luni, 21 ianuarie 2013

The next four years

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon --

Taking the oath of office is a serious piece of business.

And being part of an inauguration has a way of focusing the mind on what's to come. That's what President Obama meant earlier today when he said, "My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it – so long as we seize it together."

In the months ahead, we're going to be tested, and nothing about the challenges we face will be easy.

So we're going to need you with us -- to build support for solutions, to help move the country forward.

Make a pledge to be a part of that effort. Say that you'll join us.

As citizens of the United States, we're a people who draw strength from our diversity of opinion. We take pride in that.

When we disagree, we debate. And where there's common ground, we act -- even though those solutions may be less than perfect.

But we never stop moving forward. That's our obligation, the responsibility for which we've been entrusted.

And a duty like that is impossible to fulfill if you act alone.

We need you to step up. Pledge to stand with us, and we'll reach out to add your voices to the debates in Washington, to work with you to make this country a better place for everyone.

Join us for the next four years, and help make history:


Vice President Joe Biden

P.S. -- Watch President Obama's full inaugural address.

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Apply the Golden Rule to Guest Posting

Apply the Golden Rule to Guest Posting

Apply the Golden Rule to Guest Posting

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 05:04 PM PST

Posted by Kate Morris

"One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."

The Golden Rule is a great to apply to your entire outreach process. From your writers and the people you are outreaching to, all the way to the content you are pitching, using the Golden Rule ensures that great content is produced for great sites, resulting in quicker responses and better return on investment for your client or company. 

Minor rant on guest posting

As a whole, search marketers are known for taking a good marketing tactic and overdoing it to the point that the search engines stop trusting the signals. Think about it: directories, commenting, sponsorship, articles, blog rolls, footer links, and more.

Outreach is not a tactic; it is a relationship building strategy that has been around since we could communicate with each other. Guest posting, which is the standard product of outreach, is the tactic. Sadly, guest posting is on the border of being seen as poor a tactic as the ones above.

None of the things I listed above are bad, though. Not one. If each of those tactics were treated with respect when used for a client (aka if the Golden Rule is applied to them), they could be useful marketing tools. Here are a few examples.

  • Directories. A good directory that is helpful to a searcher is a great place to be placed and have a link to your website. For example, there is a grass fed beef directory. Does everyone need to be in that directory? Nope. But for people looking for farms that humanely treat their cattle and feed them naturally, it's a great resource. 
  • Commenting. Most of my site's links are from commenting, but I don't try to link that way. What happens is I get a number of followed links on strong pages because I added thoughts to a well shared and commented on post. The comments are random because I don't comment for the links. Once you start *thinking* about it, it becomes an overused tactic.

True online marketing happens when good tactics are used as a part of the company's day-to-day activities, not as a part of the strategic marketing plan. 

Cropped image of hand of young woman taking notesThe writer/content producer

Disclaimer: This part is negated if you are the writer of the content you are pitching to the people you build relationships with. You would, of course, treat yourself the way you want to be treated.

I know many companies that have staff writers and outsourced freelance writers to produce content. Please treat these talented professionals as you would want to be treated if you were asked to write the content.


Application of the Golden Rule: Pay them the wage you would consider worthy of the time and effort needed to make the content perfect for the site in question.

You've spent so much time and effort to identify and build the relationship with your contact; you want the content to match that effort. The best relationships with the influencers of the web take time and effort, and you need the best content for those relationships.

If you are building relationships, or just emailing bloggers of sites that you don't deem worth this investment, do you really want a link from them? Do you really want your brand to be a part of their site? If they are worthy to get a link from, if their site and community are strong, they should be worthy of your best content. To get that, you should be treating the people writing and developing that content like the talented people they are and paying them for that talent. 

Action: Pay writers a decent wage, not $4-6 per 250 word article


Application of the Golden Rule: Give the writers the resources they need to create great content including the best information, time and contact with the site owner.

