sâmbătă, 15 octombrie 2011

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Occupy Wall Street Protests Go Global, Turn Violent in Rome

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 01:49 PM PDT

Link if video does not play Occupy Protests in Rome Turn Violent

The BBC reports Rome protest against cuts descends into violence
Riot police have fought militant protesters in Rome as the biggest of a series of global rallies against banks and politicians tipped into violence.

At least 70 people were injured, three of them seriously, as police fought masked rioters with tear gas, water cannon and batons.

Other protesters tried to stop the rioters as they attacked cars and businesses, marring a peaceful rally.

The day saw coordinated protests in cities worldwide, most of them small.

Inspired by the Occupy Wall St movement and Spain's "Indignants", demonstrators turned out from Asia to Europe and back to New York for an event organisers said on their website was aimed at initiating "global change".

"United in one voice, we will let politicians, and the financial elites they serve, know it is up to us, the people, to decide our future," they added.

Tens of thousands of people had turned out to demonstrate peacefully in Rome.

However militants dressed in black infiltrated the crowd and began attacking property. Offices belonging to the Italian defence ministry were set on fire, some cars were burnt including an armoured police vehicle, in addition to attacks on cash dispensers and bank and shop windows.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Go Worldwide

Please consider Occupy Wall Street Protests Go Worldwide, Turn Violent in Rome
Protests against corporate greed and inequality were spreading to cities around the world Saturday, with rallies expected in more than 80 locations, including Spain, where such demonstrations were held as early as May.

In Rome, protests turned violent.

Protesters there smashed shop windows and torched cars as violence broke out during a demonstration in the Italian capital.

In Madrid, where hundreds took to Puerta del Sol square earlier this year, calling themselves "los indignados," or "The Indignant," demonstrations were planned for Saturday night.

In New York, where much of the momentum for the movement has been refueled – giving it an international spotlight -- anti-Wall Street protesters, who call the campaign "Occupy Wall Street," headed into Saturday campaigns emboldened by a change of plans among park property owners and police to usher them out of their lower Manhattan encampment for cleanup and impose restrictions that would have essentially shut down their Occupy Wall Street headquarters.

Supporters in Sydney, Australia, on Saturday waved signs such as "you can't eat money."

In Frankfurt, continental Europe's financial capital, some 5,000 people protested in front of the European Central Bank, while in London, around 500 people marched from St. Paul's cathedral to the nearby stock exchange.

Hundreds marched through the Bosnian city of Sarajevo carrying pictures of Che Guevara and old communist flags that read "Death to capitalism, freedom to the people."

Hundreds of people also joined peaceful protests in Sydney, Tokyo, Manila, Hong Kong and Seoul
Political site Gather reports Movement Goes Global
The Occupy Wall Street campaign, which started off in New York City, has now spread to Europe, Asia, and Australia. In the Italian capital, Rome, 200,000 attended a rally that passed by the iconic Colosseum, and started off peacefully, before deteriorating into violence.

Government buildings in Rome were set alight, banks were attacked, and cars were torched. The more militant protestors were confronted by peaceful demonstrators, who tried to bring calm to the situation. Police used water cannon and tear gas on the huge crowd. There were also baton charges by the police.

Social media played its part in the Occupy Wall street protests. Just as with the success of the Arab Spring, Facebook and Twitter were utilized to swell the numbers of the demonstrators.

Another huge protest was held in Madrid's Puerta del Sol Square, which was organized by Spain's 'indignant' movement. This is a group formed in 2011 to complain against what the group deems to be an unjust social and economic system. Dozens of rallies were held all over Spain.
Protests in London, Frankfurt, Madrid, Rome, 82 Countries

The Guardian reports 'Occupy' anti-capitalism protests spread around the world
Economic protests inspired by Spain's "Indignants" and the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York spread to cities around the world on Saturday. Tens of thousands went on the march in London, Frankfurt, Madrid, Rome, Sydney and Hong Kong as organisers aimed to "initiate global change" against capitalism and austerity measures. Rallies were expected in 82 countries.

As dusk fell on more than 2,000 protesters assembled in front of St Paul's Cathedral in London, earlier addressed by the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, New York was bracing itself for a takeover of Times Square in a continuation of the Occupy Wall Street protests. Manhattan has seen a regular encampment of protesters in Zuccotti Park and violent clashes with police and officials.

There was civil unrest in Rome, where police turned teargas and water cannon on the crowds. Smoke hung over Rome as a small group broke away from the main demonstration and smashed windows, set cars on fire and assaulted television news crews. Others burned Italian and EU flags. "People of Europe: Rise Up!" read one banner in Rome.

In London, police made seven arrests and kept the crowd "kettled" near St Paul's. Assange made a dramatic appearance, bursting through the police lines just after 2.30pm, accompanied by scores of supporters. To clapping and some booing, he climbed the cathedral steps to condemn "greed" and "corruption".

Assange aside, perhaps the strangest event of the day came when a bride arrived at the side-chapel in St Paul's. Across the road, scores of police were changing into riot gear as she entered the cathedral. It was clear that Scotland Yard had opted for pre-emptive strong-arm tactics in the wake of the summer riots. Last week the new Met commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe, had pledged to "win days of action".

