miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Extreme Hanging Jacuzzi From Swiss Gueuroz Bridge

Posted: 05 Oct 2011 02:05 PM PDT

This takes extreme hot-tubbing to new levels. A group of crazy Swiss people suspended a hot tub from a bridge. They hung a makeshift Jacuzzi from the Gueuroz Bridge in Switzerland's Canton Valais, and went for some extreme hot-tubbing 613 feet in the air.

Source: jaccuzzi

Kim Kardashian Adds $300,000 Ferrari 458 Italia to her Luxury Cars Collection

Posted: 05 Oct 2011 01:48 PM PDT

She is often seen driving top of the range automobiles and has been behind the wheel of everything from a Range Rover to a Bentley.

But yesterday Kim Kardashian picked up yet another luxury car, this time a Ferrari 458 Italia. The model, which Kim had chosen to purchase in white, retails from $273,9170 but it is likely Kim's with added extras cost well over $300,000.

And the reality star certainly seemed pleased with her new car as she sped away from the Platinum Motorsport site in Los Angeles.

Source: dailymail

iPhone 4S vs. iPhone 4 (Infographic)

Posted: 05 Oct 2011 01:31 PM PDT

On Tuesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced a new addition to the iDevice stable: The iPhone 4S. While rumors about the 4S had been swirling for days, they were nowhere near as rampant as those about the fabled the iPhone 5, which wasn't mentioned during Apple's keynote event.

Speculation about the 4S was mainly centered around it being a cheaper version of the iPhone 4, but this proved false on Tuesday. Instead, the iPhone 4 has dropped to $99 for the 8GB version, while the iPhone 4S is featured at higher price points for its three configurations.

Those who expected Apple to announce a completely redesigned iPhone 5 will have to settle for a device that's physically identical to its predecessor. While many may feel disappointed by the iPhone 4S, the new device does boast some marked improvements over the iPhone 4, such as voice control, airplay mirroring and an improved camera.

Source: huffingtonpost

Breathtaking Landscapes: Time-Lapse by Dustin Farrell

Posted: 04 Oct 2011 08:56 PM PDT

The "Landscapes: Volume Two" time-lapse video is the second installment by Dustin Farrell and Crew West, who filmed the iconic landscapes of Utah and Dustin's home state Arizona.

These are the jaw-dropping shots of the American wild captured as part of a high-definition video which masters the art of time-lapse techniques.

The 3:30 second clip displays mountainous outlooks, lakeside views, dirt-track vistas and star-dotted skylines in all their colourful glory.

PLEASE WATCH IN HD FULL SCREEN w/SOUND. It is a much better viewing experience. Hopefully you have a 1080P monitor and good connection.

Source: crewwestinc

Hollywood Vampires Everywhere

Posted: 04 Oct 2011 07:43 PM PDT

First it was Nicolas Cage who was exposed as a centuries old vampire and then it was John Travolta. A perusal of old Civil War photos has revealed even more vampires who all work in Hollywood – Paul Newman, Matthew McConaughey, Jerry O'Connell, Gene Hackman, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Jeremy Renner. Coincidence? Probably not. Vampires love show business.

Source: buzzaurus

New SEO Reports in Google Analytics Now Here

New SEO Reports in Google Analytics Now Here

New SEO Reports in Google Analytics Now Here

Posted: 04 Oct 2011 02:08 PM PDT

Posted by Cyrus Shepard

This week we noticed a new feature in our Google Analytics account – a  set of reports called “Search Engine Optimization.” Google announced that these reports are out of beta and now available to all users.

Is Google really going to help us with our SEO?

The reports are found in the new interface, under the “Traffic Sources” section. Setup requires a Google Webmaster account. After you connect your accounts, the data sharing is almost instant, although metrics from the past two days isn’t available.

SEO Report Google Analytics Setup

1. Query Reports

The query report lists the top 1000 queries along with number of impressions, clicks, average position and click-through rate (CTR). Users familiar with Webmaster Tools will recognize the layout, although it feels cleaner in Google Analytics.

One thing that looks out of place is “average position.” Most people think of average position in Google’s search results to mean “rank”, but this is not the same thing. For example, our Queries report shows SEOmoz’s average position for the word “seomoz” is 3.5. Huh?

Average Position Google Analytics SEO

You don’t need to be the SEO of SEOmoz to know that we rank #1 for our brand term. Even if we saw advertisements above our name (we don’t) or odd vertical results, any reasonable person could tell you we rank #1.

But Google doesn't display rank. Instead, they record the position of each impression. With a 6 Pack of results, SEOmoz appears 7 times for each query. This means the average position is 4 for this particular result.

Google SERPS

From Google’s Webmaster Help.

“To calculate average position, we take into account the ranking of your site for a particular query (for example, if a query returns your site as the #1 and #2 result, then the average position would be 1.5).”

Is this useful? I’d rather Google display the highest position when showing us this data, which would present a more actionable metric to webmasters.

