vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Best Karate Fails

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 05:44 AM PDT

Of all karate fails, here are the best.

The Most Expensive Halloween Costumes Of 2010

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 05:25 AM PDT

You have to have some serious money to consider spending $5,000,000 on a Halloween costume. Even so, maybe you should be more philanthropic or spend your money on a good psychiatrist!

10. Attila the Hun-$1,448

ebay link.

9. Blue Panda-$1,950

ebay link.

8. Moulin Rouge Ringmaster-$2,400

ebay link.

7. Carbon X Robot-$3,500

ebay link.

6. Medieval Knight-$3,850

ebay link.

5. Vintage Playboy Bunny-$4,000

ebay link.

4. Bruce Willis Die Hard 3 Outfit-$7,000

ebay link.

3. Spartan-$8,000

ebay link.

2. Human Slinky- $1,000,000

ebay link.

1. A&W Bear-$5,000,000

ebay link.

Stupid Warning Labels

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 03:45 AM PDT

These warning labels have to be the dumbest of all time. They take stating the obvious to the extreme. Not only do they warn you not to do things that you would have never thought of, but they also throw in a little political satire. They are very stupid warning labels.

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A Real Houseboat

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 02:36 AM PDT

This is actually more of a house ship than it is a house boat. It was built by a Russian guy Nicolai without any plans or sketches. His neighbors call his house: Nicaloi's ark. It is 9 meters high and 14 meters long.

Although it is rather unusual, it has all the comforts of home. There are even sauna and swimming pool on the first floor. In addition, this family is ready for another flood.

Totally Look Alikes

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 12:33 AM PDT

Everyone resembles someone or something else and for the most part because of different mimics or body positions. But that's what it makes it really funny.

Strange Retro Advertisements With Children

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 12:22 AM PDT

These days, you would never see such advertisements. But it is sure fun to look at them today. Some of the advertisements are for products that are still available, other are for products that have long been discontinued but they are all very weird.

How Coffee Affects the Global Economy

Posted: 05 Nov 2010 12:10 AM PDT

We don't technically need coffee to survive (though many would argue just the opposite), yet this popular pick-me-up fuels not only our daily energy levels, but the global economy as well. The coffee industry thrives in countries like Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia: the world's leading coffee exporters. Meanwhile, coffee drinkers around the world love their daily morning brew like no other drink. In the United States alone, we consume more than 66 billion cups of coffee per year. Some of us love our java so much, in fact, that we even observe a national coffee holiday, September 29.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: mint

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

The Basics of Local SEO - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 04 Nov 2010 02:08 PM PDT

Posted by Aaron Wheeler

 Howdy mozfans! This week's Whiteboard Friday features the return of Danny Dover, our lead SEO here at SEOmoz. He's going to be discussing the basics of local SEO, a rapidly developing, important niche in SEO land that involves a complex amalgamation of many data sources and metrics. Hey, sounds a lot like the regular SEO we know and love! Take a look at what's on Danny's whiteboard here below the video.

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Danny's Whiteboard:

SEO Local: Behind the Scenes:

  1. Most important: accessibility and content
  2. Second most important: keyword research and targeting
  3. Third most important: links
  4. Fourth most important: social

SEO Local-Specific Features/Considerations

  1. Search engine page
  2. Local directory submissions
    • Yahoo Local
    • Yelp
    • Citysearch
    • Urbanspoon
    • Trip Advisor
    • Judysbook
    • Insider Pages
    • Niche Data Sources
  3. Links
  4. Addresses
  5. Categories
  6. Reviews

Other Metrics Worth Considering

  1. Title (Business Name)
  2. Photos
  3. Social

Video Transcription

Hello, everybody. My name is Danny Dover. I work here at SEOmoz doing SEO. For today's Whiteboard Friday, I'm going to tell you about the basics of local search. So, if you've been paying attention to this, you'll notice that there was a big update with this recently. The local search experts that I talked to said this is a tectonic shift, to give you kind of some context. So, let me go over that.

First thing is local, behind the scenes. What is going on and what exactly changed? The biggest thing that I see here is visual layouts. If you're looking on a SERP instead of seeing the seven box that we used to see, which was a map with seven different items next to it, we're now seeing the local searches integrated into a normal SERP. The big difference here is, from what we hear from Google, that they have combined their main algorithm with the local algorithm. Where it used to be completely separate, they are now integrated. I don't exactly know what they mean by that per se. An algorithm is a big set of equations. It seems to me that the way that it used to be set up they'd have to be interacting with each other somehow. Apparently that's not the case, but it does make doing local SEO easier in theory. We haven't had enough time to test it out yet, but what it looks like from a preliminary view is that factors that have been useful for traditional SEO are now more useful for local SEO, which is a win. It means that if you are optimizing your website that you're doing well in the local verticals and you're also doing well in the universal search. It's a win/win for business owners and a win/win for webmasters. So it's something I like to see.