The best guest posts are personal and relatable; your audience knows something is genuine when they read it. The best content is created when the writer is in on the process. They need as much detail as they can get, including the site, topic, audience, and so much more. The best way of getting them this information is to put them in contact with the site owner directly. While I recommend having the writers as a part of your company, I know it's not always possible.

If you can hire them, internal writers know your company and products, and can easily be introduced after building the relationship with the site owner. When that isn't an option, ensure the writers have complete information and plenty of time to write a great article. If you want to take it a step further, consider getting your writer involved in the pitching process. It's amazing how much better the content is if the writer is the one chatting with the site owner and community.  

For those of you wondering what type of information to give a writer, here are the points most important for freelance writers:

  • Article title
  • Description of topic - Use this to give the writer the an idea of the piece as you see it in your head.
  • Where (what site) the article is to be used?
  • Author attribution - Informing the author if they are to be credited allows them to know now personal the post should be and if they can use it in a portfolio in the future. 
  • Purpose of article - Use to describe the goal of the article for the reader. 
  • Sample work/similar articles - Provide URLs of other articles which you would can be used as resources or guides. 
  • Research advice - Give the writer exact sources to use or general guidance. We sometimes use this to tell them what to avoid.
  • Audience - Demographics and other information on the audience of the site like location, age, sex, social group, level of knowledge of subject matter, actively seeking content or reading in passing, etc.

The blogger/contact

Treating the site owner the way you want to be treated seems like common sense, but this can come in many forms. You want to treat them as yourself throughout the whole process, and that means in all communication, the content you send them, the links you include, and where that link is placed. 

Want to hear it direct from the source? Shara from Mommy Parks recently gave her perspective

The form of contact

Application of the Golden Rule: Don't send, call, or tweet until you're sure it's something you would want to hear. 

You might contact a site owner by email, social media, phone, or meet them in person. No matter how you (or your employees) are contacting them or how far along you are in the relationship, think about how you communicate. The best way is to research the person before you contact them. Remember door-to-door salesmen? That's what this feels like:

There is a better approach when tweeting. As my co-worker Geoff puts it, read the blog first before you reach out. And treat them as human beings. Don't use templates, use your own personality.  

The content

Application of the Golden Rule: Don't send out content you wouldn't put on your own site.  

I have seen advice before to use your best work for your own blog which is good advice, but that doesn't mean you send out poor material to other sites.  Site owners have worked hard to grow their site and community. For many of them, it's their full time job. If you want a high rate of return on the content you send out, honor that work with something you and they can be proud of. Don't make your writer do 5-6 posts a day like this poor guy.

Want something more specific? Check out this guide from our Head of Outreach, Adria Saracino. She'll send you a high-resolution copy to print and laminate for your desk if you ask nicely

Epic Content Checklist

The link and link placement

poor link placement guest post

How do you spot a guest post? There is link a in the bio of the writer with exact match anchor text. Maybe there is a single link in the top of the post with exact match anchor text. There are many ways to spot a guest post that is poorly done, but stay away from the most distinct signs:

  • Link in the bio with exact match anchor text
    Fix: If you can only get a link in the bio, don't make it exact anchor text. No matter where they are, only put in links that make sense. The only links that make sense in the bio are to the writer's site or company homepage. Not the link you want? Maybe you need to post that content elsewhere, or forego the perfect link until you've built the relationship up. 
  • Exact match anchor text to a commercial site with no context
    Fix: If you do place a link to a commercial site, client or not, ensure that it makes sense to the context of the post. If you as the reader came across that link, is there some reason to click on it? And is the corresponding page something that is useful to them? If not, don't add the link. Only link to things that make sense and are helpful to the reader. This means talking to the client and making their landing pages great before you start outreach and guest posting. 
  • One link in the post to the author's company site
    Fix: Make sure you are linking to resources that are right for the content and users. Balancing links to your site and other sites not only looks more natural, it really is more natural. Don't be afraid to link to what is necessary. Remember that guest posting and outreach is not just for links, it's for branding, sales, and word of mouth

The readers/community

The final application of the Golden Rule is to the readers and community of every site you work with. As a member of the SEOmoz community, would you be happy with a post written by someone who doesn't respond to your comments and questions? What about someone who includes links to things that make no sense in the context of the article you're reading? SEOmoz has a high bar of content for YouMoz, so that doesn't happen here.

