vineri, 29 iulie 2016

Seth's Blog : Just because you're right...

Just because you're right...

You may be right, but that doesn't mean that people will care. Or pay attention. Or take action.

Just because you're right, doesn't mean they're going to listen.

It takes more than being right to earn attention and action.


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miercuri, 27 iulie 2016

Seth's Blog : Profit and loss

Profit and loss

One of the easiest ways to build a positive personal P&L is to re-establish your monthly expenses at a dramatically lower level.

If you cut your burn rate to the bone, you suddenly will find the freedom to say 'no' to work that drains you and doesn't build your reputation. And perhaps you can say goodbye to the stress that might be paralyzing you.

Create like an optimist. Spend like a pessimist.


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marți, 26 iulie 2016

Seth's Blog : In search of palliatives

In search of palliatives

A palliative is a treatment that soothes even if it can't cure the illness.

By all means, whenever you can, fix the problem, go to the root cause, come up with a better design...

But when you can't (and that's most of the time, because the straightforward problems have already been solved), the effort you put into providing a palliative will not go unnoticed or unappreciated.


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