Turk and Rubino explicitly state in chapter 27 ...

"After reading the preceding 26 chapters of this book, a very reasonable conclusion might be to borrow as much fiat currency as possible and use the proceeds to buy hard assets ... This is a seductive thought, but it rests on a flawed assumption that powers-that-be will simply let debtors walk away from their obligations... It becomes easy to envision bankers arranging to have debt contracts rewritten to have debt paid back at fair value, not depreciated currency".

That's a good point, even if my expected deflation collapse does not happen. Moreover, it was one heck of a good call.

I noted yesterday that Spain modified laws in exactly that direction. See Spain Modifies Bankruptcy Laws to Prevent Corporate Liquidations. That step is just a down payment on the bank bail-out and bail-in ideas that will come.

All-in-all, I wholeheartedly endorse the book's main thesis, that a major currency crisis is coming and you need to protect yourself from it. Even as a deflationist, I give the book two thumbs up.

Do yourself a favor and read the book.

Disclosure:  I do have an affiliate relationship with GoldMoney. However, it's equally fair to point out that I have been a fan of gold, even as a staunch deflationist, long before that relationship began.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock 

Culture of Greed and Arrogance: Minutes Show Bank of England was Aware of Currency Rigging Eight Years Ago

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 10:35 AM PDT

Bank of England head Mark Carney faces a grilling from lawmakers tomorrow as Minutes Show Bank of England was Aware of Currency Rigging Eight Years Ago.
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney will face his toughest public testimony to date as he seeks to defend the integrity of an institution that's become embroiled in the currency-manipulation scandal.

Lawmakers will grill Carney tomorrow after the BOE suspended an employee and released minutes of meetings showing officials knew of concerns the foreign-exchange market was being rigged almost eight years ago. The central bank said last week that an internal review has found no evidence so far that staff were involved in collusion.

It's the second rigging scandal to hit the central bank following its entanglement in 2012 in the manipulation of the London interbank offered rate. Lawmakers criticized how it handled that affair, calling it naive.

"The statement on the internal review is only an early staging post in what is likely to develop into a very significant issue," said Simon Hart, a lawyer at RPC LLP in London. "The statement left open as many questions as it answered. It was noticeably silent on what the Bank knew about other FX market participants."

The testimony comes as regulators investigate allegations that traders at the world's largest banks worked together to rig the $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign-exchange market. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating whether traders distorted prices for options and exchange-traded funds by rigging benchmark currency rates, according to two people with knowledge of the matter, Bloomberg News reported today.

More than 20 traders from banks including Deutsche Bank AG, Citigroup Inc. (C) and Barclays Plc (BARC) -- the three biggest currency traders, according to a May Euromoney survey -- have been fired, suspended or put on leave since Bloomberg News first reported in June that dealers said they shared information about client orders to manipulate foreign-exchange benchmark rates.

The suspended BOE employee, who hasn't been named, is being investigated and "no decision has been taken on disciplinary action," the central bank said on March 5.

According to minutes of meetings released alongside that statement, BOE officials knew of concerns the foreign-exchange market was being manipulated as early as July 2006, more than seven years before regulators opened formal probes. The minutes also show BOE officials discussed with traders concerns that currency benchmarks such as the WM/Reuters 4 p.m. London fix were being manipulated.

Foreign-exchange benchmarks like WM/Reuters are used to compute the day-to-day value of holdings and by index providers. Even small movements can affect the value of what Morningstar Inc. estimates is around $3.6 trillion in funds.

The allegations drag the BOE into another market-rigging scandal less than two years after it was criticized by politicians for failing to act on warnings that Libor was vulnerable to abuse.
Culture of Greed and Arrogance

Where are the criminal indictments? 20 people fired? Is this it? Are we to presume no one at the top of these organizations knew and approved of this rigging?

This is part of the overall culture of greed and arrogance fostered by central banks globally. No matter what the "too big to fail" banks do they are bailed out at taxpayer expense every time they get into trouble.

Bernanke stated his biggest mistake was letting Lehman fail. The records show Lehman, Citigroup, Bank of America, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and countless other financial institution "did" fail.

It was not a matter of "letting them fail" they already did. It was a matter of bailing them out, and Bernanke wanted to bail more of them out, including Lehman.

