miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2015

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Australia Considers Paperless Passports Based on Fingerprints, Face Recognition, Eye Scans; We Know Who You Are!

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 03:18 PM PST

Australia, New Zealand Consider Paperless Passports

In the wake of fake passports and people smuggling in the EU refugee crisis, here's a potential solution from Australia: The Cloud Could Soon Let Aussies Travel Without a Passport.
Australians could soon leave their old paper passports at home if a new proposal endorsed by Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop goes ahead.

The digital passport would include identity and biometrics data, according to the outlet, meaning Australians could easily be recognised at the border without showing any documents.

"We're in discussions with New Zealand and if we're able to put in place the appropriate requirements, including security, then it's something we'd like to trial and implement," Bishop told the media on Thursday.

She also advised new technologies could assist in making passports even more secure. "Australia prides itself on having one of the most secure passports in the world, but by embracing and harnessing new technologies, we might be able to do better," she said.

Australians currently have access to ePassports, which have been issued since 2005. An ePassport contains a chip storing information about the passport holder such as their photo, name, sex and passport number. Combined with Australia's SmartGate technology in many local airports, it allows people to enter the county without speaking to a customs officer after a machine compares a live image of the traveller with the one stored on the passport.

It's unclear at this point how the government would address concerns about hacking and privacy breaches that are an unfortunate byproduct of any type of cloud storage. Whether the photos or biometrics of Australian citizens could be stored by foreign customs agencies, or even passed onto foreign law enforcement, is also an issue that would have to be addressed.

The use of images culled from passports and drivers licenses for purposes beyond their original intention is already a matter of debate in Australia. In September, the government announced it would be spending A$18.5 million (US$13.1 million) on the National Facial Biometric Matching Capability. This program allows agencies and law enforcement around the country to examine millions of photographs of Australians held in existing databases to put "a name to the face" of criminal suspects.
We Know Who You Are!

Link if video does not play: Scene from Goodfellas.

Cloud Passports Coming

Lost passports would become a thing of the past under a cloud system. But do you trust the government or the cloud as a safe-keeper of your personal data?

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop admitted security standards would have to be met to store personal information in the cloud, but hopes the idea could go global.

Absolute Security?

Australians are assured of "Absolute Security" reports SBS News.

The risk of impersonation via copy of facial features, fingerprints, and eye data seems remote, but a hacker who modified stored data could cause a traveler to be locked out of returning home.

Total Tracking

Most importantly, the government will know who you are, where you have been, when you were there, and how much you spent, etc., no matter where you are, once all tracking mechanisms are fully in place.

Like it or not, it's pretty clear such systems are coming.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Tracking Manufacturing's Perpetual Overoptimism

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 11:17 AM PST

On Monday, the Fed regional reports kicked off with the Empire State report, a survey of manufacturing conditions in the general New York region.

The survey asks manufacturers about activity, new orders, hiring, workweek hours, prices paid, prices received, inventory levels, and overall conditions.

For details please see Empire State Manufacturing Negative Fourth Month, Work Week Lowest Since Mid-2011.

The survey also asks manufacturers what they think general conditions will look like in six months. Here is the chart presented in the Empire State Survey.

Current Business Conditions vs. Expected Conditions Six Month From Now

To see if there is any merit in tracking future projections, I downloaded the data, and shifted the projections ahead by six months to plot current conditions vs. what the manufacturers expected to happen.

Current Business Conditions vs. Expected Business Conditions (For Now - Made Six Month Ago)

Perpetual Overoptimism

The perpetual overoptimism is impossible to miss. Here are the readings for 2015.

Month/YearCurrent ConditionsExpected Conditions

In 167 months, nearly 14 years of data, there were only five months (just under 3% of the time) in which current conditions exceeded projections made six months previous!

Month/YearCurrent ConditionsExpected Conditions

Recession History

The above pattern should not be hard to spot. Overoptimism only dies at or near recession troughs.

Useless Survey Projections 

It's amazing how much focus is on totally useless "expectations".

Rare pessimism seems to mark bottoms, but the rest of the time the look-ahead projections are only good for those in need of a laugh.

