vineri, 3 mai 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

How to Eat an Apple Like a Boss

Posted: 03 May 2013 12:37 PM PDT

Throw out that habit of eating an apple around the core like you throw away…well, a core.

According to Foodbeast, we've been doing it all wrong, people! No wonder teachers are going hungry.

The Making of Star Wars (1977)

Posted: 03 May 2013 11:25 AM PDT

Very interesting photos from the set of the Star Wars in 1977.

Paris Jackson Photos

Posted: 03 May 2013 11:05 AM PDT

15-year-old Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson's daughter.


Funniest Google Image Search Results

Posted: 03 May 2013 10:25 AM PDT

Ugh, no, Google, that's NOT what I meant by "Topless Kate Middleton."

Googled: "Kate Middleton topless"

Googled: "Snoop Lion"

Googled: "Missionary position"

Googled: "Hot Chinese mustard"

Googled: "Olivia Wilde Boobs"

Googled: "Traumatized by goat"

Googled: "Definition of swag"

Googled: "Majestic creature"

Googled: "Noble steed"

Googled: "To the Internet!"

Googled: "Nick Cage as a baby"

Googled: "Guitar solo"

Googled: "Best picture ever"

Googled: "Asshole"

Googled: "Photoshop at its best"

Googled: "Badass guitar"

Googled: "T-Dog"

Googled: "Wet fart"

Googled: "O face"

Googled: "Sea horse"

Who Are the H-1Bs [Infographic]

Posted: 03 May 2013 10:01 AM PDT

There are a number of temporary visa programs currently in place in the US. The largest and arguably most important is the H-1B program, which allows US businesses to temporarily employ high-skilled foreign workers in key specialty occupations. This infographic lays out statistical information on immigrant workers hired by U.S. companies on temporary H-1B visas - and in the process, dispels some myths about the H-1B program.

Click on Image to Enlarge.


"SHIFT IT" - Amazing Transmission Commercial [Video]

Posted: 02 May 2013 07:10 PM PDT

Arlen's Transmission of Burbank, California has either shifted their business into high gear with their suggestive new commercial or scared off any and all new female customers with its, um, personal touch.

April in Review: The White House Science Fair and Earth Day

The White House Friday, May 3, 2013

April in Review: The White House Science Fair and Earth Day

President Barack Obama talks with Kiona Elliott,18, and Payton Kaar, 16, from Oakland Park, Fla.,  as he pedals their bicycle-powered emergency water-sanitation station as they demonstrate their exhibit at the White House Science Fair, in the East Garden of the White House, April 22, 2013. The fair is a key commitment in the  President’s

President Barack Obama talks with Kiona Elliott,18, and Payton Kaar, 16, from Oakland Park, Fla., as he pedals their bicycle-powered emergency water-sanitation station as they demonstrate their exhibit at the White House Science Fair, in the East Garden of the White House, April 22, 2013. The fair is a key commitment in the President’s "Educate to Innovate" campaign to inspire more girls and boys to excel in STEM subjects. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

On April 22, President Obama celebrated the achievements of student science fair winners and kid innovators from all across the country in the third White House Science Fair. This year, the Fair brought together 100 students from more than 40 states and underscored the power and potential of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Many of these young innovators are taking aim at our nation’s energy challenges and working to accelerate the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources. From portable windmills and oil-producing algae, to bicycle-powered water filtration systems and new techniques to manage storm-water runoff, this year’s Science Fair was a testament to the tremendous creativity and ingenuity of young people in America.

April 22 also marked another important event: Earth Day. Each year, Earth Day reminds us that we have a collective responsibility to protect our natural resources for future generations and respond to the threat of climate change. You can learn more about what the Administration is doing to safeguard our environment and promote clean energy by reading President Obama’s Earth Day Proclamation here.

News & Events

President's 2014 Budget Proposes Critical Investments in Clean Energy
On April 10, the President released his FY 2014 budget, which increases funding for clean energy technology across all agencies by 30 percent, to approximately $7.9 billion. The request is part of the Administration-wide effort to strengthen the U.S. economy with energy that is cleaner, cheaper, and creates sustainable jobs. The budget also creates a new Race to the Top for Energy Efficiency and Grid Modernization, and helps consumers and businesses save money and improve their energy efficiency through the President’s Better Buildings Initiative. The President also calls for $2 billion for an Energy Security Trust to help transition U.S. cars and trucks off of oil.

DOE Announces New Innovative Biofuels Projects for the Military
As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, the Energy Department on April 22 announced nearly $18 million in four innovative pilot-scale biorefineries in California, Iowa and Washington that will test renewable biofuels as a domestic alternative to power our cars, trucks, and planes that meet military specifications for jet fuel and shipboard diesel. These projects build on the Obama Administration’s broader efforts to advance biofuels technologies to continue to bring down costs, improve performance and identify effective, non-food feedstocks and processing techniques. As part of this effort, the Department is helping to speed the development of hydrocarbon-based biofuels that are more compatible with today’s infrastructure and engines, including heavy vehicles and other applications.