The best guest posts you can get are those on sites with a great community. A good community means that there is value in the site and they are probably a well-ranked site. I haven't found a study that proves that a strong community means a strong site, but I am debating doing a study myself, so watch this space. 

Regardless, it's a good rule to respect the readers as if you yourself were a reader. Think about what you would want to see as a reader. Give them that and watch your brand grow in the community, the guest posting opportunities grow, and your revenue grow in return. 

Do you have any other applications for the Golden Rule when it comes to content and outreach? Leave them in the comments below!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

The Best Way to Watch Inauguration 2013

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, January 21, 2013

The Best Way to Watch Inauguration 2013

Visit today to watch President Obama be sworn in for his second term. While the ceremonies start just after 11:00 a.m. EST, start watching early for behind-the-scenes looks at today's festivities and a look back at the Administration's work over the past four years.

Be part of history -- watch today's ceremonies on

Watch today's inauguration

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog: 

President Obama and Vice President Biden Take the Oath of Office
Yesterday, in two separate, private ceremonies, President Obama and Vice President Biden were officially sworn into office, marking the start of the second term. (The Constitution mandates that the President takes the oath on January 20. Since that date falls on a Sunday this year, the public inauguration ceremony and festivities will take place today, January 21)

Giving Back on the National Day of Service
Yesterday, the First Family kicked off Inauguration weekend by participating in the National Day of Service, helping out with some school improvement projects at Burrville Elementary in Washington, DC.

The Inauguration of a President
Historians Robert Caro, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Douglas Brinkley, and Michael Beschloss speak on the historical significance of a Presidential Inauguration and a President's second term.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

8:45 AM: The First Family, the Vice President and Dr. Biden attend a church service at St. John’s Episcopal Church

10:35 AM: The First Family departs the White House en route Capitol Hill

11:20 AM: The President is sworn in at the United States Capitol; The First Family, the Vice President and Dr. Biden also attend

11:50 AM: The President delivers remarks; The First Family, the Vice President and Dr. Biden also attend

1:05 PM: The President, the Vice President, the First Lady and Dr. Biden attend the inaugural luncheon

2:40 PM: The President, the Vice President, the First Lady and Dr. Biden participate in the inaugural parade

3:45 PM: The First Family, the Vice President and Dr. Biden watch the inaugural parade from the presidential reviewing stand

8:45 PM: The President, the Vice President, the First Lady and Dr. Biden attend the Commander-in-Chief's Inaugural Ball

9:10 PM: The President, the Vice President, the First Lady and Dr. Biden attend the Inaugural Ball Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Seth's Blog : Exactly the same vs. exactly different


Exactly the same vs. exactly different

You will almost never find a case study or lesson that precisely fits the problem you're aiming to solve. You won't find a book that shows you what someone precisely like you did to solve a problem precisely like this one.

The search for the exact case study or the exact prescription is the work of the resistance, a clever way to stay safe, to protect yourself from your boss or your self-talk. If you wait for the perfect map before departing on your journey, you'll never have to leave.

It's also true, though, that you have never once had to solve a problem that is exactly different from what's gone down before. We'd like to romanticize our problems as unique, as the one and only perfectly difficult situation that is the result of a confluence of unrepeatable, unique causes.

Your problem is your problem, and it is like no other. But it's close enough to those that came before, close enough to the ones you've studied, that it probably pays to stop stalling and take the leap.

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duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Crisis in Madrid Update; Plan "A" is Sgt. Schultz Defense, No Plan "B" Yet

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:53 PM PST

As noted on Saturday Massive Fraud in Spain Threatens Entire Government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy; Protestors in Madrid Shout "Resignation".

