What kind of customers do you want?
Do you want customers (donors, backers, voters, members, vendors) who are:
- Litigious
- Price shoppers
- Loyal
- Bureaucratic
- Demonstrative
- Followers
- Leaders
- Luxury-focused
- Skittish
- Trusting
- Bottom fishers
- Eager
- Confident
- Easily amused
- Uncomfortable talking about money
- Part of the crowd
- Afraid
- Outliers
- Desperate
- Rich
- Easily distracted
- Secretive
- Joyful
Here's the thing: you get what you reward. You attract the customers that respond to the way you act. You end up with what you tolerate. You build what your audience demands.
You might not get the customers you deserve, but you will probably end up with the customers you attract.
Sure, you can swoop in and make the numbers by attracting a certain kind of customer. Is it worth it?
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- Obedience
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