Sally Jewell Gets to Work as Secretary of the Interior
Assuming her responsibilities as the 51st Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell spent her first full day in the office meeting some of the Department's more than 70,000 employees. "There is no higher calling than public service, and I am honored and humbled to be serving as your Secretary of the Interior," Jewell said. "Our public lands are huge economic engines for the nation," added Jewell. "From energy development to tourism and outdoor recreation, our lands and waters power our economy and create jobs. I look forward to working with you all to ensure that we are managing our public lands wisely and sustainably so that their multiple uses are available for the generations to come."

USDA Rural Development Promotes Water Quality Projects in 32 States
As part of USDA's Earth Day celebration, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced on April 22 support for projects that will improve water and wastewater services for rural Americans and benefit the environment across the country. In all, 43 water and wastewater projects in 32 states will be funded. As part of the announcement, USDA Rural Development is providing more than $145.2 million to improve water quality and provide a safe and healthy environment for rural Americans.

Second Annual U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Announced
Chair of White House Council on Environmental Quality Nancy Sutley and Acting Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Bob Perciasepe joined U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on April 22 to announce the 2nd annual U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools award honorees. Sixty-four schools were honored for their exemplary efforts to reduce environmental impact and utility costs, promote better health, and ensure effective environmental education, including civics and green career pathways. In addition, 14 districts were honored for the first-ever District Sustainability Award.

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West Wing Week: "Nobody Does It Better"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, May 3, 2013

West Wing Week: "Nobody Does It Better"

This week, President Obama spoke at the Planned Parenthood conference and the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner, met with the King of Jordan, made five personnel announcements, celebrated the sciences and the Joining Forces Initiative, and embarked on a trip to Mexico and Costa Rica.

Watch this week's West Wing Week.

West Wing Week: 05/03/13

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

President Obama Visits Mexico and Costa Rica
On his trip to Mexico and Costa Rica, the President hopes to highlight and reinforce the deep cultural, familial, and economic ties that so many Americans share with Mexico and Central America, and to promote economic growth across the region.

Ben Rhodes Previews President Obama's Trip to Mexico and Costa Rica
The Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications talks about some of the issues the President will be focusing on in his meetings.

The Employment Situation in April
Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that private sector businesses added 176,000 jobs last month and total non-farm payroll employment rose by 165,000 jobs in April. The economy has now added private sector jobs every month for 38 straight months, and a total of 6.8 million jobs has been added over that period.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

8:30 AM: The Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden host their annual Cinco de Mayo breakfast at the Naval Observatory 

10:15 AM: The President delivers remarks

10:30 AM: The Vice President and Secretary of State John Kerry deliver remarks at the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) Memorial Plaque Ceremony

12:25 PM: The President meets with Mexican entrepreneurs 

1:25 PM: The President departs Mexico City, Mexico en route San Jose, Costa Rica

4:00 PM: The President arrives San Jose, Costa Rica

4:35 PM: The President meets and greets with United States Embassy personnel 

5:40 PM: The President and President Chinchilla hold a restricted bilateral meeting

5:55 PM: The President and President Chinchilla hold an expanded bilateral meeting

6:30 PM: The President and President Chinchilla hold a cultural event with Costa Rican youth

7:15 PM: The President and President Chinchilla hold a press conference

7:30 PM: The Vice President delivers keynote remarks at the South Carolina Democratic Party's 2013 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

8:35 PM: The President participates in a photo with Central American Integration System leaders

9:00 PM: The President, President Chinchilla and Central American Integration System leaders meet for a working dinner Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Why We Can't Just Be SEOs Anymore - Whiteboard Friday

Why We Can't Just Be SEOs Anymore - Whiteboard Friday

Why We Can't Just Be SEOs Anymore - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 02 May 2013 02:13 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

There's a movement happening in our industry, and many folks are changing their practices and titles from "SEO" to "online marketing, inbound marketing, and/or earned media marketing." Where did this shift originate from, and where is it taking our industry as a whole? Is it enough to just be an SEO in today's game, or are we missing the bigger picture?

In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand shares his take on the shift from "SEO" to "inbound marketing" and what the future holds for our industry at large. 

Have something to add? Leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

For your viewing pleasure, here's a still image of the whiteboard used in this week's video:

Video Transcription

"Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to a special edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week I want to address an elephant in the room. It's a topic that I've talked about quite a bit on my personal blog, a bit on the primary blog, and I know it's a topic that gets discussed all over the marketing world, from to lots of blogs and news sites. It's:  Why is it that there's this movement from some folks in the field to change their titles, their names, their practices, from saying, "We do SEO," to saying, "We do inbound marketing," or, "We do online marketing, we do web marketing, we do earned media marketing"?