By the way, I expect another "Peak" line at the top of the above table sometime reasonably soon.  

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Housing Starts Plunge 11% to 7-Month Low: Single-Family Down 2.4%, Multi-Family Down 25%; Hidden Strength?

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 10:33 AM PST

The crowing over last month's rise in multi-family starts is over (or at least it should be over).

Here's a September recap, followed by this month's surprise to the downside.

Housing Starts Plunge 11% to 7-Month Low

October wiped away all of September's good news and then some with an extremely weak 1.060 million (SAAR Seasonally Adjusted Annualized Rate) coupled with aggregate lower revisions to September data.

1.060 million starts was far below Econoday Consensus Estimate of 1.162 million SAAR and also well below the lowest estimate of 1.125 million.
Pulled down by a big drop in multi-family homes, housing starts fell a steep 11.0 percent in October to a 1.060 million annualized rate that is far below Econoday's low estimate. Starts for multi-family homes, which spiked in September following a springtime jump in permits for this component, fell back 25 percent in the month to a 338,000 annualized rate. Single-family starts fell a much less severe 2.4 percent to 722,000.

And there is important good news in this report. Permits are up, rising 4.1 percent to a 1.150 million rate that hits the Econoday consensus. Single-family permits are up 2.4 percent to a 711,000 rate with multi-family up 6.8 percent to 439,000.

Housing completions fell back in October, down 6 percent to a 965,000 rate that reflects lower work in the Northeast and Midwest. Homes under construction rose 0.9 percent to a recovery best 938,000 rate and are up a very strong 16.4 percent year-on-year, pointing, despite the slip in starts, to ongoing strength for construction spending, at least for October.

But the big drop in starts is definitely a negative for the near-term construction outlook, though the rise in permits points to subsequent strength.
Hidden Strength?

Bloomberg points out "important good news". Let's sort out the reality.

  • Last month permits were down 5% this month they are up only 4.1%.
  • last month's starts were revised lower from 1.206 million to 1.191 million (a 15,000 -1.24% negative revision)
  • Last month's permits were revised up whereas permits were revised higher, to 1.105 million from 1.103 million, but that is only a positive revision of 2,000 and it's on activity that is not even taking place.

Temporary Setback

Using similar analysis as Bloomberg, Reuters writer Lucia Mutikani says U.S. Housing Starts Hit Seven-Month Low; Setback Seen as Temporary.
U.S. housing starts in October fell to a seven-month low, weighed down by a steep decline in the construction of multi-family homes, but a surge in building permits suggested the housing market remained on solid ground.

Rapidly rising household formation, mostly driven by young adults leaving their parental homes and a strengthening labor market, is supporting the housing sector.

Economists had forecast housing starts dropping to only a 1.16 million-unit pace last month. Many viewed the weakness in October as being related to land and labor shortages, constraints that have been flagged by home builders.

"Structural issues including a shortfall in immigrant labor are inhibiting construction. The supply shortage in the single-family market is not likely to be alleviated any time soon," said David Nice, an economist at Mesirow Financial in Chicago.
Labor Shortage?

If there is a shortfall in labor, how come it did not affect last month? I suppose one could say last month's surge caused this month's labor shortage, so let's investigate that idea in pictures.

Pay particular attention to the third chart below that shows single-family construction below the average in the 1960s!

Permits, Thousands of Units

Permits, Percent Change From Year Ago

Single Family Starts, Thousands of Units

Single Family Starts, Percent Change From Year Ago


Am I alone in failure to see the "important good news" as well as the alleged "rapidly rising household formation, mostly driven by young adults leaving their parental homes."?

Is Mutikani reading Bloomberg on permits, scripting the NAR on housing shortages and household formations, or did she arrive at those conclusions on her own?

Women Not Leaving the Nest

For another perspective on nesters not leaving the nest, please see Women Not Leaving the Nest in Record Numbers; Marriage and Kids, Who Can Afford Them?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Is your e-commerce site ready for Black Friday?

Is your e-commerce site ready for Black Friday?

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Is your e-commerce site ready for Black Friday?

