Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis |
- 40% of Madison Teachers call in Sick, Schools Shut; Video of Massive Protest in Wisconsin Capitol Building; If Jackasses Could Think
- Good News: Chicago Population Sinks to 1920 Level
- Germany Needs to Contribute More to European Bailout Fund; EFSF Agreement in Doubt? At What Point will German Citizens Revolt?
- Bank of America Preys on Elderly Depositors; Culture of Greed, Arrogance, Incompetence
- The Next Borrow-Short Lend-Long Guaranteed to Blow Up Bank Lending Scheme; Citigroup, Chase, Bank of America CD Ripoff
Posted: 17 Feb 2011 12:44 AM PST Public unions objecting to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's plan that will save 6,000 jobs flooded the state capitol in protest. 40% of Madison area teachers called in sick. Those teachers should all be fired. Unfortunately they cannot be fired because their union protects them. Please consider this amazing video from the Wisconsin state capitol building. Time Magazine reports Public Workers Protest in Wisconsin Thousands of Wisconsin's union workers and supporters crowded into the state capitol in Madison for a second day to protest a bill that would strip key collective-bargaining rights from public employees. The measure, introduced last Friday by new Republican Governor Scott Walker, would take away public-worker unions' ability to negotiate pensions, working conditions and benefits. State and local workers would have to foot more of the cost for their pensions--around 5.8 %--and more than twice that percentage of their health-care costs. Nearly all public workers--the bill exempts police, firefighters and state troopers--would be able to bargain only for salary, and any wage increases would be tied to the Consumer Price Index. (Raises beyond that capped figure would require a special referendum.)Walker's Proposal Not Extreme Enough I have a problem with Walker's proposal. It is not extreme enough. There is no good reason to exempt police and fire and there is no good reason to allow any bargaining of wages. Union workers can accept a wage offer or take employment elsewhere. That is how it works in private industry and that is the way it should work everywhere. Millions in the private sector lost their jobs. Millions more took pay cuts. Public union workers have the gall to think they are special. This country has a severe problem with mountains of public union workers who think they are better than everyone else. No one is special. Teachers Should Be Fired Every teacher who called in sick is guilty of fraud. They cheated school kids out of a day of school. They cheated taxpayers who have to pay for it. They also placed tremendous burdens on many parents who were not prepared for school closing. Amazingly, teachers are constantly whining about how they do everything "for the kids". This clearly was not for the kids. This action by teachers was 100% for greedy teachers who walked out on their kids for their own benefit, at taxpayer expense. There is absolutely no other way of looking at it. Washington Post Columnist Compares Uprising to Egypt Disgusted minds are reading Workers toppled a dictator in Egypt, but might be silenced in Wisconsin a misguided rant by Harold Meyerson in the Washington Post. In Egypt, workers are having a revolutionary February. In the United States, by contrast, February is shaping up as the cruelest month workers have known in decades.If Jackasses Could Think If jackasses could think they would not be jackasses. In Egypt, a revolution began to restore democracy. There is nothing democratic about union thugs using bribery, extortion, and coercion to get what they want. For the benefit of Harold Meyerson I am going to repeat something I have talked about before. Perhaps if he reads it, something will sink in. Collective Bargaining is Extortion Collective bargaining is not what its name indicates. In fact, it means exactly the opposite of what you'd guess. Collective bargaining refers to the obligation of an employer to recognize the elected representatives of a group of workers and his further obligation to negotiate with those representatives. This last part is what makes 'collective bargaining' extortion. Under collective bargaining laws, employers have to recognize an elected union and have to negotiate with them. Imagine if the tables were turned and employers had the right to 'employer bargaining', under which the employer could demand whatever pay reductions or workday increases he wanted, the employees had to negotiate with the employer, and employees couldn't quit! Such an arrangement could only be classified as slavery. The right to terminate the employer-employee relationship is a fundamental right of both employer and employee. Employment should be mutually beneficial to employer and employee and open to termination by either when it becomes non-beneficial (limited of course by any voluntary contractual agreements). Second, the misnamed term 'collective bargaining' has given an aura of moral righteousness to the unions who pretend to be fighting for true American values like the freedom of association. However, they are fighting for values quite foreign to the United States, values that come from Marxist collectivism, i.e. the expropriation of the property of employers and the negation of their rights. Collective Extortion Meyerson's comparison to Egypt is 180 degrees reversed. Those Madison protesters were not fighting for democracy but rather to preserve a system of collective extortion. Unions threaten, bully and bribe their way into power and want more every step of the way. At a minimum, please play at least the first two of these videos, preferably