I want to try to try and take on that elephant right now. There are some really good reasons that I think we're seeing this shift happen, and I'm actually one of the proponents of this shift. I used to be very against it. I used to be very passionate about building only the brand of SEO. Now, I've revised my stance. I think that, as new data and as the world has changed and I've become less of an obstinate son of a gun, I'm seeing this bigger picture, and I want to try to share that picture that I'm seeing with you.

The first one is I can't argue that SEO is bigger than the way people define or have defined SEO for the last decade. That's not really true of the 2010 to 2013 period, but it is very true of the decade before that, from the late '90s into the late 2000, the "aughts." What I mean is there are these old-school tactics. "Oh, you're going to do SEO? Well, that means you do links, you make my content relevant, you put the good keywords in there, you do work on your markup, your snippets, and your site architecture, your structure. You are done. You have done SEO. That is SEO. Don't try to tell me that it's more than that."

This becomes very, very challenging when, as an SEO or as a marketer who's trying to achieve good results with SEO, you say, "But wait a minute. This only works when the ranking factors were things like link graph data, keyword data, domain data, and topic analysis." Now, we have a lot more ranking factors, right? Engines are looking at user and usage data. They're definitely looking at brand signals. They're looking at offline data potential. Potentially there are patent applications, thinking about offline data. They're looking at social graph signals.

What's an SEO to do? If I want to influence these, I've got to be able to work on everything that's marketing. That's everything from social media to community building, positioning, branding, emails, CRO, product, the unique value of the content. What am I going to do if I'm tasked with SEO, but I'm only given responsibility over these things? It's just not going to work. In order to influence just the very part of SEO that we touch on, which is moving up rankings in major search engines like Google and Bing, just to do that, we have to be able to control and influence a lot more than we ever had to in the past. It's an untenable kind of situation.

Thus, what we'd really like to do and what we've been working hard at as an industry is to try to change and broaden the definition of SEO. I can tell you one of the things that I feel very passionately about is changing that branding and working really hard to not have the word "SEO" be associated with scumminess and bad companies and irresponsible behavior. But that perception of SEO is so hard to change. It's been established for such a long time now, and the small efforts of quite a few of us in the field to try and change that perception have not been successful, at least not outside of the online marketing world. Inside that world and with a small portion of the developers and designers who get SEO and get marketing, it's true.

I love those of you who are watching Whiteboard Friday and who are in that world, who understand that SEO is this bigger thing. But I know that you've felt the same pain that I'm talking about. People say, "Oh, SEO. So you're a spammer. You manipulate things. You're unethical. You're breaking the search engine's rules. What does Google think of you?"

These are questions we have to answer every single time, and it's pretty clear to me why this happens. I think the reason is actually very obvious. The primary and first association that most people have with SEO is what? It's comment spam on their blogs. It's a spammy, scummy email that's trying to get them to sign up for something. It's someone wanting to trade a PageRank 6 link with them. It's a forum, or a bulletin board, or an online community saying, "Oh, are you wondering why this malware happened? That's the SEOs doing that." That's why all these bad things happen on the Internet. They blame SEOs.

To be fair, early on in the days of SEO, there were plenty of us, myself included, who would do some of these spammy and manipulative things. I'm not innocent, by any means. But that perception, that fight is one that I don't think we're winning. That's another reason why I think it's really hard to do SEO well and just call yourself an SEO. I think when you change the title, you change the perception. You change the frame of reference, and you say, "I do web marketing. I help people grow their companies. I help attract visitors, and that leads to more conversions on their site." They're like, "Oh, okay. I get it. Web marketing. Understood." SEO is one of the channels, one of the main channels, but one of the channels they focus on.

The third one, we are selling ourselves short. When you say, "I'm an SEO," your boss, your client, your management says, "Why are you meddling with our design, UX, social, and ad campaigns? Why are you trying to get into this?" You are supposed to focus on SEO. Yet, the answer is well, we can't do great even at just SEO without influencing all these other fields that we talked about above.

By the way, we're selling ourselves short even more than just this, because when we do work on all these channels, when we improve all of these channels, that obviously helps our search rankings too, we are also driving a lot of traffic from them. Social is sending us good traffic. The blogosphere and PR efforts are sending us good links that are driving visits, good customer service practices, community building practices, culture practices. All of these things that influence SEO that we're trying to move the needle on to get better results, they also drive traffic of their own. That traffic converts, and that traffic is valuable. That traffic is measurable, and we are often the ones who are measuring it and quantifying it and trying to gauge the impact it has on search. Yet, we're not getting rewarded for it or treated as though we were responsible for it. Again, we're selling ourselves short.