In Germany, about 4,000 people marched through the streets of Berlin, with banners calling for an end to capitalism. Some scuffled with police as they tried to get near parliamentary buildings. In Frankfurt, continental Europe's financial capital, some 5,000 people protested in front of the European Central Bank.

Another 500 people gathered at a peaceful rally in Stockholm, holding up red flags and banners that read "We are the 99%" – a reference to the richest 1% of the world's population who control its assets while billions live in poverty.
Social Mood is Ugly and Getting Uglier

Bailing out the bondholders ever is simply wrong. Those who take risks need to pay the price.

These protests are just a start of what we will see if bondholders and banks are bailed out again on the backs of taxpayers.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Right of MERS to Foreclose in California Via Refusal to Hear Case

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 08:52 AM PDT

Here's another nail in the MERS "show me the note" coffin: Supreme Court Declines to Review MERS Challenge
The United States Supreme Court has denied a writ of certiorari in a case involving MERS, refusing to reconsider a California court ruling, which upheld MERS' right to initiate foreclosures.

The case in question, Gomes v. Countrywide, was originally decided by Judge Steven R. Denton, who ruled that the language in the deed of trust allows MERS to initiate non-judicial foreclosure actions and that the borrower concedes this right to MERS when he or she signs the deed of trust.

"Courts in California have ruled consistently that MERS' legal standing as beneficiary gives MERS the authority under state law to take action on behalf of the owner of the note," said Janis Smith, MERSCORP's VP of corporate communications in a statement announcing the Supreme Court's denial of the case.

She added that Gomes' claim "lacks merit" and that "[a]s stated in the deed of trust, Gomes agreed by executing that document that MERS has the authority to initiate a foreclosure."

"The MERS business model has been upheld by numerous courts around the country, and is operating in all 50 states," Smith added.

However, MERS issued a policy update in July stating that MERS will no long initiate foreclosure actions.

Gersten believes MERS' foreclosure actions were not legal and it "does away with land laws" when initiating foreclosure actions. When a homeowner faces foreclosure, he or she should at least know who is filing the foreclosure "and who has a legal right to foreclose," he stated.
The right of MERS to foreclose is the correct ruling which is not the same thing as saying I like the MERS model (because I don't).

Together with the ruling from the 9th Circuit Court - Cervantes vs. Countrywide (please see 9th Circuit Court Ruling Legitimizes MERS) gives legitimacy to MERS and deals a major blow to many of the arguments that attorneys representing homeowners try to make.

There are other issues, primarily fee related, that have yet to be resolved, but it's high time the "show me the note" nonsense is buried forever.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Man Jumps Over Speeding Lamborghini

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 10:29 PM PDT

We know all about high jumpers, but jumping high enough to avoid death by this speeding car is pretty incredible.

The Lamborghini Gallardo comes frighteningly close to the man before he jumps over the vehicle as it dashes right under him. We don't even want to imagine what could've happened if the timing wasn't just right.

Libyan Guitar Hero

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 09:35 PM PDT

Historically music has always been a feature of battle, from drummers keeping armies marching in time to buglers playing laments for the dead.

In recent years, however, the role of the battle musician has largely been relegated to an anachronism.

Not so in Libya, apparently. An extraordinary picture has emerged from the country, credited to the AFP/Getty agency, which appears to show a guitarist in full song during a fierce gun battle in Sirte.

The photo by Aris Messinis, which was published on 10 October, almost looks too strange to be real. There is no note attached to the photo to say what song was being played - or, indeed, why. But it is certainly a strange insight into the very human chaos of modern warfare.

Source: dailymail

Soda Can Sized Puppies

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 07:58 PM PDT

If you like dogs this will be a real treat for you, here is a collection of dog puppies who are just about the size of soda can. These little pups are the definition of cuteness and it must be because of their size! Probably the smaller it is, the cuter it gets!

You Can Pay for Attention, or You Can Earn It

You Can Pay for Attention, or You Can Earn It

You Can Pay for Attention, or You Can Earn It

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 09:19 AM PDT

Posted by randfish

Last night, I was feeling under the weather, lying on the couch and watching a college football game on television when this advertisement comes on:

It's clever, right? JC Penney realizes something every SEO, social media marketer and viral content builder has known since they got into web marketing: People don't like being interrupted by marketing. So they provide content instead, hoping to earn a positive reaction and, in the future, a positive association with the male customer base watching Friday night sports.

Penney likely spent ~$20,000 for 30 seconds of interruption 7 times (that I counted) during the 2 hours I'm on the couch drinking hot tea.

I just hope they're spending $140,000 per channel per night on inbound, too, because when their customers want mens clothes, they do this:

and see this:

via @betsypavlica

and participate in this:

via Metafilter

and consume content like this:

via Primer

I enjoyed the JC Penney ad. It made me think about advertising, about what consumers want out of marketing and about where the future of attention and influence are headed. In my opinion, the time for interrpution is over. That's why I love being an inbound guy. Our time's just beginning :-)

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