miercuri, 29 iunie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

A Visit to an Arctic Ice Station

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 05:34 PM PDT

Two months ago, Reuters photographer Lucas Jackson was invited to the 2011 Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station, a temporary camp built out of plywood on Arctic sea ice. Far north of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, the camp housed a couple dozen members of the British, Canadian, and U.S. navies and employees of the Applied Physics Laboratory. Jackson spent two days at the camp, watching its residents conduct tests on underwater and under-ice communications and sonar technologies. He kept his camera equipment warm and functional with chemical hand warmers whenever possible. Collected here are some chilly images from Jackson's trip to the far north last March.

Source: theatlantic

Electric Daisy Carnival 2011

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 04:40 PM PDT

Electric Daisy Carnival is an annual electronic dance music festival held on the last weekend of June in Southern California from 1997 to 2010, and in Las Vegas in 2011. Attendees are commonly dressed in neon rave-like attires. The Las Vegas event lasted 3 days in 2011 attracting 70,000-75,000 people on Friday, 85,000 people on Saturday, and 80,000 people on Sunday making it the largest electronic dance festival outside Europe.

A Safety Game for Kids from the 80's

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 04:07 PM PDT

Let's Be Safe is a board game from the 1980's. Every problem card had a solution card. But somehow it made me laugh. What can I say I'm a child of 80′s lessons and propaganda.

Source: flickr

How Much is Your User Generated Content Worth? [Infographic]

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 04:01 PM PDT

Social networking is bigger than ever before, and while a large proportion of its critics seem to be concentrating on privacy and ownership of user data, few seem to be concentrating on an equally alarming concern — ownership of user content. Unbeknown to most, the majority of social networks own the content you upload to them, and thus own the right to monetize it. In this infographic we take a look at the huge amount of user generated content (UGC) that is uploaded, and try to figure out how much social networks are earning from it.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: mycube

America's Got Talent - Team iLuminate

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 09:42 PM PDT

Check out an entertaining light show by the group called Team iLuminate from the last performance for the first episode of this seasons America's Got Talent.

Military Humor - Part 2

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 09:18 PM PDT

Military humor is humor based on stereotypes of military life. Military humor portrays a wide range of characters and situations in the armed forces. It comes in a wide array of cultures and tastes, making use of burlesque, comic strips, double entendre, exaggeration, jokes, parody, pranks, ridicule and sarcasm.

Here is another collection of very funny pictures of what happens when our troops get bored..

Previous part:
Military Humor

The Evolution of Porsche 911

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 09:11 PM PDT

The Porsche 911 (pronounced as Nine Eleven, German: Neunelfer) is a luxury 2-door sports coupe made by Porsche AG of Stuttgart, Germany. It has a distinctive design, rear engined and with independent rear suspension, an evolution of the swing axle on the Porsche 356. The engine was also air-cooled until the introduction of the Type 996 in 1998. Since its introduction in autumn 1963, it has undergone continuous development, though the basic concept has remained little changed.

Throughout its lifetime, the 911 has been modified by private teams and by the factory itself for racing, rallying and other forms of automotive competition. It is among the most successful competition cars ever. In the mid 1970s, normally aspirated 911 Carrera RSRs won major world championship sports car races such as Targa Florio, Daytona, Sebring and Nürburgring, even against prototypes. The 911-derived 935 turbo also won the coveted 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1979. (Wikipedia)

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

The Five Linking Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 11:48 PM PDT

Posted by Josh Gill

External linking is an essential part of an effective SEO strategy. It is also, arguably, one of the most challenging aspects. Take a look at five common mistakes SEOs make when developing a linking strategy.

#1- Judging a Site's Authority by PageRank Alone:
Good link building strategies aim at getting a links from a diverse array of websites and as with most things in life, all websites are not created equal. How do you judge a good website?

The answer is authority. PageRank is a popular metric used to judge a sites authority. However, pagerank can be misleading. It is unclear exactly how a sites pagerank affects a sites position in the SERP. PageRank is also only updated about once a quarter, if that. Don't completely ignore pagerank but be aware of its limitations and use additional factors to measure a sites authority. SEOmoz has two helpful metrics, mozRank and mozTrust. Also look at how humans view a site, start by looking over the comments, user ratings or anything else that will tell you how internet users judge the site.

Here are some additional questions to ask yourself:

  • Does the site feel like a trusted site?
  • Does the site have readers who take the content seriously?
  • The site has authority, but is it a relevant site to my website/client/topic?

#2 Building Links with Only One Keyword or Keyword Phrase:
The goal of successful link building strategy is a natural link profile. If 1,000 people link to your site it's probably safe to assume that they won't all use the same keyword phrase.

While most SEOs may know this, if you aren't conscious of it with each link you will, like most SEOs, use your primary keyword as much as possible. Keep track of the anchor text that you are using, make sure that there is a mixture of anchor text containing: brand name, website address, secondary keyword phrases, click here etc. This also opens up the opportunity to link with secondary keywords to interior pages of your site.

#3 Aiming for a Billion Links!
How many links does a site need to be competitive? Your competitive research holds the key to determine this. If your top competitors average 1,000 links, aim for what you need to be competitive. Set your goal number of links 2-5 percent more than your competition.

This way you can maximize the efficiency of your SEO activities and properly scale your link building techniques. If you don't set a goal number based on competition you could be spending too much time on link building instead beefing up the on page optimization or focusing on social media.

#4 Only Link to Your Homepage:
Attract links to a variety of pages on your site. If you have a good internal linking structure linking to any page will increase the overall pagerank of the system; strengthening all the pages in your website. Additionally, it will help you rank for more keywords and drive more traffic to your site. It also forces you to think of the user; will linking to an internal page provide more value to the target audience for the content.

#5 Analyze Competitors Backlinks Who Don't Rank for your Target Keywords:
Often the top five competitors in an industry may not be the top five sites in the SERP. Conduct a search for your terms, analyze and review the linking activities of the sites that show up in the top five positions.

For the overall marketing direction it is good to review the on and offline marketing activities of the industry leaders. But only through focused, competitive research based on the most visible sites in the SERP, will you get a sense of what linking activities your site needs to be competitive.

External linking is constantly changing, but if you focus on building a balanced link profile that helps Internet users find the valuable content on your website then you will come out ahead in the long run. Kelvin Newman wrote a link building book called Clockwork Pirate that offers a complete list of linking techniques and the best way to approach them.

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