all of them. Give Up the Bucks SEIU Spokesperson Threatening California Lawmakers with Union Retaliation Colorado Teachers Unions Abuse Non-Union Teacher Paychecks New Jersey Governor Chris Christie explains how public sector unions control politicians Governor Christie Explains Who Is To Blame For Teacher Layoffs California Treasurer Bill Lockyer on Public Sector Union Influence Armand Thieblot on Public Sector Unions (part 1) Armand Thieblot on Public Sector Unions (part 2) Unions Under Attack Unions piss and moan and bitch and whine about how they are under attack. Yes, they are under attack. The public is fed up with their public union greed, arrogance, vote buying, fraud, and extortion as noted in the above videos. Uniquely Dysfunctional Relationship Please consider this short snip from the New York Times article Public Workers Face Outrage as Budget Crises Grow Fred Siegel, a historian at the conservative-leaning Manhattan Institute, has written of the "New Tammany Hall," which he describes as the incestuous alliance between public officials and labor.Indeed. Public unions bribe politicians and get into bed with management in backroom deals that raise wages and benefits for both of them. Taxpayers suffer from those alleged "negotiations". Freedom of Choice No person should be forced to join a union to get a job, nor should union dues be used to extort money from taxpayers. That last sentence says all you need to know. Unions rob people of their right to choice. Unions then go on to threaten others to do the same. Eventually they extort, bribe and coerce their way to salaries and wages that the private sector does not get. The solution is to end collective bargaining of public unions, repeal Davis Bacon and all prevailing wages laws, and make every state in the union a right-to-work state. Please Read the Following Paragraph Carefully and Guess Who Said It All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management.So.. Who do you think said that? If you did not already know the answer may shock you ... The quote is contained in Letter on the Resolution of Federation of Federal Employees Against Strikes in Federal Service written August 16, 1937 to Mr. Luther C. Steward, President, National Federation of Federal Employees ... By FDR One of the solutions to the fiscal mess states are in is national right-to-work laws and the end of collective bargaining. Franklin D. Roosevelt would agree. Instead we have to listen to misguided union sympathizers compare bribery, coercion, and extortion to democratic uprisings in Egypt. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List |
Good News: Chicago Population Sinks to 1920 Level Posted: 16 Feb 2011 08:53 PM PST The Wall Street Journal reports Chicago Population Sinks to 1920 Level A larger-than-expected exodus over the past 10 years reduced the population of Chicago to a level not seen in nearly a century.Anything that helps break Chicago's grip on statewide politics is a good thing. This alone will not do it, but it cannot hurt. The startling thing is Houston may pass up Chicago. So much for "second city". Chicago may become "fourth city". Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List |
Posted: 16 Feb 2011 11:59 AM PST I keep wondering when the tipping point will arrive for mass German protests against the bailouts or against the Euro itself. I do not have the answer, and perhaps it does not come. However, not a week goes by without some bureaucrats somewhere, sometimes even within Germany, expecting more from German citizens. Here is a case in point. Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble says Germany Needs To Contribute More To New ESM Germany's contribution to a future mechanism to rescue troubled euro-zone countries will need to be higher than its contribution to the current bailout fund, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Tuesday.EFSF Agreement in Doubt Note: Links in the following article are in German. I posted one of them. They all point to the same site, and a login is required. Euro Intelligence comments EFSF agreement in doubt There will be some agreement on March 24-25, but there is a potential for a major shock. Frankfurter Allgemeine, deeply hidden in a news story on yesterday's Ecofin, writes that Wolfgang Schäuble said he was no longer sure whether they would deal with the EFSF in March.Risks rise along with increasing complacency everywhere. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List |
Bank of America Preys on Elderly Depositors; Culture of Greed, Arrogance, Incompetence Posted: 16 Feb 2011 09:56 AM PST In Citigroup, Chase, Bank of America CD Ripoff I talked about guaranteed to blow up Borrow-Short Lend-Long strategies that banks are using. I also talked about absurdly low CD rates offered by Bank of America, Northern Trust, JPMorgan Chase, and Citigroup. Here is the pertinent snip regarding CDs with a couple additions in brackets. According to Bankrate, national average for 5 year CDs is 1.61% and the rock bottom low is .95%. The site average is 1.98% and the top yielding 5-year CD yields 2.75%. Thus Citigroup's claim of competitive rates is absurd.In response to the possibility that "Bank of America has an incredibly large pool of moronic depositors begging to be ripped off", I received this email from a reader. Hi MishCulture of Greed, Arrogance, Incompetence Telling someone not to worry about losses on assets held to maturity, when maturity would put an investor at age 110 or 120 is either gross incompetence or gross greed. I am quite sure that Bank of America will offer some nonsense that this is an isolated case not reflective of their desire to blatantly rip off its client base. Yeah right. Offering CDs at .95% annualized monthly instead of daily (to extract every possible last cent) is proof enough of what they are doing. By the way, this is exactly why banks do not want tighter regulation regarding fiduciary responsibility. If you have an elderly parent or grandparent with money tied up in CDs or in investments at Citigroup, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase or for that matter any place, please do what you can to make sure they are not being ripped off and their investments are suited to their age and risk tolerance. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List |
