marți, 7 aprilie 2015

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Abortion: What You Need to Know [Infographic]

Posted: 07 Apr 2015 12:36 PM PDT

This infographic highlights some really interesting facts and figures about abortion in US, types of abortion and quotes on abortion from famous personalities.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

via CBR

Award Winning Photos That Were Taken With A Mobile Phone

Posted: 07 Apr 2015 11:27 AM PDT

These are the winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2015 in the category of "Mobile Photo." It just goes to show how far technology has come when you can take photos that look as good as these ones on a handheld device.

This Girl Is A Real Life Cheetah Whisperer

Posted: 07 Apr 2015 10:47 AM PDT

This is Heather, she took her first trip to South Africa in 2011 and quickly befriended a cheetah named Dew. Now she tries to visit him regularly and they have a great friendship. Their relationship gives you a look at the softer side of wild animals.

Proof That The Rock Has A Heart Of Gold

Posted: 07 Apr 2015 10:05 AM PDT

The Rock always gives back to his fans. The Rock doesn't just play a hero in movies, he is one in real life.

Via instagram

Check Your Local Business Listings in the UK - Moz Blog

Check Your Local Business Listings in the UK

Posted on: Monday 06 April 2015 — 13:30

Posted by David-Mihm

One of the most consistent refrains from the Moz community as we've released features over the last two years has been the desire to see Moz Local expand to countries outside the U.S. Today I'm pleased to announce that we're embarking on our journey to global expansion with support for U.K. business listing searches in our Check Listing tool.

Some of you may remember limited U.K. functionality as part of, but as a very small company we couldn't keep up with the maintenance required to present reliable results. It's taken us longer than we would have liked to get here, but now with more resources, the Moz Local team has the bandwidth and important experience from the past year of Moz Local in the U.S. to fully support U.K. businesses.

How It Works

We've updated our search feature to accept both U.S. and U.K. postal codes, so just head on over to to check it out!

After entering the name of your business and a U.K. postcode, we go out and ping Google and other important local search sites in the U.K., and return what we found. Simply select the closest-matching business and we'll proceed to run a full audit of your listings across these sites.

You can click through and discover incomplete listings, inconsistent NAP information, duplicate listings, and more.

This check listing feature is free to all Moz community members.

You've no doubt noted in the screenshot above that we project a listing score improvement. We do plan to release a fully-featured U.K. version of Moz Local later this spring (with the same distribution, reporting, and duplicate-closure features that are available in the U.S.), and you can enter your email address—either on that page or right here—to be notified when we do!

U.K.-Specific Partners

As I've mentioned in previous blog comments, there are a certain number of global data platforms (Google, Facebook, Yelp, Bing, Foursquare, and Factual, among others) where it's valuable to be listed correctly and completely no matter which country you're in.

But every country has its own unique set of domestically relevant players as well, and we're pleased to have worked with two of them on this release: Central Index and Thomson Local. (Head on over to the Moz Local Learning Center for more information about country-specific data providers.)

We're continuing discussions with a handful of other prospective data partners in the U.K. If you're interested in working with us, please let us know!

What's Next?

Requests for further expansion, especially to Canada and Australia, I'm sure will be loud and clear in the comments below! Further expansion is on our roadmap, but it's balanced against a more complete feature set in the (more populous) U.S. and U.K. markets. We'll continue to use our experience in those markets as we prioritize when and where to expand next.

A few lucky members of the Moz Local team are already on their way to BrightonSEO. So if you're attending that awesome event later this week, please stop by our booth and let us know what you'd like to see us work on next.

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Seth's Blog : Try before you buy (or buy, then try)

Try before you buy (or buy, then try)

There are two kinds of purchases: Either you are replenishing (you know precisely what you're about to get) or you are exploring.

Books and movies are almost always purchased before they are consumed. A bottle of Coke, or a return visit to a massage therapist, on the other hand, are replenishments of a known quantity. You might buy something for the satisfaction of owning it, or of owning one more, but that's different than buying out to find out what it does.

Neither is better or worse, but they are very much not the same.

If you sell an exploration, your customer is taking a chance. Sometimes magnifying that chance fits the worldview of the purchaser, and sometimes minimizing the risk is precisely what the purchaser is seeking.

On the other hand, in services like software and in recurring purchases, the sampling that leads to people getting hooked on the network effect and in replenishing what they have is what the seller seeks.

This is almost never talked about by marketers, but it's at the core of the strategy choices that follow.


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