vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Mountain Bike VS Snowboard [video]

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 07:42 PM PST

Austrian freestyle biker Andreas Brewi bet Swiss Olympic snowboarding champion Gian Simmen he's faster than him down a professional freestyle circuit.

This course was not a halfpipe and Simmen's snowboard lacked pedals, and while he was able to gain on Brewi during the downhill sections between jumps, Simmen was at a clear disadvantage in the long flat spot toward the end, when Brewi used his pedals.

Best Memes Of 2011

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 04:48 PM PST

The popular website Buzzfeed collected their 40 favorite Internet memes of 2011. If you're wondering what a meme is, it's an idea that spreads rapidly through the Internet. Memes tend to be videos, pictures or phrases that catch on and become part of popular culture. Here's a look at the dumbest, funniest, and best memes of the past year.

Scumbag Steve

First World Problems

Rebecca Black

Futurama Fry

Pepper Spraying Cop

College Freshman

Business Cat

Chuck Testa

Good Guy Greg

Dating Site Murderer

Hipster Ariel

Hipster Edits

Sad Hipster

Hipster Dog

Chemistry Cat

Steve Buscemi Eyes

The Most Interesting Man In The World

Ordinary Muslim Man

Conspiracy Keanu

The Frowning Flower Girl

Karate Kyle

Nyan Cat



The Ultimate Zombie Fortress


Zuckerberg Note Pass

Sheltering Suburban Mom

Dat Ash

Feminist Ryan Gosling

Unhelpful High School Teacher

Baby Kanye

X All The Y!



Scumbag Brain

Annoying Childhood Friend

Women Laughing Alone With Salad

Baby Godfather

60s Spiderman

The Truth About Facebook and Grades [Infographic]

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 01:37 PM PST

Facebook gets a a pretty bad reputation when it comes to its affects on students. However, a recent study revealed that Facebook itself really isn't the problem. Rather, it's how the person chooses to use it. And more often than not, a student's use of Facebook really doesn't have much of an impact on their academic life.

This great graphic by Online Education takes a closer look at this recent study and reveals some pretty interesting stats about Facebook's actual effects on students and their studying habits. In conclusion, it really isn't all that evil as the media makes it out to be.

Source: onlineeducation

Beagle Freedom Project - Second Rescue - June 8, 2011

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 06:52 PM PST

Beagles who have lived their entire lives inside a research laboratory. These beagles have known nothing except the confines of metal cages. They have known no soft human touch, no warm bed, no companionship, no love. They have never been outside or sniffed a tree or grass. Finally, after years of being poked and prodded, these beagles are free!

Source: beaglefreedomproject