On top of it all, no one was held criminally responsible for the collapse in mortgage-backed securities, no one was held responsible in LIBOR rigging, no one has been held responsible for anything to date, and no one will be held responsible for currency rigging either.

To date, all we have seen is a series of fines coupled with high-fives when executives escaped serious charges no matter what any of them did.

Expect more "EH5s" executive high-fives when this too is swept under the rug.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

War Talk Roundup: China Has "No Room for Compromise with Japan"; Spotlight on China, Japan, US, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, North Korea

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 01:04 AM PDT

The global macro picture is bad enough in and of itself. Simmering feuds between rival nations certainly do not help the picture. Here are a few recent stories that caught my eye.

China has No Room For Compromise with Japan

The New York Times reports China has No Room For Compromise with Japan.
March 8, 2014
The Chinese foreign minister took a strong stand Saturday on China's growing territorial disputes with neighboring nations, saying that "there is no room for compromise" with Japan and that China would "never accept unreasonable demands from smaller countries," an apparent reference to Southeast Asian nations.

In the East China Sea, China refuses to accept Japan's administration of, or its claims to, islands that Japan calls the Senkaku and China calls the Diaoyu.

"On the two issues of principle — history and territory — there is no room for compromise," Mr. Wang said in answer to a question from a Japanese reporter on the deterioration of China-Japan relations. "If some people in Japan insist on overturning the verdict on its past aggression, I don't think the international community and all peace-loving people in the world will ever tolerate or condone that."

Tensions between China and Japan have been playing out in diplomacy around the globe. In January, the Chinese ambassador to Britain and his Japanese counterpart both wrote op-ed articles for The Daily Telegraph in which they equated the other country to Lord Voldemort, the villain in the Harry Potter series. The two ambassadors even refused to sit at the same table during a televised BBC interview. Also in January, Mr. Abe told an audience at the Davos conference in Switzerland that the rivalry between China and Japan was similar to that between Germany and Britain before World War I, meaning their differences could supersede their close trade ties.

In the South China Sea, China has been trying to stake sovereignty to islands and waters that are also claimed by Southeast Asian nations. Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia are among the opponents to China's claims. The United States has said it takes no side on sovereignty issues but will maintain freedom of navigation. More recently, it has asserted that the so-called nine dashes map that some Chinese officials say defines China's ambitious claims in the South China Sea violates international law because the territorial boundaries are not based on land features.
Japan, U.S. Differ on China in Talks on 'Grey Zone' Military Threats

Reuters reports Japan, U.S. Differ on China in Talks on 'Grey Zone' Military Threats
Mar 9, 2014
As Japan and the United States start talks on how to respond to armed incidents that fall short of a full-scale attack on Japan, officials in Tokyo worry that their ally is reluctant to send China a strong message of deterrence.

A group of disputed islands, Uotsuri island (top), Minamikojima (bottom) and Kitakojima, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China is seen in the East China Sea, in this photo taken by Kyodo September 2012. Credit: Reuters/Kyodo

Washington takes no position on the sovereignty of the islands, called the Senkaku by Japan and the Diaoyu by China, but recognizes that Japan administers them and says they fall under the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, which obligates America to come to Japan's defense.

But even as Asia-Pacific security tensions mount, U.S. officials have made clear they do not want to get pulled into a conflict between the world's second- and third-biggest economies.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government is alarmed at China's rapid military buildup. Beijing in turn accuses Tokyo of being a regional threat, citing Abe's more nationalist stance, his reversal of years of falling military spending and his visit to a shrine that Asian countries see as glorifying Japan's wartime past.

Underlying Tokyo's concerns are worries that Washington might one day be unable or unwilling to defend Japan, despite President Barack Obama's strategic "pivot" toward the Asia-Pacific region. This fear is adding momentum to Abe's drive to beef up Japan's forces while loosening constitutional limits on military actions overseas.

If Washington does not get involved in specifically addressing the China threat, "it would undermine the credibility of the alliance and might end up encouraging China to be bolder," said Michishita, a professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo.

"U.S. policy makers will have to walk a thin line and try to strike a balance between maintaining credibility and deterrence, and preventing excessive involvement in the situation."
China Draws 'Red Line' on North Korea

Yahoo!News reports China Draws 'Red Line' on North Korea
Mar 8, 2014
China has declared a "red line" on North Korea, saying it will not permit chaos or war on the Korean peninsula, and that denuclearisation is the only way to achieve peace.