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 06:00 AM PST

Black Friday is nearing, but is your website ready for the influx in traffic? Before I get started on how to ensure your site is ready for Black Friday, I wanted to set the scene and tell you what happened last year and what is predicted to happen this year.

What happened last year?

2015 Black Friday Stats

What's predicted to happen this year?


It's not only the shoppers that are fighting for the products; retailers are fighting for sales.

Luckily for you I have put together a list of tips that can act as a handy check list to make sure your site is ready for the cyber rush that is Black Friday.

Create a dedicated Black Friday landing page

Based on last years' findings, the top 20 keywords last year (excluding retailers) were targeted towards phrases including the term 'Black Friday'. Needless to say this emphasises the importance of having a dedicated landing page to feature your Black Friday deals.

This is because customers tend to carry out research on big sales events like this prior to the event to see what deals retailers are offering so they know exactly what to buy on the big day.

What to include on your black Friday landing page:

  • Date the sale starts
  • Countdown clock & timer
  • Invitation to register for email alerts
  • Collection and delivery methods
  • Returns policy
  • Price promises

If your Black Friday page isn't live yet, get it live ASAP and added to your XML sitemap so Google has time to crawl and index the site and get your page ranking in Google.

Get your homepage ready

Your homepage is the hub for displaying all your offers, and guide visitors around your site to the pages they need. The homepage should feature the key offers and departments so visitors can quickly navigate to the products.

You will also need to rethink your navigation and include a temporary link to your Black Friday page so shoppers can easily find your Black Friday page.

Prepare your site

Page Speed

Optimising your page speed time is now more important than ever. Thousands of shoppers will visit websites on one day which is great but can your site handle the sudden influx of traffic? Speed is of the essence; visitors not only want to grab a bargain, they want to shop with a retailer that provides a good experience, meaning they don't want to be waiting for pages to load.

There are a number of tools you can use, like Load Impact to check your server capacity, and Google’s PageSpeed tool to check your page load times. Focus on the pages that receive the highest levels of traffic and your key conversion pages as these are the ones likely to be visited.

Queuing system

Like you would in a shop, it's gracious to notify shoppers if there will be delays, and apologise for the inconvenience. Last year, a number of e-commerce sites displayed notifications to inform shoppers that there was a huge demand and they were going to be placed in a queue. This is a good way to reduce overload, and improve user experience.

Optimise for mobile

In 2014, 60% of traffic on Black Friday came from mobile devices and this is expected to continue to increase this year. Due to the nature of the sale, visitors need to act quick, therefore your site needs to work seamlessly. Make sure your website can be viewed easily on a mobile device and people can check out quickly on a mobile device.

There are a few simple checks you can take to ensure your site is optimised for mobile devices:

  • Optimise your page speed
  • Don't block CSS, Javascript or images
  • Don't use flash; instead use HTML5
  • Avoid using pop-ups during this busy time
  • Increase the size of your buttons

Rectify broken URLs

No one wants to land on a broken page at the best of times, more so when they are in a hurry and want to grab a bargain. Broken pages not only provide a bad user experience, they are also a profit eater.

Now is a good time to crawl your website using tools like Screaming Frog to identify any broken pages that might contain a product that is on offer. These could be caused by changing a URL but not setting up a redirect, but they are still referenced either on the site or on an external domain.

I am not suggesting you fix them all at once, prioritise the pages based on the visits the page receives and if they are a top performing landing page.

Once you've identified these you can redirect the page to the suitable replacement and mark them as fixed in Search Console so Google knows they are fixed.

A/B test your site

Tweaking the language used or changing images or graphics and testing the effect both designs have is a great way to see how your customers respond.

Doing this each year will help you understand your audience better and the way they behave on Black Friday.

It is important to remember that shoppers browsing and decision making habits will be affected by the fact that there is added pressure on to find the product and check out as quickly as possible before someone else snatches the deal.

Know Your Keywords

Now is a great tme to reach out to those customers looking for special buys on Christmas gifts and Christmas related merchandise like furniture and appliances to make their holiday season special.