A wave of new articles has appeared, mostly from Spain, but a few this time in English.

Envelopes Stuffed With Cash

El Pais in English reports Former PP treasurer "handed out envelopes with cash" to party officials
Despite strenuous efforts by the ruling Popular Party (PP) to distance itself from Luis Bárcenas, who is in trouble with the law over corruption allegations, the party's former treasurer continues to maintain an office in the PP headquarters in Madrid even after having left the group, party sources said Friday.

Bárcenas is implicated in the Gürtel kickbacks-for-contracts scandal, which first broke in 2008. Under an ongoing investigation into the corruption ring, it emerged earlier this week that Bárcenas had a bank account in Switzerland in which he had deposited as much as 22 million euros. He also took advantage of a tax amnesty in place last year to declare 10 million euros, which had previously been kept hidden from the tax authorities.

The PP sources said that despite stepping down as a senator and leaving the party in April 2010, Bárcenas has continued to appear in its Madrid headquarters, seeking help from PP officials to find a solution to the legal quagmire in which he finds himself. He was last seen in the building – located in Génova Street in the center of Madrid – as recently as Wednesday of this week.

Bárcenas, who was treasurer of the PP for 20 years, faces possible charges of money-laundering and tax evasion.

The sources said he still has a secretary in the building, who is on the payroll of the PP, and who makes telephone calls in his name as if he were still in the employ of the party.
Socialist Party to Lodge Criminal Complaint

El Pais in English reports Socialist Party to lodge criminal complaint over illicit PP bonuses.

Socialist Party leader Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba announced on Sunday that his opposition group will file a criminal complaint before the High Court asking for an investigation into the alleged payments of bonuses from secret accounts held by the Popular Party (PP) to its officials.

In the wake of the discovery that the PP's former treasurer, Luis Bárcenas, had 22 million euros in a Swiss account, Rubalcaba also said that he will call for a parliamentary investigation into the matter and demanded that both Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Finance Minister Cristóbal Montoro appear before Congress.

For her part, PP secretary general María Dolores de Cospedal on Sunday went on the counterattack against the Socialists, saying that many past politicians in Castilla-La Mancha, when it was governed by the opposition party, made a lot of money then.

The scandal inside the party is expected to come to a head on Monday when Rajoy presides over the PP national executive committee meeting.

Got that?

The counterattack by the PP Secretary General is a claim the opposition party was equally fraudulent.

That's a charge I easily believe. Moreover, here is some supporting evidence.

Corruption allegations Surround Catalan Pujol Clan

From El Pais, also in English, Corruption allegations surround Catalan Pujol clan.
After many years of scrutiny and investigations, the Pujol-Ferrusola family of Catalonia — whose patriarch is a former regional premier and one of the region's biggest political powerbrokers — has always been able to escape when allegations of impropriety and corruption have surfaced.

"For many years they have looked into my affairs and photographed everything but have never been able to pin anything on me," said Jordi Pujol, the former leader of CDC, part of the CiU nationalist bloc, back in 1995.

But now, after a police report surfaced late last year suggesting that Pujol and his family may have secret Swiss bank accounts, along with the current premier and CiU leader, Artur Mas, investigators have taken a wider look at his sons' activities.

On Thursday, the former girlfriend of Jordi Pujol Ferrusola testified before the High Court that she had helped him transport bags of 500 euro notes across the border into Andorra in the trunk of his car.

Bid rigging

Oriol Pujol, one of seven sons and the current secretary general of the CDC, is also being targeted in an ongoing investigation into bid fixing for ITV vehicle inspection stations in Catalonia. Last September, Barcelona Judge Silvia López Mejía wrote in a ruling that there were "rational indications" that Pujol had played a key part in the conspiracy.

The elder Pujol said these allegations against him and his family "are hurting the country."

