joi, 20 iunie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

No Hiding Places

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 10:45 AM PDT

I have been wondering for well over a year when the day would come that there are no hiding places.

Today is one such day: US equities down, Asia equities down, European equities down, Treasuries down, European bonds down, foreign currencies down, commodities down.

The one and only hiding place today is the one asset everyone loves to hate: the US dollar.

Asia/Pacific Equities

European Equities

US Equities

The top three lines in the above chart are S&P 500 futures, Nasdaq 100 futures, the DOW index.


Looks like the Swiss Franc was a small winner today too.






It was a struggle but I found two more winners: Red wheat and Spring wheat.

When Liquidity Dries Up

If you were invested in nearly anything on the long-side today except US dollars, you lost money.

This is what happens when liquidity dries up after a prolonged period with every market running on speculation, fumes, QE, pretense from the Fed, and a bubble belief that the Fed (central banks in general) can levitate markets forever.

Two Key Questions

  1. Will the Fed back off its statements if the market dives?
  2. Will it matter even if the Fed does?

I do not know timing, but at some point the market is not going to react kindly when the Fed goes back to the QE well one time too many.

What I do know is fundamentals will eventually trump liquidity, and this could be the start of it.

 Mike "Mish" Shedlock

EU Twists the Screws on Spain With Inane Requests

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 09:33 AM PDT

The economic madness in the EU continues unabated.

In return for granting Spain an extension on meeting 3% deficit threshold of the stability act, Vice President of the Commission responsible for Economic Affairs, Olli Rehn, said Wednesday it is "crucial" that Spain and other countries that will benefit from an extension to correct its excessive deficit in return accelerate reforms to improve competitiveness.

Specifically Rehn Requests

  1. Pension reform
  2. Labor reform review
  3. Increase in the VAT on certain products and fuels
  4. Elimination of income tax deductions on individuals and corporations

The above via google translate from La Vanguardia.

I can certainly agree with point number one. But what's with a "review" on labor reform rather than action?

Points three and four are inane. Demanding tax hikes in the middle of a depression is economic suicide. Yet, Rehn wants a hike in the VAT and tax hikes on individuals and corporations.

Spain (the world in general) needs lower taxes and less government, not the opposite. 

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

China Cash Crunch: 1-Day Interest Rate Spikes to Record High 25%

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 11:41 PM PDT

The clampdown on China's shadow banking continues today, with Money Rates at Record Highs as PBOC Lets Cash Crunch Build
China's benchmark money-market rates climbed to records as the central bank refrained from using reverse-repurchase agreements to address a cash crunch in the world's second-biggest economy.

The seven-day repurchase rate, which measures interbank funding availability, rose 270 basis points, or 2.70 percentage points, to 10.77 percent in Shanghai, according to a daily fixing announced by the National Interbank Funding Center. That was the highest in data going back to March 2003. The one-day rate rose by an unprecedented 527 basis points to an all-time high of 12.85 percent, a separate fixing showed. An intra-day gauge of the one-day rate touched a record 25 percent.

Deposit Auction

Banks paid 6.5 percent for 40 billion yuan of six-month deposits from the Finance Ministry at an auction today, the highest rate since March 2012 and up from 4.8 percent at the previous sale on May 23.

The yield on one-year government bonds surged 56 basis points to 4 percent, according to the National Interbank Funding Center. That's the highest level on record for a benchmark note of that maturity.

The one-year interest-rate swap, the fixed cost needed to receive the floating seven-day repo rate, rose 46 basis points to 4.95 percent as of 1:07 p.m. in Shanghai, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It jumped a record 51 basis points yesterday and touched an all-time high of 4.99 percent today.
Shadow Banking Clampdown

Charlene Chu, head of Fitch's China financial institutions estimated China's total credit, including off-balance-sheet loans, swelled to 198 percent of GDP in 2012 from 125 percent four years earlier. That percentage exceeded ratios preceding banking crises in Japan and South Korea.

