marți, 23 octombrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

How McDonald's Canada Makes their World Famous Fries [Video]

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 06:46 PM PDT

Did you know that McDonald's World Famous Fries are made from whole potatoes harvested mainly from farms in New Brunswick, Alberta, and Manitoba? Watch and see exactly how our fries get made, from the farm to the fryer.

The Addams Family Then and Now

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 04:50 PM PDT

Many of the Addams family stars continue to grace our screens today but are almost unrecognisable when not disguised as their famous characters. This is how you can expect them to look now…

Anjelica Huston (Morticia Addams)

Raul Julia (Gomez Addams) - died in 1994

Judith Malina (Granny)

Jimmy Workman (Pugsley Addams)

Christina Ricci (Wednesday Addams)

Christopher Lloyd (Uncle Fester Addams)

Joan Cusack (Debbie Jellinsky)

Kaitlyn/Kristen Hooper (Pubert Addams)

David Krumholtz (Joel Glicker)

Dana Ivey (Margaret Alford)

Dan Hedaya (Tully Alford)

Christine Baranski (Becky Martin-Granger)

Peter MacNicol (Gary Granger)

Mercedes McNab (Amanda Buckman)

Carol Kane (Granny)

Carel Struycken (Lurch)

Cute Japanese Cosplay Girls

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 12:40 PM PDT

Here comes a new collection of amazing cosplays! These girls look very cute and their cosplays suit them very well

25 Places That Are Actually Real but Don't Look So

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 10:01 AM PDT

These places may look like something out of a fantasy novel, but they are, in fact, very real.

Source: buzzfeed

Halloween Story: Escape the Jam Factory [Infographic]

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 09:03 AM PDT

Hear that mad cackling in the distance at night? That scraping against your bedroom window when you've turned out the light? It's Halloween, returning for yet another night of candle-lit graveyards, ghastly costume parties and horror movie bonanzas. Halloween – originally "All Hallows' Evening" – occurs on October 31 and is nowadays celebrated in countries around the world. The hordes of grinning pumpkins and bed sheet-clad ghosts point to the holiday's origins: pagan harvest festivals and feasts in honour of the dead. Soon there'll be trick-or-treating monsters knocking on your door and demanding chocolate, so while you wait, get in the mood with this infographic.

Can you escape the Jam Factory – home of Obergine's terrifying offices – before dawn? The only way to find out is to have a go – or maybe a run. After all, learning is more fun when you flee for your life…

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Via obergine

Cat Fail and Win Compilation [Video]

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 07:33 PM PDT

Russian YouTuber Ignoramusky is famous for his cat obsessed videos. His latest compilation of 'Cat Special Forces' features cats who attempt dangerous jumps and tricks, and ultimately fail.

Seth's Blog : Toward a mobile app for this blog

Toward a mobile app for this blog

Every few days, someone asks for a new mobile app for the blog. I've been ducking the issue for a while, because I'd like it to be something worth using, but I don't have a passionate or commercial interest in creating one--it's not a focus of mine. But it's time.

One approach is to just license my RSS feed to anyone who wants to build an app around it. I'm hesitating to do that, because if it has my name on it, I'd like it to be reliable, and the app store makes it hard to tell the good ones from the not so good. So I thought I'd ask developers if they'd like to take this on, and what they'd like to do if they did. We might end up with two or three approved apps that you could choose from. They might end up being free or costing money. We'll see. My goal is for it to be easy for you to use and really headache-free for me to create.

If you're a developer and you'd like to suggest yourself for this project, here's a simple form to fill out.  Please don't email me about it, but I promise to review the first forty applications I receive. Deadline is November 2, and as usual, extra points for being early.

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How I Got a Link from the Wall Street Journal

How I Got a Link from the Wall Street Journal

How I Got a Link from the Wall Street Journal

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 02:06 PM PDT

Posted by

How I Got a Link from the Wall Street Journal

Want to know how to get a link from the Wall Street Journal?

No ... I'm not talking about dropping some dopey, no-followed article comment or some black-hat trickery - those schemes don't count for anything and will probably land you in the Google SEO jail.

I'm talking about landing a real, legitimate editorial link from one of the most trusted and highest authority websites on the planet – it's an SEO's (or any marketer's) dream come true!! Sounds impossible?

It's not!

In my content marketing case study today, I’ll describe in detail exactly how my team and I recently did just that!

