A hierarchy of failure (from brave to shameful)
- Mistakes! A series of failures as you follow a path of persistent long-term effort characterized by ongoing learning and a reputation that improves over time.
- The giant flame out
- Giving up in the dip
- Shortcuts
- Not starting
- The critic, on the sidelines
- Empty hype
- The scam, the short-sighted selfish pitch
It's the flameouts and the scams that get all the publicity, but it's the long-term commitment that pays off. I have nothing but applause for those brave enough to fail, and fail again. It's not so much a failure as it is one more thing that won't work.
And the critics and the non-starters? They will get little respect from me.
Some say, "go big or stay home," but I prefer, "keep going." Drip by drip.
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- The illusion of choice
- Does it happen for a reason?
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