vineri, 17 septembrie 2010

A Champion for American Consumers and Families

The White House Economy and Jobs Agenda
Friday, September 17, 2010

The Week In Economy and Jobs

Today, President Obama announces that he has selected Elizabeth Warren to serve as an Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).  In a blog post this morning Warren explains the importance of this new agency:

President Obama understands the importance of leveling the playing field again for families and creating protections that work not just for the wealthy or connected, but for every American. The new consumer bureau is based on a pretty simple idea:  people ought to be able to read their credit card and mortgage contracts and know the deal.

Elizabeth Warren has been a champion for American consumers and families and was the architect of the idea that became the CFPB. This new agency will set and enforce clear, consistent rules for the financial marketplace to protect consumers from confusing mortgages, unfair credit card rate hikes, and expensive overdraft programs.

To learn more about the consumer protections in the Wall Street reform legislation, check out this video:


The President Appoints Elizabeth Warren to Lead a "Watchdog for the American Consumer"
September 17, 2010
The President continues his fight for the middle class.

Fighting to Protect Consumers
September 17, 2010

Elizabeth Warren on the ideas behind the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The Lift: Recovery Act Moderates 2009 Poverty Results
September 16, 2010
Jared Bernstein explains that for all the bad news in America's poverty rate, the Recovery Act helped a lot of Americans stay above water.

Moving Clean Energy Innovations Out of the Lab and into the Market
September 16, 2010
The Department of Energy announces new steps toward strengthening the commercialization successes of our nation’s research universities through a variety of partnerships.

President Obama on Small Business Jobs & Tax Cuts: "We Don't Have Time for Any More Games"
September 15, 2010
Having just emerged from a Cabinet meeting focused on getting every agency doing all they can to help America create jobs, the President zeroed in on two major fights for the middle class.

Republican Tax Plan Doubles Nation's Deficit in Just Ten Years
September 15, 2010
Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer puts the Congressional Republicans’ plan to explode the deficit with virtually no benefit to the economy.

New Plans Underway to Increase Contracts to Small Business
September 15, 2010
A look at the new recommendations, and new resources, on the government's small business contracting.

Encouraging Business Investment
September 14, 2010
Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President, explains the President's agenda to promote economic recovery by helping businesses invest.

President Obama in a Fairfax Backyard
September 13, 2010
John Nicholas and Nicole Armstrong graciously host the President for a discussion on the economy at their home in Fairfax, Virginia with some of their neighbors.

Another Government Shutdown?
September 10, 2010
Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer discusses the latest agenda item from House Republicans.

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Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Integrated Versus Interruptive Advertising

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 08:38 AM PDT

Post image for Integrated Versus Interruptive Advertising

When I was first starting in Internet marketing, one of the first books I read was Permissive Marketing by Seth Godin. The point of this book was that customers who give you permission to market to them are more valuable than those you have to interrupt, and you shouldn’t abuse that trust. One of the second lessons came from adsense, which showed how ads that were integrated into the copy always performed better than those placed outside of the copy.

While this is something I integrate into my projects, there are a lot of media companies that don’t. For example, here is a screen shot of the New York Times on the iPad. Notice the banner placed in the bottom of the page outside of the text.

What happens with the app: during your second story, an interstitial ad appears (which was never clicked on), getting in the way of reading the desired story. This, I’m sure, results in a low engagement. Last week, they made a change. Although the banner is still at the bottom and you still get the interstitial, they added a new format embedded in the text … And, even though I wasn’t the target market, I clicked the ad …

Interestingly, the ad directs you to an in app landing page with options…

…followed by a browser landing page where you could make a purchase.

So what is the takeaway from this?

  • Use a service like Crazyegg (disclosure: they are an advertiser) or Google multi variant testing to experiment with ad placement.
  • Try placements inside of the content at the top, middle, or bottom.
  • Stay away from advertising that interrupts or blocks users from getting to the content they really want.

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis WordPress Theme review.

Integrated Versus Interruptive Advertising

tla starter kit

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40 Google Instant SEO, SEM & Analytics Resources

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 05:03 AM PDT

Image by Westside Shooter.

Google Instant is the talk of the town not only in the SEO industry. While some people still hope SEO will go away most experts agree that SEO is either just changing a bit or now more important than ever due to the recent changes. So I won’t list most of the usual “SEO is not dead” posts here as I expect you to know that. I’ll focus on what the instant search results will mean for SEO, SEM and analytics in reality.

Check out the following 40 Google Instant SEO, SEM & analytics resources list. Btw. The last item is probably the best one.

What is Google Instant all about

IMHO Google Instant is just Google Suggest on Speed. The first four suggestions from Google Suggest get shown in Google Instant now. As of now only registered and logged in users see it so its impact may be not yet that huge. Google wants to roll it out to all others though in future. Click the links below for more exact definitions and broader explanations.

What are the motivations behind Google Instant?

Speed is the official motivation behind the new search interface but some pundits including Kevin Gibbons of SEOptimise suspect monetization as the key idea behind Google Instant.

What are the issues with Google Instant?

Is Google Instant really better? Many people encountered problems like distraction, censorship, or downright irrelevant results. Find out more about them. The owners of Naked Pizza will have to rethink their branding strategy it seems because NSFW results don’t show up.

What are the ramifications of Google Instant for SEO, SEM, analytics etc.

Most people seem to agree that the long tail, that is often exotic search queries with 3 or more keywords will get used less by searchers. On the flip side people will probably at least in some cases follow the trail laid out by Google Instant and click search results from partial queries. Sadly Google Analytics won’t show partial queries you ranked for. Instead Google will always send the “predicted query” as part of the referrer. 

Google Instant SEO Techniques

How do we adapt to the new search interface? How do we explain the changes to clients?
Do we have to optimize for partial queries now? Do you have to try to rank for flow when you sell flowers? Questions like these arise and get answered already by some SEO practicioners. Apparently others already practice black hat SEO for Google Instant, make sure to click the last item for these techniques.

What else? Last time Google has introduced a big change to its search result interface it hasn’t worked out due to unnecessary complexity. Do you remember the Google SearchWiki (NOT the SideWiki)? You could add, remove, move and comment on search results. I really liked it but most people got annoyed by the new options. This time I expect many people to get annoyed as well. Some of the articles linked above already mention that.

So Google Instant might disappear within a year like Google SearchWiki did. So don’t panic and change your SEO strategy altogether. Keep in mind that you should try to act independently and not follow every whim of Google. Keep calm and add more content, promote it and get links. You should be fine with that, mo matter the search interface.

© SEOptimise – Thinking of attending SMX London in May 2010? get a 15% discount code!

Turning the tables on critical trolls

How to deal with the colleague/board member/voter who is quick to criticize whatever you're proposing?

It can't work/it's been done before/it's never been done before/you can't do it/we don't have the time/money/skills...

So easy to be right when everyone else is wrong, so easy to be confident when someone else is putting themselves on the line.

I start with this: do we agree that there's a problem? An opportunity?

Do we agree that we need to take action, that something needs to be done, that there's an opportunity here?

If we don't agree on that, then don't waste time listening to my solution. Before we do that, let's spend more time deciding if there's a problem or opportunity here.

Once we agree on that, then the response seems simple: "What do you think we should do?"

"Be specific."


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