But first - this post reads best with the mission impossible theme song playing in the background, so, cue the Mission Impossible music!

1. Begin With the End in Mind

Every great content marketing operation starts with an objective. For this mission, I set a high bar. I wanted to try to acquire:

  1. Real, editorial links from the WSJ. But not just any link. Ideally, links in an article that:
    • In some way mentioned WordStream (my company) so that we could get a bit of media exposure out of this effort
    • Links to both our homepage and contained to a deep page on our site with relevant anchor text.
  2. Get links from least 500 other high value, unique business and IT publications, like Fox Business, the Motley Fool, or CNET, etc.
  3. Have the story go viral on Social Media Networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
  4. Generate a huge spike in overall website traffic that month
  5. Create a 10% uplift in our overall steady-state traffic from SEO

With these seemingly impossible mission goals clearly defined, we realized that we'd need super-viral-grade content – something new and exciting, as well as a methodological plan to succeed!

Your Mission, should you choose to accept, is to acquire a link from the Wall St. Journal

Your Mission, should you choose to accept, is to acquire an editorial link from the Wall St. Journal!

2. Intelligence Gathering

The Wall Street Journal is not just any old news organization – it’s the finest business news organization on the planet!!

Therefore we would need to create a story more powerful than the typical 'how to' or 'X ways to succeed at Y' kinds of articles that we usually run on our blog. Those angles are great for daily blog content, but are hardly newsworthy of the Wall St. Journal, and just not the right tool for this ambitious content marketing mission!

We started our intelligence gathering effort by closely analyzing the objectives and by reviewing the kinds of articles the Wall St. Journal had covered in the past, in order to get a clear idea of the kind of content that we’d need to develop.

To achieve our lofty objectives, it was determined that we would need content that was:

  • Easy to Understand – We search marketers write about all sorts of dorky shop-talk about this signal or that metric. But since +99.99% of the readership of the Wall St. Journal aren’t search marketers, our story would have to be easily understandable to a broader audience of business people.
  • Unique – Our content would have to be based on new, original data and new insight. You cannot get the attention of the staff of the prestigious Wall St. Journal merely by rehashing old stuff that is already out there.
  • Newsworthy – new and unique is necessary but not sufficient. But is it newsworthy? Is the content timely in some way, such that it might merit coverage by the world’s most powerful business newspaper?
  • Easily Sharable – We would illustrate the key takeaways of our content in the form of an infographic, to enable easy sharing and make the content more visually appealing.

planning our content marketing operation

Planning our Content Marketing Operation...

3. Gear-Up!

In order to achieve our mission we would need the right gear for the job.

Our big idea was to conduct original research into what industries contributed to Google Revenues. We thought that this idea was both relevant to our core business (search marketing) yet sufficiently generalized to be relevant to the business readers of the Wall St. Journal.

Last year, Google made $37.9 Billion in revenues, of which 95% came from advertising. But Google doesn’t provide detailed insight into exactly what industries and companies make up all that money. So, we thought it might be interesting if we could provide an answer!

But how the heck are we supposed to know where Google made their money from if they don’t share that information?!

At WordStream, we have access to a ton of search marketing data that nobody else does, for example:

  • Our Free Keyword Tool which consists of over 1-trillion search queries – using this data, I can model what people were searching for in 2011.
  • Our AdWords Grader has collected some AdWords data including average cost per click data across different industries, etc.

Using this data, along with our proprietary keyword classification technologies, and other data available on the internet (such as spyfu, etc.), it would be possible to develop a fairly sophisticated data model to figure out what people were searching for in 2011, and how much revenue Google generated for clicks on searches in different industries, such as “Travel and Tourism” or “Finance and Insurance” and many other industries.

But our content was still in need of a newsworthy angle. Since Google was announcing their 2011 year-end financial results on January 19th, it was decided that we would have to conduct and publish our data analysis within a day or two of the official Google 2011 earnings announcement. Our content would explain where all Google's money came from!

Finally, we partnered with my colleague, Mr. Brian Wallace of NowSourcing and his crack team of infographic design aces to convert my data into a nice infographic that illustrated the Google Earnings data, in order to make it more visually appealing and easily sharable. Here's what it looked like (Click to Enlarge)

Where Google made Their Money

In a nutshell, we had developed content that was easily understandable to business readers, unique, newsworthy and sharable –perfect for our mission!

content marketing gear

Using the Right Gear (Content) for the Mission!