Posted: 16 Feb 2011 12:33 AM PST Borrow-short lend-long strategies have caused more pain and grief than nearly any play in the book. They are virtually guaranteed to blow up given enough time if the duration mismatch and leverage is too great. For those who do not know what I am describing, a couple examples below will help explain. The first example is a look at "cost of funds" and guaranteed profits that banks can make. It is not a borrow-short lend-long strategy but will morph into such a scheme as I vary the parameters. Citigroup CDs Inquiring minds investigating Citigroup's cost of funds note that Citigroup 5 year CDs yield a mere 1.5%. For this example, Citigroup's cost of funds is 1.5%, the rate it pays depositors. Here are a few snips from Citi's website. Who said there are no guarantees in life?Guaranteed Ripoff Citigroup has the gall to brag about "guarantees in life" when the "guarantee" in question is a complete ripoff. It's a ripoff because 5-year US treasuries currently yield 2.35%. Anyone buying CDs at less than the treasury yield rate is a fool. Rates at Bank of America, Northern Trust, JPMorgan Chase I will tie this together shortly, but first make note that the Northern Trust, Bank of America, and JPMorgan Chase offer even lower 5-Year CD rates. Here are some rates courtesy of Bankrate.Com as of 2011-02-15. ![]() According to Bankrate, national average for 5 year CDs is 1.61% and the rock bottom low is .95%. The site average is 1.98% and the top yielding 5-year CD yields 2.75%. Thus Citigroup's claim of competitive rates is absurd. Although Bank of America makes no such claims, its CD rate is priced so preposterously low, that Bank of America must not even want to deal with them. Alternatively, B of A has an incredibly large pool of moronic depositors begging to be ripped off. Guaranteed Free Money Anyone buying 5-year CDs from Citigroup, Bank of America, Northern Trust, or JPMorgan Chase is giving those banks a shot at guaranteed free money. All those banks have to do is take that money and invest in 5-year US treasuries to have a guaranteed profit. Here are the reasons for that statement.
Purists may point out the play is not entirely risk-free because people can pay a penalty, cash out the CD, then take the money elsewhere. However, from a practical standpoint, fools dumb enough to accept 1.5% or lower are probably not bright enough to pay a penalty and take the money elsewhere even if rates dramatically shoot up. Borrowing-Short and Lending-Long Please note that those 5-year CDs are borrowed money. Banks have to pay that money back plus interest (pathetic interest in this case) to the depositor. Banks keep those deposits on the book as a liability. However, what if the banks borrowed money for 5 years and lent it out for 21 years? Perhaps banks could get 4% interest on those loans (much higher if they assume more risk), but what if interest rates 5 years from now are 6%? All that has to happen to turn this scheme into a guaranteed loss for the bank is for the cost of funds (CDs, savings accounts, or borrowing from the Fed), to rise above the rate the bank lent that money out. Borrowing-short and lending-long thus poses a significant risk if interest rates raise. Moreover, duration mismatch and rising cost of funds are not the only risks. Banks also need to lend at a rate sufficiently high to cover default risk. To be fair, banks can hedge the risk of rising rates, but then one must ask "who is the counter-party to that hedging risk, and what happens if they blow up?" The Next Borrow-Short Lend-Long Guaranteed to Blow Scheme With the discussion about duration mismatch out in the open, please consider Banks Go Straight to Public Borrowers Banks are setting aside billions of dollars to do something that until now was rarely heard of: making big loans to cities, states, schools and other public borrowers that otherwise might have turned to the bond market.Fed or FDIC Should Stop this Fraudulent Scheme Now The Fed or FDIC should step in right now. There is no way banks can secure cost of funds for 21 years for 3.85%. Moreover, the risk of default is hardly zero, and banks will not be first in line should default happen. I think borrowing-short and lending-long is fraudulent. How can you lend something for 21 years when you only have the right to use it for 3, 5, or 7? Want to know what those banks thinking? This is what ....
Right now they are all thinking there is nothing to lose from this. The Fed or Congress will bail them out at taxpayer expense if they get in trouble. Then, when this does get out of control and blows sky high, they will all scream, "no one could possibly have seen it coming". Addendum: For a follow-up post with further discussion including an email from a reader about someone being taken advantage of by B of A, please see Bank of America Preys on Elderly Depositors; Culture of Greed, Arrogance, Incompetence. Mike "Mish" Shedlock http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List |
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