| Weekly Address: One Million American Jobs Saved and a Stronger American Auto Industry
President Obama talks about his choice to rescue the American auto industry from collapse and save more than one million American jobs.
Watch President Obama's weekly address.

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address in the State Dining Room of the White House, Oct. 12, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
In Case You Missed It
Here's a quick glimpse at what happened this week on WhiteHouse.gov:
Honoring the Memory of César Chávez: On Monday, President Obama honored César Chávez, one of America's great civil rights leaders, and established the César Estrada Chávez National Monument in Keene, California.
The new national monument is located at Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz (La Paz) and includes Chávez' home, the headquarters of the United Farm Workers of America (UFW) and the Memorial Garden where Chávez is buried. On Monday, the site because the 398th unit of our National Park System. The President celebrated Chávez' commitment to our country, and remarked: He believed that when a worker is treated fairly and humanely by their employer that adds meaning to the values this country was founded upon, and credence to the claim that out of many, we are one. And he believed that when a child anywhere in America can dream beyond her circumstances and work to realize that dream, it makes all our futures just a little bit brighter. To learn more: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The White House was illuminated pink on October 1 to mark the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness month. In a Presidential Proclamation President Obama asked Americans to “honor those we have lost, lend our strength to those who carry on the fight, and pledge to educate ourselves and our loved ones about this tragic disease.” This month is also a time to recognize the importance of prevention and early detection in the fight against breast cancer.
During last year's Breast Cancer Awareness month, Dr. Jill Biden, Jennifer Aniston and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius visited Inova Breast Care Center in Virginia to meet with breast cancer survivors and discuss the role access to care has in breast cancer prevention. Watch the video here.
Celebrating the Power of Girls: The White House proudly joined the global community in marking the first-ever International Day of the Girl. Every year, on October 11, countries around the world will honor the importance of empowering girls to reach their full potential. Earlier this week, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, spoke to a group of about 200 Girls Scouts at the State Department about raising the status of girls around world. Learn more about the International Day of the Girl.
Happy Birthday, Bo: On Tuesday, the Obama family dog—the most beloved pet at the White House—turned four years old. Check out some of our favorite moments with America's First Dog at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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