miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Cute Japanese School Buses

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 01:54 PM PST

Sending children off to school in the morning might be a little easier if their school buses looked like these! From cute puppy faces to Thomas the Tank Engine, each themed bus is more squeeee! inducing than the next.

Kitty Cat School Bus

Thomas the Tank Engine School Bus

Hello Kitty School Bus

Locomotive School Bus

Puppy School Bus

Totoro Neko Bus

Teddy Bear School Bus

Pikachu School Bus

Airliner School Bus

Blue Whale School Bus

Lion School Bus

Google Is Richer Than 28 Poorest Countries Combined GDP [infographic]

Posted: 14 Dec 2011 01:45 PM PST

How much revenue does Google earn? What are its major sources of revenue? How profitable are its products and services? BusinessMBA.org has come up with an infographic that gives you insight into the numbers behind Google. According to the infographic, Google had $29.3 billion in revenue in 2010. The amount is more than the combined GDP of the 28 poorest countries in the world.

Here are some of the other key highlights:
  • The bulk of Google's revenue comes from selling ads through AdWords. Over 97% of Google's revenue comes from advertising and only 3% from other sources, including its products and services.
  • $2,500,000,000 of Google's revenue comes from mobile ads. This figure is expected to grow further in 2011.
  • What makes Google's massive revenue possible is the fact that the search giant receives over 1 Billion unique visitors per month.
  • People spend a total of 200 billion minutes per month on its sites.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: businessmba

Extreme Pogo Stick Skills

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 10:20 PM PST

This is definitely not your grandmother's pogo sticking. "Pogo GoPro" is a video of extreme pogo stunts shot with GoPro video cameras. The video is by Xpogo, "The Home of Extreme Pogo."

The 20 Worst Christmas Album Covers of All Time

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:42 PM PST

Christmas time is here again, time for laughter, time for gin. I am all for the happy Christmas music blaring out of speakers at every store I go to, but these albums cross the line. Here are some albums that can make Christmas cheer turn into Christmas drear.

Best Protest Signs Of 2011

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 09:23 PM PST

There's no doubt that 2011 has been the year of protests. So many protests.

Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Spain, Chile and that of course doesn't include the Occupy protests that took the nation by storm.

One way to get your message across at a protest, is to hold up a large sign. It doesn't have to be flashy. It doesn't even have to be written in neat handwriting, all that matters is that it's witty, smart and it doesn't hurt if it's funny.

Buzzfeed compiled a list of the 40 Best Protest Signs of 2011. Here are some of the highlights.

From a pro-Egypt protest in Toronto.

From a Slut Walk protest.

From an Occupy Wall Street protest in Times Square in October.

From Egypt.

From a pro-Libya protest in Kansas City, Missouri.

From a pro-Egypt protest in Toronto.

From an Occupy protest in Zuccotti Park.

From an Occupy protest in Seattle, Washington.

From Cairo, Egypt. The sign says: "Thank you Facebook."

From a protest at the WIsconsin Capitol against Governor Scott Walker.

From a protest at the Wisconsin Capitol in February.

From an Occupy protest in NYC.

From a protest at the Wisconsin Capitol.

From a pro-Libya protest in Washington DC.

From a union protest at the Wisconsin State Capitol.

From an Occupy protest in NYC.

From a counter-Westboro Baptist Church protest.

From a student protest in Chile. The signs say: "We have the right to be upset. Excellent education for all."

From the Zombie Walk in Lawrence, Kansas.

From Zuccotti Park in NYC.

From a gay pride parade in Texas.

From a pro-Libya rally in Washington DC.

From a protest at the Wisconsin Capitol. (Pedobear in the back)

From an Occupy protest in NYC.

From a Planned Parenthood rally in Austin, Texas.

From an Occupy protest.

From a protest at the Wisconsin Capitol.

From an Occupy protest in NYC.

From a rally at the University of California after the pepper spraying cop incident.

From a protest in Cairo, Egypt.

From a pro-choice rally in New York City.

From Zuccotti Park in NYC.

From a protest in Egypt. The sign says: "Leave already, my arm is hurting."

From an Occupy protest in Dallas, Texas.

From a Slut Walk protest in San Francisco.

From "The Rapture" in May.

From a counter-Westboro Baptist Church protest. In May, hackers took down the WBC website.

From a Global Marijuana Day protest in Edmonton, Canada.

From an Occupy protest in NYC.

From a protest in Egypt.