On Tuesday, President Obama traveled to Osawatomie, Kansas, to lay out his vision for America -- where everyone from Wall Street to Main Street plays by the same rules and all Americans have a fair shot at success. Check out his speech here.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a key part of achieving that vision. Unfortunately, some Republicans in Congress are trying to dismantle this important consumer watchdog, even before it gets fully off the ground by blocking the nomination of Richard Cordray, the President's nominee to be the director of CFPB. In his weekly address, President Obama calls on Congress to stop playing politics with important protections for American families.
Despite not having a director, the CFPB is doing everything they can to fight for consumers. In fact, this week, they kicked off a pilot program to simplify credit card agreements, and we wanted to make sure you saw it. Read their email below.
From: Marla Blow, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Subject: A shorter, readable credit card agreement
Millions of times every year, financial institutions issue a new credit card agreement to their customers. And every year, millions of consumers receive new agreements and do not read them. www.consumerfinance.gov/credit-cards/knowbeforeyouowe/ Credit cards are simple to use, but consumers have a lot of choice in exactly how they use them. Differences between cards provide even more choices to consumers. www.consumerfinance.gov/credit-cards/knowbeforeyouowe/ |
This email was sent to e0nstar1.blog@gmail.com |
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