PRO Tip – Finding Opportunities in the Queries Report

To discover optimizing opportunities, you can use advanced filters to find keyword queries that:

  • Send you a good amount of traffic
  • You rank for, but...
  • ...you don’t rank #1 (or 2 or 3)

These are "golden" keywords. Since these queries already send you visits, a small gain in rankings could lead to big gains in traffic. Not all keywords should be optimized – it’s important to know your conversion data here. For example, the report tells us that SEOmoz receives a lot of accidental traffic for the phase “cute pictures'. This is not a keyword we need to optimize for.

Golden Keywords

The only problem is the query report does not tell you what page these queries are landing on, so you have to perform extra work to find this information out. That, and the “average position” metric isn’t as useful as rank.

Not to tout our own products, but you can also find these keywords with the SEOmoz PRO platform, which displays your actual keyword ranking and the URLs that ranks for the keyword phrase. It's easy and saves me a ton of time.

SEOMoz PRO Platform

2. Landing Pages Report

The Landing Pages report shows how many times your top landing pages were shown in search results, again along with average position and CTR.

Average position isn’t as useful in this report, as you don’t know the exact search query, but it does paint a picture of your search visibility.

Landing Pages Google Analytics SEO

PRO Tip – Optimize for CTR

Again you can use advanced filters to find landing pages with:

  • High number of impression
  • High average position
  • Low click-through rates.

Look at these URLs for title tags and meta descriptions. Is there anywhere you could improve how the results display in the SERPS? Often, there is a very good reason for low CTR outside your control, especially when search engines show search results that don’t match user intent.

My biggest wish for this report would be for it to display landing pages and queries together. You can find these in other parts of GA, but right here would be ideal.

3. Geographical Summary

The Geographical report shows you impressions and click-through by country – great for international SEO where you target other countries. For example, we can see that although SEOmoz gets more impressions in India, we actually get more clicks from the UK.

Geographical Report

More interesting is the Google Properties Report, inexplicably hidden in the Geographical Summary. There’s not a ton of actionable data, but you can see how your site performs among different search results, including Image, Mobile and Video.

Google Property Report

Does the Search Engine Optimization Report Help Your SEO?

Google's SEO reports are still rough around the edges. Every metric requires extra work on your part to make it actionable. How much will Google share? Nowhere near what Blekko gives SEOs. That said, the reports are a welcome addition and a win for transparency, which Google desperately needs.

If you use the data correctly, the reports reveals insight into not only into how your website performs, but also the strange ways Google’s search results operate in the real world. Strange indeed.

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Seth's Blog : A eulogy of action

A eulogy of action

I can't compose a proper eulogy for Steve Jobs. There's too much to say, too many capable of saying it better than I ever could.

It's one thing to miss someone, to feel a void when they're gone. It's another to do something with their legacy, to honor them through your actions.

Steve devoted his professional life to giving us (you, me and a billion other people) the most powerful device ever available to an ordinary person. Everything in our world is different because of the device you're reading this on.

What are we going to do with it?


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President Obama: "I’m with Ronald Reagan"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

President Obama: "I'm with Ronald Reagan"

President Obama spoke yesterday at Eastfield College in Mesquite, Texas, on how the American Jobs Act will put thousands of teachers back into schools and make sure that all Americans are paying their fair share.

The President noted a certain well-known Republican who agreed it was "crazy" that certain tax loopholes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing while a bus driver was paying 10 percent of his salary:

You know who this guy was? Wasn’t a Democrat. Wasn’t some crazy socialist. It was Ronald Reagan. It was Ronald Reagan. Last time I checked, Republicans all thought Reagan made some sense. So, the next time you hear one of those Republicans in Congress accusing you of class warfare, you just tell them, I’m with Ronald Reagan.

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama talks with children during a tour of the Lab School's early childhood education classrooms at Eastfield College in Mesquite, Texas, Oct. 4, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

President Obama: American Jobs Act Will Prevent Up to 280,000 Teachers from Losing their Jobs
Laying off qualified teachers undermines our future as a nation.

Trade Agreements Will Help Create Export-Supported Jobs in America
These agreements will make it cheaper, faster, and easier for U.S. producers to sell more American goods and services in the growing markets of Korea, Colombia and Panama

Georgia Teen Hopes American Jobs Act Is Passed
"The American Jobs Act gives me hope that I might start to receive a better education, that one day job opportunities will be open for me to grasp and that one day my personal American Dream will be reached," Destiny Wheeler wrote in a letter to President Obama.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

9:30 AM: The Vice President chairs a regular meeting of senior officials to assess progress in Iraq.

11:00 AM: The President signs the Continuing Resolution

11:10 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:00 PM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:30 PM: The President and the Vice President meet for lunch

1:30PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney WhiteHouse.gov/live

3:45 PM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Porfirio Lobo of Honduras

4:30 PM: the Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden will host a reception with Jewish community leaders at the Naval Observatory.

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates events that will be live streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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