luni, 6 octombrie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Kids Who Are Kicking Ass in Their Halloween Costumes

Posted: 06 Oct 2014 06:00 PM PDT

When it comes to Halloween costumes, these kids can't be beat. Their costume game puts every adult on the planet to shame.

The Gorgeous Girls Of Tommorowland 2014

Posted: 06 Oct 2014 12:48 PM PDT

The Tommorowland festival of 2014 has come and gone, and if you missed it, you missed out on seeing these gorgeous girls in person.

Two Female Teachers Have A Threesome With a Student

Posted: 06 Oct 2014 11:16 AM PDT

Shelley Dufresne (right), 33, and Rachel Respess (left), 23 were recently arrested for having a threesome with a 16 year old student. These two are facing some major jail time and the whole thing was reportedly caught on video. It's too bad for these teachers, but as far as the teenage boy goes, he might be one of the luckiest kids on the planet. Bragging rights for life.

Via dailymail