Jordi Pujol Ferrusola also reportedly received some lucrative contracts from the regional government. The first in 1991, when Natural Stone, a firm that specialized in quarry rock, won a 600,000-euro contract to supply marble for the floors at Barcelona's El Prat airport. Pujol Ferrusola and his then wife Mercè Gironés, were respectively vice president and administrator at an affiliate, Natural Stone Marketing Centre.
Rajoy Implicated

Why stop there? Translated from El Pais in Spanish, please consider Accusations Unleash Gale.
In a particularly sensitive time for the government of Mariano Rajoy, after a year of deep cuts in spending on essential public services and many promises of austerity and transparency to improve the image of politicians, research advances Gürtel case , with discovery of secret accounts extesorero of this training have been a blow to the credibility of the PP.

In a particularly sensitive time for the government of Mariano Rajoy, after a year of deep cuts in spending on essential public services and many promises of austerity and transparency to improve the image of politicians, research advances Gürtel case , with discovery of secret accounts extesorero of this training have been a blow to the credibility of the PP.

The list of recipients of the alleged secret bonuses is opaque.

The treasury of the party, according to the environment and Lapuerta Barcenas, kept a list of the perceiver jealous of those amounts, which had two seats always fixed as beneficiaries of accessories: the president and the secretary general of the party. Sometimes benefited charges unrelated to those posts. Francisco Alvarez-Cascos, Angel Acebes and Javier Arenas, general exsecretarios PP, denied having received the supplement in its early or have known.

In defense of Rajoy, party supplies contributed several data: "Rajoy is a man of law, property registrar, and does not require or accept an envelope of money monthly. Moreover, Rajoy has been secretary of electoral action and never met with Correa. Maybe four party gulfs have maintained such practices or have been money, but not the current president and the current secretary general. "
Rajoy Silent, No Plan B

El Pais in Spanish reports Rajoy Silent, No Plan B.
"We have no plan B," admits a minister for the scandals are ruining his political agenda and his speech, with no reaction. On Friday, the ministers discussed among themselves, before and after the Council, the revelations about Barcenas , some moved to other of its decision to deny they had taken, but the meeting proceeded as if nothing had happened. Rajoy did not say anything.
In a particularly difficult translation to follow, El Pais reports The 'case Barcenas' reopens the war in the PP
Several national leaders of the PP have told this newspaper, on this line, that this should be seen as a move by a desperate former treasurer to blackmail Rajoy at a particularly sensitive time for his legal situation.

Rajoy yesterday launched several clear messages and outright refusal to [discuss] the former treasurer's performance.

PP leaders are considering the option of having this operation is part of a move to the highest level possible to try to defuse bombs that Barcenas has in his possession, a controlled explosion that saves Cospedal splash [Maria Dolores de Cospedal is the PP general secretary], presented both as ignorant of the illegal actions of Barcenas and, of course, as that stopped as soon as they knew.

Cospedal , in several radio interviews, stressed these days clear that she did not consisted payments and illegal financing stage. In that line impacted when on Friday, at a meeting of the PP in Almería, warned that such complaints before, "each must hold your candle stick". These statements have not sit well in the environments of the previous general secretaries, with whom Cospedal not maintain good tune. And no doubt the close confidence remains Cospedal Rajoy, so its performance is understood by its interest in protecting his head and let his image clean.
Sgt. Schultz Defense

Clearly Plan A is "I See Nothing, I hear Nothing, I Know Nothing". I have a couple of tributes in honor of the Sgt. Schultz Defense.

"I See Nothing"

I see nothing, I was not here, I did not even get up this morning"

link if Youtube video does not play: I see Nothing

"I Know Nothing"

I have no idea whether or not this defense will work. However, a massive effort by Rajoy's administration to sweep this all under the rug using the Sgt. Schultz defense is clearly underway.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Greece Law-and-Order Problem Escalates; Bomb Explodes at Athens Mall; AK-47 Shots Hit Ruling Party Headquarters; Worst Not Over

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 01:24 PM PST

Since December, radical groups staged coordinated arson attacks at the homes of five Greek journalists and fire-bombed the brother of a government spokesman.

