joi, 10 aprilie 2014

gamer4ever: "Grounds Keeper 2 Android/iOS Gameplay Trailer" and more videos

gamer4ever: "Grounds Keeper 2 Android/iOS Gameplay Trailer" and more videos

Mihai, check out the latest videos from your channel subscriptions for Apr 10, 2014.
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Grounds Keeper 2 Android/iOS Gameplay Trailer
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Оккупай-гриферяй #35 [Гуманоид] + ВЕБКАМЕРА
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Оккупай-гриферяй 2 СЕЗОН
Tami's Bloopers, Blunders & Stamp Fails of 2014 - Part 1 - Crafting and Card Making from Tami White
Carnival Game FAIL Gag
Just For Laughs Gags
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Introducing Auth Guala | By Swift
African Divas - Guinea - Dancing Divas with Oudy 1er - Tounki Fare
Seka Moke
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Super Galaxy Rumble is ready to rock
League of Legends

Seth's Blog : You are not the lowest common denominator


You are not the lowest common denominator

Internet companies often strive for lock in.

Lock in is what happens once you have a lot of followers on Twitter... it's not easy to switch. Same with all social networks. And operating systems too--it takes a lot of hassle to walk away from iOS.

Once a company has achieved lock in, one way to grow is to appeal to those that haven't been absorbed (yet), to change the product to make it appeal to people who need it to be simpler, dumber and less powerful, because (the company and its shareholders understand) the power of the network becomes ever more irresistible as it scales.

Do the math. Given a choice between serving existing users that are looking for a more powerful tool or creating more simplicity and ease for the newbies, which pays bigger dividends to the network's owners?

And so the information density and power of your phone's operating system goes down, not up. The tools available on various sites become easier to use, but less appealing to those that made the site work in the first place. (This isn't new, of course. The same thing could be said for the design of chainsaws, edgy retail stores and most sports cars too).

The leads to a pretty common cycle of power-user dissatisfaction. The people who care the most leave first.

The question today is: has lock in (due to social network power) become so powerful that power users can't leave, even if they're tired of being treated like people who marketers seem to believe want something too-simple* and dumb? Without a doubt, networks yearn to be bigger and more inclusive. The challenge is to do that without losing what made them work.

What do networks owe the users who made them powerful in the first place?

*too-simple is not the same as simple. Simple is good, because it enables power. Too-simple prevents it.



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miercuri, 9 aprilie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Hawaii Stairway to Heaven

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 11:29 AM PDT

The Haiku stairs on Oahu aka the Stairway to Heaven has 3,922 steps lead up to the stunning Puu Keahiakahoe summit. The stairway was originally wooden and was installed during World War II so the military could access a radio station antennae 2,000 feet up the mountain. In the 1950s, the stairs were replaced with steel steps that led to a newly established Coast Guard navigation station. The navigation station has been closed since the 1980s and the hike is also off-limits now; a security guard sits at its entrance for most of the day and the Honolulu Board of Water Supply -- which has jurisdiction over the hike -- requires that anyone who goes up it sign waivers and present a $1 million liability insurance policy.

Bad Guys Flipping Over Smart Cars In San Francisco

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 09:59 AM PDT

Four Smart cars were found tipped over Monday morning in an apparent vandalism spree across San Francisco. The cars, which usually cost around $13,000, all sustained shattered windows and other damage. After being discovered, the Smart cars were placed upright and towed away.

Secret Store in Boston

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 09:47 AM PDT

Let's take a look inside.