duminică, 7 octombrie 2012

Seth's Blog : The curse of incremental improvement

The curse of incremental improvement

In an industrial, competitive culture, most things are just barely good enough.

Cell phone calls, if they were any worse, would be unusable. MP3 files sound not nearly as good as they could. Car mileage goes up, but really slowly. When something makes a huge leap (like the iPad did), it's headline news, because it's so rare.

The market will switch to a competitor when the competitor is just good enough to warrant switching (I know that's obvious, but it's worth stating). As a result, R&D departments ship a product out the door the moment it is just barely good enough to grab enough share to pay for itself. The thought of, for example, working on the CD for six more months before declaring it 'done' would have been considered short-term economic stupidity. As a result, we are saddled with thirty years of sub-par music--if they'd just held on a bit longer, it would all sound so much better.

The challenge kicks in for the individual or organization who thinks what they've launched is just barely good enough--and it's not. Prematurely declaring that it's done means that your incremental improvement doesn't seem important to anyone else. And so you flop.

Better to make it better than it needs to be.

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sâmbătă, 6 octombrie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Venetian Protesters Demand Independence From Rome; Polls Show 70% Favor Independence

Posted: 06 Oct 2012 04:10 PM PDT

Its not just regions in Spain that are sick of centralized government. Take a look at Italy where Venetian protesters demand independence from Rome.
The rally, which was organized by the separatist Indipendenza Veneta party, drew large numbers of energetic protesters.

"The situation here is almost explosive, so today we have thousands of people who have gathered in front of the regional government and we're going to present to them a resolution signed by thousands of participants to have a referendum for independence," Chairman of the separatist Indipendenza Veneta Party, Lodovico Pizzati, told RT.

"The main reason is economic. We are in a situation worse than a colony because the tax rate in Italy is the highest the world and our services are extremely poor. We have 20 billion euros missing from our regional resources each year and that's unbearable," Pizzati said.

And while some question the region's ability to stand alone, Pizzati says the goal is completely attainable.

"It can more than survive on its own. It will be the second richest country in Europe," he said.

Veneto is the latest in a number of European regions to rally for independence, including Catalonia and Scotland. And according to Pizzati, the trend isn't going away anytime soon.

"Sicily and Sardinia have strong movements for independence too…soon after us, it's going to happen to other regions of Italy…and probably in other places in Europe like Belgium or Spain," he said.
70-80 Percent Support Independence

Similarly, The Telegraph reports Mass rally in Venice to call for independence from Italy
Inspired by the nationalist aspirations of Scotland and Catalonia, pro-independence campaigners will hold a mass rally in the heart of the lagoon city on Saturday, calling for an urgent referendum to be held on the issue.

It may sound fanciful, and it will be fiercely resisted by Rome, but activists want to carve out a new country in north-eastern Italy which would comprise Venice, the surrounding region of Veneto and parts of Lombardy, Trentino and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

The "Repubblica Veneta", as it would be known, would encompass about five million people.

A poll conducted by Corriere della Sera in September found that 80 per cent were in favour of independence.

A more recent poll by Il Gazzettino, a local newspaper, found a slightly lower but still overwhelming level of support – 70 per cent.

The political movement was formed in May and shortly afterwards presented a petition with 20,000 signatures to Luca Zaia, the governor of the Veneto region.

Chairman of the separatist Indipendenza Veneta Party, Lodovico Pizzati: "Situation worse than a colony and services extremely poor ... Situation is explosive."

Link if video does not play: Venice and Veneto region seeking independence from Italy

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

"Unbelievable Numbers" Says Former GE CEO Jack Welch; Another Look at Jobs Including Government Jobs and Self-Employment

Posted: 06 Oct 2012 10:02 AM PDT

Political charges flew on Friday following the unexpected drop in unemployment rate by three-tenths of a percent.

Former GE CEO Jack Welch led the way with a Tweet "Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can't debate so change numbers".

In two of the last three months the unemployment rate fell solely because of people dropping out of the labor force. This past month, people came back in the labor force but part-time hiring and government hiring went up even more.

Parttime employment went up by 582,000 as noted in my report September Jobs +114,000; Unemployment Rate 7.8%; Part-Time Workers +582,000; Initial Reaction and Election Impact.

Government hiring went up by 187,000 in September, something I failed to mention yesterday.

Household Data Detail

click on chart for sharper image

Taking a closer look, seasonally-adjusted, the number of government workers went up by 681,000 since June. (20.619 million in September vs. 19.938 million at the June low point). That's a lot of jobs (and jobs the economy can do without in my opinion).

Also note that self-employment rose in the last month by 118,000. How much of that number is trinket selling on Ebay or other self-employment with no real income?

Regardless, unless the BLS changed its survey methods or survey questions, as wild as the numbers seem, charges of political pandering are likely to be misguided.

Did the BLS make adjustments to how it asked questions? If so, someone would probably have spilled the beans already.