The other thing that we heard is that now Google is saying that over 20% of searches contain some sort of reference to locality, be it a city, state, or country, something like that. That is a big deal. It means that this is growing. It makes a lot of sense. We see the mobile spaces growing and there's GPS data there and there are also people searching "restaurant Seattle" or "museum Seattle", that kind of thing. We're seeing that a lot more, and it's growing. By taking advantage of the other things I am going to say, you can get more benefit from local.

So, let's talk local specific, right. Well, before I do that actually, let me back up to what are the things that you need to focus on for all of SEO, and then right after that I'll get to local specific. Things for all of SEO, this will go for your website if you're trying to do image search or if you're trying to do video search or if you're trying to do local search, for all SEO is the SEO in pyramids. I've talked about this before and I'll link to it in the post below. What we're looking for here is at the top in a very small degree is social. I don't think at this point that local search is really dependent on social. By social, I mean things like Facebook and Twitter and blogs, all of that kind of thing that you traditionally think of as social. I don't think that's affecting local yet, but it's certainly affecting other verticals and specifically universal search, which is just normal search that you think of.

Underneath that is links. Links is absolutely affecting local. Who is linking to you, how popular are they, what does the anchor text in links say, all those factors are extremely important for all of the verticals.

Underneath that is keyword research and targeting. What keywords are you trying to target? Is it the name of your business or is it the name of an item on your menu if you're a restaurant? What is it you are trying to search for, and more importantly are people actually searching for it? You can be the highest targeted, the most well optimized result for a phrase, but if no one is searching for it, you're not going to get any traffic.

Below that is accessibility and content. Are the search engines able to access your web page and is the content relevant? Is it content that people would actually try to find? The entire reason that people go to Google, Bing, or Yahoo is to find content, find some kind of answer to a question they have. The most important part of SEO is content. You'll hear that over and over again.

Let me talk local specific for just a second here. Under local specific you have your search engine page. In Google this is your Places page, in Yahoo it's Yahoo Local, and in Bing it's Bing Local. What this is, is a page from the search engines about a specific business. This is great for business owners if they don't want to have to have their own web page. It's also great for us as SEOs because it makes it a streamline process for optimizing a business online. Google Places you can get a little bit of analytics, although they're, to be quite honest, they're a little bit mediocre. You can also get photos up on your thing and you can aggregate reviews. These search engine pages, the single most important thing you can do for local is creating this local page for your business.

Number two is local directory submissions. Let me be very clear with this. I am not recommending traditional directory submission. So, do not just go out to, or whatever the website might be (I just made that up) and post links there. That's not what I'm talking about. Instead, I am talking about these well established data sources for local businesses. You have things over here, these are the ones I've seen affecting the new algorithm. Yahoo Local, I am seeing that everywhere when I did a review of it. It looks like other people I've talked to that they are also seeing this, too. So, Yahoo Local, there's some kind of partnership between Yahoo and Google there as far as getting data. Underneath that, Yelp, and after Yahoo Local these aren't really in any particular order. But Yelp is a traditional business thing, and I've seen that show up in Google results for local. Citysearch, Urbanspoon, TripAdvisor, Judy's Book, Insider Pages, and then I'm also seeing a bunch of niche data sources. So, if the search is about schools, you'll find school-specific data sources. So whereas these ones above kind of cover all businesses or at least most of them, there's also these niche ones. The best way to find that is search for your competitors, look at their Places page if it's on Google, and see where they're getting their data from. It's probably going to be some kind of niche thing in addition to the big ones you see here.

Underneath that is links. So, I am actually bringing up links twice. I'm bringing it up here and I brought it up in the SEO pyramid. I did that on purpose because links are extremely important. Links, if they're going to your web page or they're going to the Places page it makes a little less of a difference, but specifically to your web page. Google sees links as a vote of popularity. If someone is linking to you, they're vouching for you. Google sees that as a trust metric and as a relevancy metric. They need that in order to want to rank you highly. Links, again.

Underneath that is address. If we're talking local search, address makes a lot of sense. If it is preschools in Issaquah, you better have your address be in Issaquah or one of the surrounding neighborhoods at least.

Categories is the next one. Google and I know that Yahoo does it and I think Bing does it as well, gives you the option of listing categories associated with your business, be it spa or a manicure. You can actually go through and Google it, I think it is about four or five you can list, and the other ones vary. It is important to go through there and give Google a very clear sense of what your business does.