But I want to end on a positive note. This stuff is okay. It is okay. This is something that we are used to. We are used to change. If there's anything that SEOs can be assured of, it's that things will change tomorrow, that things will change next week. No one is better prepared to handle change than we are. This kind of change is actually positive. Every field matures. My checkmark practices don't mature. I'm clearly getting worse at them. But every field matures. You can see the early seeds of programming, of video, of accounting, any type of field, right? Journalism, for sure. Any time there's massive shift or a new industry, we have these years of immaturity, and then we get to a better stage.

I think the stage for us is deciding:  Do we want to keep committing to a brand that frankly has been put through the wringer? One that I still use and will always use. As long as I am doing SEO work, I will use that brand. But do we want to also take hold of and recognize that, as marketers, we want to do good branding and good marketing? That means potentially calling ourselves something different, taking on these other titles, expressing ourselves in other ways in order to get more influence, and by the way, bigger paychecks too.

An SEO consultant, there are people who charge between $50 and a few hundred dollars an hour. Then you look at business strategy consultants from Accenture, or something like that, and you're talking about a thousand plus dollars an hour. The more influence you have, the greater your billing is and, by the way, the more you can effect change and have a positive influence.

I hope this Whiteboard Friday is valuable to you. I'm sure there will be good comments and good discussion about this naming convention. I look forward to reading them and participating too. Take care, everyone. We'll see you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday."

Video transcription by

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A New Version of

Posted: 02 May 2013 02:02 AM PDT

Posted by David Mihm

Today, I am excited to announce the release of a new version of While no new functionality is included in this update, the team and I hope it provides a dramatically improved user experience on several fronts.

The best way to get a sense of what's changed is to run a business search for yourself, but I'll run through a few brief highlights here.

Faster business lookups

GetListed is now waaayyyy faster (that's the technical term used by our engineers) than it used to be. Previously, lookups averaged around 20 seconds. We've cut the average response time in half to about 10 seconds, and we'll be working to make it even faster as we analyze usage of the app and further optimize our response times. We hope this increased speed provides a big value-add for those of you who use GetListed in your on-the-spot client meetings.

More consistent results

Previously, GetListed's Listing Snapshot displayed a composite listing based on the data points returned by several search engines in our list. This led to unnecessary confusion among business owners, and made it difficult for some of our agency users to identify which search engines were returning incorrect information about clients' listings. It also made tracking Listing Score progress over time more difficult, since this score was dependent on the order of results returned by our search engine partners, and this order sometimes varied week-to-week and month-to-month.

The new version of the site asks users to establish their canonical NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information prior to running a full query for a given business, so that the new Snapshot page and Listing Score are no longer based on "best guess" composite listings.

Please note: this update means you may see changes in your listing scores, including for those businesses saved to your Dashboard. We suggest re-establishing these scores by running your listings through the new site. When you do, you'll have a fixed data point against which you can measure your progress over time.

Cleaner Listing Snapshot interface 

When we started GetListed back in January 2009, only four search engines were displayed on the snapshot page. As our app grew in popularity and we established new relationships with data providers and other search engines, that list grew ever-longer and the formerly-simple interface grew clunky and overwhelming. The goal of the site (to get business owners to update erroneous information and add missing information) became muddied.

We hope the new interface makes these calls-to-action much clearer--to create listings on search engines where they don't exist, and to update information that doesn't match reality. The new app consolidates the old Snapshot, Accuracy, and Details pages, bringing accuracy front-and-center, and makes it easy to see listing details inline without jumping from page-to-page.

Cleaner Dashboard interface

The new Dashboard removes the clutter of favicon-style search engine logos (another problem created by our gradual expansion to include more listing providers over the last four years). The new Dashboard provides a quick way to assess listing scores at a glance, and easy access to the details page for your listings from clickable business titles.

U.S. version only

Over the past couple of months, we've noticed GetListed UK and GetListed CA returning an unacceptably high number of errors on business queries. As part of this release, we've decided to temporarily suspend these versions in order to focus on the backend and interface for our U.S. audience, which accounted for 98% of all queries run in April. After we've had a chance to analyze our domestic audience usage on this new system, we plan to re-release UK- and CA-specific versions (along with more international sites) later in the year.

Looking ahead

Well, that takes care of most of the major changes for this release.  Feedback, as always, is welcome.  We've even added a handy-dandy tab where you can submit feedback directly within the app; you can also feel free to email me at

I hope I've laid out a compelling case above for the rationale behind this release from a user's perspective. From a development perspective, the goal of this iteration of GetListed was to create a foundation for more frequent feature releases and better integration with SEOmoz tools moving forward. It paves the way for a number of new features we will be rolling out over the course of the summer and fall, which all of us on the GetListed team are even more excited about. Looking forward to sharing those with you soon!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!