White House White Board: Austan Goolsbee on Patent Reform In this White House White Board, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, explains the President's plan to reform the patent system so great American ideas can be turned into the jobs of the future quickly and effectively. Watch the video.
 In Case You Missed It Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog. President Obama Makes Long Distance Call to Space Watch the video of President Obama's call to the crews of the Space Shuttle Discovery and International Space Station to congratulate them on their achievements and courage as they work and live in orbit around the Earth. What You Missed: Open For Questions on the America's Great Outdoors Initiative CEQ Chair Nancy Sutley and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson take your questions about the America's Great Outdoors initiative to achieve lasting conservation strategies for America's outdoor spaces. "I'm Not Willing to Give Up on Any Child In America:" The President's Trip to Miami Central High School As part of a month focused on education, President Obama travels to Miami Central High School in Florida to talk about his goals for improving America's schools. Today's Schedule All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST). 10:15 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia 10:30 AM: The President holds an expanded bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia 11:15 AM: The President and Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia deliver statements to the press 12:30 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney  2:20 PM: The President meets with senior advisors Indicates events that will be live streamed on White House.com/Live. Get Updates Sign Up for the Daily Snapshot Stay Connected |
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