| Good afternoon,
More and more Americans are using their phones to get the information they want, whenever -- and wherever -- they want it. In fact, there's a pretty good chance you're reading this email on your phone.
Take the White House's website for example. In 2010, 5 percent of visitors used a mobile device to access WhiteHouse.gov. Two years later that number has tripled to 15 percent -- and it's only getting higher.
President Obama believes government should be open and accessible, and in today's increasingly mobile world that means bringing his entire administration into the palm of your hand.
So if you have an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, get the free, upgraded app now: With the White House mobile app, you get: - Breaking alerts directly from the White House
- Live video streams of official events as they happen
- High-quality photos
- The latest news from the White House
- Full text of speeches and press statements in the Briefing Room
Download it for free here:
Jon Carson Director, White House Office of Public Engagement
P.S. -- For phones without the app, WhiteHouse.gov has been optimized for people looking for information on a smaller screen. But if you use an iPhone, iPad or Android device, it's definitely worth trying out the free app.  |
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