Summary Items of Note (Numbers May Overlap)

  • Self-Employment +118,000
  • Government +187,000
  • Part-Time +582,000

This was not as strong a report as it first looked, whether one considers it "unbelievable" or not.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Assassin's Creed Meets Parkour in Real Life [Video]

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 08:21 PM PDT

Parkour/Free Runner Ronnie Shalvis runs through the streets of Salt Lake City dressed as Altair from Assassin's Creed.

Outdoor Hot Tub Cinema

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 07:55 PM PDT

Cinemagoers have been watching some of their favorite hit films including Top Gun, Anchorman and Zoolander while enjoying the back drop of London's spectacular skyline. Hot Tub Cinema was created by entrepeneur Asher Charman and contains 15 tubs for London residents to enjoy.

Via dailymail

Fun Unlocked: #Mozcation Milwaukee 2012

Fun Unlocked: #Mozcation Milwaukee 2012

Fun Unlocked: #Mozcation Milwaukee 2012

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 06:31 AM PDT

Posted by Erica McGillivray

This past Wednesday, October 3rd, Moz invaded Milwaukee for a Mozcation. Our gracious host, Kyle Faber from Regal Creative helped set us up at that Harley Davidson Musuem and show us the best beer.

Here are some highlights:

1. Making New Friends!

OMG new friends! and Rand Fishkin

Mozzers are truly the best people in the world. We love the opportunity to meet with all of you. Whether we're talking shop or sampling local brews, we couldn't ask for better company. You rock! Seriously, the photos say it all.

2. The Amazing Presentations!

First, we wouldn't have been anywhere without our wonderful emcee, Chiaryn Miranda, one of our Help Teamsters. She kept the event flowing.

Brittan Bright

Brittan Bright

Our first presenter of the night was iAcquire's Brittan Bright, Director of Client Strategy. Her talk, "From Mess to Success: A Case Study of Cross Discipline Collaboration Done Right," showed how much more successful we can be when we work together. As an Account Director for Organic Search at Mindshare, Brittan's team was brought in to collaborate with BBH & Edelman to essentially pull of an Online Reputation Management (ORM) campaign to help the term "Susan Glenn" appear to be an organic internet cultural phenomena.

Download Presentation

Jamie Steven

Jamie Steven

Next up was SEOmoz's Chief Marketing Office, Jamie Steven. His talk "Technical Skills for Marketers" launched his newest endeavor, Technical MKTG. There's been a lot of talk of roles like Growth Hackers, Marketing Ninjas and Technical Marketers in the past year; regardless of if you subscribe to these labels, technical marketing skills are becoming a requirement to be a successful in online marketing. The marketers who know SQL, can write code or use PivotTables in Excel will be the most desirable and productive individuals in our industry. Jamie discussed the technical skills every online marketer should be developing along with strategies and resources on how to get there.

Luke Summerfield

Luke Summerfield

Kicking off our Milwaukee community speakers was Luke Summerfield, Inbound Marketing Specialist at Savvy Panda. With his talk, Mobile Search Skyrocketing? Let's Optimize and Capture!, he dug into mobile search exploding in popularity (growing x4 times since 2010). Additionally, Google predicts that in 2013 more people will use their mobile devices to get online than PC’s. It’s critical that businesses do not ignore this growing trend and act now to position themselves above their competition in SERPS and with usability. Luke explored some key techniques and ideas for optimizing for both mobile search and the mobile user experience.

Victor Drover

Victor Drover

Up next, Victor Drover, Founder and CEO of Anything Digital, dove into "How to SEO Optimize a CMS." He discussed the common SEO problems that many content management systems face and provide practical advice for the three most popular open source platforms, WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. 

Download Presentation

Tom Snyder

Tom Snyder

Our final Milwaukee community speaker was Tom Snyder, Founder, President, and CEO of Trivera Interactive. His talk, "How Social Media Impacts Your SEO," covered the latest updates to Google's Algorithms that base your SERP position on how much people like your site. Success in social media is based on how much people like you. Figuring out how to accomplish both provides you with a powerful combination to help both your SEO and social programs succeed.

Download Presentation

Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin

Last, but not latest, was our CEO, Rand Fishkin discussing "The Big Picture of CRO." He dove into how just testing a button might not be your conversion rate optimization problem. There's a lot more factors when a user buys something from you or does what you want them to on your website.

3. Roger Learned to Ride a Motorcycle

Mozcation Milwaukee took place at the Harley-Davidson Museum. So what better place to learn how to ride! (Poor Nick Sayers, who volunteered to join him.)

Roger rides! With Nick on the back.

If you missed out on the fun, we recorded it just for you! (Sadly, we had some technical issues and missed the first few minutes.)

And there were a couple great wrap-up posts from the Milwaukee community:
#Mozcation in Milwaukee – A Fantastic Success! by Kyle Faber
What I Learned on SEO Mozcation in Milwaukee by Susan Spaight

For those of you who are interested in bringing a #Mozcation to your town, check out what Kyle and his Milwaukee compatriots built to lobby for their town. And I'd suggest starting to build your city's efforts in anticipation of 2013 nominations! See you soon in your city, Mozzers.

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