Beijing's patience with Pyongyang has been wearing thin following three nuclear tests and numerous bouts of sabre rattling, including missile launches.

The last of such incidents took place on March 7, when China voiced "deep concerns" to North Korea following reports that a missile launched by the latter passed by a Chinese civilian plane, according to a Reuters new agency report.

"The Korean peninsula is right on China's doorstep. We have a red line, that is, we will not allow war or instability on the Korean peninsula," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters on Saturday, on the sidelines of China's annual largely toothless parliament.
DF-21D Missile Could Sink US Aircraft Carrier

ChinaTimes reports DF-21D Missile Could Sink US Aircraft Carrier.

The People's Liberation Army Navy's DF-21D anti-ship missile has a range of 2,000 kilometers and has the capability to sink a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, according to the Hindu, an English-language Indian newspaper on Mar. 5, citing a recently published report.

The idea of hitting a moving aircraft carrier with a ballistic missile had been unheard of, said S Chandrashekar, one of the authors of the report, adding that the Chinese have come up with a very innovative system based on well-understood components.
China Outraged as Japan Revamps Defense Plan

RT reports China Outraged as Japan Revamps Defense Plan
China's Defense Ministry on Friday issued a strongly worded statement criticizing Japan's plans to increase defense spending, accusing Tokyo of turning up the temperature on regional tensions.

Amid ongoing territorial tensions between Beijing and Tokyo in the East China Sea, Japan this week announced a five-year defense plan that has attracted an uncharacteristically outspoken response from China.

China "resolutely opposes" the five-year defense plan adopted by Japan on Tuesday, Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said in a statement posted on the ministry's website.
Ukraine Prepares for War with Russia

On March 1, CNN reported Ukraine mobilizes troops after Russia's 'declaration of war'. Yesterday, Zerohedge had images and videos of mine deployment, SAMs, Tanks and troop movements in Ukraine.

China Warns US, Neighbors

On March 4, the Financial Times reported China Warns Neighbours on Territorial Disputes
China has called on the US to accept its growing security presence in east Asia and warned its neighbours that it would "respond effectively" to safeguard its territorial integrity amid simmering maritime disputes in the region.

"If the US cares about peace and prosperity, it should support China's aspirations for safeguarding territorial integrity and regional peace," said Fu Ying, spokeswoman for the National People's Congress, China's rubber stamp legislature, on Tuesday.

"The US has stated publicly that it has no plans to contain China and that its 'pivot' to Asia is not directed at China," Ms Fu said. "We want to see if words are matched by actions."

Ms Fu said that if any country "provokes or undermines security" in the region China would "respond effectively to safeguard its territorial integrity and regional security".

Last November, China angered the US, Japan, South Korea and other countries in the region by unilaterally announcing the creation of an "air defence identification zone" in the East China Sea.

During a recent visit to Beijing, John Kerry, US secretary of state, warned China not to establish a similar zone in the South China Sea. The US also recently said for the first time that it did not accept China's "nine-dash line", a demarcation on Chinese maps that Beijing uses to justify its claim to most of the South China Sea.
Ultimate Tragedy

Most in this country are sick of war. Senator John McCain isn't.

On March 7, McCain actually stated 'It's Tragic' There's No U.S. Military Option In Ukraine.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Friday lamented the lack of a military option for the United States in Ukraine against Russia and criticized President Obama for thinking the Cold War is over.

During a segment on MSNBC, McCain said that the Obama administration does't understand Russian President Vladimir Putin. "They have been near delusional in thinking that the Cold War was over," McCain said referring to Obama officials. "Maybe the president thinks the Cold War is over but Vladimir Putin doesn't and that's what this is all about."

Later in the interview, when host Andrea Mitchell asked if there is a military option for the U.S. in Ukraine, the Arizona Republican sounded despondent. "I'd love to tell you that there is Andrea, but frankly I do not see it," he said, adding, "I wish that there were. … I do not see a military option and it's tragic."
McCain Laments over Tragedy of No War Option

While McCain laments the lack of a military option, he does want US missiles in the Czech Republic, acceleration of more countries in NATO, and military exercises with Baltic countries.

Had McCain beaten Obama in 2008, we most certainly would have bombed Iran by now and likely would have started a war with China.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

When Leonardo DiCaprio Was a Total Badass

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 11:33 AM PDT