4. Mission Execution

Having set our goals, put a plan in place, and developing the right tools for the job, all that was left was to execute! We published our infographic just days after Google’s 2011 year-end earnings announcement.

And, as you probably expected, we were indeed successful in getting coverage of our story in the Wall Street Journal!!

Here's a snapshot of what that looked like:

we did it!

And we also got crap-ton of coverage from many other leading news organizations, including coverage in: Wired, CNET, Fox Business, The New York Times, Business Insider, Inquisitr, The Guardian, Inc Magazine – too many to list out. In total we counted over 600 of the world's leading news sites linked to our Google Earnings article, thanks in part to a domino effect of link building!

And the article spread internationally, too. We found pick-ups from news organizations in Japan, Germany, France, Canada, Spain, Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa, and dozens of other countries!

The story went viral on Social Media Networks – our article and infographic racked up a combined:

  • 2491 Twitter tweets
  • 1443 Facebook Likes
  • 554 Google +1’s
  • 697 LinkedIn Shares
  • Lots of traction on sites like Reddit, Stumble, etc.

We think that from an SEO perspective, the social shares are just as valuable as the link haul that we made off with!

All in, we estimate that nearly 1 million people saw our story, and we were fortunate to have achieved our all the goals that we set out to achieve.

Content Marketing Mission Accomplished

Content Marketing Mission Accomplished!

5. Mission Debriefing

Every time we do a content marketing project it’s a learning experience, so I’d like to share with the SEOmoz community, a few key ideas we learned from this time around!

In my example, I was using interesting data that we had at WordStream to develop some unique content. Now you might be thinking to yourself: what the heck do I do if I don’t have access to a trillion-keyword database or other proprietary ideas to draw original ideas from?

Here’s what you do: Think about what’s unique and differentiating about your business and/or your customers – what kinds of trends are you seeing, what’s changing, then try to measure that. Every company must have something unique about themselves – start brainstorming ideas from there!

Another big learning we stumbled on was that the big media outlets really love brands! The more you can mention major companies in your story, the more likely you will succeed. For example, we included paid search advertising spend data for big name companies in each industry (see screenshot below) and this greatly broadened the appeal of our content. The reporter at the Wall St. Journal and many other news outlets reported on rivalry between brands.

Google Earnings Data

Finally, don’t feel bad if you put in a lot of effort and your plan doesn’t quite come together. I definitely have had my share of content creation efforts that went absolutely nowhere. And sometimes you get incredibly lucky. Just keep at it, try to figure out what went wrong and plan to do things better the next time!

So there you have it. You can get a link from the WSJ, or New York Times, or whatever big news outlet you can dream of. No special tricks or hacks, just a lot of hard work, including planning, research, real content development, and executing on a plan, and of course, a bit of luck!

Copyright Notice: Mission Impossible is property of Paramount Pictures.

About The Author

Larry Kim is the Founder & CTO of WordStream, a provider of software & services for managing PPC. Larry helps out in both the Product and Marketing departments at WordStream.

He can be found on Twitter or Google+.

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Draw Roger Contest

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 03:43 AM PDT

Posted by Joel Day

Howdy SEOmoz fans! Do you know what time it is? It's time to learn...

How to draw Roger!

We sat down with everyone's favorite Art Director, Derric Wise, and had him show us (and you!) how to draw Roger. It was truly a life-changing and inspirational time for everyone involved.

We can't think of a better way to celebrate our newfound knowledge than giving you the chance to draw your own Roger, along with the chance to win some awesome SEOmoz swag.

The Draw Roger contest is super simple: watch the video, draw Roger, send in your drawing, and win prizes!

The rules:

  • Have fun with it. Remember to keep it PG. 
  • Any age can enter! We have prizes for anyone ages one day to 100 years old.
  • Try to get your whole family to participate.
  • All entires must be submitted by 9:00 PM PST on October 28th.
  • Your file name should be formatted as such: {First name}{Last Initial}{City}. For example, If Roger did a self portrait (how meta), his file name would be: RogerMSeattle.png
  • We may use your entry online!

Once you have your drawing scanned or photographed, send it in to

You may need a few things to follow along with the totorial below, including:

Derrics booze

Step by step drawing tutorial


Draw Roger 1



Drawing SEOmoz's Roger


I know I'm practically an expert now, so the process should look something like this:

I'm very excited to see your submissions. Feel free to share your excitement in the comments below. Happy drawing, Mozzers! 

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!