It appears as if China is finally serious about its shadow banking problem (and that's a good thing ) yet it's far too late to prevent an economic implosion.

For more on the huge impending slowdown in China please see

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

China Manufacturing PMI Hits Nine-Month Low as Output and New Orders Decline

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 11:27 PM PDT

The HSBC Flash China Manufacturing PMI™ is in contraction, at a nine-month low, with output and new orders in decline.
Key points

  • Flash China Manufacturing PMI™ at 48.3 (49.2 in May). Nine-month low.
  • Flash China Manufacturing Output Index at 48.8 (50.7 in May). Eight-month low.

China Flash Manufacturing PMI™ Summary


Those bullish on China growth prospects need to reconsider.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Homemade Video Game Cabinet

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 04:08 PM PDT

Very cool homemade video game cabinet.

Sides for part A of the cabinet.

Installing the basic shelves.

We routed a channel into the bottom of the shelves to fit the LED lighting.

Half of the basic cabinet.

Both Halves.

Nailing the shelf dividers into place. (I had no idea what I was doing)

Both halves built.

Finally starting to take shape.

Backing in place.

The top is in place.

Front trim is added

Cut out holes for all of the wires.

Started painting.

More Paint!

Finally Done!

All the systems waiting to be put in.

Getting everything set up!

The final product. All the consoles are hooked up at once.

You can see the LED strip lighting here. It's remote controlled and I can change the color.

Another angle.

Mega Man II for NES

Zelda: A link to the Past on SNES

Super Mario 64 for N64

Metroid Prime for Gamecube.

Kirby's Epic Yarn for Wii.

Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars for the Sega Master System.

Sonic 2 for the Genesis.

Star Wars The Arcade Game for Sega 32x.

Street Fighter Alpha 2 for Sega Saturn.

Soul Calibur for Dreamcast.

Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation 1.

Shadow of the Colossus for PlayStation 2.

Bahamut Lagoon for the Super Famicom.

Final Fantasy 2 for the Famicom.

Legendary Axe for the TurboGrafx-16.

Defender for the Atari 2600.
Via reddit

Hot Photos of LeeAnna Vamp

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 10:12 AM PDT

LeeAnna Vamp is dark, cute and dangerous. Enjoy the photos.

Homemade Weapons

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:13 AM PDT

When you can't buy a gun, you can build one. Collection of homemade weapons.

The Rise of Video Conferencing [Infographic]

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 06:42 AM PDT

Video conferencing is on the rise and with the introduction of new technologies – this is only set to continue. In a recent survey conducted by Powwownow, we found that an enormous 70% of SMEs would rather have a video conference than travel to meetings. And 75% of senior management surveyed agreed that video conferencing will replace conference calls and become the preferred method for business communication in the future. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to reduce business costs and keep businesses functioning on lower budgets – video conferencing allows them to do this. Reducing travel costs and in some cases office costs too, as video conferencing allows a greater opportunity for remote working.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: The Rise of Video Conferencing

Turning Your Passion into a Successful Business [Infographic]

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 06:41 AM PDT

Many people dream about making a living out of their talent, hobby or passion, but is there anything stopping them making that dream a reality?

At Make It Cheaper, we speak to hundreds of business people every day with a view to helping them reduce their costs - and we come across many who have pursued their passions and made a successful living out of what they like doing best. Some of those conversations have inspired this infographic and the ten top tips it highlights. Following them might not make you the next Richard Branson, but it should give you some food for thought and might inspire you to pursue the possibility of making a viable business out of your talent.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Turn your talent into a business
Source: Make It Cheaper: The Saving Experts for Business

FTSE 100 – Another June Fall on its Way? [Infographic]

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 06:40 AM PDT

With the FTSE recently hitting a new 13-year high, many traders are asking themselves where to next for the UK's benchmark index.

Our expert analysts have provided a comprehensive breakdown for you below on the key aspects to consider and how there could be a FTSE correction due in June if historical trends are anything to go by.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via: City Index