marți, 10 ianuarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

How the Dutch Got Their Cycle Paths

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 06:03 PM PST

How did the Dutch get their cycling infrastructure? This question keeps coming back because it is of course relevant to people who want what the Dutch have.

Long a country known for its cyclists, following WWII when the Netherlands had to rebuild, an economic boom led to a rapid increase in the number of cars and the space to accommodate them pushing those who preferred pedaling into a dangerous position.

By the 1970s, an energy crisis, an economic crisis and a terrifying number of children dying due to the traffic situation prompted a mass movement to reclaim the streets for bicycles, the success of which anyone who's seen the Netherlands today can attest to.

Cosplay Photos From A 1980’s Sci Fi Convention

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 04:55 PM PST

The photos in this gallery come to you courtesy of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society from the Westercon convention of 1980 and showing dressing up in sci-fi, fantasy or comic costumes was always a lot of fun.

Westercon, or West Coast Science Fantasy Conference, was founded back in 1948 and changes locations each year.

Are You Better Than the Average Man [Infographic]

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 04:30 PM PST

I probably could have told you that American men were in bad shape (both financially and physically) but I didn't realize just how bad until now. The average guy has almost $15k in debt and only $3k in savings, and 16% of guys rarely pay off their credit card bills. If this isn't why Frugal Dad was founded back in 2007, then I don't know what is.

But my blog has always been about how to improve with a few simple steps, and this graphic is no different. I'm excited about this one – it's useful in looking at the average American guy, and it gives sound advice for improving your finances and getting active. Enjoy!

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: frugaldad