It's useful to do some keyword research for some of your main landing pages to drive seasonal traffic. Shoppers might be searching for seasonal and discount related terms like Christmas gifts, black Friday deals, special discounts, sale – those kind of terms.

Making small tweaks to the wording and keywords you are targeting on your best selling product pages can have a good impact on your rankings and help to increase click through rate.

Once you have confirmed the keywords you should be targeting it's time to review the current meta data and optimise your meta titles and descriptions so they are geared towards the seasonal and special offer terms.

Speed Up Your Checkout Process

Time is of the essence; visitors need to add items to their basket and check out quickly before these items go.

The registration process needs to be drawn back for this day so shoppers can purchase quickly. If you haven't already done so, consider offering the option to check out as a guest to help speed up the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Keep Features Simple and Call to Actions Clear

Use simple and short language that will catch the attention of those customers that scan the page for words that appeal to them. Phrases like ‘grab a bargain now’, and ‘hurry – limited stock’, are great to catch the eyes of shoppers and entice them into making a quick decision.

People will be in a hurry, so it is great opportunity to take advantage of this and guide an undecided visitor into making a purchase.

Another great way to do this is to display the stock levels on the product pages so visitors know how many products are left. If they don't buy the item now they might miss the opportunity.

Create Interactive Graphics

Create eye catching images that get your offers noticed. You don't need to be a designer to creative simple but effective banners. These graphics can be created for free on tools like Canva, which allows you to quickly create a template, or use one provided.

You can use these graphics to build anticipation before Black Friday to get customers excited and tease them with what's to come. There are four key touch points that you can create graphics for; I have listed these below:

  1. Prior to Black Friday to give them a peek at what will be on offer
  2. The day to announce that the sale has started
  3. During Black Friday to promote your products that are on offer
  4. After the event to update people on returns policies and delivery dates

Raise Awareness and Spread the Word

There are various journalists and bloggers that will want to know about the deals you have to offer so they can share them with their audience. Have key information to hand with high quality imagery.

Optimise Images

Optimising your images is just as important as your landing pages. Some users may look for products through Google Images so you are missing out on traffic if your alt tags aren't optimised to reflect Black Friday related terms.

Create Abandoned Cart Emails

Shopping on Black Friday tends to be a little crazy and as a result visitors tend to be frantic in their purchase behaviour.

A study last year revealed that the average cart abandonment rate in 2014 on Black Friday was a whopping 65%. To help reduce the rate you can send abandoned cart emails that gently remind the visitor that they have left items in their basket that are waiting for them when they are ready to purchase.

Combining great copy with images of the product will help to rekindle the positive emotions that the shopper felt when they first looked at the product.

Ramp Up Your PPC Campaigns

PPC is a great way to draw attention to your offers and create a sense of urgency. Preparation is key when it comes to getting your ads ready. There are a number of steps and tweaks you can make to get ready.

  1. Increase budgets and bids
  2. Tailor campaigns for mobile users
  3. Re-write ads so they contain 'Black Friday' phrases
  4. Schedule campaigns at your busiest times
  5. Dedicated PPC landing pages
  6. Update your ad extensions
  7. Create a remarking campaign

For more information on how to get your PPC account ready for Black Friday check out my colleague Lizzie's blog post for all the top tips.

The post Is your e-commerce site ready for Black Friday? appeared first on White.net.

Seth's Blog : Saying vs. doing

Saying vs. doing

Does this group have a loyalty oath?

Brittle organizations are focused on which end of the egg you open. Are you wearing the team jersey the right way, saying the incantations each time, saluting properly...

Resilient organizations are more focused on what you produce, and why.

Petty dictators care a lot about words, about appearances, about whether everyone is genuflecting in precisely the same way.

The problem with words is that they easily lose their meaning. Say something often enough and it becomes a tic, not an expression of how you actually feel. Not only that, but words rarely change things. Actions do.

It turns out that it's a lot easier to sign up for a tribe that doesn't ask you to think, or take responsibility for your actions. But, in the long run, those are the very things that lead to the changes we seek.

"Use your best judgment, care about your impact, do work that matters..." are significantly more powerful instructions than, "Do it this way. Say it this way. Behave the way I told you to."


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