Last in this thing is reviews. This one is, I probably think is more for human readers than it is for the search engine metrics, but this is the way that you can get click throughs. If you're result is listed, the amount of reviews and what people are saying within them. If they're positive, that's probably what you're looking for. Those can help you a lot both in click through and then to a degree in the algorithm as well.

The last section I have here is other metrics worth considering. These ones are not as important or well defined as the ones that I mentioned before, but they're ones that you need to consider going forward. The title of the business. Again, if it is Issaquah Preschool, my mom's preschool is names Giggly Wiggly Preschool. Having the addition of the word preschool within there is probably, probably useful, but I cannot say that for 100% fact. Categories would probably be more important than this.

The next thing is photos. In Google Places they give you the option of uploading photos. They'll show these if someone goes to your Places page. Again, it's for humans, but it also may be affecting the metrics. It shows Google that, like, "Hey, this is a serious business. I've taken the time to upload these photos." This is kind of a metric of trust to a degree.

Underneath that is social. This one, I don't think is here yet for local, but it is certainly something that will happen in the future. We're seeing the Internet kind of shift that way. Social being the social sites, Facebook, Diggs, Twitters, all of those kinds of things. Twitters. Wow. I just sounded like my mom. I brought up the preschool thing, and it was just all downhill from there. Oh boy. So, social, it's not affecting local yet as far as I can tell, but I think it's going to be important going forward. Google is trying to optimize search results for humans, and social is all about humans. It's people talking to people and making real recommendations based on experiences. It's something that Google's invested a lot of money into already and Bing as well. It is something I fully expect to continue to grow.

That's all the time I've got today. I appreciate you guys listening. I will see you next week. Thanks. Bye.

Video transcription by

Follow Danny on Twitter! Even more to your benefit, follow SEOmoz! You know what? Why don'tcha follow me too: Aaron Wheeler.

If you have any tips or tricks that you've learned along the way, we'd love to hear about it in the comments below. Post your comment and be heard!

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Working Together to Build a Clean Energy Economy

The White House Energy and Climate Agenda
Friday, November 5, 2010

The Week in Energy and Climate

At a news conference in the East Room on Wednesday, President Obama spoke openly about the lessons of the previous night’s elections, and his hope for working with the new Congress going forward.  During the question and answer session, the President mentioned energy reform as a key issue on which Democrats and Republicans can find common ground in order to move our country forward:

I think that there are some areas where it’s going to be very difficult for us to agree on, but I think there are going to be a whole bunch of areas where we can agree on.  I don’t think there’s anybody in America who thinks that we’ve got an energy policy that works the way it needs to; that thinks that we shouldn’t be working on energy independence. 

Watch the President's remarks and read more about the news conference here.


Criticizing the Inspectors
November 3, 2010
Michael R. Bromwich, Director the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement in the Department of Interior, addresses criticisms of federal employees responsible for conducting inspections on offshore rigs.

Celebrating National Weatherization Day
November 1, 2010
The Recovery Act weatherization program is weatherizing more than 245,000 low-income families' homes and putting thousands back to work.

Solar Panels on the White House and in the Desert, 36 Billion Gallons of Biofuels, and Cleaner Trucks
October 29, 2010
As National Energy Awareness Month draws to a close, Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Carol Browner highlights some events and announcements from the Administration that are helping us build a clean energy economy.

Your Questions on Climate Change and Foster Youth
October 27, 2010
Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Heather Zichal and Director of the Domestic Policy Council Melody Barnes tackle questions on climate change and foster care respectively submitted as part of the MTV, BET, CMT youth town hall event.

Real Update on Real Property
October 27, 2010
The Federal Government is taking steps to achieve President Obama's goal of eliminating $8 billion in excess and surplus property costs by the end of Fiscal Year 2012.

Answering Your Questions on Energy and Afghanistan
October 26, 2010
Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, and Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor, answer questions submitted as part of the MTV, BET, and CMT town hall event with President Obama.

DOT, EPA Propose Nation's First-Ever Emissions, Fuel-Efficiency Standards for Trucks and Buses
October 25, 2010
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announce a proposal for the first national standards for greenhouse gas emissions and fuel efficiency for medium and heavy-duty trucks, vans, and buses.