Six days ago, nine shots hit the New Democracy party office, one of them in an office occasionally used by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

In a disturbing trend of increasing violence, a Bomb exploded at Athens mall earlier today.
A homemade bomb exploded inside a suburban Athens shopping mall on Sunday, slightly injuring two security guards as they checked that the three-story building had been fully evacuated.

The device, placed near a moving staircase and a bank ATM on the first floor, caused only moderate damage, a police official said.

"This homemade bomb did not only target a specific building. It took aim at democratic stability, social peace and prospects for economic recovery," the citizens' protection ministry said in a statement reflecting concerns that the same self-styled anarchist and far-left groups, held responsible for violence at anti-bailout demonstrations, were behind the latest wave of attacks.

A hooded gunman fired nine bullets from an AK47 assault weapon into the New Democracy headquarters in the early hours last Monday. One landed in the office formerly used by the party leader Antonis Samaras, now prime minister. In other incidents, small devices using gas canisters were placed outside building entrances, timed to explode late at night.

Nikos Dendias, the citizens' protection minister, said in a newspaper interview published on Sunday that a revival of attacks against business and political targets had been expected since November, when the governing coalition agreed a new austerity package with the EU and International Monetary Fund. "Until now they have been isolated attacks, mainly symbolic," Mr Dendias said.
Shots Hit Ruling Party Headquarters, Journalists Also Targeted

The Wall Street Journal reports Shots Hit Offices of Ruling Party in Athens
Unidentified gunmen fired shots at the offices of Greece's ruling conservative party early Monday, police said. There were no injuries and only minor property damage, but the action follows a series of arson attacks in recent days against journalists and others that police say bear a resemblance to past strikes claimed by radical Greek leftist groups.

One of the shots fired, from a semiautomatic rifle, pierced the window of an office occasionally used by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, head of the center-right New Democracy party.

The attack comes as Greek authorities move to crack down on self-styled anarchists. In the past few weeks, the coalition government, dominated by New Democracy, has been trying to assert its authority on the streets of Athens as it struggles with worsening law-and-order problems in the Greek capital.

In December, police cleared out a building known as the Villa Amalia where anarchist groups had been squatting for 22 years. Police said the building served as a staging ground for the violent demonstrations that have repeatedly rocked Athens since the start of its debt crisis three years ago.

Since then, unknown groups staged coordinated arson attacks at the homes of five Greek journalists last week, while there was another fire-bomb attack on Sunday at the home of the brother of government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou.
Euro Leaders Declare "Worst of Crisis is Over"

A week ago Bloomberg reported Euro Leaders Declaring Worst Is Over Turn to Economy Woes.
European leaders declaring they've gained the upper hand in the three-year-old debt crisis are sharpening efforts to channel a rebound in financial markets to an economic recovery to chip away at soaring unemployment.

Even as euro-area chiefs call for more time to lock in a bailout package for Cyprus and elections loom next month in Italy, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Jan. 11 that the single currency is "over the worst of the crisis."

Draghi cited "positive contagion" in European markets after the ECB's Governing Council left the central bank's benchmark interest rate at 0.75 percent, holding its fire amid signs that the debt crisis is waning. Monetary policy makers have opted to rely on an unconventional policy arsenal such as the ECB's pledge to buy unlimited amounts of sovereign debt.

Draghi told reporters in Frankfurt last week that "a gradual recovery should start" in late 2013, during which Standard & Poor's has said Ireland and Portugal could return to the markets after their bailout programs expire.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, who leads euro finance ministers, also signaled the improved mood, saying "the worst is probably over, but what we still have to do is difficult."
Heard This "Worst is Over" Nonsense Before

We've heard this nonsense before. I did a search for "worst is over euro" and turned up a stunning number of links, some going all the way back to 2009.

Rather than compile my own list, please consider a chronology of statements compiled by David Lizoain for the Social Euro Journal.