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West Wing Week: Don't Watch the Plasma Arc

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, Nov. 5,  2010

West Wing Week

West Wing Week is your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Walk step by step with the President as he tours Stromberg Sheet Metal, a Maryland company planning to expand its workforce in the coming year, explains the actions taken to disrupt and investigate a potential terrorist attack, welcomes trick-or-treaters to the White House for Halloween, takes questions from the press and speaks about ways to move the country forward and grow our economy, surprises a group of wounded warriors during their White House tour and much more. Watch the video.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time 

9:25 AM: The President delivers a statement to the press on the monthly jobs numbers

9:45 AM: The President and the First Lady depart the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base

10:00 AM: The President and the First Lady depart Andrews Air Force Base en route Ramstein, Germany

5:10 PM: The President and the First Lady arrive in Ramstein, Germany and Air Force One refuels  Indicates Events that will be livestreamed on

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

The Employment Situation in October
Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, explains the jobs numbers for October of 2010.

President Obama Invites Bipartisan Meeting on the Economy: "Not Just Going to Be a Photo Op"
The President extends an invite to leaders of both parties in Congress for a substantive meeting to get going on job creation and the other central issues lying ahead.

President Obama’s Press Conference: "Let's Find Those Areas Where We Can Agree"
In a news conference in the East Room, the President spoke openly about the lessons of the previous night’s elections, and his hope for working with the new Congress going forward on the economy and other issues.

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A Slasher’s Guide to Blekko – The Most Advanced Search Engine Ever Created

Posted: 04 Nov 2010 06:08 AM PDT

Let’s just be clear: Blekko is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s the most advanced search engine ever created and every SEO professional or webmaster has to use it. No irony here whatsoever.

I’ve been a beta tester before the public launch on Monday but I mainly used Blekko as a replacement for Yahoo Site Explorer, Open Site Explorer and Majestic SEO. I didn’t even get the whole “slashtag” thing. Blekko is not solely an excellent SEO tool or rather set of tools though. It’s a full fledged search engine that can yield better results than Google when used properly.

Since Monday when Blekko launched I’ve become a slasher that is I’ve customized Blekko to become the perfect search engine for my own use.

Search Engine Land has already provided an overview of the plethora of SEO tools Blekko offers. Bruce Clay has a guide for Blekko’s basic features. I will focus on using Blekko as your personal or rather business search central.

As a business blogger I’m doing a whole lot of research every day so I’m a prolific search user throughout the day. I used mainly Google, Topsy, Delicious and various aggregators to find out what’s going on. Blekko renders some of the latter redundant. Also I don’t use Google anymore when I search for SEO and search related news and resources. I use Blekko custom search aka slashtags. I’m a slasher!

Create you’re custom vertical search engines on the fly.

What’s a slashtag? It’s basically a custom vertical search engine. You can either use the predefined ones or create your own within minutes. A slashtag limits the search to only the sites you trust or the people who have set up a slashtag trust.

Check out these custom search engines for search and social marketers you can use right away:

Official list of SEO and marketing blogs that focus on SEO as well. I am an editor of this list. +

The official list of SEO sites which happens to be identical with one one provided by Danny Sullivan himself. Only the roughly 30 top sites in search.

Lee Odden has created this well sorted list of social media and social media marketing blogs. The slashtag contains almost 50 entries now.

Very inclusive list of all kinds of SEO related publications curated by SEO expert Aaron Wall. Even Google Code, TechCrunch or Seth’s Blog is an “SEO blog” here. On the other hand you won’t find my blog in here as of now:

and dead blogs like show up in the results on top.

Whenever you search for something you can restrict your search to just trustworthy sources by using a slashtag. So instead of searching for [seo] you search for [seo /seoblogs] or [seo /seobook/seoblogs]

I’ve created a SEO 2.0 slashtag some weeks ago for testing purposes. It contains mainly SEO definitions as of now:

The official /seoblogs slashtag gets suggested each time someone searches for SEO. The Blekko team had already provided a list with 30 of them but then yours truly joined in the fun and now it contains 130 SEO blogs and counting. I haven’t added just everybody I know but only active blogs with a rep in the industry. Thus I couldn’t add some of my best friends like Cape Cod SEO or SEOCO for not updating their blogs enough in 2010.

Blekko is not perfect yet, it’s beta after all but it reminds me of the early days of Firefox, when it was still called Phoenix. I don’t mean to say that Blekko is like a browser, I mean that Blekko’s target audience are the same people who were Firefox early adopters. The same people will love Blekko and only rarely revert to the Internet Explorer of search: Google.

Blekko is advanced search in a simple interface. You don’t have to type in advanced search operators, use clumsy forms or add parameters to the actual search URL. Blekko is advanced by default. Just select the right slashtag.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. A Slasher’s Guide to Blekko – The Most Advanced Search Engine Ever Created

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