Chronology of Statements

  • 10/12/2009 – Brian Lenihan, Irish Minister of Finance: "Our plan is working. We have turned the corner."
  • 09/07/2010 – Jürgen Stark, ECB Chief Economist: "[T]he worst is over…The I.M.F. is underestimating the strength of the economy in Europe."
  • 29/01/2011 – Christine Lagarde, French Minister of Finance: "I think the euro zone has turned the corner."
  • 10/03/2012 – Herman von Rompuy, European Council President: "[P]roblems have not yet finished, but the worst of the crisis is over."
  • 13/03/2012 – Wolfgang Schauble, German Minister of Finance: "We can say that the worst is behind us, but we cannot relax our efforts."
  • 13/03/2012 – Mario Monti, Prime Minister of Italy: "The most acute phase of the crisis appears to be definitely over but this is no reason for us to relax."
  • 13/03/2012 – Francois Baroin, French Minister of Finance: "If the question is whether the worst of the crisis is behind us, one can say yes … If we do not deviate from our path, the worst is behind us."
  • 22/03/2012 – Mario Draghi, President of the ECB: "The worst is over, but there are still risks. The situation is stabilising."
  • 27/03/2012 – Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France: "I think we came out of the financial crisis, that confidence is restored and we are in the process of economic recovery…Europe has an economic government which overcame the Greek crisis."
  • 27/03/2012 – Olli Rehn, European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro, "The crisis in Greece is a challenge for the Greek society and for the EU. It is the legacy of years of irresponsible policies. Thanks to European solidarity, we avoided the worst, a social disaster."
  • 28/03/2012 – Herman von Rompuy, European Council President: "[W]e have turned a corner."
  • 28/03/2012 – Mario Monti, Prime Minister of Italy: "You all know that the eurozone has gone through a crisis, a huge crisis. I believe this crisis is now almost over."
  • 18/10/2012 – François Hollande, President of France: "The worst is over."
  • 19/11/2012 – Mariano Rajoy, President of Spain: "There are doubts about the irreversibility of the euro, it's true that there were more a few months ago than today…I'm totally and absolutely convinced that the worst has passed."
  • 27/12/2012 – Wolfgang Schauble, German Minister of Finance: "I believe the worst is past."
  • 07/01/2013 – José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, "I think we can say that the existential threat against the euro has essentially been overcome."
  • 09/01/2013 – Herman von Rompuy, European Council President: "Firstly and most importantly, the worst is behind us, in particular the existential threat to the euro."
  • 10/01/2013: Herman von Rompuy, European Council President: "The worst is now behind us, but not all is right, far from it."
  • 11/01/2013: Wolfgang Schauble, German Minister of Finance: The single currency is "over the worst of the crisis"
  • 14/01/2013: Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the Eurogroup, "[T]he worst is probably over, but what we still have to do is difficult."
  • 16/01/2013: Ewald Nowotny, Member of the ECB Governing Council: "The crisis is not over yet, but the worst is over."

I am quite certain there are dozens of other equally senseless statements to add to the list.

Worst Not Over

Every time there is temporary stabilization of bond rates, a whole slew of nannycrats proclaim "the worst is over".

I see escalating firebombs, arson, and near-anarchy in Greece, coupled with 26% unemployment in Greece and Spain, over 56% youth unemployment in both countries, and major problems in Italy, and France.

Moreover, a constitutional crisis is underway in Spain, and Massive Fraud in Spain Threatens Entire Government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy as Protestors in Madrid Shout "Resignation".

With every tick up in unemployment adding powder to the keg, I wonder how much worse things get before the powder keg blows sky high.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

Top 10 Free Android Apps in Google Play Store for 2013

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 12:25 AM PST

Google Play Store, in the past well-known as the Android Market, is a digital application supply platform for Android Apps developed and managed by Google. Google play let users to browse and download applications free or for a particular cost. The Best 'Free' Android Apps in the Google Play Store...
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